new asian

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Jan 6, 2004
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my god your so smart. its not like i haven't been reading the bible and **** before I registered or anything. Man Im loving you more and more each post you sure are a busy guy and quite intuitive too mom and dad must be real proud lol haha. Turd brain. lol your quotes by far exceed any zen master I bet. I bet you could write your own book about zen since you are far and above any zen master.hahaha.
Apr 3, 2003
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Originally posted by naturalzen
my god your so smart. its not like i haven't been reading the bible and **** before I registered or anything. Man Im loving you more and more each post you sure are a busy guy and quite intuitive too mom and dad must be real proud lol haha. Turd brain. lol your quotes by far exceed any zen master I bet. I bet you could write your own book about zen since you are far and above any zen master.hahaha.
1. Kid you need to quit while your only behind. When it comes to beefing I eat this shyt up.

2. Yeah I've been exposed to zen and buddism...if you've been here then you know I was raised near Tokyo Japan at a little airbase name Tachikawa..were I first studied Shotokan

3. You have can be seen by your weak attack at me.

4. Like I said...I enjoy the fawk outta this shyt. When you learn to handle women, you will see what I keeps your brains sharp...except your not much of a challenge.

Where's starfag at...

I'm done with you kid...go back to your internet hiding ground and stay in the dark...what you should did was bowed down as is your custom and asked for help the proper way...

What's even worse about you is that your one of those Americanized respect...rolling around in your ricerocket...chick-shaw!! (japanese word incorrectly spelled of course).

If you had respect then you woulda looked for the biggest players and asked for help in your game!

"“knowledge is not enough, we must apply, Willing is not enough we must do”

Bruce Lee

And here's one more kernel for ya:

Stop deluding yourselves with what should be and start doing what works. It’s results that matter in this world.

Take no advice from the person who isn’t doing the things you want to do or living the life you want to live.

If you want to learn martial arts you go to a school where you learn from a black belt. You know he is a black belt because you can see his ranking (proof) you will also see other signs of his certification such as trophies, awards…but basically you will see visable signs of proof that he is capable of teaching you.

You need to talk to men who get women and start doing the things that they do and start behaving like a man who gets women.

I'm outta here for a while...gots to go train! Oh sorry if you got mad about me attacking your boyfriend Jackie'll get over it!


Jan 6, 2004
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player your my hero.... you know everything. Yeah you do that go train.. train master..... be gone... flash. its ok player i dont want any of your women i have this thing where i get scared because of a disease out there called HIV!!!.. Lest ye forget the man named player supreme has begotten me and left without warning to train lol. Why have you forsaken me player.. your enlightening wisdom far exceeds any man in this forum you by far are not a quantity guy coming off as quality lol. I bet your girls are real squared away too.. I bet they graduated from honors from harvard medical school lol. lol mommy and daddy love you Be proud why dont you tell me your life story how bout **** tell me about the first time you wet your bed you told me everything else lol ....


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2003
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stop this non-sense. white,black,asian,indian we are all the same but everyone have different personality and culture.
Well for me i am attracted to any girl who i find is beautiful regardless of race.

I am asian and girls are attractive of me and look at me (white,black,asian or indian).

I have no problem of my white friends dating asian girls . cuz girls looks for personality not the skin of the man.
Look at bruce lee. read his story.


Dec 1, 2003
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Washington DC
Now that you mentioned where youre from I'll give you some proper advice - Go for out of state girls. UW Madison has a huge out of state population and the girls from the East and West Coast and Chicago area are a lot more open to dating outside of their race than the trailer trash from Wisconsin.

To the Asian guys that say you are getting all kinds of ***** - You're probably not from the Midwest :)


Jan 6, 2004
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no **** huh bes why dont we all hold hands and sing we are the world... give me a break im dealing with it the best I can
the midwest and madison is teaching me to raise my game so when i do move to the west coast it will be like nothing to me


Don Juan
Jan 4, 2004
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I have to say there's an unfortunate stereotype against the asian guy, but it's your responsibility to break that stereotype if you want go go get women.

You seem to do a lot of talking about how you 'could' pick up white girls, maybe you should just go pick em up and see what happens.

I'm an asian guy, and in highschool I did what I could to break the stereotype. I was a pretty popular guy and made a lot of friends, was on student's council, and I dated often.

I found the thing that helped my game the most was outstanding social proof. Be seen with women often and others will start to wonder what's so special about you.

But the first thing you should do, is stop seeing things in yellow and black and white.
Apr 3, 2003
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Originally posted by Kraken
I have to say there's an unfortunate stereotype against the asian guy, but it's your responsibility to break that stereotype if you want go go get women.

You seem to do a lot of talking about how you 'could' pick up white girls, maybe you should just go pick em up and see what happens.

I'm an asian guy, and in highschool I did what I could to break the stereotype. I was a pretty popular guy and made a lot of friends, was on student's council, and I dated often.

I found the thing that helped my game the most was outstanding social proof. Be seen with women often and others will start to wonder what's so special about you.

But the first thing you should do, is stop seeing things in yellow and black and white.
Church! Amen to that Kracken. School this dude.

