Lets cut the BS


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2015
Reaction score
Cola has touched on the subject but guys I am struggling with the BS that I hear on hear on this site sometimes.
"I scored this hb9 and we fvcked for hours then her hot hb9 flatmate came home and we had a 3some and they both squirted and told me they loved me, but one of them didnt like anal so I nexted her and I have a pool party with the dallas cowboy cheerleaders next week but I was texting a girl and she took too long to reply. What should I do? "

If you actually are having that sort of life you dont gave time to be here.

I am happy to give advice, ask questions or share experiences if I think it would help people who genuinely need advice but if you are here just to rarn bragging points, not interested. This site seems like it is here to help men, not give them unrealustic expectations IMHO.

I am also tired of the bragplaining.
"My girlfriend can only manage sex 5 or 6 times a night with me. How do I help her keep up? "
" How do I decide which of my 8 supermodel plates to promote? "
" My girlfriend is addicted to my c*ck and gives me 10 *******s a day, how do I get her to be more submissive? "

We are anonymous internet people. Why brag to us. I am not impressed by people flaunting their insecurities.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
Reaction score
Hoe County, California
Douchnozzles will always love bragging and p!ssing contests.

I should know, I used to be one.

Sometimes, I wish there was a thread rating system.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
This site seems like it is here to help men, not give them unrealistic expectations IMHO
I don't think the problem is quite as bad as you describe, but yeah you're always going to have braggarts, no matter where you are. One the other hand, some guys are just on higher levels than other guys are. That can be for a number of reasons - maturity level, years in the community, experience with women, the resources and attributes a guy has available to him. Not everyone starts with the same SMV, and I don't think everyone can achieve the same SMV either.

But I do think it can be frustrating for some guys to read about other posters having great success, especially if they are not (yet) at that level themselves. Some may never be able to get to that level, and they may get unrealistic expectations. This can lead to them being discouraged or deflated when their reality doesn't match their expectations. It's a bit like golf (unless you're a good golfer): Forget what you're opponent is doing and look at your own score. If you are improving, if you're making progress, that's all that matters.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
DMP, you're new to the site. We have a diversity of DJs here. We have sharp 18-year young men, as well as established men (and women) in their 40s, 50s, and 60s (Where is TicTac btw?). Not all DJs in the site are carved of the same cloth. We have Ivy-League grads and high-school drop-outs. We have million-dollar working professionals and DJs living at home. Different walks of life, different careers, different education, different upbringings.

Take the advice with a take-it-or-leave-it attitude. If it makes sense, take it. If not, discard it.

As to the newer DJs taking bad advice from unqualified posters, you will notice that any "qualified" poster that purports bullshvt as alleged "wisdom" will be challenged and vilified. Once you've been here long enough, you know who is who.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
Reaction score
Yep. It's a buffet. Take what interests and is good for you. I can't pull off some of the dominance plays that say g1000 can - don't have the SMV to have that level of confidence. However I m great with comfort so I m always interested in his posts in beta game. The younger guys are soaking in the social media pool. They post social angles I d never think of. U soon work out who s real and their specialty. I would say keep your posts painfully true don't give a single thought to your rep here. Some of the questions you're asking maybe trivial but they re in your head and blocking your progress.


Cola has touched on the subject but guys I am struggling with the BS that I hear on hear on this site sometimes.
"I scored this hb9 and we fvcked for hours then her hot hb9 flatmate came home and we had a 3some and they both squirted and told me they loved me, but one of them didnt like anal so I nexted her and I have a pool party with the dallas cowboy cheerleaders next week but I was texting a girl and she took too long to reply. What should I do? "

If you actually are having that sort of life you dont gave time to be here.

I am happy to give advice, ask questions or share experiences if I think it would help people who genuinely need advice but if you are here just to rarn bragging points, not interested. This site seems like it is here to help men, not give them unrealustic expectations IMHO.

I am also tired of the bragplaining.
"My girlfriend can only manage sex 5 or 6 times a night with me. How do I help her keep up? "
" How do I decide which of my 8 supermodel plates to promote? "
" My girlfriend is addicted to my c*ck and gives me 10 *******s a day, how do I get her to be more submissive? "

We are anonymous internet people. Why brag to us. I am not impressed by people flaunting their insecurities.
OP is right. It's very curious how this forum of a few hundred faceless guys contains a Whos Who of multi-millionaires, celebrities, and guys who have banged 250 women in half a lifetime. The kind of guy you could go an entire lifetime without running into, but who knew? There's 40 or 50 of them here!

I love when I read posts from newbies and even veterans that say "Man, I have oneitis. Not that it's a big deal, I'm spinning 5 plates and could have a 9 here in a few minutes, but nevertheless I'm crying over this one girl. What gives anyway?" (And who are you trying to convince anyway, big guy?)

I know guys who speak this way in person and the insecurity just oozes off them. The percentage of the male population who is spinning 3 or more plates at a time is under 5%. There just isn't enough room at the top of the mountain for as many alphas who are marking turf.

Dust 2 Dust

Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
Reaction score
Steve Stiflers Rule of 3. Take what any guy says and divide or subtract by 3 and then you get the real number. When a guy says he's spinning 4 plates it's really only 1. The hb9 coming over that night is really a 6.


Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2016
Reaction score
LOL - I'm new here but yes, these brag-plainers make me laugh. Out loud.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
Reaction score
Hoe County, California
BTW, the ignore button, is a lifesaver!!!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2016
Reaction score
Central Valley, CA
Yaawn...women are overrated. I would like to see men building other men up, spiritually, academically, working out, eating healthy, in hobbies, traveling, and all around doing man ****.

