Looking to burn fat!--


Senior Don Juan
Aug 2, 2014
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So here it goes.

About 3 years ago I was in the best shape of my life.

168 - 170 LBS. I was working out with 225lbs -- deadlift, squats and 205lbs bench. (I'm sharing these numbers so people can get an idea of where and what I was doing)
Diet was basically eating whatever, whenever, and how much without any problems. I wasn't ripped but I wasn't even close to being fat.

Fast forward now I got diagnosed with Schizophrenia. Long story short I lost my mind for about 3 years, in and out of psych-wards, and now I'm on medication. It's considered a disease of the mind and their is no cure for it. Over the course of 3 years I have ballooned to 189lbs to where people are telling me that I've gained weight (my face shows). Medication has had effects also constantly made me hungry. Didn't step into a gym for a long time but I desperately tried to maintain what I had to no avail.

I have managed to motivate myself and after researching I've been sprinting. I sprint 3 days straight for 18 minutes take a day off for recovery and 3 days again for 18 minutes. My sprints vary between 20 - 30 seconds and the last sprint I do is for a good minute. I'm going on my second week and just weighed myself and it's the same weight. I've also managed to control my eating habits, drink lots of tea and water but the problem is that I am constantly hungry but I can feel my metabolism working.

I'm basically doing HIIT and from what I've been reading that it's the best method for shredding fat and all you need to do is for a good 10 - 20 minutes but I'm wondering how long does it take to see some results. I'm laying off from lifting weights because I still have mass. My physique is still there but the fat shows on my face, upperbody and stomach. After weighing myself now I feel super depressed that I haven't lost any weight.

My stomach has started to bulge out which has never happened before. I feel in great shape cardio wise but when people are telling me that I've gained weight it's time to do something about it. So I'm turning to you guys for help. I'm thinking about doing sprints for an hour now because 18 minutes might not be enough or doing it twice a day. Any ideas because I want to get back to how I was where I can eat as much as I want and whenever I want without worrying too much. Just to add I'm coming out of a depression as well. :moon: :mad:


Jul 28, 2009
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North America, probably an airport
Most forms of cardio, including HIIT, will take about 6 weeks to show noticeable results in terms of lowered body fat.

Some lifting will also aid in exchanging fat for lean mass and build metabolism with the muscle.

I do cardio cross-training with running and rowing 30 minutes and alternate some weight training with 'core' strength development. I do this for 4 consecutive days each week and take the other 3 days off.

In two months, I've dropped 20 pounds and have more muscle mass, strength, and endurance.

Don't overdo it. Just be steady.

If you want to shed fat, diet is more important anyway. For me, weight is a function of diet and fitness a function of my routine.

Stay at it and good luck.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2002
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It sounds like you've got the right idea, HIIT will burn the hell out of fat, and will help ramp up your top speed. You need to be more patient, however: I've found that there is usually a 3-4 week "lag period" for me before the gains from workouts really show and stick.

I went through a weight gain and associated loss a few years ago. To lose, I got very serious about running. Why not work some variety into your workouts and slam out some long, slower runs? Use a site such as mapmyrun.com to keep a milage log and plan your weeks accordingly.

Lastly, I'd recommend doing some research and signing up for some local running races. I've found that signing up for races every few months, and taking the risk of looking like a slow slug if I don't train, is really good motivation to sticking with a training plan.

Hang in there!


Senior Don Juan
Aug 2, 2014
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Thanks for all the replies.

Just for the record my diet is basically eating pasta salad mixed with beans, chicken, fig, and other stuff, yogurt and fruit.

I've been reading a lot of the material in the Vault and most of the articles suggest the same thing about HIIT.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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I've found that bodyweight high intensity circuits burn fat exceptionally well when mixed in with lifting a few times a week...

For instance, right now I lift twice a week and do bodyweight circuits the following morning after lifting---dropping fat quick...not sure exactly what it is, but bodyweight exercises seem to be very effective at this, possibly due to the fact they are usually more compound type movements that will release GH more effectively...

Here is a typical circuit I'll do, no rest between exercises:

Burpees(10 reps)
Bear Crawl(50-100 ft)
Weighted Side Ab Crunch(10 reps)
Horizontal Tuck Jump(from pushup position, middle, in then out, right in then out, middle in then out, left in then out---thats 1 rep--do 10 reps)
DB Bench Step Up(8-10 reps each leg)
Step Crossover(put a step down and put both hands to the left of it in a pushup position. Walk your hands over the step and to the right side then back---1 rep---kills your abs---do 10 reps)
3-4 minutes HIIT 20 sec on/40 sec off exercise bike/elliptical machine
Jumping Jacks(25 reps)

rest 60-90 secs and repeat 2 more times

You will shred fat very quickly with this---preferably do in the morning so it gives your body all day to burn fat and doesn't effect your sleep, as if you do later in the evening you might be too amped to go to sleep


Senior Don Juan
Aug 2, 2014
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Trying to get to THIS level. Huge motivation to keep going. :rockon:

Also started drinking more hot water.

So far...in 2 weeks I don't see my gut going in. I wore my old pair of jeans today but it was a tough fit. Still at it.:kick:


Senior Don Juan
Aug 2, 2014
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Posted by :- alvatore

All of those guys use hormones. Don't expect to look the same unless you jump on too.

