Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
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My title is certainly not my own created saying, but it speakes volumes of how you should be living your life. It is perfect for the men here that struggle with women and relationships.

When I became a member here in 2006, I was going through so many changes. Just got my divorce and my brother and I were starting a business that cost me much hence how I came up with my screen name SOLDMYSOUL[./B]

It has been quite awhile since visiting here and decided to visit today to share my experience and knowledge after finally just letting go! The secret that some guys seek on here and everywhere is easy. I am going to share it with it you. The pros here already know it, but this is for those still struggling.

Since my last visit, I have been married for about a year and been in a pretty decent job that pays well enough and my wife makes a nice living as well.

Now for the secret!!!!!!!! All one has to do is let go and things start happening. I don't mean in the sense of staying on your a$$ and doing nothing. I mean stop worrying and concerning yourself with women so much!
Your first priority MUST BE YOU! Sounds easy, does it not? Once you master that love for yourself then things fall right into place. No I don't mean a selfish, self centered love. I mean exactly what I say You are first and love yourself over any woman!

Once you stop making a woman's world your entire world, YOUR WORLD becomes meaningful and special to you. Thus making your world worth a deserving woman being in it. If you are always trying to force yourself into a woman's world, you will lose yourself in her world. Once you are sucked into her world and do not have your own, she will NOT want you there.

Then you deal with heartache and pain that you YOURSELF helped create! By remaining a challenege does not mean continue being a $ h i t h e a d to her. It simply means you maintain the frame all day everyday. It means you do not put her on that dreaded pedestal. It means DO NOT be the AFC, supplicating fool you have been in the past. Doesn't mean be a nice guy. It means exactly this: BE A GOOD GUY!

Like all the legendary posters here have posted in the past: "As men, the strongest thing we have in our arsenal is having the power to WALK AWAY."
Hey, you!!!!! YES YOU...... When it comes to women, PLAY STUPID GAMES... WIN STUPID PRIZES.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
This is a really good post that will go over most people's heads here.

Any tips on how to ingrain this? I felt this when in my last relationship (well, and usually when I met a cool girl) she was doing WAY more stuff than I during her weeks. If her world is more interesting than mine....

How do we love ourselves without taking it overboard to ego love?

I know some people say things such as "This is not good for me.." I never talk about myself like that, I want to learn how and let it be genuine!


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
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Thanks for replying in the manner you did. Did it go over most people's head?? Probably, but I am in a way different place then when I joined here years ago. I am much more in tune with myself and I have been through so much my first post here.

My tips for ingraining this... Hmmm.. For me it was not something that happened over night. It was from an accumulation of events in my life that got me in the place. I guess experience really is the best teacher as well as learning from my mistakes not successes.

Ultimately when you reach where I feel I am things start taking shape for the best. Instead of being the all or nothing type of person be the person that accepts everything in between. If you are the all or nothing kind you will miss everything in between. That really is what I want to share. Life is not about all or nothing. It is about all that $ h I t in between. Does that make sense?

Having your own world removes that neediness that will screw you up every time !!! I am very happy what I struggled with in the past and what I have over come. Life is not easy! But much of what you feel comes from your attitude. Think negatively and always try to analyze women you will stay unhappy. Remain as positive as you possibly can and do not concern yourself with ANY women that thinks she is entitled to everything.

Like I said, just let go......


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
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Oxide said:
This is a really good post that will go over most people's heads here.
If it did that is something that they have not been able to achieve yet. But you might have gotten something from it. If you do/ did then just maybe I helped a fellow brother. I hope you get something from it because it is from the well balanced SoldmySoul! I remember being that guy that was always trying to figure women out.. What a waste of time it truly is! Relationships either work or they don't. You know what??? The relationship I have with myself is right where it needs to be and since that is good things fall right into place. You asked about loving yourself without going overboard. I don't mean it is an outwardly love that women with think you have an ego problem. It quite simply means, it feels like you know exactly what you are worth in a sense you will not allow a woman to treat you any kind of way. It means you want what is best for you. It means you are good to yourself. Not a disgusting ego trip. Not at all.


