Mexican, Indian, Asian and Arab Men


Don Juan
Dec 8, 2005
Reaction score
Gurnee, Illinois
weird, im asian and almost all my firends are white cept a couple blacks and 1 half asian half white.

sometimes i forget that im asian then an ******* buddy has to make an asian joke.

anyone else forget there own race too?

i tend to only go for white girls too (actually TAN girls) sometimes latin girls too. id date asian girls too if the filipino asian girls werent so annoying and the other asian girls werent so nerdy and dorky. aka hair tied back, glasses, and no sense of fashion.


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2006
Reaction score
elton said:
weird, im asian and almost all my firends are white cept a couple blacks and 1 half asian half white.

sometimes i forget that im asian then an ******* buddy has to make an asian joke.

anyone else forget there own race too?

i tend to only go for white girls too (actually TAN girls) sometimes latin girls too. id date asian girls too if the filipino asian girls werent so annoying and the other asian girls werent so nerdy and dorky. aka hair tied back, glasses, and no sense of fashion.
Wow, just wow. Dude, get your head out of your ass. You're young and only konw the people in your town/school. There are MANY asian women out there with TONS of fashion. Don't paint a picture of the world from one tiny cross section. And what's wrong with a nerdy/dorky girl that studies? Maybe if you talked to her you'd find out that she's really interesting. You don't want to be judged by your cover, so don't do it to others.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
In a land called **** it.
Silverback82 said:
thye might not be insecure about it but if you could hand them a few more inches they would take it

agian what are all of my SUPPOSED failures are you guys talking about? this is just a topic of discussion so what is all this "failure" nonsense?

it isn't just because "it looks good":rolleyes:

you guys know nothing about psychology
LMAO, shut the hell up.

First off I'm not an expert but I have studied freud, pavlov, the tri un (however the hell you spell that) brain theory, cognitive, behavioral (damn I'm on a spelling role), and evolutionary psychology.

However, man's words are not nature's law. Nature knows what she's doing, you trying to use knowledge and apply it to a natural process is like trying to cut grass with scissors, it's not effective.

Maybe if you got out and actually interacted with other people you would have another view, psychology isn't always right, and this is coming from an aspiring psychologist.

You are trying to make this game to technical and scientific, this is nature, not some laboratory, until you learn that knowledge and intelligence get tossed out in light of nature's will, you will get nowhere.

Oh and stop spamming the damn thread. Just post your response in one post.
Jun 20, 2006
Reaction score
Hitman10000 said:
My race is irrelevant, I want Illegal Mexicans like you and your parents OUT.

Your kind keeps the wages low, and thus makes the poor even more poorer when they can't do jobs. Trust me, it is YOUR KIND. Don't give me that usual Mexi-crap saying "Well no one else wanted it" I visited a city called Redding, in California.. NORTHERN california far away from the mexi-plagued cities of the rest of california. I got out of a motel, and i expected to see the typical Mexican woman pushing a cart. Do you know what I say? Young attractive.. yes attractive WHITE GIRLS doing house cleaning at the motels. They are probably poor, but it brings to my discussion that your illegal mexican types are indeed TAKING AWAY POOR PEOPLE'S JOB.

It pushes the rest of America in a stratification that in order to have a job you gotta have an education because the poor have to compete with illegal mexicans, with the job situation worsening thanks to globalization and the internet we must protect the jobs for LEGAL immigrants and LEGAL citizens, not ILLEGALs.

haha you must be a redneck white trash piece of chit
we mexicans are hardworking people we do the work *****es like you dont want to do it, we have to deal with racism and below low wages so we can live better , we help your economy you know


racist *****

mexicans dont die we multiply
Jun 20, 2006
Reaction score
BadJadder said:
A lot of faulty logic Mexican Player. Now I do not want to debate who has better game Arabs or Mexicans, so dont misunderstand what I am gonna say. You say that Arabs have bad rap because of terrorism and all, then you go on and say how proud you are of your race because mexicans are gangstas and everyone is afraid of them. Both gangstas and terrorists are known to be scary and kill people, then how come Mexicans are better off? Get your facts straight buddy

well is better to have the stereotype of a gangster rather than a crazy fanatic terrorist

you know with the hip hop and the movies made the gangsters look cool even they are not

some girls like the thug look because they think that is how real man are supposed to be

a lot of black folks know what im sayin


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
This thread has gotten out of control.

It's possible for a man of any race to score with women of any race. There is no combination that has never been done. What difference does it make what the averages are? Does anyone really strive to be average???

I've stayed in Spanish Speaking nations before, not Mexico, and they had very nice cities. The people liked to have fun. I don't know about Mexico, but if the people I met in Central and South America want to be my neighbors, that's fine by me.

You have to understand rich American men go down there and try to screw all their women and have NO RESPECT for the local culture or the people or in many cases even other Americans who they run into. So yes, some people do get an attitude when they run into stuck Americans who drink coke with every meal and rent fancy hotels just to drink beer in, just like some people who have had bad experiences with immigrants essentialize individual traits with an entire group. That doesn;t mean we all have to be that way.

IMHO this thread should be closed. It is getting less productive by the minute.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
pooparu said:
LMAO, shut the hell up.

First off I'm not an expert but I have studied freud, pavlov, the tri un (however the hell you spell that) brain theory, cognitive, behavioral (damn I'm on a spelling role), and evolutionary psychology.

However, man's words are not nature's law. Nature knows what she's doing, you trying to use knowledge and apply it to a natural process is like trying to cut grass with scissors, it's not effective.

Maybe if you got out and actually interacted with other people you would have another view, psychology isn't always right, and this is coming from an aspiring psychologist.

You are trying to make this game to technical and scientific, this is nature, not some laboratory, until you learn that knowledge and intelligence get tossed out in light of nature's will, you will get nowhere.

Oh and stop spamming the damn thread. Just post your response in one post.
haha so clueless

sorry for ruining your precious little internet thread:rolleyes: