The Life of a True Don Juan


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2007
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We spend so much time studying this site and others trying to figure out what the perfect technique is for dealing with women. We don different personas and try different games to woo the hearts of all the ladies. We put together opening sequences and string them together with other hard and fast techniques for creating a response and getting a reaction within her.

But where does all that get us? Is donning the age old cloak get us to where we want to be?

For those of you familiar with famous "biblical" stories, I present to you the story of David and Goliath. Most of us know it. We had it beat mercilessly into our heads as children with visual aids and lesson plans from our great Sunday School teachers. At least those of us who were made to go to church when we were little.

Even if you didn't, you've probably heard about it at least. It's the most classic story of the underdog we know. How a little runt of a boy took on the strongest and most powerful of the Phillistines (ancient people) and won!

The part that I want to focus on (and the reason why I bring that up) is this:

Before David went out to meet Goliath, the King of Israel donned him in him very own armour and give him a sword. Now, I don't know if any of you know anything about armor, but it's not light. It's not light at all. And a boy of David's size was in no physical shape to don that armor. So as he tried it on, it felt bulky, heavy, and weighed him down so much so that in the end he CAST IT OFF! He said that he couldn't face Goliath with something so burdensome and hailed for the people of his day to bring him his slingshot.

So, here was this little boy going out to meet this great warrior with nothing but shepherds clothes and a sling shot. Goliath laughed at him as he came out, but pretty soon he wasn't laughing at all. He had a rock buried in his skull and his head cut off WITH HIS OWN SWORD!


Why do I bring up that story? Because we are all David's here. You came to this place looking for an answer to your problems with women because, let's face it, you're a scraggly little man who is CLUELESS with women! It's ok to admit that, because we've all been there.

So we come here, and what do we try to do?

We try to don the armor of the great Don Juans. We try to take up the sword of the great warrior and we go out with our lunky equipment and we get our asses handed to us!


This Don Juan crap doesn't work! Because of this forum, I screwed everything up! I play games and it doesn't work! You don't know what you are talking about!

And in frustration, we give up...dead on our feet.

You need to shed off that armor and go out with your slingshot!

You don't need to bulk up and build muscle look fine! You could stand to lose a few pounds, so DO IT! Live healthy, eat healthy, and BE healthy! But don't expect to win with the ladies by beefing up.

You don't need to take on the "****y and funny" act fine! You could stand to loosen up, and be a bit more lighthearted, but don't expect to take ****y, funny material from a website and woo the women!

When are you going to wake up, and realize that the true Don Juans build their lives from the INSIDE, out?

When are you going to forget about all the ******d nonsense and focus your vision to the inside! That's what counts! That's what matters! If you don't have it on the inside, what makes you think you can just go into the ring and dance?

It's time for you to take what you've been given and USE IT TO WIN!

But, Vypros, I want a solution NOW.

Fine, don your armor and go out there and fall on your face. At least you have the spine to approach, I'll give you that. That puts you a cut above the rest right there. At least you are doing SOMETHING. That's respectful and you'll meet with results. But will it last?

Because if you don't fix the inside, what do you really have left when you lay your head on your pillow at night?


So, I call for you today to drive your focus inward. Women don't need to be your life! Women are a byproduct, a result of your acheivements. They should NOT be your focus. You should NEVER go out with the mindset "I'm going to pick up a girl tonight."

No, the mindset you need to have is this:

"I'm going out and having fun. I'm going to live my life and the people who choose to join me are more than welcome if they can keep up with me!"

And then do it! Go out, get active, a go for it!

Is your career in the dumps? FIX THAT FIRST.

Is your finances out of control? FIX THAT FIRST.

Is your relationship with your family lacking? FIX THAT FIRST.

You don't have any friends? FIX THAT FIRST.

You don't have things going on? FIX THAT FIRST.

Build your life from the inside out. Find peace within yourself. Cast of your shame and fear. Get inside and face the things you are afraid to face, fix the things that need fixing, and go live! For the love of God, go live!

You want to learn how to talk to women? TALK TO EVERYONE. APPROACH EVERYONE. You're in the store, and you see a girl (or a guy), say something to them!

Become NATURALLY social, and you'll find that approaching girls is just a byproduct. You'll do it naturally, and in the process you'll meet a lot of new and interesting people.

Lighten up and have some fun. Forget the games, and fix your life!


Nov 2, 2006
Reaction score
Stop posting stupid sh*t you weird mook.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 9, 2005
Reaction score
Great post!

I couldn't agree more, and to be more specific... i found everything you are saying out the hard way (ie been there, done that).

I was frustrated, for a very long time, had little or no self esteem and had a poor relationship with my family because of it (if you never express yourself, people don't get to know what a fun person you really are!). It took me a long time to admit all this... i saw it, i just couldn't face it.

So i looked for quick fixes... seduction material. Why? Because women was one of those problems in my life. I've never done exceptionally 'bad' with women, but let's just say i never got the ones i REALLY wanted, and put way to much effort in keeping the ones i didn't really want.

I read books, and more books... And then i tried the stuff in those books, and aside from screwing up a lot, it also made me feel like a complete phony and nothing like myself at all. I tried to 'push' myself to get out there as much as possible and just sarge all night long thinking it would get easier with time and i'd get better at it.