Jun 23, 2014
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Sold My Soul,

I'm not really sure what your message is supposed to be as your post made no sense and isn't consistent at all. To begin, let's summarize:

- You have the secret to life and it's to just, "let go and things will start happening," basically to stop worrying about women and concerning ourselves with women, but instead to make ourselves the first priority in life.

- You say that once you stop making women your entire world, then your world becomes more meaningful and special, one that is "deserving" of having a woman in it.

- You say that one should remain a challenge, which is to maintain the frame all the time by never putting a woman on a pedestal or supplicating to her.

- You say that you agree with posters from prior times in that, "As men, the strongest thing we have in our arsenal is having the power to WALK AWAY."

Now, care if I break all this down?

You said you are married, correct? How are you making yourself first priority by getting married? How are you being a challenge by getting married? How are you maintaining a "frame" by getting married?

The simple act of marrying a chick is to put her on a pedestal in some format, which is to say she's "better" than other women out here which is why you chose to marry her and not the other women you could have married. How could you possibly agree with posters in the past about having the power to walk away, if you willingly signed up for a legally binding contract (marriage) which makes it difficult to walk away?

When you talk about not putting women on a pedestal one minute, why do you talk about the need for men to create a world "worthy" of women to come into it the next minute? Which one is it? Do I worship women (or some women) and decide to create a world to bring them into it for entertainment/comfort, or do I truly not give a damn and I'm going my own way?

You are trying to promote a MGTOW phrase but are doing everything BUT going your own way, doing everything BUT being a challenge, doing everything BUT maintaining a frame.

When you get married there's no being a challenge or maintaining a frame, that shyt is over with. You are married, which means she owns you legally, make one bad move and she can unleash the financial BOMB that will ruin you forever. You already got married and divorced once, why in the hell do you sign up for the bullshyt again and then have the NERVE to get up here and try to preach to someone about being a Challenge?


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
I never take advice from married guys. It's almost as worthless as taking advice from women. It's like taking advice on how to get away with crime from a guy in jail.

The only married guy I'd take advice from would be a guy who's married to a supermodel who pays for all his sh*t and brings home other women for him to bang. And even then, if he were that awesome I'd ask why he couldn't do that without the whole marriage thing.

No offense, OP. That's just my take on the situation. In my 40 years I have never in my life been able to come up with a good reason for me to get married. Not one.

OP's suggestion that guys don't act needy around women and think about themselves first is fine, but it's hardly a revelation.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
Reaction score
Tenacity said:
Sold My Soul,

I'm not really sure what your message is supposed to be as your post made no sense and isn't consistent at all. To begin, let's summarize:

- You have the secret to life and it's to just, "let go and things will start happening," basically to stop worrying about women and concerning ourselves with women, but instead to make ourselves the first priority in life.

- You say that once you stop making women your entire world, then your world becomes more meaningful and special, one that is "deserving" of having a woman in it.

- You say that one should remain a challenge, which is to maintain the frame all the time by never putting a woman on a pedestal or supplicating to her.

- You say that you agree with posters from prior times in that, "As men, the strongest thing we have in our arsenal is having the power to WALK AWAY."

Now, care if I break all this down?

You said you are married, correct? How are you making yourself first priority by getting married? How are you being a challenge by getting married? How are you maintaining a "frame" by getting married?

The simple act of marrying a chick is to put her on a pedestal in some format, which is to say she's "better" than other women out here which is why you chose to marry her and not the other women you could have married. How could you possibly agree with posters in the past about having the power to walk away, if you willingly signed up for a legally binding contract (marriage) which makes it difficult to walk away?

When you talk about not putting women on a pedestal one minute, why do you talk about the need for men to create a world "worthy" of women to come into it the next minute? Which one is it? Do I worship women (or some women) and decide to create a world to bring them into it for entertainment/comfort, or do I truly not give a damn and I'm going my own way?

You are trying to promote a MGTOW phrase but are doing everything BUT going your own way, doing everything BUT being a challenge, doing everything BUT maintaining a frame.

When you get married there's no being a challenge or maintaining a frame, that shyt is over with. You are married, which means she owns you legally, make one bad move and she can unleash the financial BOMB that will ruin you forever. You already got married and divorced once, why in the hell do you sign up for the bullshyt again and then have the NERVE to get up here and try to preach to someone about being a Challenge?
My man, my writing may seem inconsistent to you because you simply do understand where I am and from where I came. You are a new poster here as far as I see it.. You have made a lot of posts too. In a short amount of time. Which says to me you spend too much time online and not living your life.

