Wife Shames husband online goes viral: Lol @ married cucks preach being alpha


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
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So then the question is. Have women raised the bar for their expectations, or have men lowered their own bar? I would lean towards the latter.
We definitely raised the bar, but we did it because we needed to go back to work, so we need help at home.
There's nothing ground-breaking here. It's a woman being a woman, with social media highlighting how many retards there are out there that think it's OK.

Communication?? LOLOL

The only thing that matters in any relationship is the woman's IL in the man. He can communicate until he's blue in the face and it won't mean a thing.

If this woman was hot for her husband there's NO WAY she humiliates him on facebook in this way. Communication? Are you kidding me? If he was a high enough status man in her chick mind then she wouldn't give two sh*ts if he had orgies every weekend while she sits at home and feeds babies.

That is the problem I have here with you - call it, CORRECTLY, what it is.
Call what correctly? Your fvcking pissed because I'm not simple mindedly focused on what a sh1thead SHE is for a direct hit on him? How ignorant and destructive she is being TO the relationship in her attempt to shame him to get him to help her? She's an idiot and she's being destructive to her relationship. She's KILLING any trust bond they had. There's a thousand derrogatory things I could say about her choices, but I thought that was SO OBVIOUS to everyone, why bother?

People can be a$$holes. Women make choices based off their emotions and how hurt they feel, so their choices can be extremely hateful and destructive. It's old news. You guys will cover that, you always do!

I'm a problem solver by nature. Nothing gets solved by focusing ON the fvcked up nature OF the event. That's obvi. I focus on the root cause of the event, and how to not have it happen again.

Trust me, the root cause is not that the woman is a biznatch. That's simple minded thinking. The root cause is the relationship, and (as you mentioned) the dynamics of the relationship.

Ur not going to see a lot of trite label assigning from me. I won't begrudge you of your right to do that, but that's not who I am, with men or women. I look for the deeper motivations.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Facebook is a Feminist honeypot. It attracts women from the bottom of the barrel, and it creates a herd mentality.
Marriage + Facebook = Catalyst for disaster

This is why I'm not on social media anymore.
I saw too many red flags long ago.
Does anyone feel that the whole "seeing your friends get married on facebook" perpetuates rushing into marriage? For example, you always hear people around the 25ish range getting married, girls see their friends getting married and decide it's time to "settle down" do you think facebook makes this mindset worse now?


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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Agree. The question becomes twofold:

1. Harry is 6’1, very rich, handsome, cultured, famous, royalty, worldly. He probably could have had any girl in her 20s with higher smv and less family drama. Yet The Queen of the British of the Empire and future King of England encouraged and rewarded his engagement and marriage to her and they were extremely happy with his decision. Why? Grandkids as fast as possible? Carrying on the bloodline and not being alone when older much more important than cratered smv?
She gets status and children despite making vows a second time and with cratered smv. Plummeting smv is late 20s. Pre metapause starts at 35.

Not doing it right is an understatement.

2. Marriage is good enough for the PRINCE of ENGLAND and QUEEN. Not good enough for SS members?
You mean people with a history of incest?

Decent points.

What does a man do if he wants kids? Marriage won’t guarentee kids, but no women will have kids without marriage.
No women? Are you living under a ****ing rock.

There's a app called tinder. There is pof, my phone typed pig which portrays a lot of what's on there.

Many bios read, 'proud single mom.' as if this is a badge of honor.

BRB guy's, raising Chad's baby.

What does a man do?
Spam cold approaching, swipe right at life, spin plates into infinity. Till D falls off or death.

Acquire top form (18-23) preferably early not later side of 20. Woman allocates her best not worst years.

Anything but equals Netflix and chill + #nextset!


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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So then the question is. Have women raised the bar for their expectations, or have men lowered their own bar? I would lean towards the latter.

The difference is the promo of proud single mom, high kill count can't judge her being a slut or a fatty.

