LR: From POF to Hotel room in 3 days.


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
[note: Just figured i'd post this for people to learn from. I've done this a ton of times over the last couple of years, although it normally doesn't go this well (because the women turn out to be not what i expected.)]

She was cute, and something i had never had before.


Doing a mass email night last Wednesday on POF (I spend about 2 hours just emailing 30-40 girls.) I come across a pretty cute Asian girl. Her profile says that’s she’s an introvert and shy; yet she looks sexy as hell. Short skirts on, amazing looking body, cute face.

Based mostly on the fact that she’s shy/introvert – I decide to send her a corny compliment and a little bit of a neg.

ME: You look like you’re trying to steal men’s dreams! Yet, you don’t seem to have much of a story; you can’t be that boring! :)

HER: That's a sweet compliments :D I just like to make it short and simple. You can ask anything you want if I'm missing some info. I'm [her name] btw..

I see she has listed on her profile that she’s an Aquarius. I look that up on some site and do some astrology game on her about what she is based on her sign. I end it with “My name is jon... my sign is gemini... my bite is hard... and i look forward to more ;)

She responds back telling me that that’s not her sign, that she lied on the website lol… Whatever… She asks me what I mean by “my bite is hard”… I don’t explain it to her….

Blah blah blah… The next day and 4 messsages later I ask for her number so we can text (YOU SHOULDN’T TEXT WOMEN!!!! bite me! I’ve seduced more women through text than most have in person.)


It's a game! It's a game? No! It's sex talk.

So on Thursday, I kept it simple for most of the DAY. We exchanged 5-6 texts. Basic stuff, lightly teasing her…

Now, I like to start talking to women about sex around 10-11pm on weekdays. The reason for this is – they normally aren’t working or out at this time, so they can focus more on the Q&A session. Around this time I like to introduce the “question and answer” game…

Basically: I ask a question and she answers, then she asks me a question and I answer. There’s 3 rounds: Round 1) Basic question. - Round 2) What’s your favorite? - Round 3) Sex and romance (I used to just say “sex,” but would get some resistance, so I added the “romance” part…. And haven’t had one person turn down the game since. )

Anyway, around 10pm I drop the idea of this game on her and she’s down. Round one… Blah blah blah… Round two… Blah blah blah…

Round 3 comes and continues to go on for the next 20 hours! (she even asks me the next morning: “Is the game over? Or can we still play it?)

We basically have a long session of every sex question imaginable.

She says to me at some point on Friday, “I love this game! It keeps getting interesting.”

During these questions and answers – she sends me some “erotic” pics of her. No nudes though. All looks good! And she wears really expensive underwear, which I love.


4 things you should know (that i assigned letters to instead of numbers because im so avant garde)

a) throughout our texts, I’ll occasionally drop one of the following: “you might be too much of a good girl for me.” Or, “I might be too much of a bad guy for you.” (this makes her qualify herself to me, ie: “no, im not too much of a good girl for you, promise.”) I will do this anytime I feel like she’s not opening up right, or that she’s being resistant to an idea/question.
b) I look for things to make it seem like our connection was meant to be. Example: I don’t know how I came across her profile, but I tell her “I was searching for girls who are 50 miles or closer; I don’t know how your profile came up. It’s crazy that a glitch could introduce me to such a cool girl. Strange…”
c) My goal when talking to women online is to get a first meet date at a hotel. That’s why it’s important to get her talking about sex through text. Just starting to talk about it is not nearly as effective as giving her an excuse to talk about it disguised as a game. This game also is not as effective when done on the phone (I’ve done it a few times and it just doesn’t get the same results.) But anyway, I know once I get them in a hotel – im fvcking them. F-closing in a hotel is cake for me.
d) I don’t look at women as sluts for doing this. They just need a man who gets down their defenses, which I am astonishingly good at. If you look at a woman as a slut for you being able to seduce them into bed – what’s the point of doing this?​

Maybe i'll fvck you tomorrow then

So as the game’s unwinding I ask her “so southern NJ is half way between us. Im going to get a room down there sometime. You’re invited to come along :)” – Her response to that is “maybe I will. ;)

I would have asked her to meet me that Friday night, because she was HOT for me. But, I already had a hotel date with a different woman (one ive been with tons of times).


That iron is hot

Saturday we’re no longer playing the game. Going back and fourth in topics. Texts are further apart. I feel some of the energy fading. I need to make my move NOW.


