UK Crime


Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Yea, crime in Uk is rife, and to be honest it starts from a young age, the main point being that there is absolutely **** all to do for youngsters.

There are no role models for any young people either and its all gunna spiral out iof control pretty soon i agree.


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Red_Tiger
I might add UK gangster are ass rough as anything out there, ask the people of Nottingham
Hey. I'm from Nottingham, and i disagree. Those people were shot in the roughest part of town. Every town has a rough part.


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2005
Reaction score
Berkshire UK
well take at look at this



Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
SE England/ York
I was going to go to Nottingham Uni next year, but when i got into the town I kinda thought it was dirt. Armed police, with MP5s or whatever about, it didn't feel groovy. Still, that's just from my exceptionally limited experience. I'm from arround Stains and Woking, and they've been going down the ****ter for a good while now.

If anyone cares I'm going to York Uni now.


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Cloud-uk
I was going to go to Nottingham Uni next year, but when i got into the town I kinda thought it was dirt. Armed police, with MP5s or whatever about, it didn't feel groovy. Still, that's just from my exceptionally limited experience. I'm from arround Stains and Woking, and they've been going down the ****ter for a good while now.

If anyone cares I'm going to York Uni now.
Shame. It's a 4 to 2 ratio boys:girls at Nottingham.

Also please dont call my town dirt when you've been once. It's loads better than that.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 10, 2003
Reaction score
****ing Chavs. I went to the UK and ended up punching some 17 year old right in his stupid dirty chav face. Advice to some of us foreigners: Chavs like to sit at the top and the back of the double busses. Also, the bus driver doesn't do **** down there so you get these stupid ****ing ****s that are most likely 13 and work in packs to relentlessly swear at you, hit you, throw **** at you, etc... and it takes all your restraint not to smash their faces in. It's best to do what I do and hit one that looks to be of age.

The worst part is that the people in the UK just sit there and take it. These chavs assault anyone old women, minorities, etc... just because they know they can get away with it(Cause of thier age) and that the citizens won't do **** all. That wouldn't fly well in N. America.

If youre a visitor and are gettign harassed by a few, punch one in the face. It's good because 95% of them are pussies and they'll cry and run off and you'll feel much better. Part of the reason why most peopel don't do anything is because the chavs will come back with 20 more dirty little chavs and get you another day. They may be weak and pathetic but 20 of them will still fvck you up. The good thing about being a visitor is that by the time they get everyone rounded up you're gone, off to another country or city.

I think it should be a tourists duty to punch as many chavs in the face as possible.


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2004
Reaction score
3. i'd like to know one thing. a guy in here said that the 3 most dangerous cities in the USA are Los Angeles, Phoenix and Washington DC. is that true? i have ever been told that detroit, houston, miami, new york and chicago were far more dangerous than phoenix and washington. actually
Its basically right on. Last I read it was DC, Chi, and LA as 1, 2, and 3.
And do you know what most (all?) of these cities you listed have in common?

You have to guess, I won't tell you. You can probably make an educated guess... continue reading...

Our God-given right to bear arms is probably responsible for keeping crime down.
Have you ever tried to exercise this "right?"

I know in my state, the legislature of the 60's thought Hitler's ideas on gun control (note: NOT criminal control) were so good that they'd impliment them statewide and apply them to everyone.

And the regime in control of the big city near the lake in the northeast part of my state has done everything they can to completely outlaw firearms (with the exception of their own personal bodyguards' firearms, of course).

IMO, if an individual thinks guns are bad he should put a big sign on his front door saying "This is a gun free home." Or "we don't think violence solves problems."

Licensing a law-abiding citizen's home protection device will NOT stop a criminal from raping someone's wife or murdering someone's parents.

Writing down an individual's information on a peice of paper does not stop a criminal from committing a crime.

Taking a picture of someone will not stop a criminal from committing a crime.

If the cowardly socialists were forced to get a permit from the government to write down their bogus ideas about how everone should be equally miersable, they'd cry about how the Bill of Rights "protects" their right to speak/write freely.

Yet when that same cowardly socialist reads down just 1 more line, he/she pretends the plain words mean something other than exactly what they say.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Originally posted by blackbirdbeatle
****ing Chavs. I went to the UK and ended up punching some 17 year old right in his stupid dirty chav face. Advice to some of us foreigners: Chavs like to sit at the top and the back of the double busses. Also, the bus driver doesn't do **** down there so you get these stupid ****ing ****s that are most likely 13 and work in packs to relentlessly swear at you, hit you, throw **** at you, etc... and it takes all your restraint not to smash their faces in. It's best to do what I do and hit one that looks to be of age.

The worst part is that the people in the UK just sit there and take it. These chavs assault anyone old women, minorities, etc... just because they know they can get away with it(Cause of thier age) and that the citizens won't do **** all. That wouldn't fly well in N. America.

If youre a visitor and are gettign harassed by a few, punch one in the face. It's good because 95% of them are pussies and they'll cry and run off and you'll feel much better. Part of the reason why most peopel don't do anything is because the chavs will come back with 20 more dirty little chavs and get you another day. They may be weak and pathetic but 20 of them will still fvck you up. The good thing about being a visitor is that by the time they get everyone rounded up you're gone, off to another country or city.

I think it should be a tourists duty to punch as many chavs in the face as possible.

They sound like "The Ducky Boys" from the 1979 Movie "The Wanderers"

Not to turn this political, but is part of the "do nothing" attitude of citizens in the UK an effect of living in a socialist state where eveything is supposed to be taken care for you?

It seems that when your independence is taken away, so is your will to stand up for yourself.


