
Inc. ©

Don Juan
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
How do you guys get the freaking leads...I've tried messaging a ton of girls, tried adding a ton of girls, and tried commenting, but I'm not getting far. I've gotten some numbers (didn't call any, but that's because I moved), but the odds seem LOW. I'm good looking and I have a shirtless pic on my profile....I go with the young professional entrepreneur type description saying I love life, travel a lot and ****...I keep the profile simple though. Can someone write out a step by step for getting laid off there?


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Inc. ©
Can someone write out a step by step for getting laid off there?

1. write an interesting email.
2. send this email
3. when she replies reply back with a new interesting email.
4. avoid the phrase "you are hot" or anything that means the same thing.
5. meet her
6. insert penis


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
I am no myspace expert, but I think the shirtless picture needs to be at the beach or "accidentally" shirtless outside doing something (and smiling or laughing) and not alone in your bathroom mirror holding a camera phone flexing muscles and looking creepy.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Re: Myspace!!

Originally posted by mrRuckus
1. write an interesting email.
2. send this email
3. when she replies reply back with a new interesting email.
4. avoid the phrase "you are hot" or anything that means the same thing.
5. meet her
6. insert penis
1, 2, and 3, will get you'll spin your wheels...unless you make it your part time job, perhaps full time job. if she's decent looking, she has every thug, gangsta, wannabe, AFC you can imagine sending her emails. even fat ugly chicks get comments of "you're hot".

you have to take advantage of the unique features that myspace offers vs "dating" sites, as i mentioned on my "Fuglies on Match and Yahoo" post. i can't believe you guys are wasting your time on those sites...sorry but it's true.

i have about 15 chicks in my inbox on myspace that i'm 'gaming'. fresh ones are rolling in consistently...about 2-3 a day. when i post a bulletin, it's about 2-3 extra's.

as it's working right now, these chicks are contacting me. i don't ever plan (or very rarely) on initiating any contact with a chick on myspace. why should i? i have 600+ on my friends list, all pretty much pre-screened, college degree, at least a 7 from their pic, etc.

the law of large numbers says that i will get a consistent stream of emails and contacts from THEM, provided my profile is good, and my pic is good, and i have something interesting to say on occasional blogs and bulletins.

telemarketing 101, flat out. about 1% will respond back consistently. that means i will get about 6 fresh replies consistently, by "marketing" myself with bulletins, etc.

you have to run it like a business. basically, i have built up a "telemarketing list" if you will. run some "ads".

example: if i posted a bulletin to these 600 chicks, who ARE pre-screened somewhat, saying "hey...anyone want to go to a laker game on saturday...hit me up", take a gander at how many responses i'd get? i pick the cream of the crop from the responses.

i made the investment, working on my profile, and adding a sh1tload of hot chicks, like a ho-bag. seriously, i can spend one hour, with a boatload of pre-screened chicks with the browse/search feature, just adding hot ones within 10 miles of my zip. i don't even read their profiles. add 'em, close the window, next. one hour, i've got 100 in the army.

but now, some strategically placed bulletins and such here and there, and now i don't have to to squat...just reply to the emails and comments that are streaming in.

and now i'm getting a stream of add requests from chicks...about 2 a day...which of course adds to my army of ho's without me doing anything, but pushing a button.

i have some other tricks up my sleeve, but that's all i'm going to say about myspace.

have fun on yahoo and match,'re wasting your time sending out individual emails and reading profiles.
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Inc. ©

Don Juan
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
Aha, bulletins..that's what I've been missing. Thanks TCU. I've only been working on my current profile about 1 week, but I've been doing the same thing as you and just adding chicks left and right, I'm at about 165 right now and that number continues to grow. I've probably spent only an hour total getting that list...some fuglies fall through the cracks, but those are just bad leads, no big deal. I'm definitely gonna start posting bulletins now.


Master Don Juan
Jul 19, 2004
Reaction score
TooCold is pioneering the myspace for the rest of us. If you follow his advice, you will be getting laid within a couple of weeks or less depending on your level of experience.




Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by iveyleeger
So how many myspace ho's do you take to the game?
so i just got back from my sister's wedding this evening. i ain't even going to talk about it, but they met on Match. she's 35 and this marriage has desperation written all over it, bride and groom.

haven't done it yet. i'm prepping other things before i do that sort of stuff...because it's pretty dicey unless you do it right.

i'll bet 1%-2% of the total chicks, 600+, would respond. that happens to be the exact odds in the telemarketing/mass mailings business, if you write your copy correctly.

btw, we do mass mailings for my consulting biz...i'm in charge of the operation, because if you want it done it yourself. pagemaker, database, sorted, etc, on all 20,000. 6 times a year.

it's a 1, 2, 3, and even 4 step process. you can't just blast out 20,000 mailings, saying "HERE WE ARE, WE'RE SO GREAT, GIVE US YOUR $$$". that's step 4....cart before the horse.

same thing with myspace. so i'm gonna hold off on the laker thing, and others, for now. at this point, it's just very strategic bulletins, a couple of times a week, as a "get to know TooCold" operation. Theeeen you start doing the soft sell. theeen you start doing the harder sell (e.g. laker game or whatever).

build a reputation...gain trust...gain their respect...make them laugh, make them cry, serious stuff, dorky stuff, political stuff, raunchy stuff, funny pictures, etc.


there have already been several chicks that say, 'i always love your bulletins'.

that's great feedback, because i know it's working (steps 1 and 2). just gotta keep doing it for a little while longer, because only a small percent, maybe 10%, will even read any one bulletin. but if i keep plugging away at it, all of them will have read at least a couple. and some of them will read them all the time!

profile views are WAY up...which is really what it's all about. i'm getting about 20-40 a day, depending on what i post. you gotta get them to your profile...anyhow, anyway, without being AFC.

there's the "secret" strategy (it's no secret). but, it's all in the execution. for that, there is nothing i can do for you, except this: the kind of posts on myspace are absolutely worthless in every respect. they're all polls and "how big is your c@ck", brain rot MTV generation.

but that's an advantage, right? you're different!

i'm messing around with a couple of other things, however. i'm a devious mutha fukka, trust me :)
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Senior Don Juan
Apr 17, 2005
Reaction score
okay, so what do you put in your bulletins now? I mean, what is the "news" that you send out for myspace?

p.s., this is fascinating stuff, I can see how the marketing experience pays off here


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by iveyleeger
okay, so what do you put in your bulletins now? I mean, what is the "news" that you send out for myspace?

p.s., this is fascinating stuff, I can see how the marketing experience pays off here
build a reputation...gain trust...gain their respect...make them laugh, make them cry, serious stuff, dorky stuff, political stuff, raunchy stuff, funny pictures, etc.

gotta lunch 'date' with a little hottie tomorrow off of myspace, 22 y/o. :)

last thurs i talked with her on the phone...chit chat, about 15 minutes...good vibe. she admitted she was flakey--what 22 year old isn't? i told her i don't deal with flakey chicks. told her i'd call her on sunday (today) to set something up for tomorrow (monday). text msg'd her tonight, "u around?". she called me 10 minutes later.

she already said she digs my style (in an email).


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
i'm not posting a link to my myspace page, esp to a 15 year old. i have underwear older than you. there are way too many a-holes on this site, no offense to anyone in particular.

so that 22y/o chick i met

what a fukkin waste of time. all her pics were good...but you know the story. met up with her for lunch...instantly, GET OUT OF HERE FAST. lol. first thing i see is major stubble under her arms. sloppy as fukk from mid drift down, with a trail of furr from bellybutton down. i was just thinking what was down there. obviously she doesn't know how to take care of herself, nor cares about it.

she was damn cute though...but if a chick doesn't care about herself, why the hell should i?