It's going down.... Basement

Basically I find out she’s not doing anything Saturday night. So I tell her some plans fell through, and I’m free. I ask her if she wants to meet me half way between us, and I’ll look for a place. She says she has a problem: Her car is in the shop because it was involved in a hit and run. BUT she will check with some family members and see if she can get a car, if she can’t SHE’LL GET A RENTAL!…. She wants to meet me that bad? A few minutes later she texts me that her brother is going to let her use his car and he’s bringing it to her now.

“Cool, “ I say, “I’ll go ahead and find us a place real quick. Book it, and probably be able to leave my house by 10.” - - - Her response “Book? Wait, what kind of place is this?”

[Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sh!t! LOL… I’m about to get some serious BS! Ok… I’ll play along but not going to be specific and see where it goes…]

ME: What kind of place is this? A place to hangout, drink, and stay….

HER: Oh ok. I thought you were talking about a hotel cuz you said book. I was about to spazz on you! Lol… But yeah, just any bar is fine, I like to dance, but meeting you is more important.

My RESPONSE (bare with me): Uhm. I am talking about a hotel. And if you want to spazz at that idea – spazz at it; I don’t care. Don’t be scared of the stigma that comes with renting a room at a hotel. Neither of us has to do sh!t with the other person if we don’t want to.

[my reasoning for such a tuff tone with her, is: 1) I know she really wants to meet me (willing to rent a car if she has to). 2) I know that she’s already asked to borrow her brothers car and he’s on his way to bring it to her. Which means she’s already committed to the idea of doing something with her night. 3) I wasn’t scared of losing her if she “spazzed” out.)

So, I put it on her. Will she meet me at a hotel or not?]

HER: Can you please call me? I’m trying to get ready and can’t do that and text too.

[this means she’s going to meet me at a hotel lol]

When we talk on the phone - I make fun of her a lot, I keep saying: “this doesn’t sound like much spazzing.” And, “you’re not very good at this spazzing thing.” I also make fun of the fact that she sounds like she’s from Brooklyn. Very thick NYC accent. After some banter like this - she agrees to come to the hotel. I tell her I’ll book it.

I book it on the phone with her, give her the info, and tell her I’ll see her in 45 minutes. She says, “I really hope you’re at least close to how you look in your picture. I’ve meant 4 guys off of POF for dinner, and all of them were ugly and it makes me mad when people don’t look like their pictures. Then they wonder why I ignore their messages after the dates.”

This gave me some pause because I by far have the best pic of me up on my POF (yes, I only have 1 and I refuse to send more.) But I push on anyway…. Tell her, “oh, im much uglier, you aren’t going to like me.”


Happily ever after

Rest of the story summarized: She’s just as sexy in person as online. She’s so short and petite, but has a big ass and tits (she says this is true for most Cambodian women). She didn’t seem shy at all, but explains “that’s because I feel like I’ve known you for a long time.” (getting a woman to open up about sex does this.) We have sour apple vodka, which is about as good as drinking stomach acid… But we both drink it anyway. She asks me “have you ever been with an Asian woman?” I say “Nope. Both times it was about to happen my boy who is Asian has ****blocked.” - - - There’s a grin on her face. She starts moving around the room a lot. From one spot to the other. Bed to chair, to standing up, to the bathroom, looking through her purse, etc. This is a lot of times how women get when they’re ready…. So I grab her and kiss her, and about a hour later – I had been with an asian (she put up a ton of LMR, but I was never convinced by it.).

Note: Softest skin I’ve ever felt! Big ass without one wrinkle in it! Huge sex drive. = We will be doing this again! (and that’s kind of rare with a lot of them I meet online; most are just a one and done thing.)


Funny stuff

Her (right before leaving Sunday morning): So are you still planning to go fishing now that you've meant me?

ME: (completely not answering the question): Baby... There are plenty of fish in the sea.

Result = Her playfully attacking me and our 3rd and one final sex session before the exit.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
very well played.. your game is tight... but the post critical part as always was:

bukowski_merit said:
She says, “I really hope you’re at least close to how you look in your picture. I’ve meant 4 guys off of POF for dinner, and all of them were ugly and it makes me mad when people don’t look like their pictures. Then they wonder why I ignore their messages after the dates.”

^^that is what it always boils down to with 99% of females .. do they like how you look?! the more they like your looks the easier they will make it for you to F them.. women are hos but they can be picky cause they have 10000000 men begging fro sex every day and they want to only F the on ones they can brag about to friends..