Getting married has nothing to do with not being a challenge any longer. From what you say is that pros here like Rollo are not a challenge since they married. No? It just might be you do not understand a damn thing I said because you don't get it.. At your age I didn't get it either.

I decided to remarry again because I found a woman that complimented my life not complicate it.

The main purpose of the initial posts is simple: play stupid games win stupid prizes. Sorry you don't get it, but some well. Let me know how you do when you get out there and live. Thanks!


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
Reaction score
Zarky said:
I never take advice from married guys. It's almost as worthless as taking advice from women. It's like taking advice on how to get away with crime from a guy in jail.

The only married guy I'd take advice from would be a guy who's married to a supermodel who pays for all his sh*t and brings home other women for him to bang. And even then, if he were that awesome I'd ask why he couldn't do that without the whole marriage thing.

No offense, OP. That's just my take on the situation. In my 40 years I have never in my life been able to come up with a good reason for me to get married. Not one.
No offense taken. But there are plenty of married gents here that have been there done that. Let's just say I never mentioned being married, would it make a difference???

Maybe I just grew tired of screwing a lot of women and decided it was time to settle down. When did being married become a bad thing? My life is going well and if guys like you Zark refuse to take advice from a married guy that problem is yours. I have been through way more than you guys.

I see it as being narrowed minded. That certainly is not growth. Back in the day we did not have guys with attitudes like the ones you exhibit. This place has changed.


Jun 23, 2014
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SoldMySoul said:
My man, my writing may seem inconsistent to you because you simply do understand where I am and from where I came. You are a new poster here as far as I see it.. You have made a lot of posts too. In a short amount of time. Which says to me you spend too much time online and not living your life.

Getting married has nothing to do with not being a challenge any longer. From what you say is that pros here like Rollo are not a challenge since they married. No? It just might be you do not understand a damn thing I said because you don't get it.. At your age I didn't get it either.

I decided to remarry again because I found a woman that complimented my life not complicate it.

The main purpose of the initial posts is simple: play stupid games win stupid prizes. Sorry you don't get it, but some well. Let me know how you do when you get out there and live. Thanks!

- How do you know what I do during a 24 hour time period? I'm curious, I didn't know post count on a Forum equated I didn't have a life? I've been posting here since June 2014 with 435 posts, that's less than 2 posts a day.

- Getting married has NOTHING to do with not being a Challenge any longer? Are you kidding me? How the hell are you a Challenge to your Wife? She has a legally binding contract on your and pre-nup or not, she can still financially RUIN you anytime she sees fit. She can also get FAT, stop fvcking you, nag, bytch, complain all day, etc., and you have to take it. You can't walk away like you said, unless you want to be financially ruined. By getting married just what in the hell are you challenging?

- I don't know why anybody would get married today, you, Rollo, or anybody. When you say I "don't get it" can you please elaborate on what benefits comes with getting married that I'm unaware of? Seeing as though I just don't "get it" I would love to know what the hell I'm missing out on?

- If your post is about "play stupid games, win stupid prizes" then apparently you haven't heeded your own advice. Because you are playing stupid games with Feminism and The Family Court System (once again), so your grand prize of high legal bills, financial problems, stress, a FAT wife, and more are waiting for you right around the corner.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
Reaction score
Tenacity said:
- How do you know what I do during a 24 hour time period? I'm curious, I didn't know post count on a Forum equated I didn't have a life? I've been posting here since June 2014 with 435 posts, that's less than 2 posts a day.

- Getting married has NOTHING to do with not being a Challenge any longer? Are you kidding me? How the hell are you a Challenge to your Wife? She has a legally binding contract on your and pre-nup or not, she can still financially RUIN you anytime she sees fit. She can also get FAT, stop fvcking you, nag, bytch, complain all day, etc., and you have to take it. You can't walk away like you said, unless you want to be financially ruined. By getting married just what in the hell are you challenging?

