Treat Everyone The Same (Initially)


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2003
Reaction score
All right guys, you want to know how to show people that you are an honest, genuine, and most importantly above all REAL person in a seemingly endless ocean of ass-kissing monkeys and brown-nosing suck ups? Well I’ll tell you, it’s very simple.

Treat everyone, and I mean EVERYONE (especially females) the same (initially).

Yep, you heard me right. I literally mean I want you to treat everyone with the same behavior you treat your best friends. Not recent acquaintances that you just met, but your real friends. The ones you’ve known for years. The ones that you have been on adventures with and the ones you have traveled hundreds, if not thousands of miles with. The ones you can live with for months at a time and not have a single confrontation.

Have you ever noticed that your friends who never are a hit with the ladies always change their behavior around women? They stop saying offensive things, they compliment (supplicate) on anything they can think of, and generally surrender their penis and testicles over in a floral décor handbag. If they suddenly started acting like this around you, I would hope you would punch them in the arm and tell them, “What the hell is wrong with you dude?” You didn’t become their friend because they complimented how nice your ass looks in those pants. You became friends because you shared interests with each other, you both had common passions that you pursued in life.

I’ll give you guys an example. One of the girls in my dorm from the 23rd floor recently discovered the greatness that is the suite I share with my roommates. Now this girl is very cute (HB 8-9 on most people’s scales), and from what I understand is cool as well. I say understand because I haven’t spent any time with her alone.

Every now and then she’ll come in and talk with us. Now my friends and I are notorious for ripping on each other in good fun. During a chat, she chimed in with a ridiculous idea about something, I don’t remember what. I looked her straight in the eye and proclaimed “What the f*** are you talking about?! That is the worst idea I’ve ever heard.” And I tell you, she looked at me and smiled. My friends laughed, as they should have. It was a horrible idea. You guys have no idea ;)

Then the other day I was dozing off in our common room on the recliner listening to the new Mars Volta CD when she comes in and is hovering over my face. My friends start to snicker and I open my eyes. I see her, and ask, “What the hell are you doing?” She laughs and messes up my hair as she walks to sit down. Please notice how she initiates the touching, which many can tell you is a good thing.

Today I was at my computer working on my English final and this same girl walks in. She pauses at my door, says “Hiiiiiii Shizam!” and winks seductively at me, just like every other time she sees me. I just raise my hand and give a quick “Hey.” Then return to my work.

Now she is leaving messages on my door’s message board and AIM saying things like “You stud, pimp, etc etc.” Not once have I run any game on her. I’m just doing my thing, being myself and she is into it. Sad to say (for her) that she isn’t my type, plus I’d rather not date within my building. It gets messy, the last thing you need is drama where you sleep.

Surprising? It shouldn’t be. Though the power of treating everyone the same can be astounding. One of the girls next door whom I treated the exact same way came into my room, asked me to give her a shoulder massage, and then asked to take it to the bedroom. Not once had I ever tried to “pick her up” at all. Now I will admit that I may be her type (she sure as hell isn’t mine, lol), but my friend runs game on her all the time and she doesn’t even give him the time of day.

So really, don’t be too concerned on how to act to get women interested in you. You’ve been doing it the whole time subconsciously. I say laugh heartily, swear, call people idiots, moron, and dumbasses as you please. If you do these things normally, they should be the most comfortable parts of your world. As long as you’re real, things tend to work out.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
United States
Shizam you're right on here. Even if not for women, it shows that you have the integrity to treat everyone the same regardless. Basically, I treat everyone nicely and am pleasant unless they betray me or something.

They they're put on the $hit list forever.

Otherwise, if everyone followed what you said and respected all others, the world would be a better place. I don't like it when people, especially your 'friends', bust on you in front of girls to look cool. Seriously, it's so degrading it's sick. But yeah, awesome post.


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2004
Reaction score
Want to understand more buddy!!

Hey buddy,
Great Post and very true,
By the way how do you treat your gals like (gold, very very especial, extraordinary or below then ordinary normal human beings?) Just make us guys more familier with your adjectives so that we can also start doing that "real" thing.
what do you do?
what do you think of them, i am curious about your success and the idea which you ignite and want to learn more and explore it for the better usage.

Thx for your guidance.


Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
No disrespect but this is a losers thinking. Im not going to treat everyone the same because I dont want the same thing from everyone. When I find a girl I want Im not going to treat her like my friends, I am going to move and do things to get this girl worshipping the ground I walk on. I dont want my friends to deal with me like this, but the women in my life yes.

Winners play to win, losers play to play!!!!


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Royal Elite
No disrespect but this is a losers thinking. Im not going to treat everyone the same because I dont want the same thing from everyone. When I find a girl I want Im not going to treat her like my friends, I am going to move and do things to get this girl worshipping the ground I walk on. I dont want my friends to deal with me like this, but the women in my life yes.

Winners play to win, losers play to play!!!!
This is how you get girls to think highly of you. To stand out and get you to treat them differently they are going to have to go above and beyond everyone else. If you start off by kissing ass then she's never going to worship the ground you walk on.

Don't find a girl you just want, find a girl that is worthy of your time and effort. You're going into it with the wrong mindset.

And of course I don't mean treat them like friends forever. I'm never going to start feeling up and then make out with my guy friends.


Don Juan
Mar 4, 2005
Reaction score
Good observation, bro. I think this can work, as long as you don't take it to far. You don't want to be a people-pleaser and a doormat.

Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by ShizamDaMan
This is how you get girls to think highly of you. To stand out and get you to treat them differently they are going to have to go above and beyond everyone else. If you start off by kissing ass then she's never going to worship the ground you walk on.

Don't find a girl you just want, find a girl that is worthy of your time and effort. You're going into it with the wrong mindset.

And of course I don't mean treat them like friends forever. I'm never going to start feeling up and then make out with my guy friends.
My taste in "everything" is exquisite so if I "want" her then she is worthy to be in my presence. I dont kiss any one ass, ever, but Im a natural so I know the things to do to have a girl begging.

The keys are all here, you guys break down a woman's weakness, but the problem is you don't exploit them. A woman needs attention, but once she wants you, she only wants your attention. A woman likes compliments, but when she wants you she want compliments from you. I instinctly know when to give them, so it's hard to explain. But when I do give them I give them Big. I never supplicate to anyone, so me giving compliments or attention is never a sign of that.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Royal Elite
My taste in "everything" is exquisite so if I "want" her then she is worthy to be in my presence. I dont kiss any one ass, ever, but Im a natural so I know the things to do to have a girl begging.

The keys are all here, you guys break down a woman's weakness, but the problem is you don't exploit them. A woman needs attention, but once she wants you, she only wants your attention. A woman likes compliments, but when she wants you she want compliments from you. I instinctly know when to give them, so it's hard to explain. But when I do give them I give them Big. I never supplicate to anyone, so me giving compliments or attention is never a sign of that.
I'm glad you have women crawling all over your jock. Oh wait... :)

We all have our own ways. I'm sharing what works for me. If I'm a loser because I have girls coming into my room and jumping into my bed, then so be it.