Troubles of being goodlooking and single


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
People who are not so attractive will never get where you are coming from.

They will only think you are b!tching about something they wish they had... and the fact that you can see it is just superficial and doesn't mean sh!t is a great thing... that most people will never get.

Yeah, it sucks being "really" attractive sometimes. People just assume all kinds of things, they do it all the time on this board.

They will never comprehend that more people are afraid of rejection, then lining up to date you. Or that people think they can be rude/mean/insulting, because they assume you get compliments all the time. A lot of good looking people get written off as unintelligent and shallow.

Its hard for good looking people to meet quality people, because when you are attracting so much attention, it tends to be the wrong kind of attention, for the wrong reasons.

Bottom line. When you have the world telling you that you should be handed x,y, and z because of your looks, you can get messed up in the head. Either you believe them, and it affects your soul, or you wonder why you aren't getting the treatment they imagine you should because how would they really even know, and you get a complex.

...And the haters! That is like a fan club all in its own.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
Also, it is really hard to talk about your feeling when it comes to this topic. Because people will just write you off as boasting or fishing for compliments, when in reality, you are having some real inner issues.

I am sure that is why the OP's first post on this thread is edited now.


Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score

I think that this whole thread is a buncha crybaby B.S.

Iqqi, your last two posts are essentially unintelligible. I simply CANNOT comprehend what you mean. If some good-looking, but wussified AFC is confused, well, then, he's just confused.

He's STILL confused after he's told by third parties that he's NOT "ugly."

He STILL has to get over his AFC conditioning, and start acting like a MAN.

I'm ok looking ------ no, I'm REALLY good looking, and I've NEVER seen that as a hindrance to me getting girls. What a load of CR*P.

There are exceptions, like Wutang, who are , basically, INSANE, but most guys who recognize their limitations based on their looks are really realistic about it.

It's REALLY hard to understand you, here, iqqi. It ISN'T hard for good looking people to meet "quality people." You are just WRONG. I do it every day.

Do you make this sh*t UP?

(And, I'll send you a pic if you wish, baby!! I'm HOT.)


Play the Game

Master Don Juan
Apr 5, 2007
Reaction score
This precisely why women can't raise men and give bad advice. Instead of addressing the issue head on and man-ing up, moving past it- like a father figure would do to a child- a mother cuddles her little baby and makes him feel good, nurtures him. But that only alleviates the mental anguish as a result of his inability to handle problems in life and creates dependancy. Women never address the problem, they just make it feel better!!! What you have left is a dependent wuss unable to deal with his own problems always searching for reassurance and compassion from the outside long after his mother is gone.

The Inside Man

Master Don Juan
Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
drak_ool said:
is this the official whinny b.itches thread? If YOU believe that you should be with 9s or 10s then why are you dating 6s? maybe it s time to step up your game

and handsome guys ALWAYS end up wit average/ugly girls? some lame a$$ girl told you that and you actually believed her? oh right, it stuck your "sensitive chord"...

just look around you... how many hot guys are dating ugly girls?
You don't date ugly girls publicly!! Thats like strictly at your house apt./ sneak in the back way. lol


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
aliasguy said:
-I think that this whole thread is a buncha crybaby B.S.

Iqqi, your last two posts are essentially unintelligible. I simply CANNOT comprehend what you mean. If some good-looking, but wussified AFC is confused, well, then, he's just confused.

He's STILL confused after he's told by third parties that he's NOT "ugly."

He STILL has to get over his AFC conditioning, and start acting like a MAN.

I'm ok looking ------ no, I'm REALLY good looking, and I've NEVER seen that as a hindrance to me getting girls. What a load of CR*P.

There are exceptions, like Wutang, who are , basically, INSANE, but most guys who recognize their limitations based on their looks are really realistic about it.

It's REALLY hard to understand you, here, iqqi. It ISN'T hard for good looking people to meet "quality people." You are just WRONG. I do it every day.

Maybe your confidence supercedes your looks.

And your idea of quality may differ from mine.

Good looks are like fame.

You get all this attention because of something that has nothing to do with your soul. Sorry if the concept of soul goes over your head.

Because you are famous, people think that you are used to the world being handed to you. If you buy into the hype, then you are going to crash hard into reality. This will make you question your "worth", which was really based on your superficial fame. But then you will wonder if you really ARE famous enough.

Then you question the people in your life, and you may realize a lot of them are there because of your "fame".

Or you get tired of people approaching you and being "in love" with you because of your fame, when they really don't even know you.

AND you can't ever talk about it. Even though it is an issue you want to talk about... kind of like how so many on here come here to bouce around ideas because they have issues with women. So what if someone has issues with their looks?

Back to the fame analogy.

You can't even talk about your mixed feelings, because all you are ever going to get back is "shut up b!tch, you're FAMOUS!"


Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score


I'm not "famous."

I'm doing well because I've a great job, and I'm good to women, and they like me.

