Wife is pissing me off for the first time after a year

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
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Before I married this woman she knew I was a party guy. I never smoked weed when we dated but I liked to drink.

After we got married I cut down the drinking alot. I have decided to pick back up my weed habit because it helps me relax.

Now my wife is completely straight edge. She has never even seen weed or knows what it looks like. A couple months ago I left my stash out and she saw it so I had to say I would stop doing it.

I just ordered some of the synthetic crap online and she found out and now she is pissed off again.

I would like to tell her to f/ck off I will do what I want. Let her threaten to go stay with her friends. Where is she going to go? Let me stay home and smoke weed b!tch.


Nov 4, 2010
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I dont do drugs, I drink now and again, however if I married a woman, which I wont, and she suddenly developed a weed habit, her ar$e would be launched out the door. if she had the weed habit before I knew her, it wouldnt have gone that far to get married. Im not hating on drugs or people who use them, its just a no no for me, you do what you want.
did you smoke weed while you two were together before marriage?

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
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betheman said:
I dont do drugs, I drink now and again, however if I married a woman, which I wont, and she suddenly developed a weed habit, her ar$e would be launched out the door. if she had the weed habit before I knew her, it wouldnt have gone that far to get married. Im not hating on drugs or people who use them, its just a no no for me, you do what you want.
did you smoke weed while you two were together before marriage?

No I never smoked weed in front of her before marriage. But I smoked pounds of it in my lifetime.

My mistake was letting her find out I smoke it. I planned to do it behind her back only when she left the house. I carried out that plan last week when I was on vacation but I made a mistake and ordered it online and she saw the confirmation email.

I told her I bought it for my sister and I won't do it again.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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Malice said:
My mistake was letting her find out I smoke it. I planned to do it behind her back only when she left the house. I carried out that plan last week when I was on vacation but I made a mistake and ordered it online and she saw the confirmation email.
Your mistake is doing it behind her back. You're still doing it in your home, where she lives with you. If you love it so much, be open about it. If she forbids it, you've got a decision to make.

I'm not hating on weed, I think it's fine to partake from time to time. But if she doesn't have experience with it maybe you should share one with her. She's probably uncomfortable with the idea.

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
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samspade said:
Your mistake is doing it behind her back. You're still doing it in your home, where she lives with you. If you love it so much, be open about it. If she forbids it, you've got a decision to make.

I'm not hating on weed, I think it's fine to partake from time to time. But if she doesn't have experience with it maybe you should share one with her. She's probably uncomfortable with the idea.

She won't smoke it.

I don't need to make any decision. Let her leave if she hates it so much. I'll call immigration and tell them she used me for a green card and ran off with the gardener.

I wonder what they would do.

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
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bradd80 said:
They won't do anything, sham marriages even if they can be proved are not a top priority for immigration. And if she divorces you - you can be on the hook for any social assistance she receives. Not to mention future alimony and child support if you guys ever have any kids.

BWAHAHAHA she was trying to give me the silent treatment and stay at her girlfriends house last night. I was radio silent until tonight I texted her the immigration joke. I said "hey I am bout to call immigration and tell them you left me. They are going to think that is interesting"

She just called asking what was up with my text. I let her know it was a joke and I demanded she be home in an hour.

She is on the way. I'll be getting some good hard makeup sex tonight. Plus she wasn't sounding too p!ssed about the weed anymore.

I own this woman, foreign women love to be owned.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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Sounds like you have it all figured out, so case closed.

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
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samspade said:
Sounds like you have it all figured out, so case closed.
It didn't quite work out like I planned. She stayed at her girlfriends house last night.

I will have no problem smoking weed behind her back and lying about it. It's not like I'm cheating on the b!tch.

Sir Psycho Sexy

Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2010
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City of Angels
Men dont smoke weed. Kids do. Thats always been my feeling on people who smoke marijuana. Dont you feel weird being in your thirties and having a drug dealer? And "synthetic crap" you buy online is dangerous for your health. No future wife of mine will be doing any type of illegal drugs or smoking.

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
Just stop smoking, makes you dumb.

I did quit for years because it wasn't worth the hassle finding someone to buy it from.

A month ago I heard the gas station down the street sold this synthetic weed. I decided to try it thinking it was fake. I rolled a joint while driving home and I got so high I had to pull over.

I could not tell the difference from the real thing. In fact 1 hit from the synthetic weed has me baked for an hour. It is stronger than the real thing.

Now the gas station has stopped selling it to me but it is even cheaper to order it online. It is so easy to get I can't resist.

As for it being bad for my health? So is everything. Who cares.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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Malice said:
It didn't quite work out like I planned. She stayed at her girlfriends house last night.

I will have no problem smoking weed behind her back and lying about it. It's not like I'm cheating on the b!tch.
To each his own. I personally wouldn't want to go through the trouble of hiding it. If I loved weed that much and my wife didn't, I'd work it out with her or end it. And don't you think calling immigration on her if she leaves is a little immature? I'm not sure if you were joking or serious. My wife is foreign; if she split, I'm not wasting energy trying to get one-up on her by getting her in trouble with Johnny Law.

In any case, there are a lot of great women who I'm sure partake in marijuana. Is it a dealbreaker for you?

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
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bradd80 said:
malice i always enjoy your posts so much they're so entertaining.. post a pic of your wife if you can.

And I can confirm that foreign slvts are the way to go, they're hot and slender, cook like pros and will fvck the brains out of you. And not half as much of the BS that western women give us.
Sure. Here is a pic.

She is on the left, ofcourse.

And she is back at the house, i just have to hide it better this time. It's not like I smoke every day. It's only once a week when I am home and she is at work all day.

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
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We had a talk and I told her if I smoke, it will only be once in awhile and she will never see it.

She agreed to that deal, but I am supposed to tell her when I am going to smoke it.



Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
I never dated a South American, but I was with a Dominican woman for a while, which I'm guessing is similar. All we did was fight and fvck. And she hated pot, too.

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
I never dated a South American, but I was with a Dominican woman for a while, which I'm guessing is similar. All we did was fight and fvck. And she hated pot, too.

Yeah? Damned those straight edge women!

But then you think about all those c0cks they have NOT hopped like American women, and you gotta love them.

My wife did not lose her virginity until she was 23. I basically found a virgin and her p/ssy is tight as hell even after I pounded it for 2 years.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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Malice said:
We had a talk and I told her if I smoke, it will only be once in awhile and she will never see it.

She agreed to that deal, but I am supposed to tell her when I am going to smoke it.

Maybe she wants to know so she can stock up on Doritos in advance!


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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To be honest you sound like a wack dude.

You would have so much spite that you would call immigration to have her deported yet you claim you love her.

Her finding out you smoke weed is a big deal. Personally that would be a deal breaker for me and also shows that your slick. Another deal breaker.

Be a man. Be honest and let her know what you do. If she sticks she sticks. If not then o well.

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
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PrettyBoyAJ said:
To be honest you sound like a wack dude.

You would have so much spite that you would call immigration to have her deported yet you claim you love her.

Her finding out you smoke weed is a big deal. Personally that would be a deal breaker for me and also shows that your slick. Another deal breaker.

Be a man. Be honest and let her know what you do. If she sticks she sticks. If not then o well.

The immigration thing was a joke you idiot. A guy with a stick up his ass probably has a better sense of humor than you.

I won this battle. Samspade gave the best advice. He said to be open about it or end it. And that's what I did. She then agreed to let me do it as long as she doesn't see it.