What Have You Learned About Women in Life So Far??


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2012
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The Viagra Pill you wish you had...- United Kingdo
I would like to hear from everyone so far what are a few major points of wisdom or beliefs you have learned about women so far in your life to share with others. Please post your age and how many LTRs (6 months +) and marriages you have had in life to qualify your experience.


Age: 39

LTRs: 3

Married: twice

Words of Wisdom to Share about Women:

1) The hotter they are, the more emotional/temperament/personality issues you will encounter and have to put up with entitlement problems. Learn where your upper boundary is in the level of attractiveness of the woman you can get. And if you keep getting into women who have nothing to offer on the insides, learn to be with women who are a bit less physically attractive if you are looking for LTR.

2) Women who are raised without a father figure (single mothers, etc) have way more mental, emotional, self-esteem hurdles than you can imagine. DO yourself a favor and don't be trapped by their looks, tread carefully with these women.

3) Look at a woman's mother and you will most likely have a good predictor of her true personality (especially in the beginning they will be glossed over due to her facade of perfection). If you fear her mother, run the opposite direction fast!

4) Never show more interest to a woman than she gives you, or else you will lose your frame. Once you lose it, it is hard to recover.

5) Do not allow a woman to disrespect you; there are many women raised in this decade of utter confusion on what a woman's role is. A strong man is meant to be with a feminine woman, not a woman who is trying to be a man. Let those women who are trying to be a man pick up the AFC's instead.

6) Have the courage to dump a woman if you feel truly she does not contribute more happiness to your life than without her. Do not be stuck with being afraid of being alone, being afraid of starting all over, being afraid of not doing as well again. These are the trap of a weak-willed man who would rather be in misery with the wrong woman and have his balls tied up for life.

7) Watch out for personality disordered women - the Borderlines and Narcissists are hardest to find out until you are too deep in the relationship (and that's usually when it surfaces - fear of intimacy and fear of abandonement issues). If a woman comes on too quickly in the beginning wanting a LTR, you can bet your AFC ass that she will disappear just as quickly once she gets bored with you.

8) A woman's greatest fear and strongest attraction is being with a man who is so sure that he is the prize that he has no issues about dumping her at anytime.

9) The person that you need to love the most out of everyone in the world is yourself - that's right. Without figuring out this very important part of life, you will always get trampled and walked over by women (if you get there). To even get trampled or walked over, you need to first attract women without being needy, insecure, or pedestal them to the heavens.

with respect,

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Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2009
Reaction score
this is a good post that almost everyone under 30 should read. a lot of these points are common sense but we all get caught up in feelings that cloud our judgement. especially, number 6. its very hard to end a relationship because your gut tells you its wrong.


Master Don Juan
Oct 21, 2010
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The Wild Wigga From the West
well.. being the afc i am i have had.. one girl... well i wouldn't call her my gf. but we made out a few times and we did everything but oral.

the other girl was my oneitis girl and i ****ed her till the cows come home.

what i know about women is... i need to work on myself to get better girls


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
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AGE: 25



Good post, point 7 especially! i have nothing to add to that list right now


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Yeah dude I think you nailed it with the 9 points you have up there right now.

To add to #1 a bit. The point is also accurate if the girl thinks she has some major flaw, and it doesn't even have to be a physical issue. I dated a blonde with a stupidity complex and she was a total knockout. She was so humble and down to earth, it was great. It was like getting a snobby HB10 and putting a fatties brain in her head.


Oct 20, 2006
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Most women are so shallow that they go about seeking a rich man looking for obvious, superficial signs of wealth.

For example: they think if you don't have a house, you must be broke. How ridiculous is that? Most people with a house are so in debt they are slaves to the bank and can't move away!

I had only been in her city 4 weeks (making $166,000 per year - about the highest salary in America) and I had the nicest luxury apartment in town and she later said "You can't have any money - you rent."

Or they can't appreciate a man keeping his car running like new for 15 years. Do they want a man who trades his woman in every 3 years?


Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
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Age: 24

LTR: 2

Married: Not yet

Wisdom: The only thing that you can be 100% sure is the truth when talking with a woman is when she says "I don't know."


New Member
Aug 6, 2012
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Age 24

LTR: not yet, now I'm a Vietnamese living in Japan, still working on it. In need of some advices.


I'm new, nice to meet you all.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Age: 26

LTRs: countable on one hand

Married: Probably never will

Don't trust a woman. Money over b**ches.

