Squats plateauing incredibly quickly


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
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6-heads lewis said:
5 reps at 185 is the best I can currently do, from a starting weight of 110 for 5 reps three months ago.
That's a 75 lb increase in 3 months... I'd say that's pretty good progress! Don't get discouraged!


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2006
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EFFORT said:
Tell us how they go
Did 160 x 20 yesterday. My previous PR was 140 x 20. It was pretty easy. Pulled off 230 x 14 after that, so I'm gonna shoot for 230 x 20 as my next PR, possibly before the year is up.

Burned out my legs for sure. I read about a 20 rep squat program I might try out in a few months since it's only a 6 week cycle. Pretty much all squats and barely anything else.

Road Demon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 1, 2004
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NYC Metro Area
I agree with EFFORTS suggestions:

"Change up your squat rep scheme (some examples) - 1x3max, 1x5 max, 2x5, 3x3, followed by a 1x10 or 1x15, or 1x20. Squat Variations- Box Squat different levels, hack squat, front squat."

How is your core strength? I ask, because maybe that is your limiter. I also ask as you mentioned that your belly got 'larger'. Large amounts of intraabdominal pressure builds up by doing the valsalva manever in the squat lift. 6 inches seems like alot to gain in the midsection?

Usually I would consider using the 1RM as the indicator. Their is a table that you can use to calculate your 1 RM from a max effort 1x5 (@ 5 RM)

The 1x20

In general greater than 12 reps creates a greater muscle hypertropy signal.

Less than 8 @ an 8RM intensity promotes more significant neural coodination adaptations.

6-heads lewis

Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2006
Reaction score
Road Demon said:
I agree with EFFORTS suggestions:

"Change up your squat rep scheme (some examples) - 1x3max, 1x5 max, 2x5, 3x3, followed by a 1x10 or 1x15, or 1x20. Squat Variations- Box Squat different levels, hack squat, front squat."

How is your core strength? I ask, because maybe that is your limiter. I also ask as you mentioned that your belly got 'larger'. Large amounts of intraabdominal pressure builds up by doing the valsalva manever in the squat lift. 6 inches seems like alot to gain in the midsection?

Usually I would consider using the 1RM as the indicator. Their is a table that you can use to calculate your 1 RM from a max effort 1x5 (@ 5 RM)

The 1x20

In general greater than 12 reps creates a greater muscle hypertropy signal.

Less than 8 @ an 8RM intensity promotes more significant neural coodination adaptations.
Ah, google, where would I be without it?

I don't work my abs or lower back directly, the routine I posted was literally the entire thing not just a summary. I used to go through insane core conditioning drills from boxing, the last about 5 months ago, so I probably retained a lot of that strength, though I should start with hypers and abs again.

My breathing habits arent very good, I noticed when I took conscious effort of it the lift improved slightly, but it was difficult to maintain control with heavy weights. I hadnt heard about the valsalva before, hopefully that explains the last 2 inches :) Thanks for the tip.

Road Demon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 1, 2004
Reaction score
NYC Metro Area
6-heads lewis...

your welcome.

I would not go crazy with core exercises, maybe 15 minutes 3-4x week. It does not take much to maintain...

my motto in training" do the most with the least amount of effort."

The goal is to use your torso as 'rigid' link in the squat.

6-heads lewis

Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2006
Reaction score
Today I tried some of these suggestions, instead of focusing on 5 reps I did singles, adding weight until couldnt make the rep. I felt fresh throughout, stopping at 200lbs and doing 3 reps, higher than I expected. Ill stick to 1-3 reps for the heavies for a while and follow it up with a high-rep finisher.

Pause squats are killer, I paused in tension for 3 seconds at the bottom at 135lbs and definitely felt the hip strain, but in a good way.

My weakness is definitely at the bottom of the squat, I can tell if Ill make the rep just by the way I go down. I remember one time I didnt even bother trying to go up, I literally unracked the weight, and squatted straight down into the safety pins without even trying to push lol. That got me some confused looks.

My knee to toe is pretty short, but my knee to hips is long at 6'0, so my parallel is extremely low. Theres almost no difference between going to parallel and going all the way... Ill have to find a comfortable stopping point where I can keep making progress without hurting my knees.

Thanks again guys.