- I don't know why anybody would get married today, you, Rollo, or anybody. When you say I "don't get it" can you please elaborate on what benefits comes with getting married that I'm unaware of? Seeing as though I just don't "get it" I would love to know what the hell I'm missing out on?

- If your post is about "play stupid games, win stupid prizes" then apparently you haven't heeded your own advice. Because you are playing stupid games with Feminism and The Family Court System (once again), so your grand prize of high legal bills, financial problems, stress, a FAT wife, and more are waiting for you right around the corner.
I touched a nerve huh??? Well let me break it down in the simplest form so even you can be crystal clear: I am a good dude and would not want to just screw anyone over. My wife makes way more than I do. Her retirement is better. I left my apartment and moved into her house. I have no inclination to screw her over, but my state it is 50/50. Furthermore, I have no kids and she no longer can bear children. Now, with that said how does this make me stupid?? I stand to lose nothing in comparison to her. Not why I am married in first place.

Several months after marrying her she was diagnosed with Leukemia. I tell you this to say I am the man she will die with. We didn't know she had this when we started dating of course.

If the marriage does not work out years down the road it doesn't, but I do not sit around worrying about it. My life in the fast lane was getting dangerous my friend and I do not miss the player days at all. This is the mature forum which is nonsense because 25 years old really do not qualify.

Live your life my friend.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
Reaction score
Tenacity, I saw your post about starting to hate women. That was yours right??? If so, that tells me all I need to know about you at the current time. Reminds me of the silly mess I would post when I was clueless.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
SoldMySoul said:
I touched a nerve huh??? Well let me break it down in the simplest form so even you can be crystal clear: I am a good dude and would not want to just screw anyone over. My wife makes way more than I do. Her retirement is better. I left my apartment and moved into her house. I have no inclination to screw her over, but my state it is 50/50. Furthermore, I have no kids and she no longer can bear children. Now, with that said how does this make me stupid??

If the marriage does not work out years down the road it doesn't, but I do not sit around worrying about it. My life in the fast lane was getting dangerous my friend and I do not miss the player days at all. This is the nature forum which is nonsense because 25 years old really do not qualify.

Live your life my friend.

Lol, there's no nerves touched over here.

Okay, so, you are a "Good Man" and don't want to screw anybody over? But your wife makes way more than you do, has a better retirement plan, owns her own house, and you left your apartment and moved into HER HOUSE.

It sounds like you are living off of her in some ways, right?

While that might not make you stupid in total, you are still not living up to ANYTHING you said in your original post. How are you being a Challenge and maintaining a Frame, by getting married to a chick AND living in HER HOUSE? So you "run it" in her house, huh? Lol, man come on.

And you better be worrying about if the marriage comes to an end there buddy, especially seeing as though you are living in her house and she technically is the breadwinner lol. The Courts still favor women and even though the roles are reversed here in some aspect, don't think you are going to be able to do to HER what a woman would do to YOU in that same situation. She might decide to KICK you the hell out of her damn house and set your belongings on the curb the moment you "back talk" her :rolleyes:


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
SoldMySoul said:
Tenacity, I saw your post about starting to hate women. That was yours right??? If so, that tells me all I need to know about you at the current time. Reminds me of the silly mess I would post when I was clueless.
Of course that's my thread, how does it make me clueless? Clueless about what, not realizing the wonderful benefits of getting married and MOVING into some chick's house to live off of her lol?


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
Reaction score
Tenacity said:
Of course that's my thread, how does it make me clueless? Clueless about what, not realizing the wonderful benefits of getting married and MOVING into some chick's house to live off of her lol?
I shared that to show what you were saying meant nothing when you stated why would anybody get married these days. I was doing quite well before I met my wife.. I am not and would not live off anyone. My values and politics are far too conservative for that. But you managed to do quite well is to generalize your pre formed opinion of what you think about me.

As a result, I laid down the ground to show you that you are in the negative mindset of women. I used to be the same way. Being married is not always a death sentence nor does it mean you are foolish. Is or were your mom and dad married? Does that make your father any less of a man for marrying your mon if they were?

Come on man open up we are here for you. Could it be you have not found a good enough person or woman to marry or vice versa????

