Wife Shames husband online goes viral: Lol @ married cucks preach being alpha


Master Don Juan
Apr 12, 2018
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Facebook is a Feminist honeypot. It attracts women from the bottom of the barrel, and it creates a herd mentality.
Marriage + Facebook = Catalyst for disaster

This is why I'm not on social media anymore.
I saw too many red flags long ago.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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I would divorce a woman if she ever wrote something like that about me online. She’s essentially trying to shame and humiliate him to the world. It’s straight effed up, she’s crazy lunatic. That’s brutal.
Does she work or just a stay at home mom?
You're missing the point.

You being married and saying that you would divorce still means the state allocates your current and future earnings. Furthermore, this man has children hence what this wife's victimhood was ranting about.

Your children assuming they are yours and not Chad's, you will be shaken down for more money once morbidly obese wife unleashes the dogs of the state

You have absolutely no clue.

Again, top form smv or gtfo.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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Have you guys read the comments on that atrocious dear husband letter? These hoes are slamming their husbands. It’s terrible. They are stay at home mothers and they are whining that he isn’t on top of all the things; it’s not good enough that he buys all the food and puts a roof over everyone’s head? Makes me sick.
Women ruined marriage even harder than they ruined their waist line.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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If I was the husband,I'd have went off on her...and told her to keep our business OFFLINE and AT HOME.
And then the feminist and victim culture descend on you calling for your head on a stick. Calling for your job and trashing your life.

Again, this psychological process and gaslighting is why we have incel freak outs. Again, it doesn't condone the behavior but, this is the push back.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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This is from a comment on the YouTube video in the link. Nailed it.

“Dear Whiny Drama Queen,

Your husband made the Colossal mistake of Marrying you and even Moronic crime of having children with YOU. Someone who Shames and Blames, her husband on Facebook for the whole world to see, to justify her weakness and feed her unquenchable Narcissism. What he did not realize before, is that he was floundering in a Gynocentric system, where women use Cultural Marxism get anything they want and not face any consequences, while being the Perpetual Victim. Forget about answering suitably, even Quipping would make him a Misogynist, Racist, R@pist, Patriarchy..whatever. ( If I forgot any of the usual comebacks by the unbearable Feminist Land Whales, I do not Care, Go complain about me to your 83 cats).

He avoided telling you, that after fighting rush hour traffic twice and working all day, he was tired, too. But being a man, one is supposed to shut up and not whine about it like a wahman. He did not have the energy to endure another fight and listen to Wah,Wahs and hurt feewings.

If he Retorted, on Facebook, these previously mentioned Land Whales would be out for his blood. You, probably, would use the written record to Divorce R@pe him and Steal his Children....his life would be that of a Indentured Servant to you and the State. This kind of public humiliation does not go away. His heart is now a darker shade of red, now. Don't wait for the Black Dead Heart. Apologize to him, NOW, NOW. For GOD's Sake, internalize this, FEMINISM IS CANCER. Before using these tactics, ask yourself, How would you feel, if He did this to you. Your husband and your children are all you have. No one else cares. Feminists coax you to use these tactics, because they will never have, what you have. That is why, they have indoctrinated you to destroy it. Here is a tactic, Sleep when the little ones sleep. Wake up and open your eyes or NOT. Your Life, your Family, your Actions, your Consequences.”

If he does nothing, he is a cuck. If he does something, he is attacked by a angry mob of feminists and landwhales as well as social justic. It's lose lose.

Therein lies the problem with marriage. If she gets fat it's not her fault. If she shames her husband be it social media or in the street, it's OK and he needs to man up.

Feminism has weaponized women. Despite women nearing metapause at 35, possibly sooner given poor lifestyle choices. Harry marries cratered smv. A divorcee. A dysfunctional family and product of a single mom household. Her own father wouldn't walk her down the Ile. Yet a cuck does.

MGTOW is for a reason. The purpose of men pursuing their own dream and life path beyond women is spot on. The monk mode avoidance of all women is a bit much (I am aware of the variation of MGTOW)!

