This sh!t is eating at me slowly


Don Juan
Jun 9, 2005
Reaction score
This is kind of long so bare with me please. I need to get this sh!t out of my system.
A couple of days ago maybe like 1.5 weeks ago I started thinking of my ex hardcore. We were together for almost 2 years couple months shy. We broke up about 5 months ago. We lived together and did that whole thing for almost a year. She was and still is in school getting her masters degree. I was working after i graduated from college when we were living together. Honestly Im not sugar coating anything here. Things were good for the most part always said we loved each other, made up after fights pretty fast etc. Then I think she must of said something to her best friend one day about me not to be that harming and her friend probably took it to a whole new level and made her swing her emotions against me. Obviously her "friend" was jeolous I dont think, I know.

Shes 25 im almost 24 something in her head was telling her that I was being immature about things which was untrue and since I had a bad attitude about my job which was so gay, I was not ambitious enough about life according to her. Im sure her friend had some input on all of this also. So one day after getting in an argument and she wouldnt even want to talk about it (sh!t was really rocky) I packed up my sh!t and moved to the city about an hour away. After that we saw each other here and there and fvcked. Then we just talked to each other once in a while like 1-2 every 2 weeks then it turned to once every 3 weeks. Most of the time after we stopped fvcking i would call her to see if she was ok once in a blue moon. Even though i did want to see her i flew under the radar and didnt let her see that.

During this time i kind of started seeing a new girl. it was funny they both had similar qualities which kind of scared me. Sh!t didnt work out with her cause she was playing too many games and had low self esteem.

So now here I am thinking about her. I wrote her an email about 3 days ago out of the blue. just saying stuff along the lines of are you ok etc. I made no time bridge to see her i didnt even say write me back and let me know, i wanted to just show her that i was kind of thinking about her. I did not implement anything about seeing each other or working things out whatsoever. She wrote back the very next morning it was obvious that she said a lot of things that were on her chest abou ther life. She then went on to say I have your things still and im setting them aside and do you need money to help spade the dog? (we had a dog). she asked how my life was. in the email back to her i talked about her first saying thats good etc. then i told her im starting a new job, and applying to get my masters degree. which i really am.

The thing is i dont want a different girl, ive had other gfs but she was my most serious and same with her, i was her most serious. My options are to meet a girl in a bar, i dont want that bs. I could take some bar slvt home and fvck her but no way.

55% of me is telling me to try to work it out with her cause shes moving down here in 2 months and the other 45% is saying dont do it. I dont know i might just get her to drop off my stuff she still has, give me money to help get the dog spade and see how i feel. I was under the radar in the emails to her. nothing about seeing her or anything like that. but next time i talk to her i might just say we should try to work things out probalby a little less straightfoward. I know a lot of you are going to say move on but im giving this sh!t a shot cause i just want too.

Thanks for reading this long a$$ story.


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2004
Reaction score
Down South. Between the Y junction.
55% of me is telling me to try to work it out with her cause shes moving down here in 2 months and the other 45% is saying dont do it.
100% of me is telling you to drop dead weight... You had a try before you buy session that lasted roughly a year and you still want a shoddy product. Working things out is more work that you don't need.. Just accept that the present is going to be tough and lonely and find a new chick.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
For some reason you are currently craving some emotional support and your body is telling you your old fix is a source. Ignore it, it doesn't realise it ended for a reason and there are much better suppliers out there.

She dumped you because she thought she could do better. Maybe you can prove you have changed but it will be an uphill battle with her holding the power (unless maybe you introduce some jealousy by having other options).

It would be much easier to start fresh with someone new, but that is advice that your emotions might not let your mind heed.