The inverse relationship between looks and character


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Gold Coast. Aust.
Rollo Tomassi said:
The behaviorist is going ask "is this girl really a b!tch, or using this shield to ward off insecure guys she'd rather not feel a need to entertain?"
A really smart guy would just move on and not waste his valuable time and effort on that line of investigation .

I can recall two women in my recent dating history who presented that hard "crust". I worked with one and I danced with the other casually in a dance studio.
With a lot of hard work, persistence and tippy toe behavior on my part I broke though that crust and formed a somewhat superficial relationship with both.
However BOTH women resorted to erecting their "bi!tch sheild" when difficulties arose between us.. Nothing good came from either of these women behaving this way. Nothing got in and nothing came out.

AS far as I know, they are still carrying around their "B!tch Shield " ,and both are still alone.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
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That was a good post Rollo.

If there are social contrivances women use, then they are just tools. I will say I am at the point where I am tempted to just to walk at the first sign of a test, but at the same time, learning to not take those tests personally. These seem to cancel each other out somehow.

I think you see character over time. Maybe some guys eject too soon, and others don't eject fast enough.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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jophil28 said:
A really smart guy would just move on and not waste his valuable time and effort on that line of investigation .
How does a smart guy get smart JOPHIL?


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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guru1000 said:
In my lifetime, it would be safe to say I have dated less than 10 women that I would label as quality. Statistically, that would be a single digit percentage of the total.
From what I gather, you pride yourself in being able to spot "quality". Couple of questions.

1) Why did you date 100 "low quality" women? I suppose that's part of the qualification process, but still....

2) You are essentially stating that less than 10% of women could be considered "quality", and this would hold true if you were "average" at picking them. If you are above average at being able to weed them out in the beginning, the percentage of "quality" women out there would be much lower.

Wouldn't that help to cement my stance that the term "quality" (as it is thrown around here) is indeed more of a "myth" than you would like to admit? Wouldn't it support my theory of a sliding scale?

In my opinion we would need to be getting closer to the 50% mark to start calling the glass half full, but if that's how you see it.....


Senior Don Juan
Feb 4, 2007
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There does seem to be a bit of confusion, at the very least with myself.

We do need to keep a seperation between a man call a woman a b!tch because she is one vs just calling her a b!tch to rationalize rejection away.

However, both exist. A man many times does just goes "wtvr, she a b!tch" after getting rejected. We need to keep in mind to not judge others so quickly and also remind ourselves if she really is one or we are just trying to soften the ego blow.

On the other hand, as exemplified in reports of many women, b!tches does exist. Using the line "myth of the quality women" risks a confusion that there is no difference between one women to another (and at the core too I believe). It almost as if to say there's no b!tches and no civil women, just how was the frame set up.


In terms of viewing the b!tch shield and just looking at the face of performing the act. It is understandable that why after seeing politeness just doesn't work. However, having a b!tch shield to keep away annoyance is one thing, but does belittling or laughing with all the girlfriend if a man approach needed? Moderation is still, if she is going to the extreme, it is usually a bad sign, perhaps not enough to make a judgement, but enough to say that wasn't necessarily.

Though I would appreciate an expansion on why we don't want to live in a more civil world if you could. I don't exactly see why if a woman doesn't act civil it is a good thing? Are you arguing that a high quality woman should act as such because lower quality don't deserve respect? Or are you arguing the Aristolian "high-mindedness" concept where a person of high-quality shouldn't been to put so much energy being more polite than needed, though I question the most extreme is necessary. Or something else?
(complete outside this thread, but rollo's point remind me of this)

Roll's point does remind me of that example of the bookstore girl who made an engaging conversation and the Cancun girl party girl are one and the same. If the point was that no one fit into one neat box and saying that the party girl can make a great conversation in a bookstore and the bookworm could love to drink and get wasted. However, I been leaning to disagreement if the point to say all the negative stereotypical quality of the party girl loving drama, immaturity, vapidness, and etc. is exist in both/all women just the how you met them sets the frame to show only a certain side of them.


In light of also the evolution of a personality, it does means they can be the same person. "Different phases of life" per say, but in the here and now, we look at the current level of "quality."

It also brings up a thought about personality. Our personality is very malleable and we are always in a state of flux especially the younger the age is. A person can become far more kinder or colder based on the circumstances and experiences that shape us all. However, in active personality change, where is the line of becoming a better person "being the best self" versus running away from who they are?

To better illustrate. One speaker I heard from was a game designer. Through his childhood, he noticed he was always a little "different," more mathematical, more interested in nerdier subjects. Of course, through his childhood, he felt shame in his interests and many ridiculed his interest. He spent a good part trying to change himself and step away from school and his hobbies. He was very much trying to change himself, was it correct to do so?


