Unexpected Roadblock


Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2004
Reaction score
I've been a member at this site for at least a year now, but just about a month or two ago have I gone out on a pretty regular basis (4+ days a week) to socialize / get numbers.

At first it was really tough for me to get the confidence to speak to ANYONE unless they came up and spoke to me (cashiers / salespeople). I still feel like I "freeze out" sometimes, but for the most part, my confidence is a lot higher now than it was, and I can push through the initial doubts a lot better now than even 2 weeks ago.

Anyway, I've gotten a few numbers in the process, but one thing I've found in common with these girls is that they don't call me back when I call them, and the last girl I talked to (for the first time since we met) was pretty rude to me.

I probably already know the answer to my own question, I don't know, maybe I just need some reassurance. Did any of you guys come across this same problem? What did you do to overcome it?


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
Did any of you guys come across this same problem?
Yes. Absolutely.

What did you do to overcome it?
Take it as a half-baked compliment. If you were some clueless creepy guy, there's no way you'd get her real #. But they're still lukewarm on the idea of seeing you.

Try talking a little longer before you leave, with more eye contact. And expand your social circle, so you don't just get #'s from drunk chicks at clubs (they sober up and then change their minds.)

Actually, I want to see how other members reduced their amount of DED's (Dead End Digits). Cool, I just made up my own acronym.

(You aren't calling them the same day you get their #, right?)


New Member
Aug 1, 2006
Reaction score
DED story

There was this girl recently who I was able to get her number. Every time I called however she wouldnt pick up. After a few times, it was obvious what happened and I decided not to waste my time with her anymore.

I had talked to her only a few times and when I asked for her number and she gladly gave it out.

My question and it may sound dumb, but is it normal to just go up to a girl, talk to her a bit and then ask for her number? I mean I allready know I did it, but still. My real question is, is there any aproximate time period or any amount of rapport that needs to be built up first?


Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2004
Reaction score
Phyzzle said:
Take it as a half-baked compliment. If you were some clueless creepy guy, there's no way you'd get her real #. But they're still lukewarm on the idea of seeing you.

Try talking a little longer before you leave, with more eye contact. And expand your social circle, so you don't just get #'s from drunk chicks at clubs (they sober up and then change their minds.)

Actually, I want to see how other members reduced their amount of DED's (Dead End Digits). Cool, I just made up my own acronym.

(You aren't calling them the same day you get their #, right?)
Haha. Dead End Digits. I wish I would have come up with that myself. Crafty.

That's one thing I've learned this week. Just because you get a girl's number doesn't mean it's going anywhere.

I'm going to seriously put some effort into talking longer with more eye contact like you suggested. Now that I think about it, I really didn't use that much eye contact, and the conversations with them were relatively short.

A little side story. I work at a doctor's office and most days our lunch is catered to us by outside representatives. I met this one guy today, real cool, used to be a bodybuilder, but he gave me a really creepy vibe at first. I thought about it, and it was because he couldn't really keep his eyes focused on me for more than 2 seconds and his eyes were darting all over the place when he was talking. It was kinda weird.

BUMP. Thanks bro. Anyone else feel free to share.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
My question and it may sound dumb, but is it normal to just go up to a girl, talk to her a bit and then ask for her number?
Read the DJ bible (bottom of the page)

You'll sound less dumb.