POF no success for 1 month

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Robert28 said:
ok, I made up a POF profile today to try out some of NN's emails to see how they worked on "southern women" and here's what I'm noticing so far.

girls between the ages of 18-24- they read it and never respond, read and delete it, I've had 3 unread and delete it and 2 of those never looked at my profile, I've had 3 respond with only "huh?" or "what?" which leads me to believe their sense of humor is non-existant.

girls between the ages of 25-29- the ratio of them replying is significantly higher then the girls between 18-24 but these are some SKEPTICAL b!tches. you can tell instantly they are damaged goods because they mostly reply with "is that the email you send to every girl?" or something along those lines. some respond positively but I'd guess it's about 50/50 so far.

girls between the ages of 30+ respond to it positively, most seem to find it funny and actually write you back an email you can work with.

I've sent this message to what I consider the top looking girls (7's and above) and so far it's reeling in older women, which is fine, but I don't think it's the type of message that can be used on just any female on POF. the hotter and younger they are the less chance you hear back from them or they are so dumb that they don't have a sense of humor, which there's really nothing you can do about that. I've mostly sent the message to girls that look at my profile, with the exception of about 10 women that didn't look at it initially.

What I did do was put up about 6 pics of me, but 3 of them are pics of me with HOT girls that I have either dated or are friends with. I figured maybe it would give me some social proof online, but I think all it's doing is intimidating most of the women on there because while they think their sh!t don't stink on pof, they see pics of me with women hotter then them and know that I can't be fooled into falling for their foolishness.
Never EVER seem like you don't believe these chicks. Nor come off negative. they can SMELL it. PLAY THE GAME. Who cares? You just don't let them see you sweat it. Once you become "Zen" like and immune to it: Rejection as WELL as success. It becomes EASY WORK. A simple system. One, two three emails. Number grab. Plan to meet before calling. Call them up. (No time for twitter texting buddies or online chat phone interviews.) you call them up with a PLAN to meet so they don't have time to think or have you 'disqualify' yourself for whatever retarded reason they can think of at them time.

1) You need your absolute best pictures up. MUST.

2) Profile must be brief, funny, and well written.

3) Have a lot of interests.

4) set email settings to not want intimate encounters, married, activity partners and drug users.

5) Have a GREAT headline.

6) Then spam out the message.

7) If they respond with a one word answer. Simply reply: That's it. Jello time for my mommy with a side order of strained peas and carrots. (your real name) =)

Otherwise respond to what they reply with along with: How's the site been treating you so far? (Your real name) =)

Once they reply: respond to whatever they say along with: You seem like a cool person. I'm not on here much. Give me your number and I'll give you a call sometime. (your real name) =)

Incognito has in THREE days gotten over 54 replies. I counted them and I lost count of how many numbers were given in replies on the third or fourth exchange. (Trust me..some of these chicks replying are pretty damn good looking in their pics.) He's been spamming to the best looking in his area.

GSP has met like 6 women in person since we last heard from him.

PM me your username and password for POF and It'll take me two minutes to copy and paste a profile, interests, and headline to it and caption your pics. I joke and kid. But I do not play. True story.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
bradd80 said:
I'd have to agree 100% with Robert on this one. Naughty Ninja you have a great sense of humour and your comments do work on some women, but so do a lot of different types of messages. NN, your style wasn't that different from own albeit your sense of humour is a little more over the top (loved your "roommate is my mom" opener haha) but i find that the young hot girls that respond to your types of messages tend to answer with statements such as "huh" as Robert has reported. The older ones respond rather favourably, but the older ones respond favourably to almost anything lol
Depends on your pics too. Use your absolute best. Funny captions, funny semi serious profile. Most of all how you look in your pictures.

Hell my old deleted profile was just thrown up with pics in my bathroom and they STILL responded like crazy. Work out. It helps immensely.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
I treat a lot of these online women as I would treat stocks. I lose interest, I sell, or look for the opportune time to sell. If she keeps me interested, I'll hang on. As soon as she doesn't reply or doesn't engage me anymore, I totally forget her as5 and move to another. I have several self-initiated messages that I've chose not to open and read because after viewing their profile I felt a little bit of vomit creep up inside me (I never get sick, just a metaphor). The decent ones are few and far between, and those are the ones I hold out for, and will initiate a message with from a strictly narrowed search. The hot ones will Many times, just drop off, she'll just not care to reply, so I just let her go. Does she Really think she's That great? She's a Woman. I'm the one who holds the cards, the cold hard assets, ME. What can she produce long-term worthwhile (besides an easy baby)? Let her swim among the sharks if she doesn't want to take my hand. I'm the best thing that could ever happen to most of these ones. It's hilarious how most women have such a chip on their shoulders when all they do is primp and preen. Learn to cook, learn to clean, woman! Shut up and lose the big mouth that says utterly nothing of value, I say most of you. All this communication technology and nothing really worthwhile ever said among the bytes sent.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Poonani Maker said:
I treat a lot of these online women as I would treat stocks. I lose interest, I sell, or look for the opportune time to sell. If she keeps me interested, I'll hang on. As soon as she doesn't reply or doesn't engage me anymore, I totally forget her as5 and move to another. I have several self-initiated messages that I've chose not to open and read because after viewing their profile I felt a little bit of vomit creep up inside me (I never get sick, just a metaphor). The decent ones are few and far between, and those are the ones I hold out for, and will initiate a message with from a strictly narrowed search. The hot ones will Many times, just drop off, she'll just not care to reply, so I just let her go. Does she Really think she's That great? She's a Woman. I'm the one who holds the cards, the cold hard assets, ME. What can she produce long-term worthwhile (besides an easy baby)? Let her swim among the sharks if she doesn't want to take my hand. I'm the best thing that could ever happen to most of these ones. It's hilarious how most women have such a chip on their shoulders when all they do is primp and preen. Learn to cook, learn to clean, woman! Shut up and lose the big mouth that says utterly nothing of value, I say most of you. All this communication technology and nothing really worthwhile ever said among the bytes sent.

Without saying it to them directly..You simply have to think of yourself as "The Pig of their Dreams". Play the game though never let on to any of it. Ignore the nonsense and lead.