Incel freak out and pushback is due to the fact that society has demonized masculinity not differentiated men and the tyrant. Women are hyper sexualized. Are nearing metapause and the dirty thirties with each passing day. Biology is denied. Reality is ignored. It's skiing down cawk mountain in her best days running through Chad's. It's baby rabies and play house once Chad's stop calling.

We got cucks and guys with really low testosterone preaching marriage and how slpha it is to throw away their resources. Both future and current earnings for when female entitlement is not put in check.

I can't think of a solution but the abandonment of marriage and #nextset but, after pursuing my own ambitions.

Purpose > female biological strategy!

This is the evolution of our time. Marriage is a liability. Women if not on top form smv are a liability. Opinionated, high kill count, delusional, useless no value offered and will take your children and resources once she's become dissatisfied with her life.



Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
Facebook is a Feminist honeypot. It attracts women from the bottom of the barrel, and it creates a herd mentality.
Marriage + Facebook = Catalyst for disaster

This is why I'm not on social media anymore.
I saw too many red flags long ago.
It's a cesspool of girl power and leftist jargon.

The solution is to live a good life but, detour from the beaten path in life.

Aim for the highest good.

Be the strongest version of yourself.

Self actualization.

This in and of itself is attractive. This is what hypergamy is attracted to but, it is not about the women. It is about your life.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2018
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So Cal

If he does nothing, he is a cuck. If he does something, he is attacked by a angry mob of feminists and landwhales as well as social justic. It's lose lose.

Therein lies the problem with marriage. If she gets fat it's not her fault. If she shames her husband be it social media or in the street, it's OK and he needs to man up.

Feminism has weaponized women. Despite women nearing metapause at 35, possibly sooner given poor lifestyle choices. Harry marries cratered smv. A divorcee. A dysfunctional family and product of a single mom household. Her own father wouldn't walk her down the Ile. Yet a cuck does.

MGTOW is for a reason. The purpose of men pursuing their own dream and life path beyond women is spot on. The monk mode avoidance of all women is a bit much (I am aware of the variation of MGTOW)!

Incel freak out and pushback is due to the fact that society has demonized masculinity not differentiated men and the tyrant. Women are hyper sexualized. Are nearing metapause and the dirty thirties with each passing day. Biology is denied. Reality is ignored. It's skiing down cawk mountain in her best days running through Chad's. It's baby rabies and play house once Chad's stop calling.

We got cucks and guys with really low testosterone preaching marriage and how slpha it is to throw away their resources. Both future and current earnings for when female entitlement is not put in check.

I can't think of a solution but the abandonment of marriage and #nextset but, after pursuing my own ambitions.

Purpose > female biological strategy!

This is the evolution of our time. Marriage is a liability. Women if not on top form smv are a liability. Opinionated, high kill count, delusional, useless no value offered and will take your children and resources once she's become dissatisfied with her life.

So you don’t want kids? Most women if they want to have kids want to be married first. I want kids at some point.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2016
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First of all, flaming her husband on social media is absolute BS and shows that she does not respect him at all. This dude needs to correct his wife in private or leave her high and dry...

Now my second thought probably goes against the grain. I would say most men FAIL as fathers.

In a marriage, a woman is a lover, wife, and mother (if you have a good one). Most men I have witnessed think being a husband is sufficient. They aren't lovers to their wives and they are part time dads to their children.

I have always been a very active father. This means my day starts at 6am and finishes at 10pm, filled with kids, work, kids, dinner, bedtime. I feel pity for the women who married a man who thinks he can just provide a paycheck. If the woman works and possibly makes more (about 22% of US marriages), what value does he really provide?

For example, my son does tball and I talk to moms. One mom is always there with her 3 kids. Where is dad? Her son is awful, and I asked her, "does dad take him out to hit balls and practice?" And she replied with "well, ya know, he works, and gets home around 5, then ya know..."

