She's Back

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Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
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Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
But the bad part is...

I don't know if there's any way to do this for free.

Nobody here consistently ****s hot girls without spending money.
A few years ago, lost I was laid-off and on unemployment.
Broke AF, I but with extra time on my hands and no "beta bucks" to spend, I went on a hot streak.

My current g/f is hot AF and 24 years younger than me. (And doesn't care about money or material things)

If a girl likes you, she will regardless if you spent. 05 cents or $500 dollars.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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All I'm going to say is enjoy the time you have with her, because it probably won't last.

I personally have a strict no ex policy that I follow. No matter how much I miss her, I know that there was a reason it ended regardless of whether she wanted it or not. Healing cannot happen when you're on and off with a woman.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2004
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Don't get too attached. I can't see this ending well...


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2014
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If you thought the first time hurt, the send time will break you. Been through it myself. Never again


Oct 20, 2006
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Well, I didn't imagine anyone would be happy that I managed to walk away, have her reach out, ask her out, and get her back in bed.

We all have different goals. My goal was to get her back and have her see my new physique. You are all assuming things will end for the same reason they ended the first time, but I've improved tremendously since then.

Anyhow, I achieved my goal with her. Sorry if that is such bad news to many of you, but I still gave a clinic on how to get her back.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Well, I didn't imagine anyone would be happy that I managed to walk away, have her reach out, ask her out, and get her back in bed.

We all have different goals. My goal was to get her back and have her see my new physique. You are all assuming things will end for the same reason they ended the first time, but I've improved tremendously since then.

Anyhow, I achieved my goal with her. Sorry if that is such bad news to many of you, but I still gave a clinic on how to get her back.
Yes, you spent a buttload of money on her.
Ask yourself if she would have responded the same if you invited her to your place for take-out and a DVD...


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Well, I didn't imagine anyone would be happy that I managed to walk away, have her reach out, ask her out, and get her back in bed.

We all have different goals. My goal was to get her back and have her see my new physique. You are all assuming things will end for the same reason they ended the first time, but I've improved tremendously since then.

Anyhow, I achieved my goal with her. Sorry if that is such bad news to many of you, but I still gave a clinic on how to get her back.
What physique? There are no muscles to speak of.


Apr 25, 2016
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Well, I didn't imagine anyone would be happy that I managed to walk away, have her reach out, ask her out, and get her back in bed.

We all have different goals. My goal was to get her back and have her see my new physique. You are all assuming things will end for the same reason they ended the first time, but I've improved tremendously since then.

Anyhow, I achieved my goal with her. Sorry if that is such bad news to many of you, but I still gave a clinic on how to get her back.
No, you bought some time with her. Same way a guy would hire an escort. No difference.

Whatever floats your boat. Just remember, you asked for this when you finally figure it out.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 16, 2017
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Not only would I ever spend that kinda money (are we talking 500-1000$? for that resort thing?) on any girl, ever... well maybe my 3 yrs gf but I wouldn't make it a yearly thing for sure (which any chick would try to make it become so aka ****tests/golddig)
Now we're talking about a girl you obviously put on a pedestal, and that played headgames with you?
I dunno man... seems like an expensive unhealthy lay to me but if you can do as you say, just get her back, bang her, then move on with your life without incorporating her in yours, then yeah, great! But expensive...........!


Oct 20, 2006
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No, you bought some time with her. Same way a guy would hire an escort. No difference.
Whatever floats your boat. Just remember, you asked for this when you finally figure it out.
I asked for what? You know I'm dating an equally hot girl (I had dates with two 99 rated women in 72 hours) correct?

I asked for the rejection that fractured your weak little heart for life with your girl (whose selfie you gave me but sadly who you never took a photo of), to the point you have the audacity to suggest I shouldn't have spent the night with the girl I loved the most last night?

Readers, consider: The #1 question people ask on dating forums is how to get an ex back, and when I detailed the painful 8 week process, bedding her on our first date after the breakup, nearly 100% of respondents on SS have thrown a temper tantrum.

Also consider: she just went through a divorce which is now official, and she hasn't seen her ex husband in 2 months. Oh, that.

You think paying for a hotel is buying time? Try asking 10 hot girls if they will go away with you for a night if you pay for the hotel and report what percentage say yes. I started a poll for this, but expect SS virgin bias.

Then consider it's an ex.

If getting our BPD ex back was as easy as paying a few hundred for a hotel, that would be the advice given. Time is money.

Anyone going on the record here saying I shouldn't have paid for a hotel to take my favorite girl away for the night should be wired to a lie detector and asked if they would pay for a hotel to see THEIR favorite girl of all time. You lying whiners.


Oct 20, 2006
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Not only would I ever spend that kinda money (are we talking 500-1000$? for that resort thing?).
$400 a night plus $200 coupon, so $269 was the rate including fees.

This is August 31, last day of summer. Hadn't had a date with her since May. I make $800 per day, so ask yourself if you would work 4 hours (including meals) to take your favorite girl of your entire life for an overnight trip. 90% of you guys are a bunch of bitter, broke, cheap liars.

I haven't seen one shred of good advice about how to get this girl in bed, just sour grapes about how she is using me, as if you are all 40 year old fat women.


Oct 20, 2006
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What physique? There are no muscles to speak of.
That's not what the two 99 rated girls who I dated in the past 72 hours said.

Note: I am 6'5" 218 and am under 15% body fat, and marmel75 is about 5'8 210 and 20% body fat. You do the math.

@marmel75, will you arm wrestle me on live video feed for $1000 bet? Or box me? Or play me in pool? Or go to the batting cages?


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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$400 a night plus $200 coupon, so $269 was the rate including fees.

This is August 31, last day of summer. Hadn't had a date with her since May. I make $800 per day, so ask yourself if you would work 4 hours (including meals) to take your favorite girl of your entire life for an overnight trip. 90% of you guys are a bunch of bitter, broke, cheap liars.

I haven't seen one shred of good advice about how to get this girl in bed, just sour grapes about how she is using me, as if you are all 40 year old fat women.
depends, what she did to get this boon from me? also you did mention you wanted her back to show the new physique, that only means you think she is the prize not you, and you are such a lucky guy for her to give her time, wrong frame to have with, serious if you was happy you would stay quiet and would enjoy, but for some strange reason you come here to post this, and fight the poster who say you are making yourself as a fool, so you are happy but you spend effort to fight people who you don't even know and most don't even care if is true or not.

Neil serious here you need to drop the ego and check things for what it is, if she is with you only for money is ok as long you have full awareness that is the reason, and would get full advantage of it, but you own wording here means you are delusional, suit yourself have a blast spend it all with her no one here care, and I doubt if this go sour again you will update


Oct 20, 2006
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To summarize: I get my ex back, document the process (which involved about 4 conversations total) and we spend the night together last night and 100% of SS members (who claim to be here to help men have sex with their dream girls) bitterly say I should have stayed home and jerked off like they did.

Wow, SS really is going down hill.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Neil serious here you need to drop the ego and check things for what it is, if she is with you only for money is ok as long you have full awareness that is the reason, and would get full advantage of it, but you own wording here means you are delusional, suit yourself have a blast spend it all with her no one here care, and I doubt if this go sour again you will update
Let's cut to the chase scene.

If you can prove your last date was more physically attracted to you than my date last night was to me, I will pay you $2000.

Otherwise, STFU.


Don Juan
May 25, 2017
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That's not what the two 99 rated girls who I dated in the past 72 hours said.

Note: I am 6'5" 218 and am under 15% body fat, and marmel75 is about 5'8 210 and 20% body fat. You do the math.

@marmel75, will you arm wrestle me on live video feed for $1000 bet? Or box me? Or play me in pool? Or go to the batting cages?
Bro I commend you on your weight loss and for getting the girl that you wanted back. Obviously most here don't think that is a good idea for you in the long run, and if I were you I would take that as they actually care, not because they want to see you fail. Well, some might. And some might consider you taking her back as failing. I say if it makes you happy, then knock yourself out. I don't think a girl that young who left you for another while she was married to yet another is at all quality, but hey, who am I to judge?

That being said. I had to comment on what else you said. Bro....your physique, while much improved, is not anywhere close to what I would consider worth bragging about. It looks like you went from a total dad bod to a semi dad bod. You need so much more work in the gym to get to where you need and want to be. I am older than you, and that is me in my avi. It has taken me many years to get like this (along with the supplement help of mega vitamin C and lysine at and I am proud of it. Totally natty and I still play all the sports I always have plus some, and lift more often and more weight then ever.

Which is why your $1000 bet intrigued me. :)

Name a sport and I play it. I average 220 in 3 bowling leagues, played college tennis, am a 5 handicap golfer, played hockey since I could walk, played and started in baseball, football, bball in high school. Racquetball. Pool. Am an accomplished horseman. Skiing both summer and winter. Chess. Really I cannot think of a sport I cannot play at least somewhat ok.

So anytime you are in the S Cal area, look me up, and lets have our own little Olympics. We used to do that in our neighborhood as a kid. Lets relive those days!

And serious question, have you ever been diagnosed as having autism or some other OCD behavior? Your obsession with numbers, and especially these photo numbers, to me strikes me as rain man territory. Earlier you made this comment..." We take a ride out to the country with her looking at the portfolio of 99 rated photos I took of her on our previous 20+ dates."

To me, that is serious autism territory. I mean, NO ONE takes that many photos of someone, no one shows them to their date while riding in the car, and no one talks about them and is actually proud of doing those things. But you do. I mean to you, its all totally normal. I find it so amusing when you post things like that.

Oh to be in your mind for about 30 seconds. I bet it is a trip!


Oct 20, 2006
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I just have a 160 IQ and photographic memory, that's all. I also scored 800 on some math SATs.


Oct 20, 2006
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Bro....your physique, while much improved, is not anywhere close to what I would consider worth bragging about.
Assuming 22 year old women can judge my physique in person better than you from a single, crappy photo, will you post photos of the last 2 girls you dated?

Here are videos of the last 2 girls I dated (in the past 72 hours).



Senior Don Juan
May 20, 2017
Reaction score
I just have a 160 IQ and photographic memory, that's all. I also scored 800 on some math SATs.
So you're now claiming to have the same IQ as Stephen Hawkin yet you make a measly 190k a year I can only assume. I usually don't care much about what guys say, unless it's total bull****. In that case I have to call them out for it; if anyone needed further proof BigNeil is a fantasy writer who spends his days writing novels from his moms borrowed laptop while collecting his disability checks. Look no further than this post
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