Plate spinning hasn't helped me get over my heartless, abusive wife. Other women haven't gave me the inner peace and solace I need to be a bullet proof solid man. Temporary ego boost? Yes, then dies away after a day or so. The chase never ends if that's your priority.

I know I can pull women but that's never why I came here. It would be nice if we stopped placing so much value on the opposite sex and invest that energy in self improvement.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2015
Reaction score
I agree but on a site dedicated to seduction women are probably going to get mentioned.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2016
Reaction score
Central Valley, CA
I agree but on a site dedicated to seduction women are probably going to get mentioned.
I'm here to learn about intergender relations. I want to become smarter, avoid unhealthy decisions, actions, and behaviors whether it stems from me or another women.

I want to learn through the experience of others and it helps put perspective on me when I read about other men going through the abusive stuff I went through.

So maybe I'm here for a slightly different reason then most. But at the end of the day it's still self improvement.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2016
Reaction score
I've had 2 dates, 2 flakes and a fwbs hookup this week. I think the people that are doing well and out there living don't post much. The ins and out of dating are ho hum and I only post for a serious feedback question if my brain hampster goes "wtf"?

Does anybody follow Blackdragons blog? First date casual and teasing, max an hour, no kiss. 2nd date turn up the heat, kiss, go in for the kill. 2 hours to sex. I feel it's a better stepping stone for me as an intermediate and still working on game details.

I think his main point was that don't kiss at the first date unless you can guarantee it'll be a first date lay.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
you must be reading the kids forums. I haven't seen much of that here..... There ARE other area's as far as investing, lifting, etc. to improve the rest of you, look them up, or ask here. Us old farts may have an idea


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
One thing I've learned about this site is the guys who truly get it eventually move on.......5 years ago this site was on another level 5 years before that it was on another level.....

etc it's a shame but the real G"s move on


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
One thing I've learned about this site is the guys who truly get it eventually move on..
By this definition, this would mean that I don't get it. Let's assume for a moment this were true. Then it's natural to presume that any LTR will be guaranteed to work and endure if a person "gets" it. Do you earnestly believe in this LTR endurance "guarantee" for a DJ who "gets" it?
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Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
Reaction score
WTF now I ve heard everything. A Millennial pining for the Golden old days.

This is a ridiculous idea - everything evolves. That's why the mods update the DJ Bible periodically. Huge thanks to them.

If you look at the posts of some of the senior guys you will see their ideas have evolved too. If you look at the changes in the dating market over the last 10 years and sadly I have had to if people hadn't evolved we'd all be hanging out with Mrs Palmer.

I'm an analyst by trade so probably a bit OCD. I collect tactics. And when I have time I try them out on my woman simulator - I.e. OLD ;-). I have more notes on my hard drive from the last 2 years of SS than I do from the last 10. Yeah eventually we all move on but our place is taken by smarter and tougher DJs.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
5 years ago this site was on another level 5 years before that it was on another level.....
I disagree with that. I think 5-10 years ago the forum was full of outdated pickup ideas. I think the forum has slowly settled into more realistic attitudes and approaches. Nostalgia makes things in the past look better than they really were.

Just a quick example, there was a time when "Looks don't matter" was such an accepted part of PUA theory, discussion on the topic wasn't even allowed here. Now days, nearly everyone agrees that looking good can give you a huge advantage in SMV.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2015
Reaction score
There was also a time when guys wore stupid pimp-looking hats and wore eyeliner (no disrespect to Alice Cooper). I am a newcomer to this site but the current trends seem to be lift weights and earn lots of money. I like the trend toward self-improvement for our own sake not just to get laid.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
I am also tired of the bragplaining.
We are anonymous internet people. Why brag to us. I am not impressed by people flaunting their insecurities.
I agree with you, but the solution is in the problem. It's the fact that 98% of everybody on this site is straight up anonymous, is what brings this site down from the POTENTIAL it could really have as our own little personal "national" network.

Maybe the guy does get laid like that, or maybe he's just a woman pretending to be a man, or maybe he's some 250lb fat piece of shyt pretending to be something that he's not?

I've said it before, there's no reason we ought to be anonymous on this site. This is nothing but an online FRAT where guys come together to discuss guy shyt, in the form of dating/relationships with women, working out, wealth/success, politics, social commentary, college, and other things that are on our minds. Keep the name of Sosuave, but just change the tagline and overview of the site from one that looks like a PUA site, to one that's an online FRAT focused on guys helping each other improve in areas of their life.

We would have pics of each other, can throw events where we fly out and meet up with each other, we can wingman each other, we can share economic/job related opportunities with each other......it can be SO MUCH damn important/bigger if we did this.

You would also eliminate trolls or at least for those guys that are anonymous, they can be shamed into revealing who they are especially if they position themselves as some sort of "advice giver" or any type of "frequent poster".

The objection to this given by guys on here, that women will find out they come on this site...is just rubbish. So what, you are a part of an Online Frat....what's the big fvcking deal? There's NO big deal, the only thing is that (in my opinion) the vast majority of guys on here have created fake internet identities.

Take myself for example, my pictures are posted everywhere, my car, my apartment, I put my city up. But if you notice, I come off like a human being....not some internet guru or PUA or some shyt. I talk about what I do right, what I do wrong, the issues I have, the victories I get, and things that still bug the hell out of me with the world. That's what this site should be FULL of in my opinion....real human imperfect guys striving to consistently improve.