meditation,I will find the truth.

cool dude

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2009
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What do you guys think of meditation as a way t enhance your inner game/self.
I know that when one decides to take the journey into meditation that it is a long process,a really long process. Can it really help with anxiety issues and such? I use to meditate everyday but then I sort of just lost touch with it.I would like to do it again and I am going to tomorrow morning when I wake up.

I did do it for about a few weeks straight and I did not feel any difference.
I know there are different types of meditation.Maybe some have better effect than others.
I am curious because noone seemed to have mentioned meditation at all but have mentioned other stuff like repeating good things to yourself and others I can't recall.
I am going to restart my journey and go with it for hopefully a few months to see whats the deal.I will post my conclusion.


Don Juan
Jun 13, 2009
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I don't practice it myself but I do know some folks who do and they all swear by it. But it can take months before you start to notice any changes in your life. I don't know if it will improve your inner game, but basically it gives you better control over your mind and you become much more aware of the various things going on in your head.

I guess it can help with anxiety etc. because if you practice it long enough, you can learn to disengage from your emotions and remove the power that they have over you.


Master Don Juan
Mar 15, 2008
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I thought the same but then assumed I was just ****ing crazy. I did meditate for some time but stopped. It was cool getting into a clear frame of mind. Something that is very rare for someone like myself with a severe case of ADHD. I should probably give it another chance and be a little more consistent with it.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 25, 2009
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I use autogenic training (if this is the exact english expression for that). This means when I fall asleep I´m hearing a special mixture of music, noises and speech. It´s really good against daily stress and gives me power for the daily life. It´s like repeating good/important things, but you are in a special state of mind and are "re-programmed".

I do yoga on a weekly basis, which strats and ends with guided meditation, and to tell the truth, this meditation doesn´t really work for me. Sometimes I fall asleep when I´m really tired, but that´s all. Maybe it is because of timing. It´s alwasy on monday in the late afternoon, which is the worst time of the week for me.

cool dude

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2009
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Well I know that there is a number of meditaion styles,and maybe the one you are trying just isn't right for you.
What do yo do when you meditate.