Point to Having Kids?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2010
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Southern States
I don't hate kids for how can you blame a kid for anything... just the parents that never discipline their kids and create kids that run wild is the problem.

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Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
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San Diego, California
Having kids is a man's duty to the human race. Everyone has to make their own contribution. The reason we are all here having this conversation is because somebody gave birth to us, right? Most of the reasons people don't want to have kids either is for selfish reasons. There's only so much meaning material stuff and banging HB's will give to your life. A lot of times when I read of and hear these kinda stuff it's usually from people in the western culture who have advanced so much that normal life and it's simplicities have become so boring. and Me, myslef annd I + stuff has become prevalent. If you even look back to a some hundred years ago. I bet this wasn't the attitude people had. Now dogs are becoming the new humans. Imagine someone leaving their wealth to an animal. Did this happen that many years ago? You go to the restaurant and you are mistakenly given Swiss cheese instead of American cheese. It becomes a big deal. Anyway, you get the point.


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2007
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Rollo Tomassi said:
For anyone of the mind that parenting justifies marriage, or that becoming a parent is "fulfilling" and completing,...

Why Parents Hate Parenting.
I think the title of the article, "All Joy and No Fun" is more apt than the sub-title you quoted. I read it to the end, and the message was that having children is a trade-off between day-to-day pleasure and long-term reward.

I don't have children and I currently don't plan on having any. I definitely believe, however, that the most rewarding experiences are usually those that are the most challenging. I think back to completing my degree or surviving military boot-camp.

If I seek a hedonistic lifestyle, I could definitely see myself, 50 years from now, regretting not having kids. I think, however, that if I take the energy and money required to raise kids, and apply it to helping my fellow man, I won't be lying on my death bed full of regret.

There are many ways to live a rewarding life; having kids is just one of them.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
I was not a kid person until I had one. I hated kids. I would not mind having a daughter actually. Not now but maybe in a few years when my son is a little older.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 28, 2008
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My brothers fell into the "duty to have kids" trap they felt in order to grow up they needed to experience the sacrifices our parents made raising us, and they now live a bitter, bitter existence but when they started families they often wonderred when i'd "grow up" and stop living like a teenager.

Bitterness likely caused having a mortgage, two car payments, doctor appointments and countless other expenses requiring them to work 55 or 60 hours a week and spending little time with their precious offspring and getting to say "hey i'm a grown up"

I embrace a medium salary/low rent/do as i please when i please life style and so should everyone else


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
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belleville, il
Cure said:
My son, who I had when I was 20, is such an amazing source of inspiration to me, motivation to be a better man. his simple Existance makes me happier than anything else ever would.

All of you sitting here discussing the fiscal/moral/lifestyle/mother issues are missing the big point, that fatherhood can be one of the most, if not THE most rewarding thing a man does in his entire life.

Mods feel free to delete this as I'm only 22, but I feel as a father I have something of worth to contribute on this occasion. :)


my son is 4 yrs old and is the most rewarding thing I have ever experienced..having him gave me perspective that ended up causing me to leave this place for a while.

Anyone who does not have there own children really can not comment on having them.

If they choose to not have them because of the life change and logistics that is fair...beyond that they have no clue to what your children bring to your existence.

I hated to be around kids and still do for the most part..but my son is just amazing..good or bad he brings amazingness to my life.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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Holy fvck, is this the reunion thread? All these posters who haven't posted in forever!

I wanted to have at least one child. I really did look forward to the experience of raising my own human. Too bad I chose a nitwit to be my child's mother. The most difficult thing is trying to get over the feeling that I had failed my child in choosing a suitable mother for him. I thought I did, but some people just aren't meant to be parents.

I think everyone who has a child should have goals when it comes to raising them. My goal is to raise him to become a successfully independent man. Everything I teach him and work with him is relevant because of this goal. If I didn't have this goal, he wouldn't be able to put his shoes on, dress himself, be toilet trained, etc. I don't want him to be forever dependent on me, so I encourage him to do things on his own.

Being a parent isn't about owning a child. It's about training them to be independent.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
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New Jersey
Warrior74 said:
LOL while it feels good to stick it to them about your views on the topic, never forget the law.
Gonna requote this Warrior, because lately I am seeing a lot of "Agree and Amplify" from you and Jophil on different parts of the board.

You said "Agree and Amplify" on another thread that I had posted about and ever since then, it's exactly what I am doing.

What I didn't expect was to have a cousin of mine post on my Facebook WALL about how I was going to be 30 in a month and that I should seriously consider starting up a family and getting serious with my life. That he had heard from other family members that I seemed to be sad and lonely and that he hoped that I could find some meaning in my life.

Now, what was hysterical about this is that 2010 has been the most exciting year of my life. It's my first FULL year "single" since 2001-2003. I've been EVERYWHERE and I make sure to update my 'Book with newest pictures not only detailing my weight loss but all of the exciting things I've done lately. My guess was he took one look at my Facebook and decided that he was jealous of how I lived life, because HE was the one who was supposed to live that way.

I laughed because I was he first person he called when he knocked up his wife almost 8 years ago. He was scared because she might be pregnant, and when I asked what happened it was the typical sob story: She said she was on birth control, told him to not use a condom and then... OOPS.

This was shortly after she met his parents and found out that they are "middle-class wealthy". She got pregnant and he was forced into marrying her. This guy WAS the mirage of an alpha in his teens and there he was at age 22... his life GONE.

His wife makes him miserable and the ONLY thing that keeps him going are his children... other than that, he's always complaining about his life and how his wife was what was ruining his life. He never states his children and I genuinely believe that he has unconditional love for them, but I'm almost sure that everytime he looks at them, he remembers the life that could have been.

