She doesn’t know what she wants


Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2016
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You are extremely naive to think that

- a woman you've met through OLD 3 months ago doesn't have other men lined up. Its not like you met her through savage cold approach. Easy come....easy go.

-to even believe she never had relationship..I've been with more than 150, and( got) rejected/hung out with TONS of women. Never have I met ONE woman who never had a bf. Even ugly women, fat women, and a combination of these things had boyfriends.

-you are dealing with a self proclaimed certified sl00t. When I meet a woman who NEVER had a relationship (....) i know that's womeneze for " never had one LIKE you . Never had one i liked. Never had one that lasted longer than x amount of time.

-you act like she is the holy virgin Maria. She's not. 3months has passed, and her subtle ways of telling you ( like never had a bf, don't sleep over) don't work. You gooooood. Fecking twice a week and maybe maybe if you play the game right she'll become more ..WRONG!!! She tried to be obviously through words as you were oblivious to actions, yet you don't change anything about your way of interacting with her. Imagine having a job where they say they think you are not good enough to get a contract. Would you continue this job like nothing is wrong? Pr qpuod you drastically change your mind about the job...

-she definitely won't marry you. How can one believe she nevrrhad a bf. I've seen the most ugly, disabled dwarf women having bf's.
She told me she slept with over 100 guys , and stop counting after. But it was one night stands and fwb and **** buddies. She said she never lived together or had boyfriend girlfriend or serious relationships. She said she doesn’t hangout with guys she bangs.

she likes to live alone and have her space.

what should Ido?


Sep 10, 2014
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Isn't this similar to the last woman who was married or had a long-term boyfriend but cheating with you?

Why do you keep going to these toxic women?

FYI, these women have a "type" they look for in guys and you are it...that's not a good thing, that means they see someone they can easily manipulate with sex.

I think you need to take a hard look in the mirror OP and really start working on your inner self and get this figure out. This seems to be a pattern of behavior from you and a road you don't want to be going down.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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She told me she slept with over 100 guys , and stop counting after. But it was one night stands and fwb and **** buddies. She said she never lived together or had boyfriend girlfriend or serious relationships. She said she doesn’t hangout with guys she bangs.

she likes to live alone and have her space.

what should Ido?
My are desperate and naive..deadly combination imo.

I can go on and on about this topic. I hope Pipeman doesn't find your thread...over a freaking 100 (and counting) BED sleeping together (just pump and dump). More redflags than China.

LEAVE!! In my best English I would say to myself ; NO MAS POR FA VOR!!


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
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She told me she slept with over 100 guys , and stop counting after. But it was one night stands and fwb and **** buddies. She said she never lived together or had boyfriend girlfriend or serious relationships. She said she doesn’t hangout with guys she bangs.

she likes to live alone and have her space.

what should Ido?
FWB means that you go there, do the deed and then leave

Cuddling, spending time together, etc is not part of a fwb type of relationship

Even though most of the times I do not agree with what people say here, in this case they are right. You are being “played” by your emotions and most likely by the fact that you can not find women that easily to sleep with

The time spent with her ( prior and after the deed) is way better spent in a social place. 60% of meeting girls is to be present in the flesh where girls go. Relying solely on tinder is for a sure a receipt for dating disaster

You could easily go somewhere and have a drink then go to her place. You finish the deed and go directly to another place and have another drink


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
We are having lots of sex and cuddling. Women don’t have sex with guys they don’t like or are attracted to. I could be wrong. It’s been 3 months and we meet twice a week at her house. Each time we spend around 5 to 6 hours together.
We never took things outside of her house only one time. She doesn’t want sleepovers or hangout outside. I slept over twice and she couldn’t sleep
This girl is a psychopathic slut, the same logic and reasoning doesn’t apply to her. I wouldn’t rule out the possibility of her being a sex worker in her past either.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2018
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The remedy for needyness and desperation is always the same.

get more prospects/plates and focus on your mission


Master Don Juan
Apr 28, 2018
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I don't mean any disrespect, but this seems to be a YOU problem more than this chick. And I don't say that just based on your OP here - I say that because I feel like your posts always have this theme. You get hooked way too easily on women and immediately come here and start posting about it.

