My ego vs my confidence according to what a girl thinks of me


Senior Don Juan
May 10, 2005
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I had an intense convo with this chick yesterday. To me c0ckyness is derived from confidence. Let me know if im right or wrong. This needs to be said upfront, we are both very spoiled. She is spoiled by male attention, dudes buying drinks for her all the time etc. and dudes worshipping her. I am spoiled in the sense that my parents help me out I drive a nice car and have a bunch of nice sh1t while she has to struggle and is constantly broke and can't have nice things, thats actually more respectable and Ive told her that. I do not rub anything in her face nor to anyone else. I only start act super c0cky if I feel someone is trying to act better than me or i feel they are trying to take all the power. I even told her this. She might be a hater I dont know she claims she just wants the best for me.

Ive known her for a while and dated for a little. According to her she broke up with me cause my ego is too big and I act better than everyone. Shes a sunshine girl not giving a fvck who she talks with and hangs with just as long she has people around her, shes very needy. She felt I thought I was better than her even though she fails to admit that. I treated the b1tch like a fvckin princess and was nice all the time and stood up to her at the appropriate times. I actually made a couple comments to her when she was acting up trying to act like she was better than me so I had to bring her down a couple of notches. She didnt like that. She does have LSE.

Now we talk here and there and yesterday she just tried to lay into me for a good hour (we were talking in person). She was saying I am the most c0ckiest and egotistical person. I will not be able to make it in the corportate world cause of my bad attitude (Im almost 26, shes fvcking 22 and never has worked for a large corporation and wont be able to yet cause she quit college and I will be surprised if she goes back. and I have worked for very large companies beating out many candidates so I must be doing something right in the interviews and was a top producer) and will be lonely blah blah.

I tell her it is confidence and if im c0cky its a playful thing. She is valid on some of her points though cause I pre judge some people too much. But you can tell a person by the way they dress and talk pretty easily, the might be cool but with no commonalities with me. But she thinks its wrong if Im just not the most friendly person to everyone and go out of my way to meet every fvckin person and please their azz. She wants to please everyone. I think personally I should have some kind of screening for people who I deal with. Not saying Im better just what I can do for them and what they can do for me, things in common, etc.)

I seriously do not talk about sh1t to anyone and she thinks im very insecure. I am seriously not insecure about that much sh1t. She is though and she admits it and says you need to realize youre not this and that. I dont ever say do you know what kind of sh1t i have blah blah. I just show not flaunting though. Her biggest problem is I dont give people a chance to be friends with. I got enough friends. Here is basically what she thinks things should go: I listen to all rap she thinks I should give a cowboy a chance and go out of my way to talk with him wtf are we going to talk about??

SHe got mad at me for not talking to her friends one night. her friends were haninging out with some trashy dudes who ended up talkin sh1t to me that night cause I was holding her hand.

The part that frustrates me the most is how she thinks im insecure which I tell her think what you want and how she thinks I talk about sh1t i have cause I know not to that with anyone except if they try to compete or devalue me in some way. Im confident in the way I look, my body, education, and tell her yea I have personality flaws but think Im a good cool guy. I am in great shape and if i take off my shirt around my own fvckin house Im acting c0cky and rubbing it in peoples faces. wtf. She might think im egotistical cause of the nice sh1t I have. Also she probably wished she could have the same confidence cause she lacks it. SHE DEALS WITH AFCS WHO ARE PUPPY DOGS ALL DAY LONG. Ive honestly never had a convo like that with so much sh1t being told to me about my confidence by anyone not even my parents. ALL BECAUSE SHE WANTS ME TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN LIFE. hahha sure.


Senior Don Juan
May 10, 2005
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Thats the only thing that is getting to me. I guess my ego is facing some pain from her saying that sh1t but its hard to take what she says totally to heart when she is the super insecure one. I honestly dont feel so insecure about anything that I need to compensate for like her being an AW. Im happy how I look, my upbringing, education, etc. my life i live. She said some pretty fvcked up sh1t to me. I think she was projecting her own problems on me and or was hurt by me in some way. Im not scared to be alone ive been in LTRs and couped fine when i was alone. I aint perfect but Im pretty happy with almost all aspects in my life.

pricey rowe

New Member
Jul 25, 2008
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aw man! all i have ta say is personally u sound like a cool dude. she on the other hand sound like the normal unsatisfied chik that will eventually hit her experation date and no longer will be spoiled. confidence and ****iness has brought u this far and you sound successful, everybody uses a different recipe to have their cake. block out all that negative trash shes tryin to get u to lock on. and continue your fly persuit of happiness. i wish u tha best, keep it moving bro!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
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their will always be people trying to drag you down know matter if they are someone you trusted, loved, cared for etc. It just natural for some people to try to bring other ppl down so that they feel good about themselves due to their LSE. This honestly sounds like to much drama, she said blah blah. Fuuck it bro. You confidence and skill has yielded you great results. As long as your fine with the results and how you got their thats what matters.

Not the best example but one still one none the less. Look at Lil Wayne Hip hop Super star, He's admitted and has shown several times that he is very confident and ****y but at the same time he knows he is more then just a cokcy rap star. He knows he is human and he has good and bad. He also knows that he is humble and i truly believe he is happy with him self. If some chick said you may be rich but your to ****y he would totally be unaffected by a comment like that because he just doesn't give a fuuck about what some chick thinks about him. "He truly knows himself"

If you feel like your ego is out of control then maybe your friend was right but maybe not. I at times think ppl think i come off as standoffish and kinda stuck up and to a certain degree that is true. But i call it being selective and standing out from the crowd. When people meet me they can instantly tell i'm a cool guy but at the same time they see i'm not like every other bloke who thinks he's cool. Some interrupt my indifference as cool, others interrupt it me being a jerk, others simply judge me as a spoiled kid who got everything he wanted. The truth is to a certain degree I am all of those things but to simply say i'm a spoiled ****y jerk is a misinterpretation and is based off of nothing but limited shallow thinking. Those things are a part of me but they aren't what define me.

I have a mercedes benz that i can no longer drive due to my tag situation, I no longer have a job and my phone is phucked up so yeah i basically have 3 blocks in my life. But i still don't let those things define who i am. The one thing i let define me is my "core self" the guy who does the possible when it seems impossible. the guy who isn't perfect but always strives to be. The man who will always strive to reach that next step in his life regardless of the situation. As long as i'm alive and i am connected to god i will fight the fight until i am dead. God is the only one who can truly define who i am beyond my own imagination.


Senior Don Juan
May 10, 2005
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Well I do drive a benz as of right now lol. im spoiled etc. Many haters come out of the wood work because of that I think. Alphamale me and you seem alike in many ways. Glad someone can relate to me FINALLY. I am selective and like to stand out of the crowd. This b1tch always says to me you are such a d1ck cause you will never take a picture of a girl if she asks you too (thanks mystery). She just doesnt know why I do that she thinks Im trying to be a d1ck when in reality im just trying to not be a tool. A lot of places i go I stand out from the rest in many ways Im not ashamed of that either. Some people dont have whatever and someone else has soemthing they wish they could have but cant have it guess they dont think its fair if someone has it and they dont.

Words dont ever hurt me. Ive been told so much sh1t in my life cause of my attitude with people trying to bring me down etc. I laugh and tell them they are waisting their time. The part that gets to me most is the badgering and nagging and talkin sh1t and not shutting up after they sayu the same sh1t over and over. its not the words its the whole point of them not shutting up. And its also the point that they always have nothing more than me going on in life they are at the same point usually or behind. I listen to successful people.