My "soul" is A-OK. Thanks for your concern.

People that don't know me ....... well, they don't KNOW me, but once they DO, they generally LIKE me, because I'm a good guy.

I'm friendly, smart, and NICE to them. Not because I SHOULD be, or because I "OUGHT" to be, but because that's WHO I AM.

I've NEVER said ---- "Shut up, B*tch, I'm FAMOUS."

What are MY "issues" with women? I used to have a LOT. No more. I accept women for WHO THEY ARE.... even YOU, iqqi. And I like them, and LOVE some of them, and I don't expect more than what they are willing or able to give.



Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
aliasguy said:
-I'm not "famous."
Famous was my analogy for good looking. You said you were very good looking. What, you didn't understand that part?

aliasguy said:
-I'm doing well because I've a great job, and I'm good to women, and they like me.

My "soul" is A-OK. Thanks for your concern.

People that don't know me ....... well, they don't KNOW me, but once they DO, they generally LIKE me, because I'm a good guy.

I'm friendly, smart, and NICE to them. Not because I SHOULD be, or because I "OUGHT" to be, but because that's WHO I AM.
Hey great. Sounds like you got it together. But this is a thread about LOOKS.

aliasguy said:
-I've NEVER said ---- "Shut up, B*tch, I'm FAMOUS."
I didn't say you did. Did you not understand what I wrote? I can't explain it to you if you just didn't get the analogy at all. Well, I'll try.

I said that good looking people can't talk about issues they have with being good looking, because most people who are NOT good looking will just say "shut up, you're good looking." As if they aren't qualified to have mixed feelings about it.

aliasguy said:
-What are MY "issues" with women? I used to have a LOT. No more. I accept women for WHO THEY ARE.... even YOU, iqqi. And I like them, and LOVE some of them, and I don't expect more than what they are willing or able to give.
That's great, alias guy. good for you. Kind of not getting your point here though. I didn't really ask about your issues at all. Or assume you had any.

I think that english is not your first language, and most of what I am saying is lost in translation.


Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score
iqqi said:
Famous was my analogy for good looking. You said you were very good looking. What, you didn't understand that part?

Hey great. Sounds like you got it together. But this is a thread about LOOKS.

I didn't say you did. Did you not understand what I wrote? I can't explain it to you if you just didn't get the analogy at all. Well, I'll try.

I said that good looking people can't talk about issues they have with being good looking, because most people who are NOT good looking will just say "shut up, you're good looking." As if they aren't qualified to have mixed feelings about it.

That's great, alias guy. good for you. Kind of not getting your point here though. I didn't really ask about your issues at all. Or assume you had any.

I think that english is not your first language, and most of what I am saying is lost in translation.

You seem p*ssed off, iqqi. Sorry I drew that out of you. Really.

Seems English is YOUR first language. Sorry i misunderstood.

I tried to communicate clearly and effectively. Seems I've failed.

I'll try to do better for you next time.


Wanna F*ck, baby?



Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
aliasguy said:

Wanna F*ck, baby?

You seem p!ssed off. Sorry if I made you unhappy. Really, aliasbaby, really I am.

Sorry if you thought I was angry... I just think you had trouble understanding what I said, that's all.

Sorry, I will try to make myself more understood next time, sweetie.


Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score
iqqi said:
You seem p!ssed off. Sorry if I made you unhappy. Really, aliasbaby, really I am.

Sorry if you thought I was angry... I just think you had trouble understanding what I said, that's all.

Sorry, I will try to make myself more understood next time, sweetie.


Im not pissed, I LOVE this kinda thing. Id LOVE to shake you naked.

(I heard through the grapevine that you are REALLY HOT.)

Bring it on, mama!!!!!



Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
Thats the problem with women iqqi, and partly why men are always in a lost abyss when dealing with women. Hot women want to be liked for anything EXCEPT their looks. Yet they'll obsess about their weight and their clothes and have eating disorders all to look good. Then they want men to like them for what's in their souls and we are like what the fukk??!

I personally dont really care why a chick likes me. If she likes me cause of my looks , or my money, or my style or cause I'm sweet or cool..........I could really care less. Just be fun and give me sex and dont annoy me and I'll be more than happy. Half the times I only go out with girls cause its no fun to go out to eat or to the movies by myself haha. That's cause a man in general doesn't need the emotional or financial support of a woman.........they are pretty much there for our entertainment and to raise our kids while we are out working.

But to get back on's hard for an ugly dude to comprehend how a good-looking guy can be unsuccessful with women. Well I can tell you first hand its possible. I've been told by women in my social circle that I'm the best looking guy in my group of friends. Yet most of my friends get alot more girls than me. Some of them are dead broke and still pull women like every weekend. Cause they are the life of the party..while I usually just chill in the backround. I mean I do get my share here and there but not nearly as much as my outgoing friends.

