Nelson Mandela

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
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( . )( . ) said:
Jump off a diving board and land in 5 decades of affirmative action, kid gloves, white guilt, apologies, media glorification and welfare :cool:
I can't wait until white people are running the Earth again.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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Want to know the REAL history of post colonial Africa, including the TRUTH about Mandela?

The Fate Of Africa

Mandella may be famous for a lot of things, and he may certainly have mellowed out in his old age, inspiring plenty of folks, but the dude was far from a saint.

One interesting thing is that he left millions of dollars, and his kin are now going to be suing the crap out of each other to see who gets it.

As far as who the REAL rulers of ancient Egypt were, I would suggest that it's similar to other African empires of days past. Civilizations were usually ruled by minority invaders from the north. Egypt is no different.

What's north of Egypt?

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
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Fatal Jay said:
I am a manager, I hired both but you would be lying if you said you wouldn't want your race to be supreme.

I see signs of white supremacy in everything, most whites teach their children white supremacy.

So why is it bad for blacks to teach the same thing. You will be a damn lie if you think all races on this earth is equal.

Its funny because blacks are the only people who past get critiqued no matter how much facts is in your face.

I just showed this pu$$y of a man boobs proof, and can show him more of black pharaohs of the 25th dynasty of Egypt and yet he will deny it. But if an Asian man said his people ran Egypt he would have agreed with him.

I'm sick of this ****, and not in an angry type of way. If I have to be the only black man that do it,I'm going to single handed uplift my people and have them rise above all and I don't give a damn about any of you opinions cause you can not change me.
I don't even care about it all. the only thing that gets me is black people are allowed to be openly racist, but if a white person does it it's unacceptable. Why can't we all just be openly racist? Let's get it all out.

I am not racist.

Fatal Jay

Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2012
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I encourage a white racist, at least he is not pu$$y about it. Whites who play dumb with there racism are the ones that should get a boot grinded to their spine.

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
Reaction score
Fatal Jay said:
I am a manager, I hired both but you would be lying if you said you wouldn't want your race to be supreme.

I see signs of white supremacy in everything, most whites teach their children white supremacy.

So why is it bad for blacks to teach the same thing. You will be a damn lie if you think all races on this earth is equal.
the reason I asked is because it happened to me. I already said how alot of the managers at my work are black. So I went for this position, and I had more experience and better qualified than the other guy and he got it anyway. I didnt say anything, just went about my business. The manager didn't even tell me to my face WHY I didn't get it like they are supposed to.

Now he walks around with this smug look on his face when I see him like he "held whitey down".

Doesn't even piss me off, I held out and got a position now that I am happier with, but it was an interesting experience.

Fatal Jay

Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2012
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I don't hire off race. I hire off qualifications but I would be lying if I said I didn't hire a black person because I knew of the person, and yes sometimes it back fired.

My point is, just because I want to uplift my race, doesn't mean I'm a evil man.

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
Reaction score
Fatal Jay said:
I don't hire off race. I hire off qualifications but I would be lying if I said I didn't hire a black person because I knew of the person, and yes sometimes it back fired.

My point is, just because I want to uplift my race, doesn't mean I'm a evil man.
I don't blame you. I mean face it, black people used to be treated worse than dogs in this country. I can understand black people are pissed. But I had nothing to do with it.