Normally, I would say if a man wants an LTR and not to spin plates there is nothing wrong with that. In your case, I think you need to experience true abundance to understand that your desperation (your lack) is killing your chances to maintain anything with these women. Even if you grab some low hanging fruit from OLD, I would try to date many women at once and kill off this negative mindset you have.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 2, 2022
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If you are born with a penis they do despise you for your weakness. You need to be the absolute solid rock in their life.
Any signs of the that rock is crumbling and she will lose the respect for you, :mad::rolleyes: (and eventually find a new rock).

For any other animals, creatures, aliens, children and female sisters exception applies and she you will love that are showing her feelings and weakness which she can connect too.. :devil:
For what do you need to be a 'solid rock'? You don't need to be anything in the first place...
Will a woman be repelled and the relationship with a woman desexualized, will she be pressed into the mother role rather than the GF role?
I'd say yes. I think we agree on this one.

But what do you mean by 'being a rock'?
I argue it's not putting yourself into the role of a victim. That no matter how broken you are, that you try to get up and forward. (Edit: Also being stoic, independent, financially secure, ... I think we agree on this too)
What is a LTR GF good for, if she is unwilling to accept your weaknesses, is unwilling to help you overcome them, or is angry because you can't be 'perfect'? I'd say this would be a person that takes up the most important, closest space of my ship that sails through life, but is taking a sunbath on deck at sunshine, doesn't move when the ship is in a storm and is the first to take the life boat when the ship is close to sinking.
To get some data on my assumption, maybe try to tell someone random (a woman) about a problem where you expose a weakness of yourself, and ask for their help. But in an upright, condident manner!
And then do the same, but present yourself as a victim.

Also I think it's pretty narrow to think men have to be like the main character from American Psycho (perfect from the outside) in order to be lovable.
And women are able to connect with men, and as we men connect with other men by becoming vulnerable (Edit: exposition, more generally) (through action or private talk), women and men can do so as well. Life is not about sex all the time.
(Edit: Also note I don't advocate being effeminate. But in my experience, you can do everything with a 'male touch'. Even being empathetic or vulnerable.)
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Master Don Juan
Aug 12, 2022
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She told me she slept with over 100 guys , and stop counting after. But it was one night stands and fwb and **** buddies. She said she never lived together or had boyfriend girlfriend or serious relationships. She said she doesn’t hangout with guys she bangs.

she likes to live alone and have her space.

what should Ido?
This woman has very low self worth. Looking for some kind of validation through sex. You’re telling me after 100 guys she never found one worth staying with? More red flags than a Chinese communist parade. She’s already planning and stating her exit. She has had this same conversation a 100 times over. “I like getting smashed by you, but I’m not sure…” One thing you can be sure of is this woman is not capable of having a healthy relationship. Hopefully she hasn’t gifted you with any permanent STDs.

She said she doesn’t hangout with guys she bangs. she likes to live alone and have her space.”

If that is all she is capable of handling then don’t give her boyfriend energy. You’re gonna catch feelings while she only sees you as benefits provider. If you are looking for a loving and healthy LTR, she’s not the one. If you want your balls drained a few times a month, then save her number. Sounds like this would be a guy’s dream, but eventually I think most guys want more.


Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2016
Reaction score

I don't mean any disrespect, but this seems to be a YOU problem more than this chick. And I don't say that just based on your OP here - I say that because I feel like your posts always have this theme. You get hooked way too easily on women and immediately come here and start posting about it.

Normally, I would say if a man wants an LTR and not to spin plates there is nothing wrong with that. In your case, I think you need to experience true abundance to understand that your desperation (your lack) is killing your chances to maintain anything with these women. Even if you grab some low hanging fruit from OLD, I would try to date many women at once and kill off this negative mindset you have.
Is this salvage
This woman has very low self worth. Looking for some kind of validation through sex. You’re telling me after 100 guys she never found one worth staying with? More red flags than a Chinese communist parade. She’s already planning and stating her exit. She has had this same conversation a 100 times over. “I like getting smashed by you, but I’m not sure…” One thing you can be sure of is this woman is not capable of having a healthy relationship. Hopefully she hasn’t gifted you with any permanent STDs.

She said she doesn’t hangout with guys she bangs. she likes to live alone and have her space.”

If that is all she is capable of handling then don’t give her boyfriend energy. You’re gonna catch feelings while she only sees you as benefits provider. If you are looking for a loving and healthy LTR, she’s not the one. If you want your balls drained a few times a month, then save her number. Sounds like this would be a guy’s dream, but eventually I think most guys want more.
Should I keep seeing her and drop all the msgs between dates and just wait she hits me up?or if I text her just to plan ? Noite joe was your day and a bunch of emojis?