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2005
Reaction score
i know this could so easily turn political but the ideas from our government to stop the chavs committing these crimes is to give the trouble makers computer games and things like that when they don’t **** up. The third biggest political party in Britain said they would give go cart lessons to joy riders etc, so they would stop joy riding a few years ago. (just something that makes me laugh about this country).

Just a quick example of chavs. Last night me and two mates were drunk walking to the taxi rank. 2 chavs start on us, one jumps on me and calls me a nob head (not sure why) so before it gets into a major fight one of my mates gets the chav in a headlock and pushes his face in a window whilst his mate starts saying things like ‘don’t hurt him’. My wings reply was “I’ll let go if you take him away” inevitably he let go of him and these chavs walk 10 feet behind us still giving us verbal ****!!!! If I didn’t have to look pretty for wedding photos today I swear I would have got in to a fight and kicked the **** out of these guys.

Indecently, I’m the smallest out of our group of 3 and I was still bigger than both these guys. What is up with Chavs!!!!


Don Juan
Sep 29, 2003
Reaction score
That table is right I reckon. "Victim of crime" can be any crime at all. I was physically assaulted when I was a school kid...just me and me little sister riding our bikes, and we got a kick in the head each and sand thrown in our eyes. Got attempted mugged before, bike stolen, other various petty crimes.

In Australia, being a victim of vandalism is also very common. Vandalism is pretty popular here in OZ.

Sure there are ghetto's in the States, but if you keep out of them and other places where tourists dont belong, America is HELL SAFE. Freakin' cop cars all over the place.


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2005
Reaction score
Berkshire UK
I might add, two horrific knife attacks here in the UK in the last week. I think its down to drugs becoming an epedemic here


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Cloud-uk
I was going to go to Nottingham Uni next year, but when i got into the town I kinda thought it was dirt. Armed police, with MP5s or whatever about, it didn't feel groovy. Still, that's just from my exceptionally limited experience. I'm from arround Stains and Woking, and they've been going down the ****ter for a good while now.

If anyone cares I'm going to York Uni now.

cr4p, i turned down my insurance place there, at york, damn, it would have been fun going to uni with you


Senior Don Juan
Feb 3, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by MetalFortress
Is the chav problem even prevalent in Ireland and Scotland? Those two come off as rougher, take no crap sort of societies, at least to us Americans.

Although the Irish are different, they're not part of the UK so culture is slightly different etc.

There is a sort of accepted belief that the more north you go, the harder the people are generally. This dates back to the industrial revolution. In the south you had London, where all the money was and in the north, cities like Manchester, Newcastle, Liverpool and Glasgow, the working class cities based around coal mining, ship building, textiles etc.

Years after the industrial revolution in Britain the north south divide is still more evident than ever. Even though cities like Manchester and Newcastle are now 'modernised' centres of culture, they still have a majority of working class citizens.

The affectionately coined 'chavscum' (basically unruly working class kids) are, not so much larger in numbers in the northern cities, but rather, more rugged, hardened, down-to-earth and prodominately white than their southern counterparts. This can be seen in Glasgow where the 'Ned' (as they call them up there) contingency seem to be much more feared. I suppose the difference is that this breed are willing to back-up what they spout. I.e. they are total ****ing psychos.

Their southern counterparts carry much more swagger in their demeanor. The culture is slightly different. London is a fusion of cultures and there seems to be more of a 'inner city life' type attitude. The mix of ethnicities means that there are different races of 'chavscum' whom have their own traits and characteristics.

The term 'chavscum' then, encompasses a whole different range of groups. But at the same time they all have general themes:

  • Working Class
  • Unruly, often criminal
  • Immoral
  • Aggressive Demeanor/Behaviour
  • Under 25
  • Wear similar clothing (This can vary nationwide - originates from Liverpool)
  • Use similar dialect (This can vary nationwide)
  • Socialise with each other

'Chavscum' is just a word the public have come up with in the last few years to describe a sector of society who have been around for years. However, under the labour government, this group are now a distinguished clique within society.

The economy is better than ever, so it's quite a mystery why this should be happening. Maybe it's because the working classes were more 'socially supressed' under a conservative government. Now, a stronger economy has let this sector of society come out of the woodwork, as it were.

However, it would be interesting to know how much crime is carried out in the Uk by this section of society.
It's important to note that 'chavscum' are known more for petty crime than anything else.
'Real' crime such as murders, rape, armed robbery etc are not necessarily carried out by these working class kids.

Relating to the discussion of UK vs. US crime, I'd just like to say that this is non-comparable. The two countries have completely different aspects of class and culture.
American crime seems to be very much based around weaponry and strength in numbers/explicit gangwar etc. Whereas in Britain crime seems to be based more around the individual. The two are no more worse or better than each other. I imagine horrible crime is carried out on both sides of the pond. Infact in terms of the biggest crimes, such as terrorism, the countires could be seen as quite similar:

The IRA Arndale Bomb
Oklahoma Bomb
Columbine High School Shooting
Lockerbie Disaster
1993 World Trade Center Bombing

etc etc.
Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
well london aint that bad i guess, places like brixton, or some places in east london are kinda ruff, but if you look intimidating they wont do ****, but never count on that, places like birmingham are hot crime spots.

when i lived in texas i was robbed at gun point at the corner of a store, so i guess usa in my experince has more crime but uk is equally on the rise as well.


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2005
Reaction score
Berkshire UK
I'm sorry to keep harping on about this, but because I am so annoyed about our useless Governments handling of criminal behaviour, I want to keep pointing out to you guys who live outside of the UK, crime is getting hell here. Were I live near Reading in Berkshire there was a hideous murder last weekend (drugs related) and so you should be aware the UK is getting a
a scary place.