*rant on AFCness*
if there weren't so many fukking AFC suckazz losers out there sucking up to nasty chicks just to get laid, more of them would HAVE to take care of themselves. a hot chick with brains, and not a twisted psycho, is hard to find.

well, the place was closed for the holiday. the place next to it was also closed. i just said, 'lets do it another time' and got the hell out of there as fast as i could.

steeeee-riiiike, lol.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by ER!C L!VE
I thought there was a crack down on the underage posters in the 'older man' forum.

The above poster is 15?


Boy, with a few more mods, this place could really be something extra special.
no sh1t. and if they got some ballz, they'd get rid of some of the psycho chicks on this board too.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 29, 2001
Reaction score
TooColdUlrick, what did you do? Did you stay the lunch and pay? Or eat quickly and say very little and got your azz outta there?


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Chrispy
TooColdUlrick, what did you do? Did you stay the lunch and pay? Or eat quickly and say very little and got your azz outta there?
no, thankfully the places were closed due to the holiday. i chatted with her on the sidewalk for about 5 minutes, looking for an exit (as opposed to an opener, lol). we went to the place next door, it was closed and she said,

her: we're striking out
tcu: yeah, i think EVERY place is closed (discouraging her)
her: i think you're right (mission accomplished)
tcu: how about we do it another time (bye)
her: okay (mission accomplished)
tcu: (runs away leaving a trail of smoking footprints)

negative reinforcement, haha.

side note: sh1t like this make the speed dating scene look mighty attractive. at least you get to spend a max of 10 minutes with a chick, and at least you get a bunch of them in one night to chat up, and at least you get to see them.

Inc. ©

Don Juan
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
Would it hurt you that bad to just have a conversation with a UG? Haha, just asking, it really couldn't kill you. I know you're going to talk about how they don't respect their body and that's fine that you wouldn't date them, but I bet you've been just friends with some fat guys before.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Inc. ©
Would it hurt you that bad to just have a conversation with a UG? Haha, just asking, it really couldn't kill you. I know you're going to talk about how they don't respect their body and that's fine that you wouldn't date them, but I bet you've been just friends with some fat guys before.
i have no intention or desire of being just friends with chicks.


Don Juan
Jul 29, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by TooColdUlrick

so that 22y/o chick i met

what a fukkin waste of time. all her pics were good...but you know the story. met up with her for lunch...instantly, GET OUT OF HERE FAST. lol. first thing i see is major stubble under her arms. sloppy as fukk from mid drift down, with a trail of furr from bellybutton down.
Oh man...that's as wrong as Donkey Kong in a thong.

Sorry to hear you went through that.

I know the feeling.

chili kat

Don Juan
Nov 22, 2003
Reaction score
The last thing I do is chase. I throw up a profile and just wait for friendship requests. Basically forget all about it until I get notification e-mail. Might log in now and then just to keep the profile fresh, but not much else. They don't come in droves, but when they bite, I know straight off there is an IL.

I gave this one girl approval for friendship (HB7.5/8) and she e-mails me with a question about guys. I basically told her any guy with an answer to that question basically just wants to get into her pants. I then finished the e-mail with "now shut up and get naked." You know, just joking around. She shoveled out her number and an invite to meet up in reply.

So, I don't know. Whatever. Treat it like a perk rather than a source and reply just the same as you would out in the field.


Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2001
Reaction score
Myspace is alright, i rarely get messages from girls; but in the field i have hotties coming up to me, which is kind of weird. I see guys getting way more messages/hotties then me and they aren't even that good looking!

Perhaps my pictures or page sucks, but i didn't have high expectations to begin with, so i'm not really bothered by it. Anyways, i've met 3 girls from myspace. 1 girl was a freaking giant with kankles. I'm probably pushing 6'2.5-6'3 with boots on and she towered over me (her pictures are hot, yet she's hit in real life (she has like 1,000,000 friends too; if the guys only knew...haha). The other two girls were hot and looked better in person.

Everyone bashes internet meetings, but i say why not? If your goal is to meet more women, myspace can help out! Myspace is great for people with busy lives too!

Later players!


Master Don Juan
Jul 19, 2004
Reaction score
:cheer: TCU is full of shyt.

I bet he's not a real college professor either.

gah. faker.