Pickup Artist Mystery on Elle Magazine


Senior Don Juan
Jun 1, 2004
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South Florida
The main thing is being a good PUA versus being a good teacher of PU techniques are two seperate things. While being a good teacher would imply you are a good PUA, being a good PUA does not imply you are a good teacher.

Obviously we only have the perspective of the female author of this piece, but it seems like Mystery wasn't too helpful to his students out in the field. It seems like he was more interested in impressing the author of the article.

That mentality and the way he was trying to pick her up seemed inconsistent with the DJ or PUA mentality that I am familiar with. Maybe it works for him, but I don't think it would for everyone.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2004
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damn..Rollo is dropping some serious knowledge and yall are just sleeping on it. what he is saying can possibly save you valuable time and money.

the simple point is this.

get yourself complete before you try to enter the PUA arena.

I often read alot of these posts, E Books, and manuels that say "it doesn't matter what you look like" Imo that is just another ploy to rope in the AFC. Infact looks are very important in being a DJ.

I won't get into facial features..because those are expensive to change. but from a physical standpoint you have 100 percent control over that.

It is proven science that if you have the "classic V shape" build women will like you better. it is proven research. so why would these fat slobs be spending hours memorizing NLP and other BS while the outside of the house is rundown?

Get yourself complete. Read the DJ Bible. Study the DJ Bible. Get chicks.

I honestly think these so called "experts" are the dry drunks that Rollo spoke of earlier. Think about it. Most of these experts or hardcore PUA's are sarging chicks just for the hell of it. i mean they are just out there trying to make up for the past rejections. I've got better things to do with my time then spending hours and clubs and bookstores sarging. i'd rather 2-3 steady chicks i can hit at any given time.

thats me though..i could be wrong

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by Rollo Tomassi
Driving home last night I still couldn't put my finger on why exactly Mystery rubbed me the wrong way. Then I heard a radio ad for E-Harmony.com and it came to me.

The guy is an AFC because he still subscribes to the fallacy of the ONE. He's got ONEitis as is evidenced by his attitude and desire for an idealized LTR.
That's not one-itis. Throughout the article the writer commented about some different woman Mystery was making out with. Plus when he did hook up with the coat check girl, she came to him. That's not one-itis. He's in control and the women are doing his bidding.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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Quoting POOK here:

"Being a Don Juan is not a net sum of smooth manuevers and methods but of your own outlook on the world and on women. ANYONE can memorize 'techniques', but FEW can change the way HOW they think. Women will be able to sniff out the former. But with the latter, women will be clawing each other for you.

A Don Juan is a state of mind, not a list of methods and tricks."

He's in control for as long as he employs the method, but there is no fundamental change in his understanding. He's still compensating for a deficit in his thinking.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by Rollo Tomassi
Quoting POOK here:

"Being a Don Juan is not a net sum of smooth manuevers and methods but of your own outlook on the world and on women. ANYONE can memorize 'techniques', but FEW can change the way HOW they think. Women will be able to sniff out the former. But with the latter, women will be clawing each other for you.

A Don Juan is a state of mind, not a list of methods and tricks."

He's in control for as long as he employs the method, but there is no fundamental change in his understanding. He's still compensating for a deficit in his thinking.
I'm not following, is his deficit the want of a LTR? Personally, I'd love to be in a LTR. It not a cake walk but it can be easier than going out with different women every week. Stability has its good points.


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2003
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His deficit is that he wears his heart on his sleeve, which is pretty amateurish for a pick up artist.

naoi deag se deag

Senior Don Juan
Jul 24, 2003
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Calling Mystery an AFC implies that he is both average and frustrated. Nothing I've ever heard about him suggests either of those.