He needs to get over the racial thing he is hung up jake.

The world has grown up too much to tolerate this kinda bung anymore!

Hidden racial comments like him and jake are making just is stupid and immature. It's so obvious I wish these two chicken heads could see it.

This guy is like one of those brotha's that we used to wish would just shut the fawk up as we would glance at each other in a room full of other know what I embarrassement to the race is what we used to call em.

Frank Zappa

Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2000
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Originally posted by Kraken
But the first thing you should do, is stop seeing things in yellow and black and white.
Take advice from this man... Too many asian-americans constantly break things up into race... What's the point? I mean, what are you accomplishing.... other than excuses.

Black men get white women because of ....
It's easier for white men....
That asian is only dating a white girl because he hates his race... must be a twinkie.

Jesus, shut up...

If all the excuse making, name-calling, and subdividing stopped, I guarantee the amount of ***** you see will increase. Just let people live their way and you live yours and stop judging people so much. Not every asian has to live a certain way or behave a certain way. Not every black has to... This isn't a we are the world speech, but if you keep seeing this world the way you do, you are going to be pretty miserable. ~Zappa


Dec 1, 2003
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Washington DC
It's even funnier when white dudes do it and say Asians and Indians are taking all of their money and Blacks and Hispanics are taking all of their females :).

Frank Zappa

Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2000
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Originally posted by Player_Supreme
Church! Amen to that Kracken. School this dude.

He needs to get over the racial thing he is hung up jake.

The world has grown up too much to tolerate this kinda bung anymore!

Hidden racial comments like him and jake are making just is stupid and immature. It's so obvious I wish these two chicken heads could see it.

This guy is like one of those brotha's that we used to wish would just shut the fawk up as we would glance at each other in a room full of other know what I embarrassement to the race is what we used to call em.
Look, I've had my fair share of tussels with PS, but the man has a point. And we aren't here to argue against someone for their internet persona, but rather their ideas. Even if you don't like PS, read what he says. Like I said before, I am an asian american living in the south, not one issue has come up for me. NOT ONE. In fact I love southern culture and there is nowhere else in the world I'd rather be. I like southern belles, but I like everybody else as well. Don't limit yourself, and don't draw defenses and boundaries... people can sense that shee. A lot of times chaos appears in your life because you put yourself in chaotic situations or get yourself in that mindset. ~Zappa
Apr 3, 2003
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Thanks Zappa.

Let me also add. I did a movie last summer called Haunted House Party...not out yet ,going straight to video....

There was one of the main actors who was asian...his name is Manny..he goes by DJ Streak in the Bay area...

He had no problems getting women of any races!! He also had no hang ups on being his own race.

Oh if any of you bay area boys doubt my qualifications then look him up...he will cosign for me as too my level in this game! Ask him about the brotha who played the role of the pimp when he got killed off!


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2003
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Asians are p*ssy the second they step off the plane. Then they have children and teach them to be p*ssy. Better rethink yourself and set it straight! The studying 24/7 idea your parents stressed on you won't bring the happiness they preach!


Dec 1, 2003
Reaction score
Washington DC
Originally posted by SilentSmoker
Asians are p*ssy the second they step off the plane. Then they have children and teach them to be p*ssy. Better rethink yourself and set it straight! The studying 24/7 idea your parents stressed on you won't bring the happiness they preach!
Yes it will. If you study 24/7, you can make a lot of money, then with that money you can buy a lot of cartons of Marlboro Lights cigarettes, you can also buy the newest styles of designer clothes, hair gel products, and upgrade your Honda Civic every year. If that is not pure bliss I don't know what is.


Jan 6, 2004
Reaction score
yeah we asians sure are ***** lol. Id rather be player supreme and eat fat blonde white chicks asses till im 40 and label myself a player disregarding that I have no job and people around the block call me the H I V isso and hang out and school " Heads" on don juan forum lol and know everything there is to know.. yeah guys school me... player wants to get his rocks off again so he can go to sleep tonight and feel better about himself before he wets the bed and wakes up to his world and realizes that white girls butts taste like **** lol.


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2003
Reaction score
Yes it will. If you study 24/7, you can make a lot of money, then with that money you can buy a lot of cartons of Marlboro Lights cigarettes, you can also buy the newest styles of designer clothes, hair gel products, and upgrade your Honda Civic every year. If that is not pure bliss I don't know what is.
Hah that's what they do! Most of them are still p*ssy. There is also the bullsh*t about being passive and how there's a "racist net" over you. Clean that crap out of your brains.

Frank Zappa

Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2000
Reaction score
Originally posted by naturalzen
yeah we asians sure are ***** lol. Id rather be player supreme and eat fat blonde white chicks asses till im 40 and label myself a player disregarding that I have no job and people around the block call me the H I V isso and hang out and school " Heads" on don juan forum lol and know everything there is to know.. yeah guys school me... player wants to get his rocks off again so he can go to sleep tonight and feel better about himself before he wets the bed and wakes up to his world and realizes that white girls butts taste like **** lol.
Look what you've become... or what you are... Dumass, quit giving asians and zen a bad name you scrappy, defensive weiner. ~Zappa
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