So... instead of blasting back with "Well, I like my life the way it is, jealous much?" I went with "You're absolutely right and I'll give this serious consideration, I am getting older now. Cheers!"

The funny thing is that I KNOW that no one in my family told him I am miserable, in fact, they ALL have said to me in the past months: I've never heard you THIS HAPPY in YEARS.

Sometimes it makes me wonder if the men that leave their pregnant wives and disappear do so not because of the child that's incoming but because of the WOMAN they knocked up.

Whenever I see my cousin, I can see both the love he has for his children but also the disdain and misery in his life caused by his wife.

And he'll probably never figure out that I have no intentions of "getting serious".


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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Kailex said:
Sometimes it makes me wonder if the men that leave their pregnant wives and disappear do so not because of the child that's incoming but because of the WOMAN they knocked up.
I'm sure this is the case a lot of times. I'd rather be tethered to an accidental child (knowing 100% it's mine) than a wife that I dread. Only difference is a man with balls can walk away from the wrong woman.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
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England, baby!
Kailex said:
What I didn't expect was to have a cousin of mine post on my Facebook WALL about how I was going to be 30 in a month and that I should seriously consider starting up a family and getting serious with my life. That he had heard from other family members that I seemed to be sad and lonely and that he hoped that I could find some meaning in my life.

i have friends who are married/ enjaged and in their mid 20's ..... really they are kinda boring and middle aged nothing exciting happens - mortgage, bills, routine (too add the girls are a bit "too comfortable") - ..... depresing to see... they influence some of my single guy friends into thinking they should be settling down ... MID 20's.... jeeze !

also one of my freinds who is 24 thinks he is old...?! WTF!


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
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Master Don Juan
May 11, 2006
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I think the traditional prehistoric way is the best.

Many years ago you had to be pretty successful and respected hunter(mature enough) to be allowed to have a kid. No-good men could not...why to feed another neck when it's father is incompetent. So men "married" much later...if they survived. Later is relative term...you had shorter life expectancy but you matured faster.

So, it is OK to have kids when you have your shyt together, which in this easy, safe, prosperous world is pretty hard.

World is overpopulated. It is absolutely OK when only mature couples have kids. It will certainly help to solve the child abuse problem.

Now only ones who produce many children in western world are the poor. Maybe thanks to child support income (you paying for their children and them) and/or because they are more in touch with their maternal/paternal instincts. Besides they know they will achieve nothing more special in their lives, so why not to settle down now.

Why I want kids?
For Genetic legacy...yeah I know it sounds kind of self-absorbed but f@ck that...I believe planet needs more like me :]

I am not exactly a cancer-cure scientist. And I like kids and how they think (you can re-learn a lot from them) so it would be a fine purpose in life for me to have one. What else is there? Partying? Building hot rod? Going to gym or shopping? That is not the purpose of life, that's just a f@king hobby. You can repair motorbikes with your grand children.

I believe it is more selfish not to have kids than to have one. Besides having a kid will help me to be more selfish..."F@ck you boss, I'm going home to see my kid." Now I give my work 90%. And it sucks, since I would easily could give it 30% like most of my colleagues, who have the same money. I like my work but I am the type who wants to do it properly which is fine but exhausting. A child would force me to change my priorities for better I guess.

And with a kid I would get an excuse to do all kinds of crazy stuff.

I'm in a point in life I know there nothing wonderful waiting around the corner. Certainly not something worthy of not having children.

And if you want to mature faster, have a kid.


New Member
Sep 21, 2010
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los angeles, california
I don't think there really is a point to having children... at least for me. I've never wanted them. I don't want to pass on everything that's wrong w/ me to another generation and I'm not selfless enough for that job. I couldn't mentally deal with any abuse that could possibly occur and I can barely financially and mentally care for myself.

as far as legacy and all that madness... if I wanna leave a legacy I'll cure cancer not have a baby pop out of my vag and ruin my body and hate me when it gets to be a teenager... no thnx plz


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
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DanelMadr said:
Why I want kids?
For Genetic legacy...yeah I know it sounds kind of self-absorbed but f@ck that...I believe planet needs more like me :]
At first I thought I didn't want kids (you know, more money and time for me) but then I decided that the world needs more men so I'm gonna do my part.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
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FairShake said:
The pressure gets to me sometimes. My daughter is smart...too smart. She is constantly testing limits and going further than she should. Granted, the smart ones always do. She also overachieves in mischief but in virtually all areas of life so far. Is it worth it? Ask me this...do I want more? Yep.
Hi Fairshake, I have a daughter too, mine is all grown up now and I was a lot like how you describe yourself, and having a kid for me really gave my life a new dimension.
It's worth noting though that they do grow up and become the women that we discuss on here.
My own turned into a real nasty manipulative piece of work. If I could wind things back and do one thing differently I'd see those cute testy things she did as what they were, and that is a kind of sh1t test and I wouldnt have put up with it...nipped it in the bud etc... and I think she just might have turned out to be a better person than she is.

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
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Point to Having Kids?
First, I read through the posts and agree with many of the points that were made. If people didn't have kids, then the human race would end. It's an evolutionary mechanism for people (especially women) to instinctively desire having children. However, having kids does not guarantee your happiness. Nature doesn't care about your happiness. It only cares that you complete your purpose to have kid so that the human race will continue. Nature is a *****; you would already know that if you watch Animal Planets.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
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englishman said:
It's worth noting though that they do grow up and become the women that we discuss on here.
Good. I hope she has the upper hand...or at least a good grip...in every relationship she's ever in.

I WANT her dating AFCs! They make better boyfriends!