Read this about the most popular fitness cover model

Dec 14, 2003
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kingdom of latveria, central europe
Originally posted by Templeton

O'Hearn has no visible indications that he juices, unless you point to his excellent physique and superior strength.
please tell me what these visible indications are? I never said he abused GH and roids like Coleman, et al. But I am positive he has dabbled in anabolics. Given his lifestyle (fitness model, Lou Ferrigno's training partner), profession (the pressure to always look big and cut) and the environment he lifts in, (Gold's in Venice Beach) you'd be naive to believe he's all natural. Besides the natural guys (like Skip LaCour) are all about beating you over the head with the fact that they are natural.

Dude, the man won the Universe 3 times! You are telling me a natural lifter won the Universe overall 3 times? You are telling me that the Universe is a drug-free show? Or is he that big a genetic freak? Frankly I don't think so.

Man, I know guys that compete at "natural" shows who juice. They know exactly how to taper their cycles so as not to trigger the drug screens at the show.

Competitive bodybuilding is a complete farce.


Master Don Juan
Mar 7, 2003
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There is still no proof that he juices. Like I said, perhaps he does and maybe he does not but only Mike and his dealer will know for sure if that is the case. Neither of us actually know and we can speculate all day, but we do not KNOW.

I have trained for years in countless gyms and with many guys who have juiced. It is pretty easy to spot, the physique takes on a different kind of look - harder, more vascular, skin tone changes not to mention any acne. Mike has none of these signs. He is not particularly hard or vascular. Look at his face, no bloat and no coarse skin. If he is on gear he is very lucky not to have any visible indications.

By the way, the title Mr Universe means little today, there are many versions of it. The comps Mike competed in were as far as I know tested. Why would he compete in a tested comp if he was using when he could have easily competed in the NPC and done extremely well and taken all that he wanted? It is my experience that the guys who test positive in natural shows when they had plenty of chance to compete in regular events are those who know they would get nowhere against other guys who were juicing, i.e.guys with limited genetics. Mike is as far away from this kind of bodybuilder as you can get.

Skip La Cour is only natural if you believe Pro Hormones aren't steroids, which they technically are albeit not as potent. Actually, the kind of hardness Skip exhibits is far more an indication if gear use than Mike's physique, but again, genetic freaks both and Skip is one of the most dedicated competitors around.


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2002
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South Carolina (Charleston)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Ehhh...

Originally posted by victor von doom

She's clearly not your type - that's fair... but you're telling me you wouldn't fukk her given the chance? If you can answer "NO" with a straight face - then I have to question your manhood. :D
guess i must be gay then :O lol.
i actually dont seem to like any of the girls yall post on this site... doesnt mean i dont like girls.. just not yalls taste.
just bc shes in a bikini doesnt make her hot
u could tell without makeup she would probly be ugly.
and even with makeup.. shes just NOt attractive to me.


Don Juan
May 22, 2003
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lol maybe its just me but his face looks a bit on the feminine side...

i dont see no rugged manliness to his facial features, kind of gives off the homosexual effect..

wayyy too pretty.