BRB guy's, beta shaming men

BRB guy's, demonizing men

Brb guys, toxic masculinity

Brb guys, false rape accusations because can't get the ring

Brb guys, playboy stopped calling so false domestic accusations

Brb guys, affirmative action

Men need to aim higher but, social engineering of girl power, the divorce stats, 80% or more then 2/3 divorces initiated by women, a banished fatherhood society, and generation of men raised by women.

Craters smv chasing Chad's. It's single mother victimhood and it's dead beat dad. Not, she should close her legs and pick better men.

She gets Chad's and society pedaling to her victim.

Agreed, men need to man up, aim higher, and stop marrying *****s.


Mar 12, 2011
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She gets status and children despite making vows a second time and with cratered smv. Plummeting smv is late 20s. Pre metapause starts at 35.

Not doing it right is an understatement.
Come on dude, was talking about HIM, not her.

You mean people with a history of incest?
What? I don’t understand this statement.

No women? Are you living under a ****ing rock.

There's a app called tinder. There is pof, my phone typed pig which portrays a lot of what's on there.

Many bios read, 'proud single mom.' as if this is a badge of honor.

BRB guy's, raising Chad's baby.
Should rephrase. How to have kids with a woman not white trash or single mom or on pof.

We are talking normal females. Not white trash with 17 tattoos. It seems like we have to spell a lot out.

Spam cold approaching, swipe right at life, spin plates into infinity. Till D falls off or death.

Acquire top form (18-23) preferably early not later side of 20. Woman allocates her best not worst years.

Anything but equals Netflix and chill + #nextset!
So if the man 39 and all his friends are married with kids, he should swipe right and Netflix and chill?

Brutal. I would work harder to get the former.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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Come on dude, was talking about HIM, not her.
He gets cratered smv? I don't see the appeal. No way I date someone three years older then me. Gross. Divorcee too? Single mom household? Lulz

What? I don’t understand this statement.
OK, so popular show GoT for the record isn't new. The show maybe but royalty fycking their family, incest, etc. Is quite common. Not shocking, the royals don't all have webbed fingers, toes, and an extra chromosome lol

This is quite common in the middle east and included below is a source.

Inbreeding in Islam: Over 70% Of Muslims Are The Product of Incest

Danish news outlet titled Jyllands-Posten released information in 2009 concerning the astonishing rate of stillbirths, physical deformities, and various mental diseases caused by the ever-imminent incest-filled landscape in the Muslim world, concluding that Pakistani, Turkish and Somali women are twice as likely to experience complications during childbirth. Nearly 70% of Pakistanis are the product of inbreeding in Islam, mostly due to the Muslim tradition of marrying cousins via choice or arrangement.


In before some cuck cry racist. I called out the royals too for the record.

Should rephrase. How to have kids with a woman not white trash or single mom or on pof.
Therein lies the struggle.

Define 'normal female' because feminists are shaking their dildo at you and morbid obese SJW land whale is getting fatter as well as angrier.

A lot of women are bulking at age 23. Fat arms and arm tattoos. High kill count. Can't judge her. She's getting fatter. Her online profile are pics from her best years back in high school.

Any attempt to point out disgusting female behavior is met with screams of misogyny and attempts to get you fired. It's gaslighting, it's psychological warfare and it's not surprising some men snap. I don't Condone said snapping but, I repeat, I am not surprised.

We are talking normal females. Not white trash with 17 tattoos. It seems like we have to spell a lot out.
One man's trash is another man's treasure.

Evident in the way cucks be marrying *****s, sluts, single moms, and low hanging fruit.

So if the man 39 and all his friends are married with kids, he should swipe right and Netflix and chill?
He should be doing that the sec he got his first boner.

The alternative is renting a mini van and going gta on the world.

Brutal. I would work harder to get the former.
And how is that working out for you? Srs!

So, friends and family are cucks marrying Chad's booty call, sluts and single moms so, you follow their stupidity?

