Stupid businesses that women start


Senior Don Juan
Oct 12, 2007
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One of the things I'm really enjoying about this recession is the sobering effect it's having on people's understanding of reality.

I dated an enormous amount in 2008. And one of the things that I found most annoying, usually on a first date, is some absurd business that some women had launched, which could only possibly survive during a time of economic 'froth,' when people had a great excess of funds to spend on a product or service that would otherwise be regarded as completely unnecessary.

Very often, these women would find support and financing from some guy (business partner, dad, chump), who I can quite surely say did so because they were charmed, or because they thought she was hot. And in the mind of these women, they regarded themselves as just simply brilliant entrepreneurs.

Now, of course, that ocean of discretionary spending has run very dry. And now these women watch in shock as their ridiculous lines of work become financially unfeasible.

There are obviously, many small businessmen and women who are suffering in this downturn. But I watch with great satisfaction as this most wretched variety suffers right along with them.

Dust 2 Dust

Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
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What exactly were these women doing? I'm up for a laugh.

I once met a woman who said she was an aroma therapist. Another time there was chick who said she was going to become a professional wine taster.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 7, 2007
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I met a girl recently who was doing some startup. She had some seed money from variuos places. At some point she says, well, "We don't really have a reveneue model". At another point she says, "We plan to duplicate it in multiple cities." Finally she says, "I can't wait until I get rich and retire."

LMAO. What an entrepreneur. She brought along her "boyfriend" who had a real job in finance in London. He mentioned how he'd chased her around and kept getting rejected until she finally "came to her senses" recently. Ha ha. I wonder if a little investment helped with that? Sad thing is he only gets to see her once a month for a weekend. Last I heard she was busy with the office decorations. I don't think Bill Gates has anything to worry about with this one.

Mr. Me

Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2007
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At a social event last year I was a chatting with a woman who said she was going to start a coaching business for business owners. Any type of business, she would coach. So I asked her if she had any experience in, just as an example, the restaurant industry, and she said no. Then I asked her if someone in the restaurant business came to her for coaching, would she take him on as a client? She said yes. So I asked her how it was possible to give someone business advice without having any knowledge or experience of their industry and she said I was a negative, critical person and walked away. And not only that, but then she told everyone else she met that I was a negative critical person.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
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San Diego, California
Dust 2 Dust said:
What exactly were these women doing? I'm up for a laugh.

I once met a woman who said she was an aroma therapist. Another time there was chick who said she was going to become a professional wine taster.

Did she happen to go home buzzed, drunk or wasted each day? "~hick~, sorry kids that's just part of ~hick~ ...ulp, burp mommy's job. You'ill understand one day when you grow up"

"officer give me a break I'm a hard working wine taster, that's why I'm drunk"


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
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San Diego, California
Mr. Me said:
At a social event last year I was a chatting with a woman who said she was going to start a coaching business for business owners. Any type of business, she would coach. So I asked her if she had any experience in, just as an example, the restaurant industry, and she said no. Then I asked her if someone in the restaurant business came to her for coaching, would she take him on as a client? She said yes. So I asked her how it was possible to give someone business advice without having any knowledge or experience of their industry and she said I was a negative, critical person and walked away. And not only that, but then she told everyone else she met that I was a negative critical person.
whoops moral of the story keep you mouth shut, lol. I'm just kidding you're right. I definitely understand where you guys are coming from. And when the man points out to her the errors of her ways then she claims he isn't being supportive. Or they get the idea and then leave all the work for the man to do.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2003
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Well prostitution always is a profitable business... I'm not sure how well the dinner conversation will go when you deflect their current idea with that one. :)


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2008
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And in the mind of these women, they regarded themselves as just simply brilliant entrepreneurs

That is truly sad. I have met quite a few business minded females who do not participate in trying to feel brilliant with hair-brained schemes. Very often, their ideas about life are blunt and make sense--such as soliciting bar owners to bring a bunch of hot girls to the bar so that chumps can "meet" them in exchange for a percentage of bar revenue. Others, that you are describing, seem to live in this constant state of denial about the fact that their "field" is worthless and has no hope for growth. Those same females often get very dismissive and jealous when I tell them that my business operates outside the economy and is doing just fine even in these financially terrible times. Its the same story, chumps giving females support or financial backing in exchange for a shot at the pu$$y. Because of that, these females actually believe that they are successful.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2004
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Los Angeles, SFV
Sherman Oaks and Studio City (Ventura Blvd. in LA) are littered with these moronic businesses.


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2005
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Houston, TX
Hey MikeEdward, come on dude, what's with the cliffhanger? You absolutely KNEW that the first reply to your post was going to be that question. I'll ask it again, and in bold:

What exactly were the ridiculous businesses these women were thinking of launching?

Knight's Cross

Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2007
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My favorites.....I was sitting in 13C on the way down here to Nassau today, and I thumbed thru the Airline magazine. There were at least 3 female founded match-making companies. All of them were founded by women that when done up were at least 9's. Now how many business AFC's are going to fall for,"It's just Lunch"? I cringe at the idea.
There are actually some women I have met that have fallen for these match-making services. They are EXTREMELY pricey. Unfortunate as it sounds many AFC's will fall for the high price tag thinking,"well it cost me enough it should work." I do believe we are in an economy that will put a few more of these operations out of business.


Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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I don't understand these take n' bake places. Are you really too lazy to cook my food, yet charge me exorbitant prices for your neatly arranged uncooked food?

