There is nothing DJ about the DJ forum anymore


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
I came here in 2002, heart broken, in "love", and had the worst case of oneitis anyone here has ever seen. I came here and shut up, listened to some people and then started to be able to put it all together.

I have a pretty busy life now and I don't have time to sit here all day, if ever, but when I come back, this forum has gone from guys being hurt and wanting to make a change in their life in the women aspect of their life to a seemingly a bunch of guys who are just so hurt by women, they want to fvck as many women as possible, they dont' trust women, dont' try to understand them.

I can tell most of the posters here have not read the DJ bible. when you have a forum of old timers that have not read the DJ bible, you get old timers using their superiority to spread conflicting advice. There are alot of scorn men here who just plump don't like women. I mean like as in want to fvck tghem, but they do not LIKE the opposite sex.

I came into manhood on this forum. I went from a scared ****less teenager to a responsible young man who isn't afraid of women here. I learned to like women and love myself here. Never put a woman before myself. Treat yourself like a king. Be a price as pook would say.

I never really had any enimes here, there were some times when people would say things I didn't particually like, but hey that's like any family. We all mean well.

I just don't see a lot of progressing anymore. Like Star8up, I remember when he first got here. hell I had just got here. the man has come a L-O-N-G way from when he got here, and if Star8up tells you something now, he's usually spot on.

I don't come here anymore really becuase well.. I have **** to do and also becase I find myself reading more books, not just pickup books, real books, trying to better myself in all different types of ways. I think if I stayed around here too long it would hender my growth as a person, which is sad.

I'm just venting. this place used to be a hell of alot better place.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
^^ I think this is representative of the direction our culture has taken as a whole lately.

I'm only coming here every once in awhile now, because it's just not good for your mental health to be surrounded by so much hate and negativity towards other people.

You read "All women are slvts" enough times, and you almost start to believe it, and become more and more cynical as time goes by....

Hopefully it'll get better soon. In the meantime, I've gotten the info I needed here, and now I'd rather spend time with good-hearted people that may or may not be good with women. What's important to me is what kind of person you are. That's what matters.

The people on Sosuave are generally a bad moral compass.


backbreaker said:
I have a pretty busy life now and I don't have time to sit here all day, if ever, but when I come back, this forum has gone from guys being hurt and wanting to make a change in their life in the women aspect of their life to a seemingly a bunch of guys who are just so hurt by women, they want to fvck as many women as possible, they dont' trust women, dont' try to understand them.

I fail to see what the problem is.


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2005
Reaction score
this here place just aint how it use ta be, them young rascals taken o'er the place and there aint no good to be had in it, an' they ign'rant of the lord's book


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
I think the PUA thing has just gotten too trendy BB. I remember when I first came her for self help and I'd be lying if I didn't say that in the golden age of this site, before all the commercialization, when you could get legit anwsers that inspired and drove you towards your goal.

Conversely, I'd say alot of the people here from that age who still drop by and haven't graduated to teacher status, are kind of removed from people who are just starting out. I can't even remember what It was like to be afraid of girls or not understand when I should and should not be listening when they're speaking. After you've drilled yourself for so long, and it's no longer a practice but a way of life, it seems hard to talk or listen to someone who isn't anywhere near that train of thought.

Maybe SS should have staff memebers in addition to moderators. If more and more unmotivated people find this site hoping for an overnight cure, it's just gonna keep going down the toilet in that regards....Fortunately the AE section is like a magazine of hilarity! I love the AE section, it's priceless humor for free!!!


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
backbreaker said:
There are alot of scorn men here who just plump don't like women. I mean like as in want to fvck tghem, but they do not LIKE the opposite sex.

I agree. I said the same thing in another thread. Guys with anger issues at women giving bad advice. A girl is a slvt if she puts out and a b!tch if she doesn't. They all have STDs, too. Women are evil and there's no point in trying. It would be different if I lived in another country, was taller, or had more money. Until then...let's just b!tch on and on in a bitter and jaded way...

Ironically, don juan was a lover of women. That's what it is supposed to mean.


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
Reaction score
I just hang out mostly in the "anything else" and health forums. I rarely go into the other rooms. I just like the anything else room because people talk about a lot of interesting random sh*t. I go to the health and fitness forum for advice on working out. That's pretty much it too me.


piranha45 said:
this here place just aint how it use ta be, them young rascals taken o'er the place and there aint no good to be had in it, an' they ign'rant of the lord's book

Exactly. I remember reading posts like this years ago.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
Ironically, don juan was a lover of women. That's what it is supposed to mean.
I read a book about Don Juan recently and in that one he's a lover of widows coz they were easy and knew how to keep their mouths shut so he wouldn't get his head chopped off by the moral police (Spanish Inquisitors) of the day.

backbreaker, is this thread caused by your latest one where people give you advices you don't want to hear? How's that different to the past?


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
Reaction score

It also doesn't help, when legitimate members get banned because the moderators disagree.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
this forum has been **** for years now. If you think I frankly give a damn what some PC Pimp behind a screen has to say to me, you don't know me.

I posted to get advice from specefic people that I know who still visit here. not the calvery that insued who wouldnt' be able to to look my GF in the face if she were sitting by herself somewhere.