Keeping it real, the pursuit is top form smv or my genes are weeded out of existence.


He gets cratered smv? I don't see the appeal. No way I date someone three years older then me. Gross. Divorcee too? Single mom household? Lulz

OK, so popular show GoT for the record isn't new. The show maybe but royalty fycking their family, incest, etc. Is quite common. Not shocking, the royals don't all have webbed fingers, toes, and an extra chromosome lol

This is quite common in the middle east and included below is a source.

In before some cuck cry racist. I called out the royals too for the record.

Therein lies the struggle.

Define 'normal female' because feminists are shaking their dildo at you and morbid obese SJW land whale is getting fatter as well as angrier.

A lot of women are bulking at age 23. Fat arms and arm tattoos. High kill count. Can't judge her. She's getting fatter. Her online profile are pics from her best years back in high school.

Any attempt to point out disgusting female behavior is met with screams of misogyny and attempts to get you fired. It's gaslighting, it's psychological warfare and it's not surprising some men snap. I don't Condone said snapping but, I repeat, I am not surprised.

One man's trash is another man's treasure.

Evident in the way cucks be marrying *****s, sluts, single moms, and low hanging fruit.

He should be doing that the sec he got his first boner.

The alternative is renting a mini van and going gta on the world.

And how is that working out for you? Srs!

So, friends and family are cucks marrying Chad's booty call, sluts and single moms so, you follow their stupidity?

Keeping it real, the pursuit is top form smv or my genes are weeded out of existence.
So every guy who marries is a cuck?
Aren't they actually doing you a favour? The more men off the market means less competition for you to bang 18/19/20yr olds.

If this is what you want to do until your D falls off, like you posted, you should not be ridiculing any guy for marrying, you should be encouraging them.

Because eventually you will need either money, fame, or no single available men to continue to bang the girls that are turning 18/19/20 everyday, until your D falls off.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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So every guy who marries is a cuck?
Top form or gtfo.

Aren't they actually doing you a favour?
It depends. In terms of getting baes? Sure but in terms of the climate in the cesspool of dating? In terms of single mother victimhood aka the welfare state? No. Our tax dollars are allocated there.
the more men off the market means less competition for you to bang 18/19/20yr olds.
It's not a competition. The majority of men are cucks, low test, and cannot compete. It's comical as to what they think is game.

Yes, they will temporarily inflate dumptys ego. It just means I got to kick dumpy off her wall (not literally)!

If this is what you want to do until your D falls off, like you posted, you should not be ridiculing any guy for marrying, you should be encouraging them.

Getting married is not game. It is cuck central. It's marrying Chad's booty call.

Because eventually you will need either money, fame, or no single available men to continue to bang the girls that are turning 18/19/20 everyday, until your D falls off.
You pay be it marriage, divorce, and escorts.

The difference between the two is one is socially acceptable. Dan bilizarin has it figured out.

Women get wet for resources.


Top form?

With all due respect, are you top form?

You stated in another thread that you are addicted to alcohol and drugs, and added that women can follow you along your path or get nexted.

What top form woman is going to want to follow that kind of a path?

I think, anyone, man or woman, who wants top form partners to come along for the ride had better be top form themselves, which involves overcoming things like addictions, not expecting someone to happily invest their time and emotions in that.

I'm assuming of course top form means stable women who are physically and mentally healthy in addition to being young and hot.

If that's not what you mean by top form then my apologies.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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As a single father with full time custody, I have very little sympathy for these women.