Young Juan

Senior Don Juan
Jun 4, 2001
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Ahwatukee, AZ
Age: 28

LTRs: 2,

Fvcks, lays, oral, etc.: 30 - 40

1. Treat all bidges the same. Don't change the game

2. Trust your gut. If you feel the bidge isn't right for you, don't be afraid to pull the dump trigger

3. Unless you're married, you're legally single. Always keep your game tight.

4. Don't be afraid to have imagination. Bidges like to believe in things. Bidges like to have fun

5. Never tell hoes the truth

6. 200% bros before hoes under 6 months

7. 80% bros before hoes after 6 months. If she's real, she will understand

8. Nice girls can be trained into freaks if you be their boyfriend.

9. Black girls give the best pure head, white girls deep throat the best

10. black girls give the best doggystyle too

11. Don't ask if you can shoot your load there, tell them you are going to shoot your load there

12. If she lets you do anal without dating her, you shouldn't make her your girlfriend

13. Don't trust pills for birth control, only the IUD or deppo.

14. Get her tested before you go in raw

15. Last but not least, YOU CAN NOT TURN A HOE INTO A HOUSEWIFE!!!

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
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Another Dimension


Mar 12, 2011
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This site sure has a lot of misogynist people on it. Why are we so angry at women? Because they can out game and out negotiate us? Because we want to have sex so desparately? Because we don't want to be alone forever and feel they have alot more options? They are just people, treat them like you would treat your buddy.

The three things I've learned about women:

1) don't get emotionally involved
2) always have options, even if you are married
3) don't get defensive


Senior Don Juan
Jul 10, 2012
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Age: 45

LTRs: 8

Married: Are you crazy?

1. Women do not know their own minds very well. They might answer a question about what they like/want in men with their rational part, but this is not very often congruent with who they bang. They act emotionally and often don't even know why.

2. On the issue of emotions, one of the biggest differences between men and women is that women treat emotions as knowledge. If they feel it, it has truth to it. Men, on the other hand, if they feel something they tend to want to get more information to see if their feelings are justified. Women very often do not do this, even highly intelligent ones.

3. Women are balls of indecision and insecurity--most of them, even those hot ones with high levels of education and professional success.

4. Women's feelings toward you can turn on a dime, sometimes for the most frivolous of reasons. The good news here is that this works both ways. That is, they can be really pissed off at you but you can still turn it around if you know what to do/say.

5. Women are not conscious of most of the sh!t-tests they give out, but almost always know when you fail.

6. Sex for men is mostly physical and with a gf it is only even then part emotional. Its the reverse for women.

7. When a woman has lost all interest in you, it is nearly impossible to get it back. Not that it cannot be done, but it takes serious and ballsy changes on the guy's part, and this usually is just a tactic, not a real change in the guy, so it's likely she'll lose interest again. Sort of like regression to the mean.

8. Even sweet, shy, and demure girls can be uninhibited porn stars in the sack. They can say and do the nastiest things when you are banging them.

9. Men often get complacent in a relationship and this bores women. A bored woman is either going to get cranky, wander or leave, or any and all of the above.

10. A man in a relationship may do 1000 helpful and generous things for his woman but the credit he gets in return has a half-life of about 24 hours. There is no bank of boyfriend points he can build up and rely on.

11. A woman you have started to have sex with might decide one day/night that she can't see you / bang you. This is often for one of two reasons: (a) she doesn't want you to think she's too easy of a bang and/or a massive horndog (though she probably is), and (b) to see if you suddenly become needy and clingy and overreact. Keep your cool. If you treat it like it's no big deal she'll be riding you again soon.

12. Men are more considerate of women's feelings than they are of ours. A woman can treat you like dirt and not really have many guilt pangs because of it. Men can do this to, but the ratio is higher for women.

13. Sisterhood is nonsense. Women don't like each other all that much. The idea that women are "nurturing" is also nonsense. They can be pretty machiavellian and brutal. Remember, female mammals will sometimes eat their young.

14. It is true that women like sex as much as men. But, they often don't want it as often and don't wish to have as many partners as men. Nevertheless, when in the act their enjoyment matches our own.

15. Women like masculine men, just like men like feminine women. They might date beta-boy for a while, but this is often because they want to feel in control and in power for a change. They will grow bored of the supplicating runt eventually and desire to met and be with a man who provides a sense of protection and security. They do not see this in betas.

16. Women have a hard time taking responsibility for their actions. There's always a reason, and they will usually project blame outwards. To the extent they do take blame, they will say they misunderstood a situation. Almost never will they say they were being overreactive, b!tchy, unappreciative, catty, etc.

17. Women love to get soft and cuddly with a guy, but this is only after you've shown her that she can trust you to be a man. They love the feeling of being vulnerable and open to you. Be a rock, have solid values, an intellect, talents, and know how to please her sexually, and she will look to you as a child does to their parent. This is when they feel they love you. And if you don't let this love turn you into a pansy, it will keep coming. Turn soft and they will resent you because they will think you presented a false front to them and they fell in love with someone you really are not.

18. Women like a man who can stand up to them. They like a man with boundaries, someone who can say no.

19. It is true women like attention. But only the right kind in the right place at the right time and in the right amounts. It is easy to make them feel smothered and that's a massive turn off.

20. Many women have been hurt by men. This is why they test and screen us. They want to know they can trust who we present ourselves as being the real us. The reverse is true too.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2012
Reaction score
The Viagra Pill you wish you had...- United Kingdo
HalfPUAHalfAFC said:
10. A man in a relationship may do 1000 helpful and generous things for his woman but the credit he gets in return has a half-life of about 24 hours. There is no bank of boyfriend points he can build up and rely on.
repped +1

GREAT post - #10 really hits home, a.k.a. 'Entitlement'. Don't waste too much of your money or energy, bros. :eek: