SoSuave, I present to you a little story, and the need for opinions/thoughts.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
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Without anybody to truly sit down and talk about my problem I come to sosuave in search of honest thoughts and opinions.

Get comfortable, loosen up, and read this carefully. I could use everyone's input.

Im not too sure how to start this off, so I will just start rambling about. Follow the best you can....

I have a best friend, he is 1 year younger than me, and I can basically trust him with anything, and talk to him about anything...except for this particular situation. I am 19 next month.

He is a christian, and for years he always tried to get me to go to church with him. I alway's declined because it just didnt seem like something I would get into or something I really believed in. Well finally, I broke and went with him just to see what all the hype was about, and to get a feel for what christianity is.

Upon arriving at the church, I was extremely nervous/anxious because I really did not know what to expect. It was kind of bizarre for me to walk in a place where spirtual thought's and beliefs where so freely thrown around.....I guess its because for the past 18 years I have never been inside a church, or went to a service. I got there and felt really out of place, at some point's and times I had to branch off and be a loner while my buddy practiced with the worship band. I just stayed in the youth room, and kinda kept to myself....just played with my phone, chit chatted a bit with the people I did know. But for the most part I was really on edge, and literally scared ****less when the service started. Maybe I had some sort of weird phobia, or the fear of the unknown was really throwing me for a loop.....either way.....I forced myself to calm down.

*****I know a good amount of people there through my buddy, they have been over his home and so on, so I am not a 100% stranger+people from my school where there that knew me slightly*****

Before the worship band began to play, the youth pastor asked if there was anybody new in the building that night. Out of about 45 people there where 3 new people....obviously I was one of them. He than proceeded to ask the new comer's to stand up with the person that brought them. Each couple had to close there eyes and just answer silly questions about each other. I pulled that off easily, and I ended up feeling pretty confident afterwords. Sort of a real intense way to break the ice I suppose. I really did not want to make a bad first impression, because there where some gorgeous looking women there.

After that, he told everybody to hug 3 people. So I hugged my best friend, My best friends girlfriend, and than this gorgeous girl that was sitting next to my buddy's girlfriend said "Hugs!" so she was the final one that I gave a hug too. ***Note that I smelled good =P

Although it was brief connection with that girl, I instantly felt something for her when we locked eyes for a second, and held each other momentarily.

The service finished up, and I got eye contact with this girl briefly one last time and than it was time to head home.

The following week my buddy asked if I was going with him again, and after realizing that it was not that bad I decided to go again....even though I was still pretty anxious about it and nervous.....I wanted to see that girl again. I know some of you are probably thinking "wow, what a fake" "going to church just for a girl" and other such thing's, but the truth is I am going because it is truly a warm environment, and I do feel welcomed now. And when I see all of those people so dedicated to this religion, it makes me wonder if believing could be that needless to say I have attended once a week for the past month. A total of 4 times. Out of the four times....I only saw that girl twice. The first time I went, and the last time....which would be last wendsday.

Now thing's start to get a touch interesting.......

I went with my buddy, he always goes early....I feel alot more comfortable going now than I did the last few times. The people are starting to accept me I think. Anyhow....on each visit I make sure I look pretty decent and smell alright too =P Its a non-denominational church, so I was just wearing some jean's and a Black Banana Republic Button up T shirt =)

As I sat in the youth room, shootin the sh!t with some of the people I was fixated on a tv for a while playin a game with a friend, and there was a conversation goin on between about 10 people behind me. I decided I could comment on some of the stuff they where yappin about, and naturally I am a pretty funny the few times I piped up and said something I had the group of people laughing. As I looked behind me I saw that girl!! She saw me, and my buddie's girlfriend is seemingly good friends with her. I turned around a few minutes later and they where gone...probably out in the hallway or something.........service was starting soon and we all left the youth room to go to the service. As I went to take my seat behind the hot girl, and my buddies girlfriend. My buddies girlfriend asked me "pvf94, what Is your race" I said "Mexican American"...followed by a sly grin, and a laugh from both of the girls. And for some damn reason my buddies girlfriend says "she is Italian" and than proceeded to say "Mexican and Italian, that would be a good match" As random as it was I started to note that she was basically hinting a connection between the two of us........another question followed the previous one "pvf94, how old are you" I replied with my age....and than my buddies girlfriend replied "She is 15". My jaw wanted to drop when I heard that because this girl looked and acted all of 18/19. So I looked at the 15 yr old and just said "No wayyyyy........" And the hot girl says "How old do I look?" I told her 18/19. She laughed and than service proceeded. And a few times my buddies girlfriend gave me this odd look....and I kinda got the hint. She was definently trying to show me that the girl had to like me or something. Why else would she interogate me like she did, and say we would be a good match and so on.

So the next day, my buddy call's me at 6:45 in the morning before I go on the bus and ask's me if I want a ride instead of taking the bus. I complied and headed down to his home which isnt very far away at all. I walked inside his home and sat on the couch with him. And he says. "So!, is there anybody that you would consider dating in the future from our church?" I told him yes, than he said "who?, who specifically?" Than I knew that something was FOR SURE going on between that girl and I. So I told him, "That girl that was sitting next to your girlfriend is banging" He laughed....said "She has a weird name" He proceeded to tell me her name, I took it in and than let the conversation dwindle away and said nothing else about it....basically I acted aloof.

The next day in my first hour class, my best friend is talking to another one of the kid's that goes to our church....and my buddy went to call me a name....than he stopped himself and said OMG, hahaha, "I gotta tell you something man" and he proceeded to whisper into the other guy's ear....and as they where whispering I acted aloof again and said " what are you queers talking about me for " and they both said "dude you better start loving jesus QUICK!!!" And they both laughed and agreed with each other and than my best friend said outloud to the other guy "I knew somebody would, just not you know" Than the other kid said "oh the one that blah blah blah"
My best buddy than said to the other guy "Im not gonna say anything though, because every time we do things dont work out" They both agreed, and wont tell me.......even though im 95% shure I know.
Than I knew for sure who they where talking about, but I still acted aloof....and now Im excited but kinda scared at the same time....because this girl seem's way outta my league......

I guess I dont really have question's, just needed a place to vent and clear my own head....thank's for reading.

My problem is that I feel lesser than her, and a group of atleast 4 people will be watching my actions with this girl......sort of hawking me. And that makes me jittery....because I dont wanna look or feel stupid.

Do I still act aloof? I dont know, im flippin confused. Thanks for reading, comments are welcome. :wave:


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
Las Vegas
Just relax.

Seriously though, LOOK AT YOURSELF. You are saying that you are less than a 15 YEAR OLD.

Come one man.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2006
Reaction score
Los Angeles baby!
go for the kill bro, go talk to her and get her while shes ripe


Nov 27, 2006
Reaction score
A "No" is better that not to know.
Try your luck.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
pvf94 said:
Although it was brief connection with that girl, I instantly felt something for her when we locked eyes for a second, and held each other momentarily.
Dude, you should be writing trashy romance novels with that style...:crackup:

Seriously though, you're doin' fine. Looks like you've got your foot in the door. Relax and remember to game other girls. It'll help you stop getting too attached to this one. Good luck. Let us know what happens.:up:


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
Ripper said:
Dude, you should be writing trashy romance novels with that style...:crackup:

Seriously though, you're doin' fine. Looks like you've got your foot in the door. Relax and remember to game other girls. It'll help you stop getting too attached to this one. Good luck. Let us know what happens.:up:
Excuse me for showing some emotion in my writing :crackup:


Don Juan
Aug 18, 2005
Reaction score

Jeez man, when that guys girlfriend started hinting at how Mexican and Italian go together, that was your cue to ask her out.

Playing it cool and aloof is not a strategy of successful people.

See this as a learning experience and go for it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
driveon said:

Jeez man, when that guys girlfriend started hinting at how Mexican and Italian go together, that was your cue to ask her out.

Playing it cool and aloof is not a strategy of successful people.

See this as a learning experience and go for it.
Its a bit deeper than that...


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2006
Reaction score
Los Angeles baby!
no its not bro, do it!


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
Why are you wasting your time on a 15-yo attention-wh0ring virgin? Going to church just to flirt with jailbait?

C'mon, don't you got some better options?

I've been in a few activities before with a lot of jailbait...and they all flirt like crazy with you. BUT, a lot of it is just sport-flirting and if it's not, what are you going to do with jailbait? Are you going to endure her rents on your ass and risk going to jail?

I say flirting back is fine, but don't waste too much time or take it too seriously...

Hopefully, you got some better options.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
Maybe I shouldnt of posted that story, its being percieved the wrong way lol. Way too much to explain..


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
pvf94 said:
Maybe I shouldnt of posted that story, its being percieved the wrong way lol. Way too much to explain..

How is it being percieved the wrong way? But I have a better question. Your 18, why aren't you trying to hook up with the girls in your school, in your class etc? You can't expect to have a good relationship with a chick who just went through puberty!! Plus all the legal matters that could come into play if there was any sexual contact between you two.

The fact is your very insecure, confused young man. Get a hold of yourself and start taking some chances with girls that are fully developed and closer to your age.



Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
Pimp-sicle said:
How is it being percieved the wrong way? But I have a better question. Your 18, why aren't you trying to hook up with the girls in your school, in your class etc? You can't expect to have a good relationship with a chick who just went through puberty!! Plus all the legal matters that could come into play if there was any sexual contact between you two.

The fact is your very insecure, confused young man. Get a hold of yourself and start taking some chances with girls that are fully developed and closer to your age.

Because my reputation is trash in my school, I used to be the biggest loser. I live in a small town, and I find the whole pua scene to be a bit monotonous and im looking for something real.....


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
Also let me add, my best friend would know alot about the situation, should I ask him about it? Should I ask him what he "whispered" to our friend....because it is bothering me?


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
I'm not going to give you a lecture on the jail bait issue, or how immature 15 year olds really can be since you seem to have little to no experience with women. You've gotta learn this 5hit sometime in your life, even if it is on your own. I'm gonna go against the better judgement and say go for her since I did the same thing when I was your age.

Now, if you want to date this girl, quit playing along with the beating around the bush bull5hit. All you're getting right now is grapevine activity, but no date. Walk your ass through the grapevine, find the girl, and make some small talk with her. When the conversation seems to be drying up, say, "Well, I gotta go, but I'd like to continue this conversation later. Why don't you give me your number and we'll make plans."

Easy 5hit, and you'll get more done than the grapevine will. You already know she likes you, so go in for the kill.

Distant Light

Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
New York
You worry too much about what people think about you. Just fuvking stop it, why should you care what anyone thinks about you.

Your inner game sucks...

This is one girl so stop being scared, if you want to talk to her then do so, if not then don't. Plan and simple. An just because you live in a small town who says you can't go somewhere else, or go to a big city. Stop making excuses.

If your going to talk to her then do so, if not then fuvking stop thinking about it . You only living fuvking once so do what you want.