Quality of women declining?? WTF!


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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edger said:
If women settle for AFC's because there aren't enough DJ's around, then how come we were never "settled" for in our AFC days? I'm just confused. I've never known a woman to settle for me while I had AFC ways, and from what I know, nobody else here has either.
We all talk about how important it is to have DJ qualities, but at the end of the day a few women DO like some AFC traits. But most of the time it's more about where they are in their life at the time. It's what works best for THEM at the moment.

I have a feeling that 9 times out of 10 the chick is gonna pick the DJ, all else being equal. But, and this is a big BUT.....if she is REALLY looking to settle down she is going to gravitate toward the guy that's gonna be there for her through thick and thin. And isn't that the epitome of AFC? Being there for HER unconditionally, even at HIS expense? The DJ is more aware of his value and is less likely to settle down, especially with a chick who reeks of desperation to tie someone down.

In other words, she CAN'T get the DJ to commit. If she could get him to commit and she saw the potential for him to be able to provide for her, she would choose him in a second.

I've said it many times....sometimes being a DJ you miss out on things that others get to experience. Sure, you cut out some of the BS that a guy who isn't as aware might experience, but at the same time you miss out on the blissfully ignorant "honeymoon" phase with some women just because you are more picky and less tolerant of womens behavior.

Science has shown that women often look to have their needs met through MULTIPLE partners. Boring guy is at home watching the kids while she's out banging Mr. Right Now.

I know a chick that has a NEWBORN BABY that is out fooling around behind her husbands back. How sad is that?

Get used to it cause all you can do is strive to be the best man you can be, but at the end of the day the fate of your relationship rests on her integrity and her perception of you as a man.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
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edger said:
Phyzzle, I hope you're not insinuating that Goths are losers.
Okay, he was a goth and a loser. Like I said, he want to CA to find a job. He'd been unemployed for a few years. I threw the two together, since most of his "working" consisted of some depressing, desultory drawing.

Maybe he was hot stuff in his "subculture", though I didn't see it. There are some hot ravergirls, punkgirls, hippiegirls, etc. whose entire love life consists of sleeping with guys who make music in their chosen scene, but I don't remember him being in a band.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
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A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
STR8UP said:
We all talk about how important it is to have DJ qualities, but at the end of the day a few women DO like some AFC traits. But most of the time it's more about where they are in their life at the time. It's what works best for THEM at the moment.

I have a feeling that 9 times out of 10 the chick is gonna pick the DJ, all else being equal. But, and this is a big BUT.....if she is REALLY looking to settle down she is going to gravitate toward the guy that's gonna be there for her through thick and thin. And isn't that the epitome of AFC? Being there for HER unconditionally, even at HIS expense? The DJ is more aware of his value and is less likely to settle down, especially with a chick who reeks of desperation to tie someone down.

In other words, she CAN'T get the DJ to commit. If she could get him to commit and she saw the potential for him to be able to provide for her, she would choose him in a second.

I've said it many times....sometimes being a DJ you miss out on things that others get to experience. Sure, you cut out some of the BS that a guy who isn't as aware might experience, but at the same time you miss out on the blissfully ignorant "honeymoon" phase with some women just because you are more picky and less tolerant of womens behavior.

Science has shown that women often look to have their needs met through MULTIPLE partners. Boring guy is at home watching the kids while she's out banging Mr. Right Now.

I know a chick that has a NEWBORN BABY that is out fooling around behind her husbands back. How sad is that?

Get used to it cause all you can do is strive to be the best man you can be, but at the end of the day the fate of your relationship rests on her integrity and her perception of you as a man.
Yep, women sure do get to have the best of both worlds. Crazy sh*t. Clearly a woman's world. I'll say it again, when god created the world(if you believe in god), he sure f*cked men over(as well as all other male species).
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
STR8UP said:
I was thinking about this post earlier today and it donned on me just how long it has been since I have been with a "quality" woman.

Man, come to think of it I have only had ONE decent woman in my entire 35 years, and even that one was a branch swinging monkey.

ARE there any halfway decent women out there?
Say "NO" to Hos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!