the incessant girl


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2013
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So just suppose there is a girl who keeps talking too much out of a form of panic or unrest.

Suppose the girl is pressing you for answers to questions you don't want to answer because they come too soon or they are irrelevant or whatever.

And you want to deflect those questions, but your mind races for an answer. You can either shut up and just not respond, which is often the best I think, or you can try to give a non-answer the way you would if you were totally relaxed.

Because her question sparks your mind but if you are tensed up you may think you need to provide her with an answer to the direct question, which is not good(?).

She is whoring herself because she offers too much. You try to reign her in.

What do you do? Do you give in and answer some of those questions you don't want to answer? Do you shut up and anger her from time to time? Do you just tell her I want you to be quiet? <-- strong.

Answering her questions doesn't help her to shut up. It doesn't soothe her mind. She wants to know all these things and she doesn't need to know them. Can you just tell her that? How do you proceed?

At first, the girl may be a girl you want to have. Then, it may become a girl you do have, or have had. But it is still the same: when you don't respond to her questions, she might walk away and go talk to other men. Not always good. You lack the tools in your own mind and the mood perhaps to answer in full to her incessant asking. You want to provide answers that make her happy without giving in. You want to sparkle her mind with stuff she wants to know, but can't ask you for it. You want her to become dead afraid of the water, but not afraid to jump in. You want her to be dragged along into something more fascinating. Something that puts her mind to rest. Something that makes her happy in the sense that she is at ease now and her worrisome questions seem irrelevant because you've shown that there's more to them.

One example is, or was: "Where are you from" and you say "I don't think it matters where we're from, it matters more where we're going, don't you think?"

But sometimes you lack the acuity to get those answers out. You are grumpy. You are getting chagrined. You are not yet willing to show your full self to her. Let her know what you think of her completely. What to do then? The question answers itself, but still you are wondering how to proceed.

Do you shut up more, or shut up less?

When do you eat the cake? I guess the question is, when do you eat the cake?

When are you satisfied with the nature of the relationship you are getting with the girl. You can have sex, but it is after a bit of self-humiliation because you are getting into a kind of annoyance that requires you to accept a lot from her. I think rejecting her is better than trying to get her asap. She becomes more interesting to you and more horny when you put her off and make sure the relationship is up to par with what you want from life.

And the question translates into those questions. You can "have" her by answering those questions and she will appear to be interested but it is a lie, we know that. She doesn't know her own mind well enough to realize that having those questions answered won't make you attractive to her.

All worrisome thoughts perhaps. How do you soothe a man? How do you soothe a guy? No: how does a guy soothe? How does a woman soothe? You're a guy, so you can soothe yourself.

The thought remains: what to do when you feel you are being pressed for answers?


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2015
Reaction score
Well I fail to see whats wrong here.

If she asks questions, answer them. Straightforward.

But ask questions yourself. If you see shes not answering yours while you answer hers stop answering and call her on her BS.

If you dont feel comfortable asking and replying to her questions, what bussiness do you have being in a relationship with her?

+ why is "Where are you from" something you dont feel comfortable answering to?

Im not sure I get you. She is not sure she gets you the same way. Try to open up to people and see how that works out. In the beggining, you will feel vaulnrable couse opening up is exposing yourself for attacks,

but once you stop worrying about the attacks you will become 10x stronger. Because these attacks will be always based on some fake drama, and dont affect you for real, they can only affect you if you let them, I mean you are not a criminal and pay your taxes probably, so dont hide.


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2013
Reaction score
Just clearing this in case I am a bit stupid.

Using words I don't agree with is not always the best?

I think you for your message. I am just stupid this way. I cannot speak normally ;-).
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Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2015
Reaction score
I should really study psychology or become a cop, shouldnt I.

Anyway, seek professional help, I cant say anything, this is not the place and Im not qualified. Im not impressed in the slightest by your story, but most people will be, so... "When you lose control, you reap the harvest you have sawn" (Pink Floyd)

I myself cant relate, I like women who are an year or two older than me best.

Fact is, Im not impressed. And I cant do ****.


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2013
Reaction score
Everyone can do something. The fact that you responded means that you did something (for me). That is worth more than all the professional help you could give. Just a little response means the whole world to someone. You can trust on that, that it is true. You don't know how much you can mean to someone with just a little word. How much you can mean to someone with that. Don't underestimate that. To a person who is completely secluded and completely isolated and surrounded by enemies on all sides, a little support can mean the world. I write 'enemies' in quotes now because they all seem to want to help you but in the end they are your death. That's just how I see it. The people who put you in jail, or who could put you in jail, or who could convict you, they all want to shake your hand and look you in the eye and get your respect. So they can walk home with a good feeling about themselves when they have caused someone's end. They just serve to ruin people. Anyway.

Police even tells you they are not there to solve problems. They are just there to "catch crooks". Anyway.

It is worrisome to see that thet world has not evolved beyond "kill or be killed".
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