Every day I am up at 5 am to work a FT job. At the end of the work day I then spend an hour doing the 10 MPH crawl through traffic to get home. I throw in a load of laundry, pick out what to cook for diner, shower up as quick as possible and then I pick up my young daughter from aftercare. I come home, cook diner, continue with the laundry and help with homework which is not always easy. She's brilliant, but shows signs of Asperger's and has a major problem with writing down answers even if she knows them. I spend a lot of time talking and working with her through it, and do not have her on pills to handle it. I then clean, do the dishes and put my girl to bed with a bedtime story. Then I spend time prepping for the following morning. I lay out my daughter's clothes for the next day, pack a lunch and make sure she has all of the right things in her backpack for school. I fold laundry, pack my own lunch and try to get to bed before 10 pm, which doesn't always happen. Sometimes I have to squeeze in food shopping somewhere along the way.

I go to teacher-parent meetings. I take my kid to her classmates birthday parties (the invitations never stop coming). Play dates. Doctor's appts., dentist appts, etc. I have dragged a sick and crying child out at 2am to get medicine and stayed up with her until 4 am until she went back to sleep, only to get back up at 5 am to get ready for work. There are days when I operate on only 2 or 3 hours of sleep. 5 or 6 hours is standard. Anything more than that is a luxury.

I am doing all of this with nobody at home to help me, and I have been doing it since she was 3 years old. I honestly have very few complaints.

I still manage to date regularly, and often allot time for myself, including getting out all night long a few times a month for the very purpose of being myself and not just daddy. I still manage to get in my 30 or 45 minute naps at home when I am particularly tired. I still manage to find the time to do stupid stuff like poke around online to kill some time. I still manage to get out and have some fun, whether it be by myself, with my daughter or otherwise.

The difference, if you ask me, between myself and these other people who gripe endlessly about the hardships of the same situation, comes down to the nature of the kids.

My daughter is very well behaved. She listens and doesn't talk back. I push her to be as independent as possible. She follows the rules I set. She can entertain herself long enough for me to get those quick naps in, or to allow me to kill a few minutes on the laptop. I do not allow her to sit in front of a TV. In fact, we don't even have cable. I force her to put the iPad down and play outside when the weather is nice, etc. Most people I know who gripe like this woman does typically have unruly kids with a nasty lip. Either that, or parenting turned out to be a lot more than they ever bargained for.

If these women cannot handle their duties WITH a partner at home helping to ANY degree whatsoever, then I cannot help but wonder what they might be doing wrong elsewhere. God help those kids if these women ever have to do it all on their own like a single mother, or a single father like me, does.
Holy crap. I don’t know how you do it man.

I come home at 5 and have so much free time. I can go to the gym, go to a bar and do happy hour, eat out, or just hang out at home and watch Netflix.

You seem like a good dad. I don’t want to have kids cause I love getting enough sleep and doing whatever the fvck I want


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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Holy crap. I don’t know how you do it man.

I come home at 5 and have so much free time. I can go to the gym, go to a bar and do happy hour, eat out, or just hang out at home and watch Netflix.

You seem like a good dad. I don’t want to have kids cause I love getting enough sleep and doing whatever the fvck I want
He does it by managing his time and not making any excuses.


Master Don Juan
Apr 12, 2018
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Does anyone feel that the whole "seeing your friends get married on facebook" perpetuates rushing into marriage? For example, you always hear people around the 25ish range getting married, girls see their friends getting married and decide it's time to "settle down" do you think facebook makes this mindset worse now?
No, I think women on Facebook are selfish and egotistical.
If they are getting married because their friends are getting married, then they are only doing it for validation. And to have an entire weekend dedicated to themselves with their friends and family showering them with undivided attention.

Marriages based on ego validation are doomed to fail.
I've seen how quickly these type of women get married to feminine or out of shape looking guys, and I'm literally shaking my head at what's going on.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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Top form?

With all due respect, are you top form?
So you know what deezed means? Apparently not.

You stated in another thread that you are addicted to alcohol and drugs, and added that women can follow you along your path or get nexted.
No. No I did not.

This is the problem with cucks and betas. Make feminists lol they take strawman arguments and go the Cathy Newman routines of, 'so what you're saying is....!'

What I Said was, I have a predisposition to addiction, addictive patterns, behaviors etc.