Don Juan
Jul 6, 2011
Reaction score
Solid work. Screams of alpha in a lot of places. It's amazing what a combination of confidence, indifference and escalation can do.
bukowski_merit said:
My RESPONSE (bare with me): Uhm. I am talking about a hotel. And if you want to spazz at that idea – spazz at it; I don’t care. Don’t be scared of the stigma that comes with renting a room at a hotel. Neither of us has to do sh!t with the other person if we don’t want to.

[my reasoning for such a tuff tone with her, is: 1) I know she really wants to meet me (willing to rent a car if she has to). 2) I know that she’s already asked to borrow her brothers car and he’s on his way to bring it to her. Which means she’s already committed to the idea of doing something with her night. 3) I wasn’t scared of losing her if she “spazzed” out.)
This attitude/method was tremendous.

bukowski_merit said:
she put up a ton of LMR, but I was never convinced by it.
Question: How do you deal with that? I recently had this LMR problem when the girl said "i don't feel comfortable" 2 different times and i stopped after that...


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
Good FR, There is still hope for POF after all.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 17, 2010
Reaction score
i thought the most critical part was the MASS EMAIL. More people more cars, more shows, mo hos


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
Qualify LR, very detailed. Congratulations!

I've kinda stayed away from the questions game because I think that most women now a days know "what's up" due to all the PUA stuff on tv and I don't want to look bad. This post makes me rethink this :D

I do like how you introduced sex talk with her. If only more guys did this and were not afraid to they would realize that it just plain works. You had to know in your mind she was interested in "you know what" when she kept playing your game full of sex questions lol.


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
DonGorgon said:
^^that is what it always boils down to with 99% of females .. do they like how you look?! the more they like your looks the easier they will make it for you to F them.. women are hos but they can be picky cause they have 10000000 men begging fro sex every day and they want to only F the on ones they can brag about to friends..

While im not one of these people who thinks look don't matter, i will say that i don't believe im great looking (this is my POF pic). Because of how aroused i already had her - I think i had A LOT of leeway in how good/bad i looked. I think of myself as a 6 or so looks wise... I think i would have had to be like a 5 or below with some kind of major flaw (bad teeth, etc) in order for her to not follow through with the night.

mark123 said:
Question: How do you deal with that? I recently had this LMR problem when the girl said "i don't feel comfortable" 2 different times and i stopped after that...
Her LMR was not believable so it wasn't really real. Just something for me to confidently play with.

HER: Stop kissing me! That leads to bad things.

ME: Yes yes bad things! (still kissing her)

HER: You said we weren't going to do anything.

ME: No, i said we don't have to do anything we don't want. (back to kissing her).

I'm semi-conscious of being accused of rape or something, so i'll often lay on my back and say "come here" and have a woman be on top a little while making out. I feel like this is good for making sure she's really just putting up token resistance vs. her really meaning it when she says "stop!"


HER: Don't take my pants off.

ME: (taking her pants off)

HER: (helping me take her pants + panties off)

^ That isn't very convincing... lol

Now... Your example of: "I'm not feeling comfortable" is a littler different. Maybe requires a pull back, and trying to get into her head more with teasing, games, and most of all MORE ALCOHOL.... "I'm not feeling comfortable" is probably true. But read her body language and her kiss to know for sure (if she's kissing you with the passion of a stripper - you can bet it's LMR.)

"I'm not feeling comfortable" sounds more like it = "I'm not horny enough... yet."


f283000 said:
I've kinda stayed away from the questions game because I think that most women now a days know "what's up" due to all the PUA stuff on tv and I don't want to look bad. This post makes me rethink this :D
I wasn't aware that game i play was part of regular PUA theory. I know the "who lies most" stuff is well known... But just going back and fourth with questions? Wasn't aware...

I think it works mostly on women you've never meant before; it's VERY ideal for women you meet online. I've never played it with a girl i've meant out. I've also never played it once i've had sex with a woman. It's sole purpose to me - is to get girls i've meant online talking and thinking about sex (with me.)

Without that game - i don't think i could have had this woman (and other women) so hot/so quick without having a lot more physical access to her.

