UPDATE: from fat 115kg to fit 87kg pics included


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
Reaction score
Congrats, if you don't mind leaving the pics up, I'll stick this thread in the vault.

As for how easily/what type of weight you put on, I'd get a blood test to check out your hormone levels.



Senior Don Juan
Jun 7, 2009
Reaction score
amazing transformation mate, you must be very proud of yourself! :yes:


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
Reaction score
England, baby!
have you been updating your wardrobe?
the right clothes will also make a massive dfference as most girls resond VERY well to good clothes ...things like cut polo tops (tommy hilfiger do good ones)


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
Quiksilver said:
Congrats, if you don't mind leaving the pics up, I'll stick this thread in the vault.

As for how easily/what type of weight you put on, I'd get a blood test to check out your hormone levels.


Can you expand on the hormone levels?
As in what it tells you and how it matters (like can problems be fixed, etc...?)


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
Great change bro, the difference is day and night.

I work out also, its a hobby of mine. Your story is very inspiring and I wanna say a few things as well.

About hormones - they are okay, you should not worry about them unless there are any specific problems.

The reason why Quicksilver asked I would guess because he thinks your testosterone may be too high, but that's a good thing for us young guys.

Your case is interesting because that first pic, you were 16, and have not finished puberty. But at that time I can tell you had too much estrogen (female sex hormone), more than testosterone - and that's why you developed a little bit of breast tissue. You gained muscle and lost the man boobs, but the hard tissue unfortunately stays. Your case is no where near as bad as some people, so dont worry about it.

Actually when i opened this thread and saw your first pic, I was gonna comment on your hormones, because if a guy looked like that at 19, then there is definitely something wrong. But puberty and discipline yielded great results.

To Teflon:
Depends what do you want to know? Like, look at the first pictures: t1ts, no body hair, a$$ wider than shoulders. Testosterone makes you leaner, hairier, gives you that V-shape. Clearly his body is producing good amounts because the change is amazing. Not to discourage anybody who is 20+, but no, you will not go from an emasculated tub of lard to 10% body fat stud. The age when he did it - his body was naturally on steroids. Also that's why middle/high school kids who lift for a few months, get huge.

I was in a similar position - fat slob throught HS, until I confronted myself and lost like 30 lbs in one summer. Now I'm exercising again (lifting), and I feel like a new person. I know I'll never be ripped like Mike Tyson, with 5% body fat, but i look 100 times better than before, and people look at me with different eyes. I'm telling you man this kind of a change is one of the best things you can do for yourself.

And Teflon, what are your problems, we'll figure it out.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
Good god, you must be so proud of yourself man. I am jealous of your determination and drive to succeed. Congratulations!

dj ben2

Senior Don Juan
Nov 2, 2006
Reaction score
sydney, australia
DJVladdy said:
Great change bro, the difference is day and night.

I work out also, its a hobby of mine. Your story is very inspiring and I wanna say a few things as well.

About hormones - they are okay, you should not worry about them unless there are any specific problems.

The reason why Quicksilver asked I would guess because he thinks your testosterone may be too high, but that's a good thing for us young guys.

Your case is interesting because that first pic, you were 16, and have not finished puberty. But at that time I can tell you had too much estrogen (female sex hormone), more than testosterone - and that's why you developed a little bit of breast tissue. You gained muscle and lost the man boobs, but the hard tissue unfortunately stays. Your case is no where near as bad as some people, so dont worry about it.

Actually when i opened this thread and saw your first pic, I was gonna comment on your hormones, because if a guy looked like that at 19, then there is definitely something wrong. But puberty and discipline yielded great results.

To Teflon:
Depends what do you want to know? Like, look at the first pictures: t1ts, no body hair, a$$ wider than shoulders. Testosterone makes you leaner, hairier, gives you that V-shape. Clearly his body is producing good amounts because the change is amazing. Not to discourage anybody who is 20+, but no, you will not go from an emasculated tub of lard to 10% body fat stud. The age when he did it - his body was naturally on steroids. Also that's why middle/high school kids who lift for a few months, get huge.

I was in a similar position - fat slob throught HS, until I confronted myself and lost like 30 lbs in one summer. Now I'm exercising again (lifting), and I feel like a new person. I know I'll never be ripped like Mike Tyson, with 5% body fat, but i look 100 times better than before, and people look at me with different eyes. I'm telling you man this kind of a change is one of the best things you can do for yourself.

And Teflon, what are your problems, we'll figure it out.

thanx for that input you touched base on a few things i wanted to know.
in regards to my test being too high. is that a bad thing? how old do you get before your testosterone starts to diminish or lessen


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
Thanks, DJVladdy.
I was mainly just curious about how hormones affect weight loss.

I've always been an easy gainer (both fat and muscle) and was real fat all the way to my mid teens.

I can handle it through diet and exercise but it's really more work than it should be.

Granted, it is really nice that I can put on lean mass quickly and easier than most. But it sucks that if I go even one weekend without working out or eating strict I can easily gain 5 pounds.