Instead of the millennial I'm a victim approach, I refrain from said behavior. No alcohol. No drugs. No gambling. No escorts or call girls.

I want baes so, I go get baes.

What top form woman is going to want to follow that kind of a path?
You mean, winning? Which women are going to follow deezed? Aesthetic?

Home owner. No live I. Wife or gf. Single.

Acquiring resources. Biz owner. Free Lance.

You cucks need to step your game up.

This low testosterone, make feminist shtick isn't getting you any *****.

I think, anyone, man or woman, who wants top form partners to come along for the ride had better be top form themselves, which involves overcoming things like addictions, not expecting someone to happily invest their time and emotions in that.
So, let's try this again.

If you recognize patterns of addictive behavior, you don't partake in any of it. ZERO.

MY PATH IS SEEKING SELF KNOWLEDGE, EXPLORING CONSCIOUSNESS, SELF ACTUALIZATION. Being the strongest version of myself (mind/body/spirit).

Bolded because it's not registering. I am five years clean of alcohol and drugs/substances from Marijuana or cocaine.

I next a girl who mentioned cocaine use this past month.

There is winning or failing. The path to success is not linear. It's infinite. It's nonstop. It's dynamic. Complacency, mediocrity, and all that is Bush league is swearing away their resources on cratered smv. Is excusing amateur hour on their little cherish until cucked.

I'm assuming of course top form means stable women who are physically and mentally healthy in addition to being young and hot.
Top form smv (18-23 although, very individual) is all encompassing. Woman seeking self knowledge, exploring consciousness, seeking to be her strongest version of self like Elliot H. Talks about. Self actualization.

Law of state transference. Your the man. Lead. Set the example. Go first.

Match my pace or next.

I don't chase. I replace. New girls turning 18 everyday. I want to take this time to apologize to absolutely nobody.

If that's not what you mean by top form then my apologies.
Let's just say, a lot of so called men aren't doing it right.

Clown shoes swore away half resources and kingdom on cratered smv, dysfunctional family, single mom up bringing, 36yr old divorcee who already made vows for a husband who couldn't keep them.

Furthermore, metapause can start at 35 or possibly sooner.

It's fascinating how a Netflix and chill situation is upgraded to marriage.

Not doing it right kuz.


So you know what deezed means? Apparently not.

No. No I did not.

This is the problem with cucks and betas. Make feminists lol they take strawman arguments and go the Cathy Newman routines of, 'so what you're saying is....!'

What I Said was, I have a predisposition to addiction, addictive patterns, behaviors etc.

Instead of the millennial I'm a victim approach, I refrain from said behavior. No alcohol. No drugs. No gambling. No escorts or call girls.

I want baes so, I go get baes.

You mean, winning? Which women are going to follow deezed? Aesthetic?

Home owner. No live I. Wife or gf. Single.

Acquiring resources. Biz owner. Free Lance.

You cucks need to step your game up.

This low testosterone, make feminist shtick isn't getting you any *****.

So, let's try this again.

If you recognize patterns of addictive behavior, you don't partake in any of it. ZERO.

MY PATH IS SEEKING SELF KNOWLEDGE, EXPLORING CONSCIOUSNESS, SELF ACTUALIZATION. Being the strongest version of myself (mind/body/spirit).

Bolded because it's not registering. I am five years clean of alcohol and drugs/substances from Marijuana or cocaine.

I next a girl who mentioned cocaine use this past month.

There is winning or failing. The path to success is not linear. It's infinite. It's nonstop. It's dynamic. Complacency, mediocrity, and all that is Bush league is swearing away their resources on cratered smv. Is excusing amateur hour on their little cherish until cucked.

Top form smv (18-23 although, very individual) is all encompassing. Woman seeking self knowledge, exploring consciousness, seeking to be her strongest version of self like Elliot H. Talks about. Self actualization.

Law of state transference. Your the man. Lead. Set the example. Go first.

Match my pace or next.