Then there's the tantra sex therapist, yoga, weight watchers, and kickboxing. Please, these people won't even take the stairs.

Hooligan Harry

Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2008
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Girl I dated recently was a complete knock out. Met her through an acquaintance and we really hit off. She could not stop talking about her business and how she was looking to expand. As always when you meet a hottie who seems to have her **** together, you think maybe she will be different from the other garbage you have been through.

Like most women who start a "business" its normally a little retail outlet that some sucker funded or a business they inherited from a relative. Very few women start something outright entrepreneurial unless it can be done from a shop front. I can understand that. The world needs toy stores and hairdressers as much as they need the Microsofts and Citibanks.

Well she said she owned a salon. Good business to be in and with her modelling background she had picked up a lot of work with people she knew. After a while, it emerged that she had a "partner". Turns out the partner was some 40 year old chud that was never involved in the salon business. He was in construction. I knew off the bat that this whole thing sounded fishy. Here is some 24 year old bimbo with no background in business running a salon that had the capital provided by a guy in construction.

A few weeks later, when said chud joins us for dinner, it turns out the business was actually something he was buying for his Ex wife. After she left him, he invested so much into it already he had to get someone in to help out. He turned to the wunderkind with nice implants and an ass you could bounce a coin off.

Turns out he was not her partner, he was her boss. Who without a doubt was doing everything he could do to get into her pants. I knew at that moment that she had previously or would in due course end up ****ing this guy to get what she needed out of him. Be it a bigger stake or funding for her own branch. So I walked. There were red flags abound before this, things like her own modelling photos up in her own home and a few other things that lacked congruency. But that for me was the kick in the ass I needed to call it quits on this broad.

But I have seen it time and time again. Boardrooms are mostly men and when there are women there they are an absolute nightmare to do business with. Most large business's, things we can call genuine companies, are never really going to be started by women. They lack the willpower, work ethic, application and most of all testosterone required to make them successful.

I have said it before and Ill say it again. Despite equal education and preferential employment opportunities, despite programs aimed to help women match men in business. For every woman that starts a successful little empire, there are 20 men doing it.

Women and business dont go together. They make okish employees and thats about it.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Hooligan Harry said:
I have said it before and Ill say it again. Despite equal education and preferential employment opportunities, despite programs aimed to help women match men in business. For every woman that starts a successful little empire, there are 20 men doing it.

Women and business dont go together. They make okish employees and thats about it.
So true. The only bright moment that i ever have when I am listening to some deluded female whine about " her business" trials and tribulations usually goes like this...

Her," It is so hard out there as a woman in business all by yourself."

Me, "It should be a breeze..."

Her., " What ?"

Me, "Well, when you worked for a boss and a salary ,you had the "glass ceiling" and the piggy attitude of male superiors and their sexist attitudes to deal with... I saw it on Oprah."

Her, "Mmmm, well yeah they were a problem."

Me, "Now that you are your own boss none of that is holding you back -right ?"

Her, "I guess so.."

ME, "So now it is all up to just you, you go girl ! "

Women looks stunned and goes "for another drink".


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2006
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Hate to tell you guys... but when it comes to small businesses, those started by women have a much greater chance of success than those started by men... at least in Canada.

I don't think that's because women are "better" than it than men. It's probably more to do with the fact that men are told they should be in business and women aren't, so there's a lot of guys who do it who shouldn't and when a woman really wants to do it she's probably have to had fought through a lot of crap to get that far.

Hooligan Harry

Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2008
Reaction score
How many companies went from a garage to listed under a woman?

No one doubts women can start and run a small business. Like a florist or a baby sitting agency. They sure as **** are not going to start an empire as often as a man will.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2008
Reaction score
probably have to had fought through a lot of crap to get that far.
Yeah, those zippers on the rich guys pants can be tough sometimes.


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
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an island
Hooligan Harry said:
Girl I dated recently was a complete knock out. Met her through an acquaintance and we really hit off. She could not stop talking about her business and how she was looking to expand. As always when you meet a hottie who seems to have her **** together, you think maybe she will be different from the other garbage you have been through.

Always a warning sign for me. It shows she is only interested in money. A woman who likes to boss men is a red flag too. Feminine women should not be like that.

The best business people are the ones who don't do it purely for the money. They see it as a game, hobby and get satisfaction from what they do. Of course the money is a nice little bonus too. :D


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
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sf ca
often a woman who has no visible means of support (sugar daddy) but somehow has the ability to stay home all day and go to tanning salons, often have a business idea or some money making venture on the side. And you're right it's usually funded by some chump who is smitten with her. A good but not foolproof way to judge a woman in business is by her looks. A real businesswoman won't look like a Paris Hilton wannabee.


Master Don Juan
Aug 13, 2005
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I travel
maybe Im reading into this incorrectly, but....what is wrong with a person that who is trying to start a business ??

I've seen some pretty bad ideas that have made money and gotten people rich and I have seen brilliant ideas that have barely gotten noticed and faded off into existance, but where is the issue here ?? who am I (or any of you) to judge, whats a good idea or bad idea ??

I don't understand why anyone would find humor in someone's failure to earn an honest buck without attaching themselves to major corporations ??

I mean, did these women do something bad to you ?? Are they doing something wrong by having an original idea and trying to earn money from it ??

Why or HOW could anyone find humor in another person putting effort into something to better themselves ?