telling girls that they're hot


Senior Don Juan
Oct 9, 2007
Reaction score
Orange County
Okay I just thought of something that might be of value. Whenever a girl tells me that I'm hot or cute, I don't take it very seriously, and I'm even turned off a little bit because it's a bit too forward and it kills seductive moods. The women usually come off as losers too.

So I think the same thing works for women. Do not objectify them in that sense. You gotta show them that they're looks are nothing important (even when they very well may be). If you're gonna compliment, complement on their smile or eyes. I think telling them they're hot only works when you've known a woman for a while or something and she needs some direct reinforcement that she's still attractive.


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2006
Reaction score
In the club/bars
SickAgain said:
Okay I just thought of something that might be of value. Whenever a girl tells me that I'm hot or cute, I don't take it very seriously, and I'm even turned off a little bit because it's a bit too forward and it kills seductive moods. The women usually come off as losers too.

So I think the same thing works for women. Do not objectify them in that sense. You gotta show them that they're looks are nothing important (even when they very well may be). If you're gonna compliment, complement on their smile or eyes. I think telling them they're hot only works when you've known a woman for a while or something and she needs some direct reinforcement that she's still attractive.
Yes thats actually true... It can make the interaction go stale.

but like I was saying earlier about sort of indirectly expressing MAJOR INTENT.

Could you imagine if a girl you were talking with suddenly kind of just stood back a second and checked you out, then seductively licked her lips and moaned a little, then she blushes and is like "sorry, and you were saying?", you would be like ***FVCK YEAH!! Its on like Donkey Kong***, you would feel so good that you are turning her, she can hardly contain herself.

Its the same way with girls. Like I said earlier, the whole growling and just kind of like random, "dayumm" kinda statements every once in awhile. But always stay fun and cool.
Or even if you notice something you like, like say a tattoo on her back. "Ohh wow, please don't show me that, thats too sexy its not fair"... You are completing her but in a very fun way. She thinks wow hes really trying to contain himself but I wonder how far I can push him... and if she has anymore tats you better believe she will get a devilish grin and try and show you them all.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
Sandow said:
Don't explain the game to girls. actions are louder than words. tell her u think she's attractive, then give her mix signals like ur not interested. repeat.

This guy I know bought the book "The Game" and studied it for a month, he had it down to a T. Dressed well, got ripped, etc.

He then went up to a HB 8 at a bar and said "quick, tell me three things you don't like about yourself"

The girl said "I've read the game" and he left 5 sec later.

Anyway, I would tell a girl she's hot. I've told my current gf "You know you're hot, right?" She said yes. Then I said "That's why we can't go out Sat nights."


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2006
Reaction score
In the club/bars
DonJuan11 said:
This guy I know bought the book "The Game" and studied it for a month, he had it down to a T. Dressed well, got ripped, etc.

He then went up to a HB 8 at a bar and said "quick, tell me three things you don't like about yourself"

The girl said "I've read the game" and he left 5 sec later.
priceless story right there....

Thats why I want to read "the game". Just so I know whats in it and I don't accidentally use some crap and the girl think I'm a retard.

The Forms

Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2005
Reaction score
You only want to give women compliments about things they don't get complimented on. Compliments you get a lot just don't really register. If she's hot tell her she's smart or funny.

The only time I tell a girl she's beautiful is when she's naked on top of me. Every girl wants to hear about how beautiful she is when she's naked.

The Inside Man

Master Don Juan
Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
Sometimes I tell a girl shes hot but its usually in an instance where I dont care whether I hook up with her or not. Just mention it casually in passing, like yeah those guys act like theyre your friends but they just think youre hot!

I think its alright if you don't overdo it and dont have the say it like, "You are so hot, oh man, i dont know what to do, you're hotter than me"