Master Don Juan
Feb 27, 2003
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,-._|\ ................... ............ / Aus \ ..
Originally posted by Rollo Tomassi
The guy is an AFC because he still subscribes to the fallacy of the ONE. He's got ONEitis as is evidenced by his attitude and desire for an idealized LTR.
Average Frustrated Chump. A "nice guy". A guy who has no pick up skills and rarely manages to close a target pick up. Also a guy who tends to supplicate in his behavior to HBs. Meaning, buying flowers for a chick when going out for coffee, putting her on a pedestal, and generally letting women walk all over him in the vein hope of somehow being seen as attractive in their eyes. A common term used for AFCs that have seen the error of their ways but not yet gained PUA skills is RACF (Recovering AFC).
By the way, he keeps talking about "romance" and "the one" because that's his angle when he is being published in major magazines.

Hey when was the last time you were in Elle?


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
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Land of the Ruins
Believe it or not, most women 'want' a guy to actually use this material. They deal with dead beats all the time so somone who has their game tight is actually refreshing for a girl. Most girls want a challenging interesting guy.
Good point biker_gixxer.

Good article, whatever one may think of Mystery himself.

There's something to the idea of the progression of a courtship, pick-up, or whatever you call it, though steps are often skipped :). His theory is definitely sound, but one does have to be innately attractive enough for it to work. That's a big part of why a lot of the AFCs who have a go fall flat on their faces. All the theory an technique can only go as far as one's potential at the time will allow it.

I'm really not much for "techniques." I do much better giong with a natural groove, rather than cluttering my mind with lots of left-brain static.

$1500 is hella steep. I'll just stick to reading, observing, and most importantly, going out and experiencing what works.


Don Juan
Sep 1, 2004
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Keep in mind. He's playing for the reporter IMO. This is HOLLYWOOD, where you play an angle, a niche, and try to ride it to your moment of fame.

You don't think thoughts are swirling in his mind about "getting discovered"?

It comes off better if he pushes the "I'm looking for love angle" instead of coming off as a heartless PUA who uses women as *** buckets.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 27, 2003
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Originally posted by Rollo Tomassi
What's going to be her response when she perceives him to be a confident male and he wants to spoon with her? What's this girl going to do when he gives up marketing his method for his relationship with her and his income dries up? I laughed my a$$ off thinking about this guy as the husband he so desperately wants to be.
Actually most of Mysterys gfs (from what I read) are fully aware of his 'business concerns' and he tends to stick with ones who are comfortable with it. He has had LTRs while he continues to sell and conduct his workshops.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
FRANCISCO: Wanting an LTR doesn't make you an AFC, how you want it and the reasons why you want it can. The quotes I posted earlier from the article, that were at least what the author transcribed them as Mystery's statements, lead me to beilieve he's internalized this female soul-mate fantasy LTR.

WOLFE: "(Mystery e-mailed me a few weeks after my trip to tell me his coat check girl was moving out to L.A. and he was leaving his Project Hollywood lair for a new home with his new girlfriend. “She agrees this was the best pickup in the History of Mystery,” he wrote me.)"

Call me crazy, but I think moving in with this chick will put a crimp either in his idealized LTR or in his 'business model'. I suppose he could still write books or hold seminars, but I'd think the 'field trips' would cease.

However, I'd have to agree with ZENTRAVELLER, how much of this article is the author's own interpretation? I suppose the possibility exists that she's put a 'happy ending' to the article in the interests of sappy romanticism that the 'empowered' readers of Elle would expect.

Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
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How many ppl here who have posted something negative about this guys techniques get at least 1/4 of the women he gets. I can bet very few. The problem that too many guys have is close mindness on subjects that they are not experts on. The key to suceeding at anything in life no matter what it is, is simple: DO WHAT WORKS! It doesnt matter why it works, so long as it works. The key to Mystery's sucess is not really that complicated, he makes it so to get paid off of it. Its his confidence to try any of his theories. To do the things he does it clear he has SC (Super confidence), and thats the key. When you have SC it doesnt matter what you say or do you will score more then the average afc. Not just confidence, Im talking SC. When you buy a sports car, what makes it so fascinating, the fact it can go 200 mph. Will you ever go 200 mph no but its nice to know you can. SC is the same way, it allows you to get past all the mental BS that goes on in your head that stops you from acting and being a MAN. Being a MAN means I dont give a flying F what you think, I am going to be me. In todays times that is so great cause most Guys dont. Stop follow Oprah and Dr Phil with that over caring crap. It doesnt work. Its amazing how many so this dont work and that dont work and yet they get no Azz. NOTHING CHANGES IF NOTHING CHANGES. If the tactic you are using now is not getting results you should jump to try anything different no matter what you're brain in its world of theory tell you. If your brain had all the answers you wouldnt be an AFC. You admire one person and one person alone at the night clubs, the guy who grabs his balls and does and talks how ever he feels. The guy who grabs his balls and ask every woman starting at 10's and down to dance. You say if I could just be that guy. Thats what works. Remember no one can read your thoughts, so you need to be the most arrogent bastard on earth in your head. SC kills fear in a heart beat. Women may say I hate dating arrogent jerks, but whats the key words there-DATING arogent jerks. They are dating them. Women rarely give low confidence afc the time of day. So the key to Mystery's and every other Mack, player, pimp, David D's game is SC which equals being a MAN.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by eniktin
His deficit is that he wears his heart on his sleeve, which is pretty amateurish for a pick up artist.
I think he just admitted that he preferred a solid relationship instead of a more hectic lifestyle. That doesn't sound like wearing his heart on his sleeve. The fact of the matter that even if he does where his heart on his sleeve, he is still a pick-up artist given by the proof of his success.

Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by eniktin
His deficit is that he wears his heart on his sleeve, which is pretty amateurish for a pick up artist.

It doesnt matter if he wears an apple in his ear and a donkey around his neck-the key to being a good pick up artist is picking up women period. Does it matter if you mechanic used a 1/4 or 3/4 wrench no as long as he fixed you alternator. Over analazition is a sign of Fear. As long as you are analaysing everythign you are not acting. "The universe only rewards action" nothing else. Ugly dudes get pretty women cause he was the only one with the balls to approach. I go to clubs and the finest women are the ones gazed at but never approached. The key to life is "DO SOMETHING". No one cares what you are thinking, or how you are thinking, women just want you to make them feel good. Doesnt matter if its a lie or not. When an attractive woman tells you you are cute, you dont care if she is thinking in her head let me tell him something nice. You FEEL good about it, and thats all that count. STOP THINKING AND DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 27, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Rollo Tomassi
WOLFE: "(Mystery e-mailed me a few weeks after my trip to tell me his coat check girl was moving out to L.A. and he was leaving his Project Hollywood lair for a new home with his new girlfriend. “She agrees this was the best pickup in the History of Mystery,” he wrote me.)"

Call me crazy, but I think moving in with this chick will put a crimp either in his idealized LTR or in his 'business model'. I suppose he could still write books or hold seminars, but I'd think the 'field trips' would cease.

Mystery moved out of project hollywood because of personal concerns with the people living there, not just because of wanting to be with a girl.
The guy was actually married before and continued to conduct field trips, seminars and workshops with his wife aware of the business and in many cases actively assisting in them.
Of course, that was one relationship that ended badly... but it shows that he is not going to give up his pickup lifestyle for a girl - he looks for the ones who he can integrate into his lifestyle.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
Super Confidence

You're right about one thing, Royal Elite: it's the Super Confidence, not the technique, per se that accounts for Mystery's success as a pick up artist. The technique may have been sort of a confidence building tool when he was developing his game, but I'm sure it just flows naturally for Mystery at theis point.

But taking action is not just going out and making an ass out of yourself by hitting on every HB regardless of their interest level. One thing I noticed -- and this has been the foundation for all my own pick ups as well -- is how much emphasis Mystery puts into image and "peacocking," as he calls it: making an attractive impression straight off. The way you carry and present yourself can make approaching women virtually a non-issue: as simple as exchanging smiles and introducing yourself.

I cannot even think of a time a real cold approach has panned out for me. There always has to be some sort of invitation, even if it is just a bit of eye contact.