And it's not so easy to just "get game" like someone up above said. I have some social anxieties and I need some serious alcohol to be able to approach and interact with women. I mean I wouldnt trade my looks any day......I'm 6'4", 240 pounds, athletic and handsome and I could AMOG just about any male in any situation. But when it comes to sweet-talking the ladies I'm a real slouch. I guess that's why I am here on Sosuave, trying to fix a part of me that aint working...........


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
BuckwildNYC said:
And it's not so easy to just "get game"
huh? sure, it s NOT easy, you have to put in the time and the effort. But you ve been in the community for at least 2 years, right? That is MORE than enough to reach DJ level, so if you still need to get intoxicated before you can approach women you re def doing something wrong


Don Juan
Jul 20, 2007
Reaction score
for all the guys that said they're good looking, why don't they post a picture of themselve so the board members be the judge of it; a picture is worth a thousand words.


Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2007
Reaction score
MrStabAHo said:
You guys sound like good looking guys with no game or leadership skills. Because from what I see the good looking guy isn't looked down upon in the group but LOOKED UP TO.

Beta males trapped inside alpha male bodies???
What you say isn't always true. People can resent you for your looks and even try to take you down. Even being confident, we're still human. It would be nice to take a break once in a while.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
New Orleans
I find the problem with being a single guy who is more attractive than 90-95% of other guys is that most women are intimidated by you and your mere presence. Im in that same boat and have witnessed this countless times. Like when you talk to a girl thats maybe a 7 or 8 and I will talk to her just to be social(and practice) and she usually seems nervous like shes thinking "why is he talking to me?" kind of thing.

Girls have actually told me that they think im a man ***** because Im good looking, and thats the part that sucks. Alot of women beleive that good lookin guys are just trying to screw. Thats a bad rep that you have to deal with and overcome if you want to get a really awesome girl.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
Hero said:
for all the guys that said they're good looking, why don't they post a picture of themselve so the board members be the judge of it; a picture is worth a thousand words.

I have nothing to prove, and yet I have nothing to hide either so check my pic.............

O and please dont rate me cause thats gay :box: haha

Its funny going through my pics I realize how many girls I have actually banged, yet I still dont feel successful with women. It's cause I have never really picked any of them.......they all kind of picked me and I just went along with it. I won't be happy until my game is to the point that I can see a girl that I really want badly and just be able to go pick her up


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
Jumpman23 said:
Do you find it troubling when guys are girls both say you are goodlooking or handsome. i actually do not always like if people say i am good looking, they assume I have girls just lining at my doorstep and the most beautiful girls. Maybe i internalize and assume that i should be dating the most gorgeous girl out there b/c of my looks.

I had a friend who was so rich and so bored that he went to steal some stuff at a store just so he could do some community service.

He got arrested and did the community service.

Sounds like you have a similar problem.


Don Juan
Apr 3, 2007
Reaction score
"sometimes being good looking is a crutch/curse."

Man shut up, you got no game and thats why your single. There is no way in hell being good looking is a curse. Thats like me saying being healthy is a curse. I do understand though when you mention that because you feel that you are good looking you do not need to try and that hot girls will flock to you. I used to have the same problem. But then i did a little something called growing balls.


Don Juan
Apr 3, 2007
Reaction score
iqqi said:
People who are not so attractive will never get where you are coming from.

They will only think you are b!tching about something they wish they had... and the fact that you can see it is just superficial and doesn't mean sh!t is a great thing... that most people will never get.

Yeah, it sucks being "really" attractive sometimes. People just assume all kinds of things, they do it all the time on this board.

They will never comprehend that more people are afraid of rejection, then lining up to date you. Or that people think they can be rude/mean/insulting, because they assume you get compliments all the time. A lot of good looking people get written off as unintelligent and shallow.

Its hard for good looking people to meet quality people, because when you are attracting so much attention, it tends to be the wrong kind of attention, for the wrong reasons.

Bottom line. When you have the world telling you that you should be handed x,y, and z because of your looks, you can get messed up in the head. Either you believe them, and it affects your soul, or you wonder why you aren't getting the treatment they imagine you should because how would they really even know, and you get a complex.

...And the haters! That is like a fan club all in its own.

I do not necessarily agree with your statements. I do understand what you are trying to post but i feel that it is a bit delusional. I do agree thats some peoppe are just so unbelievably good looking tht it creates other drama but that is for the select few people out there. Honestly people, unless you are a solid 9 and could be on television solely based on your looks, then your definately not as good looking as you think and should not preach about how your looks are a curse and that people are mistreating you because how good looking you are. Furthuremore, girls more so then guys get treated godly because of their looks. Sure if you look like Brad Pitt you may get an enormous amount of attension but realistically the majority of people are on par when it comes to looks. And this isnt coming from some ugly short fat guy who desperately needs personality to outweigh looks when it comes to dealing with getting into females pants. Just my two cents.