I don't chase. I replace. New girls turning 18 everyday. I want to take this time to apologize to absolutely nobody.

Let's just say, a lot of so called men aren't doing it right.

Clown shoes swore away half resources and kingdom on cratered smv, dysfunctional family, single mom up bringing, 36yr old divorcee who already made vows for a husband who couldn't keep them.

Furthermore, metapause can start at 35 or possibly sooner.

It's fascinating how a Netflix and chill situation is upgraded to marriage.

Not doing it right kuz.
My bad re misreading what you wrote about addictions. Congrats on 5 years being sober.

I get that you think marriage is a bad idea. You're doing what works for you and that's awesome. Some guys do want to get married to whoever they choose to marry, whether it's a 20 yr old virgin model or 36 yr old divorced woman or single mom etc. Men are the gate keepers of relationships and if marriage is what they choose that's their journey. Your journey is different. Does it make you an bad person because you choose not to marry and prefer to chase young girls? No. Are all men who marry cucks? No. You don't strike me as a dumb person so you know that it's not that black or white but you really seem to have this extreme vendetta against marriage. Like its an actual threat to you or something.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
My bad re misreading what you wrote about addictions. Congrats on 5 years being sober.
Certain things set off my ego. Attacks to the well being of my family, friends, myself, and my sobriety.

Cheers mate. Moving on.

I get that you think marriage is a bad idea.
AK mate, it's not even up for debate.

Marriage is a liability. This is from a fella that's the product of the nuclear family, parents married nearing forty years. Grandparents over fifty.

It's as Jordan Peterson says, ideal for the children. What it's becoming now a days is the attention ***** ceremony for once a woman's smv has cratered. When **** boys stop calling. Party phase is over not because she's changed. She cannot compete

Never mind my opinion. What is the data? Stats say?
Women (not men) intiate 80% of divorce

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, about 50 percent of marriages in the United States end in divorce, and about 80 percent of the divorces are initiated by women. That 50 percent is often quoted and it is probably on the high side, but it is illuminating that 80 percent of the divorces are filed by the wife.
Needless to say, only cucks, betas, retards, and guys with low testosterone get married.

Except being, acquired top form smv, 18-23 without ambiguity in LTR. No weirdness, breaks, infidelity or red flags EVER. SHE MAKES BANK. ANOTHER WORDS, SHE ****S OFF, YOU GET MONEY.

Until marriage laws, family court, custody is adjusted to mandatory 50:50 custody and no free money, it's a liability, and I troll women on site.

you're doing what works for you and that's awesome. Some guys do want to get married to whoever they choose to marry, whether it's a 20 yr old virgin model or 36 yr old divorced woman or single mom etc.
America is the greatest country in world because of free speech and right to bare arms among a variety of different things despite cucks attempts.

Society cheers women off the cliff. Cucks chase after those women.

Man doesn't know what he is doing until he has a loaded gun called a divorce stating at him.

Men are the gate keepers of relationships and if marriage is what they choose that's their journey. Your journey is different. Does it make you an bad person because you choose not to marry and prefer to chase young girls? No. Are all men who marry cucks? No. You don't strike me as a dumb person so you know that it's not that black or white but you really seem to have this extreme vendetta against marriage. Like its an actual threat to you or something.
It's a threat to your life and I guarantee as time goes on, it will be proven to be a detriment scientifically once technology proves it.

Alec Baldwin wrote about the nightmare that is his divorce.

If a woman is dedicated, wants marriage, allocate her best years or gtfo.

Marriage is a liability. While I am no mgtow, I prioritize biz, lifestyle, deezed, ambition over one vagina.

Let's get this straight.

You swear away half current and future earnings, assets, and on a biz arrangement whereby, she fucjs off, and acquires said assets? Moreover, allocation of when and who you can have sex with?


Or I could just man up, scale my biz, travel the world, seek self knowledge, explore consciousness (dmt ftw), acquire nice sports cars, cut the ****, and go get baes!

#nextset #smash #repeat


Senior Don Juan
Apr 18, 2012
Reaction score
Certain things set off my ego. Attacks to the well being of my family, friends, myself, and my sobriety.

Cheers mate. Moving on.

AK mate, it's not even up for debate.

Marriage is a liability. This is from a fella that's the product of the nuclear family, parents married nearing forty years. Grandparents over fifty.

It's as Jordan Peterson says, ideal for the children. What it's becoming now a days is the attention ***** ceremony for once a woman's smv has cratered. When **** boys stop calling. Party phase is over not because she's changed. She cannot compete

Never mind my opinion. What is the data? Stats say?

Needless to say, only cucks, betas, retards, and guys with low testosterone get married.

Except being, acquired top form smv, 18-23 without ambiguity in LTR. No weirdness, breaks, infidelity or red flags EVER. SHE MAKES BANK. ANOTHER WORDS, SHE ****S OFF, YOU GET MONEY.

Until marriage laws, family court, custody is adjusted to mandatory 50:50 custody and no free money, it's a liability, and I troll women on site.

America is the greatest country in world because of free speech and right to bare arms among a variety of different things despite cucks attempts.

Society cheers women off the cliff. Cucks chase after those women.

Man doesn't know what he is doing until he has a loaded gun called a divorce stating at him.

It's a threat to your life and I guarantee as time goes on, it will be proven to be a detriment scientifically once technology proves it.

Alec Baldwin wrote about the nightmare that is his divorce.

If a woman is dedicated, wants marriage, allocate her best years or gtfo.

Marriage is a liability. While I am no mgtow, I prioritize biz, lifestyle, deezed, ambition over one vagina.

Let's get this straight.

You swear away half current and future earnings, assets, and on a biz arrangement whereby, she fucjs off, and acquires said assets? Moreover, allocation of when and who you can have sex with?


Or I could just man up, scale my biz, travel the world, seek self knowledge, explore consciousness (dmt ftw), acquire nice sports cars, cut the ****, and go get baes!

#nextset #smash #repeat
I have to agree with Deezed that marriage has become a losing proposition for men for a while now. I'm still in the process of a divorce with a woman who is completely different from the woman I married. Though I could have screened better, I'm in no rush to make the same mistake with another woman.

As for the op, the wife is a complete b1tch for posting that publicly rather than try to work it out privately with her husband. That's divorce material right there.

Is it true that men can't rely on women to cook, clean, and provide care to the children by themselves like in the past? Sure. Women who work and provide a fair share of the household income deserve some help. Though I still tend to go with gender roles for the division of labor, day to day it might be cooking or dishes that can be added to the husbandly duties.

In this case helping out with the kids in the morning would have made a big difference and there's no evidence that this husband wouldn't have agreed to help out.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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I have to agree with Deezed that marriage has become a losing proposition for men for a while now. I'm still in the process of a divorce with a woman who is completely different from the woman I married. Though I could have screened better, I'm in no rush to make the same mistake with another woman.
It's a biz arrangement, one in which a man gets cucked and fucjed by the state. It guarantees that the woman can misbehave and even be a piece if ****, use children as a bargaining chip and make up false abuse to have him renoved from his own home.

Document everything, time, date etc. Keep distance. If you're around her, get a witness, and get yourself a good lawyer.

A buddy spent 40k on lawyers. Not to mention, she drained their savings. He still didn't get kids. It was her ****ing up and being a liability and a safety risk that got him the W. No more free money for said *****.
By *****, I mean by English dictionary standard. Take that pc culture.

As for the op, the wife is a complete b1tch for posting that publicly rather than try to work it out privately with her husband. That's divorce material right there.
Agreed but, the courts will allocate resources and she'll come out the victim.

Stefan Molyneux often documented how tough women were. Today, victimhood is the way of women even in the incidents of initiated domestic violence.