Even when I was married, my day looked like this... wake at 5am, work 6-3, pickup boys, take boys to park, run errands, get boba, while exwife cooked dinner, eat dinner, put boys to bed at 830, clean up and rest until 10pm. Rinse and repeat.

I have heard countless examples where this happens, a man is not providing the support that a wife needs. Women in the workforce and the welfare state have made it possible for women to survive alone. I mean, they feel like they are going solo anyways. What is the point of being married?

Then the men sit back and they wonder why their sex life is $hit and their $hitty marriage fell apart.

A man doesn't get to stop when he finishes work, he gets to stop when his head hits the pillow at night. Imagine how our grandfathers, who labored all day every day would look at the laziness of today's men?


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2018
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So Cal
First of all, flaming her husband on social media is absolute BS and shows that she does not respect him at all. This dude needs to correct his wife in private or leave her high and dry...

Now my second thought probably goes against the grain. I would say most men FAIL as fathers.

In a marriage, a woman is a lover, wife, and mother (if you have a good one). Most men I have witnessed think being a husband is sufficient. They aren't lovers to their wives and they are part time dads to their children.

I have always been a very active father. This means my day starts at 6am and finishes at 10pm, filled with kids, work, kids, dinner, bedtime. I feel pity for the women who married a man who thinks he can just provide a paycheck. If the woman works and possibly makes more (about 22% of US marriages), what value does he really provide?

For example, my son does tball and I talk to moms. One mom is always there with her 3 kids. Where is dad? Her son is awful, and I asked her, "does dad take him out to hit balls and practice?" And she replied with "well, ya know, he works, and gets home around 5, then ya know..."

Even when I was married, my day looked like this... wake at 5am, work 6-3, pickup boys, take boys to park, run errands, get boba, while exwife cooked dinner, eat dinner, put boys to bed at 830, clean up and rest until 10pm. Rinse and repeat.

I have heard countless examples where this happens, a man is not providing the support that a wife needs. Women in the workforce and the welfare state have made it possible for women to survive alone. I mean, they feel like they are going solo anyways. What is the point of being married?

Then the men sit back and they wonder why their sex life is $hit and their $hitty marriage fell apart.

A man doesn't get to stop when he finishes work, he gets to stop when his head hits the pillow at night. Imagine how our grandfathers, who labored all day every day would look at the laziness of today's men?
That is quite true. Most Everyday men are lazy as fvck. Even if they’re just in regular relationships or single.
I know nothing about having kids or being married, but I know men who are in this lifestyle and I can see them being met downs.

I think the biggest problem with most people is they expect things should be catered towards them in life with putting in minimal effort


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2016
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That is quite true. Most Everyday men are lazy as fvck. Even if they’re just in regular relationships or single.
I know nothing about having kids or being married, but I know men who are in this lifestyle and I can see them being met downs.

I think the biggest problem with most people is they expect things should be catered towards them in life with putting in minimal effort


So much of our lives has been eased with technology, but men have filled all that free time with nonsense (sports, TV, internet forums =), etc.). On the flipside, technology cant raise kids, wash the dishes, and perform all of the other necessary tasks to manage a household.

So then the question is. Have women raised the bar for their expectations, or have men lowered their own bar? I would lean towards the latter.


Aug 22, 2017
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So much of our lives has been eased with technology, but men have filled all that free time with nonsense (sports, TV, internet forums =), etc.). On the flipside, technology cant raise kids, wash the dishes, and perform all of the other necessary tasks to manage a household.

So then the question is. Have women raised the bar for their expectations, or have men lowered their own bar? I would lean towards the latter.
he should divorce this chick is toxic af.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
You are putting words in my mouth. Show me where i said I supported her, her general attitude, or her idea to post this?

Confirmation bias much?
In this post I quoted again below, you are saying that relationships are the problem, not the woman.