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2008
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I don't think this thread can go anywhere further without some hard, verifiable evidence that can be easily benchmarked. While I was out last weekend, I came upon a female that many healthy males would call attractive. (I say many because there are probably some weird freaks who don't like her somewhere in the world) Anyways, I actually was thinking about this thread while I was both watching her interaction with others and finally, when I just went up and talked to her. I had my camera, so you could say I was cheating, but still, I did go talk to her and actually find out if she was a b1tch or not.

What I would like to know is, at first glance, how many people think she is a b1tch or of poor character based on her looks:

please be honest. I want to know your first impressions.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
Duffdog said:
please be honest. I want to know your first impressions.
Nice looking, but looks like she's had a kid or something. No big deal still hot.

Jules Verne

Don Juan
Jun 24, 2008
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I do not think she is a *****. In fact, I think she is a nice person. She was probably kind to the guy who took the picture.

However, I will say that she is not too intelligent.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2008
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Duffdog's pic: Nice, but looks like she might be a taco short of a combination plate. She could be my kid, I'm an old man.

It begs the question: 156 posts and no mention of the effect of plastic surgery on a woman's character? I've had a couple of g/f's that have gone under the knife, for varying reasons. I would say you have to factor that in to the "looks" equation.

This discussion is case by case. Every woman's different, every situation is different. As a DJ, it doesn't mean you stop hitting it, and trying, and learning as your go.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2008
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Andy_Dufresne said:
Duffdog's pic: Nice, but looks like she might be a taco short of a combination plate. She could be my kid, I'm an old man.

It begs the question: 156 posts and no mention of the effect of plastic surgery on a woman's character? I've had a couple of g/f's that have gone under the knife, for varying reasons. I would say you have to factor that in to the "looks" equation.

This discussion is case by case. Every woman's different, every situation is different. As a DJ, it doesn't mean you stop hitting it, and trying, and learning as your go.

Yeah, that was kind of my fault. I am a lot taller than her and I was using a wide angle lens, so she had to bend her torso backward away from me to pose. I can see what you are talking about in the picture with the rolls on the side (those aren't there when she stands normally, she has a very nice waist.) And, she has wierd teeth-- but I wanted to know what you thought of her character via her 'looks'.


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
Duffdog said:
but I wanted to know what you thought of her character via her 'looks'.
Well it's more about how's she dressed than her physical looks. Based on her outfit my first impression is she's somewhat of an AW.

It's really hard to tell much from a picture. But that doesn't mean you can't tell anything about a girl from looking at her and observing how she appears in real life. However, I don't judge a woman's character from her looks. As I said before don't think there's a strong correlation between looks and character. There's a strong correlation between a woman's interest in you and "character" though. But that's not really character, and it's sort of how I view hot girls who obstensibly are lacking "character"-it's really lacking interest.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Duffdog said:
What I would like to know is, at first glance, how many people think she is a b1tch or of poor character based on her looks:

please be honest. I want to know your first impressions.
I have a one question and one observation.

Where was this photo taken ? In my part of the world she would be "over the top "at a pool party. Great figure though. Nice smile too.

I am sure that all her b00bs are courtesy of Dow Corning or Du Pont,They have the giveaway wide groove in between.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2008
Reaction score
Photo was taken in Northern California. I just thought that her body and costume looked nice, so I took a picture of her. But she was far from the most daringly dressed at that show. Many girls were just wearing a short skirt and paint for their upper half.

I think her tits are fake too, they were overly firm.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
I have some thoughts on the b&%ch shield debate.

I'm of the opinion that when a woman is very rude/cold to a guy who approaches she is:

a) Not interested;
b) Too arrogant to use common courtesy; (She should be courteous first, and if the guy STILL doesn't get it, then by all means be firm.)
c) Is a b*&ch

Others believe that it is act she HAS to put on, though I strongly disagree.

But, at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter WHY women do it. It is more a question of, do you WANT to deal with it?

If a girl is cold/rude to me, I move on, or better yet avoid approaching her altogether if I sense it ahead of time. (As I've said before, use your intuition to choose targets rather than approach women randomly.)

At the end of the day, I don't really care what the explanation/justification is for her behavior. I don't have the time or interest in dealing with it. The club or bar is only open for a few hours per night. (Where I live, the places get busy by 11pm and close at 1:45 am. It's a short night.) I'm not going to invest a lot of time trying to "penetrate" a b&%ch shield and try to magically turn Miss Cold into a nice girl. I'd rather deal with women who are actually cool and want to meet and talk to me.

Some guys, especially PUAs, enjoy the challenge of this "penetrate" the b&%#h shield game. To each their own.