I'm at a point where I do like My GF, but I have absolutly no problem being single. I would have no problem getting a date, if I even wanted to date. if we do break up I might take a year off from women and just do random ****.

i started this post out of pure love for this forum. I owe alot to this place. I would not be where I am today without it, no doubt about it. This site gave me the will to not just get laid, but to literarly change my freaking life. now it's a women suck rant forum.

I know what this forum can be and it's somewhat sad to come back here and see it like it is now. I know what it has done for me, and because it has went collectivly downhill, you guys really don't know what you are missing.


Senior Don Juan
May 10, 2007
Reaction score
I'm just a bit bitter still.... I think it might be PTSD.

I do think that you should enjoy life, make the most of yourself, and enjoy the company of women. I also think that you should protect your heart- it means nothing to so many women out there.

As for the topic- I think the forum has some duds and it has some jems. Different people have different probelms and are in different stages of development. You're at a higher stage so there are far fewer topics that are benefical to you or even seem useful to you.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2006
Reaction score
South Carolina, USA
I also think that you should protect your heart- it means nothing to so many women out there.
Yeah of course, but you have to be strong enough to not rise and fall with the bi-polar emotions of most women. American women, in particular, are generally very spoiled and ethically weak people, so they often react in very immature and extreme ways. You have to be man enough to push
past the barries and get what you want, whether you want to be the DJ rouge and sex her short term and move on or you are ready to find that rare woman who is in it for the long term.

The oneitus thing is common, but that is really changing in America, thanks to the underground community such as this site. It has stirred up a new and yes angry reaction against feminism in America and world-wide. That was going to happen eventually no matter what, because for every action (feminism) is a reaction (MGTOW). Remember also that feminism started out great in the 60's and the sexual revolt against bible-thumping fascism.

A lot of this energy is misdirected, so now we have a different problem, but the same solution: A secure, mature, strong, realistic man who will rise despite the confusion of the status quo. That is never going to change. So now you are seeing things from the top down and see how frustrating it is to be elite and frustrating it is to be hated by jealous clueless people. How do you think some women think about all these angry males attacking them for being stable sexy women who will not accept their shaky wussbag nature? And how do you think these sexy women feel about being marginalized by all types of idiotic women from feminists down to gold diggers? It's just like that, the elite are rare for a reason. DJing in it's true form will never be mainstream, but it has and will continue to change the shape of society for better.

As for the topic- I think the forum has some duds and it has some jems. Different people have different probelms and are in different stages of development. You're at a higher stage so there are far fewer topics that are benefical to you or even seem useful to you.
I dunno, Maybe some DJs get so comfortable with their power over women, they never take things to the next level, such as trying to date a famous actress or whatever that will keep that need to grow heathly?

It's funny, because most true DJ's I probably would not have anything to do with in real life, though I'm not jealous of them, I just don't live a high octane party lifestyle. I like things low-key and will step it up when I have to, but I can't see myself constanly taking a day out of my week just to try and seduce women. I will do this maybe 1-2 a month, but it's not something that is too important to me. I don't really care how much power I can have over women, because I think most personalities man or woman don't jive with me and I really only have a few relationships in a year that last more than a month or so. I have a few encounters with women that meet my standards of looks and mental stability and style and that's it.

I have a lot of other things I need to improve in the self department first before I'm going back to the way I went after women in my early 20's. And I think that some of the men who come here just need to take their lives back and be responsible and experience some success in their life and they will be able to have more social interactions and quality dates and relationships. I think a lot of us come from the party lifestyle mindset that we have to be the coolest or the most alpha guy of every group in order to be satisfied with our love lives. It's just not so. And a lot of us think we always have to have a women in our bed or in our head in order to be complete.

Again, not so. The satisifactions in our life have to be balanced with who we are and what we are doing right in this world. You can't and shouldn't always have to be sleeping with tons or any woman for that matter in order to have an important standing in life.


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2005
Reaction score
This is the worstest forum in the entire world, i cant believe anyone goes to it.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Aenigma said:
protect your heart- it means nothing to so many women out there
I agree with protect your heart, but I really think the best approach to getting the most out of life is to face life openly. this forum is all about protect your heart. protect your heart on this forum takes precedence to becoming a better person, experiencing life, and getting good with women. it's like, well I don't know if I coulda had her but she's probably a slvt like all women because she has a male friend and she didn't return my call within the hour so I nexted her. AKA I still didn't get no pvssy and I'm still socially retarded as I was yesterday but at least I fooled myself into thinking I'm the man

all the hardcore nexting and frame control advice and stupid generalizations about women I read on this board are not only impractical, they're also reactive as hell - guys thinking 10 steps into the future and avoiding the depth in people so they can maintain a feeling of control and avoid that pain they felt when they got burnt by some girl back in junior high
Mar 12, 2009
Reaction score
i found out about this site in 2003..barely posted just lurked for a few months it seemed like a more constructive place back then. maybe it was cause i was 19 or just new to the whole thing. i dont think there is the same quality in threads and posting


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
i grew up on this site.
i was able to get to know myself, build a foundation for myself here.
the site has evolved into a much different site.
i hear what you are saying, and yet i stay because i will forever be loyal.