online dating red flags


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2011
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I've had more experience in online dating that I care to my travels I have come across every kind of girl imaginable. Some I've become good friends with, others were one and done...some lasted weeks, months. I've rejected a few here and there, but most times it's been them giving me the ax.

Anyway, I've compiled a list of things that to me qualify a girl as a non starter. When you see mention of any of these character careful

1. The wandering nomad "I'm originally from Georgia, currently situated in Brooklyn, have lived in 5 different countries in the past 4 years. Have tucked in ethiopian orphans, fed camels in egypt, scaled the himalayas, prayed at indian weddings, blah blah blah"

These types are thoroughly rootless and are tied to nothing. They sometimes get on a relationship kick because all of their friends are in long term relationships, getting married, or already have kids...but ultimately fear getting tied to a man will crush their gypsy spirit. These girls are heartless, soulless. Everything is done on a whim. One fine day it'll be time to "move on", ditch YOU, and spend every last remaining penny on a 2 month trip to Costa Rica.

2. The lifelong student I'm currently finishing my 2nd doctorate in advance neurophysical dingleberry study...and oh year I'm 29, make no money, and have a mountain of debt."

Nothing wrong with getting an education, but these girls just get psychotically obsessed with something and don't know when to let up. Who needs a girl who's still buries her nose on a book on Friday nights when she should be out partying with you. These girls also absolutely no clue as to what's going on in the world outside their deranged obsession. Did the Mets win last night? She doesn't know...studying. Hey did you see that movie? Huh what movie? Did you hear about that congressman who tweeted his ****? What's a congressman? Sorry I don't know I was in the lab playing with goo in petri dishes.

3. The athlete hanging on to glory days I used to be a D1 lacrosse player...I still play whenever I get a chance in pick up adult rec leagues

She's 31 years old and will likely blow off dates with you to drive 4 hours to Delaware to waste her weekend playing a game with girls up to a decade younger (1/3rd of which are lesbos) where she will earn no money and gain no notoriety. She is already her sport.

4. The religious zealot god is my homeboy

This one is just a shame...seemingly normal profile, likely an attractive girl who seems like she has it all together. And then you find out that her life is ultimately dedicated to serving some imaginary bearded sky grandpa that her parents brainwashed her into believing exists. Do not take these on as a reclamation project...don't waste your time trying to reprogram

5.The demander "My man must be..."

These girls are usually spoiled beyond belief, are almost always average or slightly above average looks but were brough up thinking they were Angelina Jolie. Gigantic egos and a laundry list of demans for their dates "must be 6'2, tall dark and handsome, good job, 150k+ preferred etc" nothing is ever good enough for them, massive *****es...a total non starter


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
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rum said:
Nothing wrong with getting an education, but these girls just get psychotically obsessed with something and don't know when to let up. Who needs a girl who's still buries her nose on a book on Friday nights when she should be out partying with you. These girls also absolutely no clue as to what's going on in the world outside their deranged obsession. Did the Mets win last night? She doesn't know...studying. Hey did you see that movie? Huh what movie? Did you hear about that congressman who tweeted his ****? What's a congressman? Sorry I don't know I was in the lab playing with goo in petri dishes.
Who the f*ck cares about the Mets, or any sport that the sheep population invests so much emotional energy into? Women have better sh*t to do than watch sweaty men play with balls on a cow pasture.

Most movies are absolute horse sh*t. I don't blame anyone of decent quality for not going.

And no on gives a f*ck about Twitter, unless they're in high school.

These "red flags" apply only to LOSERS. These five "red flags" mean that the OP isn't high enough status for these women, and has decided to treat these as negatives instead of positives.

Most quality women aren't into the same things that every loser DRONE man is into.

The fact that he has been online picking up chicks long enough to establish these traits is pathetic. Go out and cold approach like a f*cking MAN, and stop making b*tch ass excuses for why things aren't going your way.,


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2011
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Vice said:
Who the f*ck cares about the Mets, or any sport that the sheep population invests so much emotional energy into? Women have better sh*t to do than watch sweaty men play with balls on a cow pasture.

Most movies are absolute horse sh*t. I don't blame anyone of decent quality for not going.

And no on gives a f*ck about Twitter, unless they're in high school.

These "red flags" apply only to LOSERS. These five "red flags" mean that the OP isn't high enough status for these women, and has decided to treat these as negatives instead of positives.

Most quality women aren't into the same things that every loser DRONE man is into.

The fact that he has been online picking up chicks long enough to establish these traits is pathetic. Go out and cold approach like a f*cking MAN, and stop making b*tch ass excuses for why things aren't going your way.,
I'm sorry but you come across as a short tempered, borderline psychotic caveman who is oblivious to what's going on in the world around him.

deep breaths man

it's ok to follow sports

it's ok to be up on current events

what exactly are you doing that's puts you above everyone else...somehow I doubt you're spearheading the next renaissance


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
rum said:
I'm sorry but you come across as a short tempered, borderline psychotic caveman who is oblivious to what's going on in the world around him.

deep breaths man

it's ok to follow sports

it's ok to be up on current events

what exactly are you doing that's puts you above everyone else...somehow I doubt you're spearheading the next renaissance
When most of the male population lead a pathetic sedentary lifestyle filled with video games, sports, porn, and beer, and their preferred method of communication is Facebook and texting, the guys who overcome instant gratification and that little b*tch part of themselves that keeps them from approaching hot women will end up with all the women and money while the rest of the male population fights for the lesser females while slaving away at their pathetic 9-5 jobs.

Look at this congressman. He posted weird pictures on TWITTER. What the f*ck is he on twitter for? He graduated high school decades ago. No one gives a f*ck.


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Vice said:
When most of the male population lead a pathetic sedentary lifestyle filled with video games, sports, porn, and beer, and their preferred method of communication is Facebook and texting, the guys who overcome instant gratification and that little b*tch part of themselves that keeps them from approaching hot women will end up with all the women and money while the rest of the male population fights for the lesser females while slaving away at their pathetic 9-5 jobs.

Look at this congressman. He posted weird pictures on TWITTER. What the f*ck is he on twitter for? He graduated high school decades ago. No one gives a f*ck.
Things change man...adapt or die. You sound like those old codgers from generations ago who were screaming at kids that The Beatles are terrible, rock will never catch on, cut your hair etc.

you stick with your philosophy, it may work...or you may end up like Ted Kaczynski

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
I agree, OP, with all except number 4. I always respect someone who concerns himself/herself with the aspects of life that are beyond our 5 physical senses. You did say, "To Me" in bold, which shows that you understand that one man's bread is another's poison.

Great post.

If I weren't so tired I'd add a bunch more.

But just off the top of my head:

Pictures of little rug-rat dogs: Beware. Serious mental issues.

Pictures with horses: She will never ever love you like she does her horses.

Statements like: "If you're into playing games, don't bother writing". That one cracks me up. I usually write them back and tell them what a stupid statement that actually is.

No pic with a promise to post one soon accompanied by a statement that a person's beauty is on the inside: Let's say it all together now: "FAT"!

Pic of her with another person cut out: Pass 'em by.

Several pics of her taking her own picture in a mirror: No friends. Avoid like the plague.

Uses the word "ecclectic": Phoney and self-absorbed. Trying to impress. Not a deal breaker but a caution flag.

Nothing but glamour shots taken in a studio: Ugly in real-life. Stay away.

Just tight face shots, no body shots: Fat. Without fail, she will be fat. I know this one is quite obvious.

Hiding behind a tree or other object and peeking out: Humongous endomorph.

Most of this has been discussed before but a little review now and then never hurts.