In this case, the woman is the problem. Her incoherent babbling is femtarded nonsense. There is no logic there. The only logic is that she's behaving like a woman with rapidly decreasing IL in her husband. You may ask, well, doesn't that make the man the problem? Well, yes. But the woman is the problem because she posted her idiocy on social media. That's a bigger problem, and people believe that's normal.

She obviously completely resents him as a husband, a partner, and a father.

This is EXACTLY where most relationships and marriages head. Make fun of her, and what she did, but the LARGER question is "how do I ensure that my relationship doesn't end up in this state?"

Hint: it's starts with open communication from day one of dating.
Maybe if you'd call the woman out for what she is, rather than being lukewarm and shifting blame around, the properly discerning men on this forum may take you seriously.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2016
Reaction score
he should divorce this chick is toxic af.
She certainly needs a course correction. While it is certainly an option, not sure divorce is the correct action. When kids are involved, you should always evaluate all of your options.

What purpose would a divorce serve? It would make her a martyr for her followers.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
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In this post I quoted again below, you are saying that relationships are the problem, not the woman.

In this case, the woman is the problem. Her incoherent babbling is femtarded nonsense. There is no logic there. The only logic is that she's behaving like a woman with rapidly decreasing IL in her husband. You may ask, well, doesn't that make the man the problem? Well, yes. But the woman is the problem because she posted her idiocy on social media. That's a bigger problem, and people believe that's normal.

Maybe if you'd call the woman out for what she is, rather than being lukewarm and shifting blame around, the properly discerning men on this forum may take you seriously.
Psssht I didn't feel the need to point out the OBVIOUS again.

Instead I thought it would be more productive to extend the conversation to the larger dialogue of relationships and the importance of honest communication from the start.

My bad? Sorry I'm not simple minded?

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
The Dirty South
Psssht I didn't feel the need to point out the OBVIOUS again.

Instead I thought it would be more productive to extend the conversation to the larger dialogue of relationships and the importance of honest communication from the start.

My bad? Sorry I'm not simple minded?
There's nothing ground-breaking here. It's a woman being a woman, with social media highlighting how many retards there are out there that think it's OK.

Communication?? LOLOL

The only thing that matters in any relationship is the woman's IL in the man. He can communicate until he's blue in the face and it won't mean a thing.

If this woman was hot for her husband there's NO WAY she humiliates him on facebook in this way. Communication? Are you kidding me? If he was a high enough status man in her chick mind then she wouldn't give two sh*ts if he had orgies every weekend while she sits at home and feeds babies.

That is the problem I have here with you - call it, CORRECTLY, what it is.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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So you don’t want kids? Most women if they want to have kids want to be married first. I want kids at some point.
The problem is that, it's at 'some point.'

Women argue their being different. Not like that. A problem is that, a lot are like that, and those who aren't aren't pushing back against these crazies.

A lot of women crater their smv pissing away their best years as Chad's booty call.

Men are waking up slowly. Not playing that game. Best years or gtfo.

Early side of 20s or Netflix and chill.

I've always wanted kids. I saw marriage as normalized. Grew up in the nuclear family. Mom and dad at home. Then, I unplugged.

50% of divorce and 80% initiated by women. Public shaming husband. Bulking season for their husband. Best years to Chad's who won't give the ring. High kill count. Adventurous with Chad. Not on the mood for the man who married her and gave her children. #gross!

Can drink like dad. Can't cook like mom.

It's not even a reality for me anymore. Common law is not either give the laws. As I acquire more and more resources, assets, property, the further away from the beaten path I get.

It just takes one false accusation, lie, and life is trashed. Women who are not like that aren't pushing back, and are as every bit responsible for the marriage climate.

Women aren't to be judged for being slobs, fat or skits but, demonize men and masculinity.

Laws pedal to the female biological strategy.

It's the decline in smv and time that changes women as well as their biological clock. If not, there wouldn't even be the good girl shtick put on real thick as playboy stops calling.

A lot of men are better off with strippers and escorts then a divorce.