How can you tell?!

I was assuming some of them are at least blessed with natural genetics.


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2011
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Johannesburg, South Africa
Çharismo said:
How can you tell?!

I was assuming some of them are at least blessed with natural genetics.
Just look at them...especially Jeff Seid, that kid is far too young to look like he does.
I'm sure a lot of them have great genetics but it's achieved with a little "help"


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
Çharismo said:
How can you tell?!

I was assuming some of them are at least blessed with natural genetics.
This is the mistake far too many people make when starting out. They believe if they work hard, eat right and do all the little things they will look like someone on the cover of Fitness magazine.

Wrong. While you will look and feel a lot better, there is a limit to what you can look like naturally. When you ask "how do you know" its because many of us have been around this game a long time and know what someone who uses steroids looks like and what someone who doesn't looks like. Some of us have also used them before as well so we know what to look for.

I'm not saying to lower your standards, but I am saying it won't happen naturally.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 2, 2014
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Thought I'd update.

Article on fat loss.

Another topic regarding foods that can aid in fat loss.

Originally posted by:- marmel75

This is the mistake far too many people make when starting out. They believe if they work hard, eat right and do all the little things they will look like someone on the cover of Fitness magazine.

Wrong. While you will look and feel a lot better, there is a limit to what you can look like naturally. When you ask "how do you know" its because many of us have been around this game a long time and know what someone who uses steroids looks like and what someone who doesn't looks like. Some of us have also used them before as well so we know what to look for.

I'm not saying to lower your standards, but I am saying it won't happen naturally.
Naturally I'm very strong but I guess I'll be pushing myself now with a clean diet to see how close I can get to these guys.:up:


Senior Don Juan
Aug 2, 2014
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Providing an update.

I'm on my third week of doing sprints. Since I started...to where I am now is a huge difference. My legs don't cramp at all and I can knock out 6 sprints in under 18 minutes. I make sure to keep my heart-rate high while doing this and I sweat like a mad man. It's very hard for me to break a sweat so I know this is working. My diet has been very controlled because I have cut out all sugars, carbs etc...and have been mainly eating salad, vegetables, almonds, & chicken. I've been drinking a lot of hot water and green tea and am slowly about to incorporate apple cider vinegar in my diet. I feel the after burn effect as well and light heat all over my body. I've stayed motivated, injury free, have been consistent, and diet is as best as I can do.

I've gone from 189lbs to 188lbs. To say the least I'm very disappointed at the results. I basically haven't lost weight. I think I might have hit some sort of a plateau I don't really know at this point. However, when I flex my stomach I can see my abs slightly sticking out but the layer of fat is still there. Is it supposed to be this slow or maybe I'm not doing something right??! Shouldn't I have lost a little bit more weight??! :box:


Senior Don Juan
Aug 2, 2014
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Originally posted by:- alvatore

Are you tracking how many calories you're eating?

No I haven't. I didn't think I would need to. Eat when you are hungry is what I was operating with. I haven't been starving myself but have been eating cleaner and slightly less than before.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Easiest way to burn fat is thru alternate day fasting. You can drop lots of fat in a very short period of time, but it can be tough depending on how much you like eating


Senior Don Juan
Aug 2, 2014
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Thanks for the replies people...I haven't given up hope. I'll start to monitor my calories a little bit more now. :box:


New Member
Feb 22, 2013
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London, UK
HIIT cardio will help but your diet should be in check to maximise fat loss. Calculate your macros for fat loss, usually 100-200 (can be more, though usually that if you want to maintain lean muscle mass) calories below maintenance. If you have a smart phone you can download MyFitnessPal which you can put your macros into. Its also got a built in barcode scanner so you scan the product/food you're eating and it'll automatically log the calories.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 2, 2014
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Thanks for all the tips.

Originally posted by :- Espi

In my opinion it's likely going to take lots of steroid injections to get that lean and muscular. Also remember that a lot of time, money, and marketing is invested by people who are trying to convince you to move money from your pocket to theirs...
Espi, you are basically the second person to comment about the steroid use. I was assuming it had to be at least a little bit genetic....I guess I was wrong but regardless I still look at all the pictures to stay motivated. I saw your results as well great job!!!:rockon:

Now don't get me wrong I'm not new to the fitness world it's just the first time I've ever gotten fat/gained this much weight. I gain muscle mass fast that's why I'm not looking to bulk up but lose as much weight as I can. I weighed myself today and I'm at a 187lbs so I dropped another lb. Slowly & steadily its happening.

Before I never paid attention to my diet because I never had to. I wasn't fat but I wasn't shredded either but solid. Ate & drank whatever the eff I wanted to. Buffets, energy drinks, soda, etc but since I've been on this quest I've noticed how many over weight people there are with guts sticking out. Most people are not in good shape even at the gym that I go to (Planet Fitness)...majority are fat on top of that they are working out the wrong way.

Another thing that I realized is how much sugar is in every type of food. I don't think there is any food on the market that doesn't contain large or even a little amount of sugar. I've been very careful about my diet and since I've been eating salads I've noticed how much sugar I was consuming. I can imagine what other garbage compounds are in most foods and end up messing people up over-time.

Regardless my journey to lose weight and be as shredded as possible has just started so I'll keep everyone updated.