

Senior Don Juan
Jan 26, 2004
Reaction score
over the hedge
Yea, i mean its basics man.. If a girl gives you an IOI you reward her with one. You still arent even touching her yet so the giving really has to be kept to a minimum.. not too much favours or doing nice things, if any. Giving in a sense of building comfort and letting her know a few things about yourself is all tahst requried now. Not to sound cold but even the hospital visit was alot.. i mean how WELL do you really know her?. I knew a guy who was in a similar situation and visited a girl in hospital. It was a great gesture but she still came out of the hospital and banged the dude who she had attraction for... and my friend was teh same like "Ohh i cant believe that, i was there for her in that difficult time etc etc".... with regards to the seduction of this girl.. IT DIDNT MATTER.... its a nice gesture sure but figure out what you want here.. you want respect and a new 'friend' or you want to be grabbing her hair and arching her back as she moans in pleasure. Its cool to be caring dude really, but, yea, decide what you want.