To answer your questions, top form smv or I am not interested. New girls are turning 18 everyday. I hear women rage about all girls being young at the bar. It's not that. Mad because they can't compete.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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In christian terms she blocks his blessings . Any bytch of yours who goes against your manhood and doesn't support you is blocking you blessings .
Not sure if serious?

In western society, married women cuck their husband or aren't in the mood. They also have a bulking cycle following the wedding day. If this doesn't sound good, she skis down cawk mountain during her best years and saves bulking season and Chad's babies for beta male provider.



Mar 12, 2011
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Feminism has weaponized women. Despite women nearing metapause at 35, possibly sooner given poor lifestyle choices. Harry marries cratered smv. A divorcee. A dysfunctional family and product of a single mom household. Her own father wouldn't walk her down the Ile. Yet a cuck does.
Agree. The question becomes twofold:

1. Harry is 6’1, very rich, handsome, cultured, famous, royalty, worldly. He probably could have had any girl in her 20s with higher smv and less family drama. Yet The Queen of the British of the Empire and future King of England encouraged and rewarded his engagement and marriage to her and they were extremely happy with his decision. Why? Grandkids as fast as possible? Carrying on the bloodline and not being alone when older much more important than cratered smv?

2. Marriage is good enough for the PRINCE of ENGLAND and QUEEN. Not good enough for SS members?

Incel freak out and pushback is due to the fact that society has demonized masculinity not differentiated men and the tyrant. Women are hyper sexualized. Are nearing metapause and the dirty thirties with each passing day. Biology is denied. Reality is ignored. It's skiing down cawk mountain in her best days running through Chad's. It's baby rabies and play house once Chad's stop calling.

We got cucks and guys with really low testosterone preaching marriage and how slpha it is to throw away their resources. Both future and current earnings for when female entitlement is not put in check.

I can't think of a solution but the abandonment of marriage and #nextset but, after pursuing my own ambitions.

Purpose > female biological strategy!

This is the evolution of our time. Marriage is a liability. Women if not on top form smv are a liability. Opinionated, high kill count, delusional, useless no value offered and will take your children and resources once she's become dissatisfied with her life.
Decent points.

What does a man do if he wants kids? Marriage won’t guarentee kids, but no women will have kids without marriage. What does a man do?

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
What does a man do?
End his lineage. That's what I'd do. What if you were ousted via motorcycle accident, electrocution (accident), decapitated by something at work, impaled on something at work, sucked in by some kind of machinery at work, impaled by something on a windy day, hit by a car (by some wh0re texting, putting on lipstick), early cancer, early you-name-it disease? No all men procreate, even the BEST of them, a couple of authors I read from the past (recently deceased and long-ago deceased, one very famous in his time not now, the other not ever really famous), Never had children. I mean, these authors traveled the world. One of them appointed in President Reagan administration, was married once, but he self-admitted that he was "Too Male" for most females, thus the divorce and no kids, but very intelligent insights on just about every issue he wrote about. Priests still today (the very best in words, reading, researching high acumen high IQ) are forced to stay unmarried thus no continuance of their "lineage," sure sad that the highest IQs aren't procreating but it happens All throughout history. The Civil War off'd hundreds of thousands of sperm sources, other wars as well. There are all kinds of unfortunate events that has kept man from procreating. OUR "unfortunate" "event" is Female RIDICULOUSNESS and men (and women) wearing Silly little ROBES dictating our LIVES 24/7 on ALL matters in a multicultural society where EVERYBODY's "offended," cause you can't please everybody in a multicult society, thus everyone must "turn" to the COURTS! the Supreme Courts, made up of people who think they are God incarnate, allthewhile wearing these SILLY...little...dresses..or, Robes? Who are THEY to decide that a man gets Raped on a daily basis by today's Wretched Female of the West (and East increasingly)???? Who Are these people? and WHAT are they DDDOING here in our countries?????!!!!

What gives them the RIGHT???????????? Why do we tolerate them????