A NFL football player was attacked by a wife or gf. He lit her up. Was suspended. Steven A. Smith commented on it not condoning the violence but suggesting women shouldn't step up like a man unless of course they wa t to be treated like a man. He was suspended lol

is it true that men can't rely on women to cook, clean, and provide care to the children by themselves like in the past? Sure. Women who work and provide a fair share of the household income deserve some help. Though I still tend to go with gender roles for the division of labor, day to day it might be cooking or dishes that can be added to the husbandly duties.
Couples who share the housework are more likely to divorce, study finds

Fun facts. Despite gender fluidity, this nonsense pedaled in society, the reality being, beta does not get the ***** wet. Nothing is sacred these days.

You got to be the man or women look elsewhere.

Beta #metoo and a variety of the gender neural crao is the biggest **** test.

#metoo but, the biggest female novel and movie is fifty shades. Lulz gtfo!

in this case helping out with the kids in the morning would have made a big difference and there's no evidence that this husband wouldn't have agreed to help out.
No. The issue was being an attention *****, seeking public opinion, approval, and beta make shaming.

If the laws are not I'm place pedaling to the female biological strategy, he simply kicks her out for being a ****ty wife.

She's active on social media and no doubt, the only exercise she gets is button smashing, and fork to mouth.

Imagine a world where she put the same effort on social media, bitching, and complaining towards something useful like a gym membership.

Marriage 2018.beta male shames and in public.

Meanwhile, new girls are turning 18 everyday.

Pick your poison fellas.


Aug 22, 2017
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Does anyone feel that the whole "seeing your friends get married on facebook" perpetuates rushing into marriage? For example, you always hear people around the 25ish range getting married, girls see their friends getting married and decide it's time to "settle down" do you think facebook makes this mindset worse now?
then they divorce. there are many marriages of people aged from 20 to 25 that dont last.even if they last, they are bad(mostly).who has his life n carrier in place along with dating experience at age of 20? none

Steady Eddie

Don Juan
Mar 2, 2015
Reaction score

If he does nothing, he is a cuck. If he does something, he is attacked by a angry mob of feminists and landwhales as well as social justic. It's lose lose.

Therein lies the problem with marriage. If she gets fat it's not her fault. If she shames her husband be it social media or in the street, it's OK and he needs to man up.

Feminism has weaponized women. Despite women nearing metapause at 35, possibly sooner given poor lifestyle choices. Harry marries cratered smv. A divorcee. A dysfunctional family and product of a single mom household. Her own father wouldn't walk her down the Ile. Yet a cuck does.

MGTOW is for a reason. The purpose of men pursuing their own dream and life path beyond women is spot on. The monk mode avoidance of all women is a bit much (I am aware of the variation of MGTOW)!

Incel freak out and pushback is due to the fact that society has demonized masculinity not differentiated men and the tyrant. Women are hyper sexualized. Are nearing metapause and the dirty thirties with each passing day. Biology is denied. Reality is ignored. It's skiing down cawk mountain in her best days running through Chad's. It's baby rabies and play house once Chad's stop calling.

We got cucks and guys with really low testosterone preaching marriage and how slpha it is to throw away their resources. Both future and current earnings for when female entitlement is not put in check.

I can't think of a solution but the abandonment of marriage and #nextset but, after pursuing my own ambitions.

Purpose > female biological strategy!

This is the evolution of our time. Marriage is a liability. Women if not on top form smv are a liability. Opinionated, high kill count, delusional, useless no value offered and will take your children and resources once she's become dissatisfied with her life.

You get it.

Steady Eddie

Don Juan
Mar 2, 2015
Reaction score
Holy crap. I don’t know how you do it man.

I come home at 5 and have so much free time. I can go to the gym, go to a bar and do happy hour, eat out, or just hang out at home and watch Netflix.

You seem like a good dad. I don’t want to have kids cause I love getting enough sleep and doing whatever the fvck I want