I also think most women know what the game is about. It's not about the "basic" or "favorite" questions... It's 100% about the sex questions. But just like how you have to make an excuse for a woman to come back to your room - the "basic" and "favorite" questions are her excuse to play the "innocent" game....

f283000 said:
You had to know in your mind she was interested in "you know what" when she kept playing your game full of sex questions lol.
Yeah man, I knew she was interested.... I also knew from experience that that interest could vanish in hours.... When i felt it fading a bit on Saturday (we had pretty much ran out of sexual questions) - i knew i had to make the move for that night. This goes against the rule of being too available, but i just had good feelings about asking her... And it paid off...
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Don Juan
Dec 19, 2006
Reaction score
Thanks for posthing this. You have very smooth game which inspires me.

I've given up on online gaming; women never seem to respond to me. I do get occasionally hit on by random women online, but their always old, fat, or ugly. Or all 3 of those things! I did meet one woman before, but she turned out to be an Ogre.

Question: What kind of stuff do you say to them leading up to you asking for their number? How do you ask for the number?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2011
Reaction score
Dude, no homo, but you're more than a 6. You're giving your "game" too much credit and your looks not enough credit. She wanted your c*ck the minute she saw your pic.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2004
Reaction score
New jersey
Great LR!

I am pretty horrible with sexual texting. Can you give some examples you use?


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
returningchamp said:
Question: What kind of stuff do you say to them leading up to you asking for their number? How do you ask for the number?
I actually prefer to give them my number and have them take the step of texting me first.

Just say: "Hey i don't get on here a whole lot, here's my #: text me"


"I'm getting on here on my phone, it'd be easier to just text. Here's my number."


'I don't like being on here long; too many stalkers. Text me at #... I have a game i want to play with you."


rhcp83 said:
Dude, no homo, but you're more than a 6. You're giving your "game" too much credit and your looks not enough credit. She wanted your c*ck the minute she saw your pic.
The pic might be. But that pic is not a true representation of what i look like. I am aware that looks matter a lot more on dating sites than in real life. So, i spent a lot of time sorting through tons of pictures, posting them on rating sites, etc. I have no idea how old that pic is or why the hell i took/kept it - but im glad i did.

Maybe she did want me from the minute she saw my pic - but, i've been doing online game since Yahoo Personals used to be free! I've had plenty of girls want me, and it still requires a good amount of game to make that happen (figuring out that i need to talk about sex asap was the first thing i learned; figuring out to use a game to get to it even faster than normal - was my most important).


WhitePimp said:
Great LR!

I am pretty horrible with sexual texting. Can you give some examples you use?
I used to be a lot better at it (i also used to do a ton of cyber sex when i was in my late teens lol). I'm more lazy these days and like to push the envelope through other means (showing how experienced i am; talking about some crazy stuff i've done.) I'm better at getting women to open up about stuff they've done vs. stuff they want to do with me.

So when im mostly talking about sex with a woman it's in the form of question and answers through the game i play. And really - i don't think i need to show what kind of sexual questions to ask - just ask sexual questions. There's no right or wrong ones. My favorite is "how orgasmic are you?" though.

But let me look through my texts real quick from different women... See what i can dig up that's out of the context of the Q&A game.

Ok, was having a conversation about how im not into commitment. We weren't even talking about sex or anything, just relationships. She makes her comment and i jump on it...

Woman: Oh, so you don't like to be tied down?
Me: With rope? No! Sorry. I'll tie you down though and give you a little spanking.
Woman: What if i want a big one?
Me: You'll have to do something really bad.
Woman: Like what?
Me: If i have to tell you - you're never going to be bad enough to deserve that spanking.


Another, with a girl who our sexual Q&A game was growing stale (she couldn't think of any question.)

Woman: Hmm... I'm drawing a blank here on what to ask you.
Me: I tell you what, i'll drive there and whisper some ideas into your ear.
Woman: I don't think we'd be playing this game anymore if you did that.
Me: No, i'd be biting your neck. Or nibbling on your ears. Which one you prefer?
Woman: Whoa! You got it with your first guess. I'm blushing.

Actually... You know what? I just remembered this:

Here's something i sent to this chick a few months back. Our whole conversation is on another level of sex talk. Probably the best tsext conversation i ever had (and we had sex that matched although i came kindda fast lol). This is just a piece of it:

"In a lifetime where u find someone who can fvck ur brains out while holding you down while running through your body with the passion of a snakes venom... You see... Besame means "kiss me" in spanish...But im unsure how to say "bite me harder".... Because u can be naughty... that still doesn't mean you can handle my level of roughness.... This isn't a sandbox lady... these are chains! And this isn't a playful smack... It's a kiss delivered by my hand! ;)"