Master Don Juan
Aug 12, 2022
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She had enough courtesy to tell you what she‘s capable of giving you. My buddy has a plate and goes through this cycle. She wants more but he doesn’t. They go back and forth. They’ll go out, bang like rabbits and then get into a fight. Not talk to each other for a few days and then bang again and restart the cycle. He’s getting the sex he wants but she doesn’t get the relationship she wants. Then he talks her up and gets jealous if she dates other guys even though he doesn’t want to make it exclusive. It’s entertaining to hear but also sounds exhausting.

She’s basically said, “I like your d!ck inside of me, but other than that no thanks.” Sounds like you want something more than surface level but she is not capable of providing that. You need to throttle back to FWB and find another woman that wants the same as you.


Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2016
Reaction score
Yes send them a lot of emojis, and cute messages, something like this:

How was your day princess? I can't stop thinking about you I miss you when can I see you have a great day lolz
I cut all of that now. I used to say sexy in the end of sentences sometimes and mirror her emojis and good morning msg every couple days I’m cutting all that out.
I think I’m person just sed and food as usual maybe a bit cuddling after sex while watching tv but nothing major. If she doesn’t come and hold me I won’t either

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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What you recommend I do? Keep seeing her cut off all the serious topics just have fun sex and no msgs between dates or keep it to a minimum ?
She literally told you she's only into you for sex. so JUST BE THAT.

If she wants relationship stuff, she should be pining for a relationship. Women (and everyone) don't appreciate what they don't work for.


Mar 6, 2017
Reaction score
F0ck her. Spin more plates Red flags everywhere.jpg

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
Reaction score
She told me she slept with over 100 guys , and stop counting after. But it was one night stands and fwb and **** buddies. She said she never lived together or had boyfriend girlfriend or serious relationships. She said she doesn’t hangout with guys she bangs.

she likes to live alone and have her space.

what should Ido?
Why in the hell would you want to tie this down?


Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2016
Reaction score
She literally told you she's only into you for sex. so JUST BE THAT.

If she wants relationship stuff, she should be pining for a relationship. Women (and everyone) don't appreciate what they don't work for.
Sounds good on paper but now she knows I have feelings for her and want more based on my actions. Also she said if she comes later to the conclusion she doesn’t want ever a serious relationship with me she will end also this sex arragement we have. She said something along the lines I cant be with you just for sex for 2 years or so knowing this won’t go anywhere.

I wonder if I’m over thinking this andthe situation isn’t as bad yet. She said she is happy what we have now and meeting once or twice week.

Regardless it hurted when she said she has no feelings for me in my face

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
Reaction score
Sounds good on paper but now she knows I have feelings for her and want more based on my actions. Also she said if she comes later to the conclusion she doesn’t want ever a serious relationship with me she will end also this sex arragement we have. She said something along the lines I cant be with you just for sex for 2 years or so knowing this won’t go anywhere.

I wonder if I’m over thinking this andthe situation isn’t as bad yet. She said she is happy what we have now and meeting once or twice week.

Regardless it hurted when she said she has no feelings for me in my face
You're literally the beta in this relationship. Do not engage in anything serious - she will ruin you.

If she's been with over a hundred d*cks, do you really think yours is the only one she's getting right now? You will be her sidepiece, and you will father someone else's children under the guise that they are your own.

Go spin some plates and find other options, she is NOT the one to take home to mommy.


Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2016
Reaction score
You're literally the beta in this relationship. Do not engage in anything serious - she will ruin you.

If she's been with over a hundred d*cks, do you really think yours is the only one she's getting right now? You will be her sidepiece, and you will father someone else's children under the guise that they are your own.

Go spin some plates and find other options, she is NOT the one to take home to mommy.
I work 200 hours a week including saturdays I have no time to spin plates or chase women honestly. I wanted to have this one casually. I don’t need relationship but would be nice to see her chasing me texting me and showing interest not having doubts questions no feelings etc.

I had one girl similar to this one 3 years. I had the keys to her house and she was a single mom of a young child. I could go over her place unannounced when ever I want for sex. Some nights I would show up other wouldn’t. Like 2 to 3 times a week this routine was awesome


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2021
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You are over here kissing and cuddling with some Jezebel that was bold enough to tell you that she has never been able to pair bond her whole life? This is the type of shvt that breaks men permanently.
I don't agree with this. This is the type of shjt that breaks men who haven't learned to separate sexual bonding and "love" permanently.