And in a way i did, i had some succes here and there, my sexlife definitely improved... But the problem was... everything else in my life was still broken, and i wasn't happy with the way things were in general. I was me most of the time (a bad version) and then i'd go out and flip on the DJ... which was totally phony.

So one day i just got sick of it... i stopped going out to sarge, focused on my life and myself and found a lot of things i could improve on. I made a lot of changes, and as i went along i found out more and more who i really am... and how talented i really am.... which was refreshing and inspiring!

I started eating more healthy, getting more exercise, and most importantly i finally started making some moves towards getting my financial status to the point i wanted it to be. I did all these things, i didn't do them to get better with women, i just did them because that's what i wanted...

And the women well... they just came along at some point, but to be perfectly frank... i don't really care howmany chicks i date or bang right now because i don't feel any better or worse because of it. I know who i am now, and i know what i'm worth...

Which is, without trying to blown my own trumpet... a lot. I am the prize, i am the catch... i don't say that cause it's the mentality i need to score with chicks... i say that because it's just the way it is.

And yeah, there are guys who are better looking, way better at that. There are guys who are buffer, there are guys who are richer, there are guys who are smoother. This is all true... but that says absolutely nothing about who i am.

Sometimes, i find myself looking back at where i was... and compare it to where i am, and it feels great. If ever i feel like i can't handle something, all i have to do is look back at where i've been, and where i am, and i have no more doubts i'll be able to handle just about anything.

And what's that? It's confidence... not cause i laid X amount of women, not cause of howmany digits my bank account has, not because of the label on my underwear, not because of howmany people i know and who they are, but because i came from nothing, and everything that has happened, i've made happen with my brain and my two hands and i can do it all again... 10 times over.

Confidence is the power to do what you want, the power to use your talents and the power to be independant of situations. House burning down around you? No problem, you know you'll find a way out, just got to find it...


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2007
Reaction score
Socialreject said:
Great post!

I couldn't agree more, and to be more specific... i found everything you are saying out the hard way (ie been there, done that).

I was frustrated, for a very long time, had little or no self esteem and had a poor relationship with my family because of it (if you never express yourself, people don't get to know what a fun person you really are!). It took me a long time to admit all this... i saw it, i just couldn't face it.

So i looked for quick fixes... seduction material. Why? Because women was one of those problems in my life. I've never done exceptionally 'bad' with women, but let's just say i never got the ones i REALLY wanted, and put way to much effort in keeping the ones i didn't really want.

I read books, and more books... And then i tried the stuff in those books, and aside from screwing up a lot, it also made me feel like a complete phony and nothing like myself at all. I tried to 'push' myself to get out there as much as possible and just sarge all night long thinking it would get easier with time and i'd get better at it.

And in a way i did, i had some succes here and there, my sexlife definitely improved... But the problem was... everything else in my life was still broken, and i wasn't happy with the way things were in general. I was me most of the time (a bad version) and then i'd go out and flip on the DJ... which was totally phony.

So one day i just got sick of it... i stopped going out to sarge, focused on my life and myself and found a lot of things i could improve on. I made a lot of changes, and as i went along i found out more and more who i really am... and how talented i really am.... which was refreshing and inspiring!

I started eating more healthy, getting more exercise, and most importantly i finally started making some moves towards getting my financial status to the point i wanted it to be. I did all these things, i didn't do them to get better with women, i just did them because that's what i wanted...

And the women well... they just came along at some point, but to be perfectly frank... i don't really care howmany chicks i date or bang right now because i don't feel any better or worse because of it. I know who i am now, and i know what i'm worth...

Which is, without trying to blown my own trumpet... a lot. I am the prize, i am the catch... i don't say that cause it's the mentality i need to score with chicks... i say that because it's just the way it is.

And yeah, there are guys who are better looking, way better at that. There are guys who are buffer, there are guys who are richer, there are guys who are smoother. This is all true... but that says absolutely nothing about who i am.

Sometimes, i find myself looking back at where i was... and compare it to where i am, and it feels great. If ever i feel like i can't handle something, all i have to do is look back at where i've been, and where i am, and i have no more doubts i'll be able to handle just about anything.

And what's that? It's confidence... not cause i laid X amount of women, not cause of howmany digits my bank account has, not because of the label on my underwear, not because of howmany people i know and who they are, but because i came from nothing, and everything that has happened, i've made happen with my brain and my two hands and i can do it all again... 10 times over.

Confidence is the power to do what you want, the power to use your talents and the power to be independant of situations. House burning down around you? No problem, you know you'll find a way out, just got to find it...
Excellent post. Kudos.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
This is what i am currently doing, improving myself. If you read my quest its not focused on women, or sarging but improving conversations, gaining friends going out having fun, improving my body for sports, looks, and health and i am slowly building myself up

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Getting dates,numbers ,sex and girlfreinds is easy.

It's managing multiple females at once the dillema while not forgetting about freinds,family,work and or school.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2007
Reaction score
Tha Realnezz said:
Getting dates,numbers ,sex and girlfreinds is easy.

It's managing multiple females at once the dillema while not forgetting about freinds,family,work and or school.
What's so tough about managing multiple females at once, unless you are hiding them all from each other?