The courts here distribute community property period!!! Since she is sick, I highly doubt I will be kicked to the curb. But if I were maybe I can come stay with you in mom's basement?
For what it is worth, government alphabet is my employment.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
Guys, don't jump on the guy if the post didn't make sense. To some of is it made perfect sense, it is all about where you are coming from.

Sold, in my last relationship what I liked is that she had a huge hobby/ passion that took up a lot of her time. And I didn't really have a constant job so I had to think of how to make my own separate time. Id leave the house to I watch nba a few times a week. I would go try to work on business ideas away from her. Stupidly I got into videogames.. Anyway u see my point - id go try to have a world just not to be an eyesore. Now things are better. I have options as to what I could do, cool hobbies, etc. however from what I see I wonder how many girls out there actually have things like my ex that takes them away from just hanging out watching tv. Too many ppl I notice get into careers and don't do jack once they're home since they're relaxing. Anway that's just a tangent, what I want to ask specially I'll just come out and say it. I have a friend he was going through some issues w his long time girl. I called him and he told me basically "well she has issues, says I don't pay her enough attention I work and play too many videogames, well I'll let her figure out HER issue" I nearly fell out of my chair. They worked it out but me, I am way too afraid of her leaving to act like this. Like the dude said " maybe I'll change but maybe not. Your move". I want to have more of this right frame as I am going deeper into a relationship, how do you remind yourself of it? Also there is always compromises to be made, but when did you have moments that you weren't going to compromise?

I know for me I am scared of confrontation/ arguments where you let **** go. I've had arguments but normal ones. I never had one where you raise your voice and really affirm to her what the deal is. I want to be able to do this!

A stranger told me a few years ago "you have to have balls". Sometimes I feel that and I use the edge w no problem. But id love to be able to channel it on demand daily. I just want it to be genuine because that feels awesome when you know you really don't care because you meant it. Hope this made sense. Cheers


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score

Well, I will bow out of this discussion after this reply, you aren't even responding to the questions I post anyway:

SoldMySoul said:
I shared that to show what you were saying meant nothing when you stated why would anybody get married these days. I was doing quite well before I met my wife.. I am not and would not live off anyone. My values and politics are far too conservative for that. But you managed to do quite well is to generalize your pre formed opinion of what you think about me.

Didn't you move into HER house? Didn't you say she was the Breadwinner? Wouldn't that just about constitute living off of someone?

As a result, I laid down the ground to show you that you are in the negative mindset of women. I used to be the same way. Being married is not always a death sentence nor does it mean you are foolish. Is or were your mom and dad married? Does that make your father any less of a man for marrying your mon if they were?

No they were never married, they were dating and I guess not using a condom and I came out of that. I asked you earlier to provide me the list of benefits a man gets from being married that he doesn't get from not being married? You said I was clueless about those benefits, I'm still waiting to see your explanation of what those benefits are.

Come on man open up we are here for you. Could it be you have not found a good enough person or woman to marry or vice versa????

I don't believe getting married makes any sense due to the nature of the Family Court Laws. I'm MGTOW, Level 2, I have short term relationships with women but I do not believe in doing any legal relationships with them that tie me to the Family Court. The only thing I was considering was making children and I decided to pass on that as well. I don't believe in "The One" this isn't the Disney Saturday Morning Cartoon Hour and I don't believe "The One" exists outside of a Disney Cartoon.

The courts here distribute community property period!!! Since she is sick, I highly doubt I will be kicked to the curb. But if I were maybe I can come stay with you in mom's basement?

For a guy that claims I was generalizing him and bringing pre-established notions to the table about him, you sure seen to be guilty of this more than me. First you said I don't have a life and post on Sosuave all day, now I stay in my Mother's basement? Seeing as though you want to know so much about me, I work in Commercial Finance and have for over 8 years, I'm have an MBA and 3 bachelor's degrees as well. I'm doing QUITE well in my Career and the future is looking great on the financial side. I'm FAR removed from my mother's basement, thank you.

For what it is worth, government alphabet is my employment.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
Tenacity, there isn't the one. But there is really good. To get one like that, you have to be one yourself.

There is Also those that will click really well w you. And emotional connection so good that you question own shallowness. There is plenty good w good women.

Also try this.

Changes my life everytime I read it