In Group Female Promiscuity is natural


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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Yep. Women require men to be monogamous, while they can be hypergamous. Didn't you know this? Women make sexual marketplace rules that benefit them and this is entirely rational.

If you've ever been caught cheating by a woman before then you would know that they are always outraged by it. Plenty of stories about women killing their cheating husbands, I've first-hand experienced women literally leap onto me and start clawing at my face when I've been caught cheating. I had an ex who I cheated on go so far as to call the police and put in a false report (luckily she was found to be lying so that matter was resolved).

I'm just not seeing this proclivity to poly relationships much anywhere in real life, outside of wank books.

In my experience, women definitely want to know that you are attractive to other women, and capable of banging them, and they might even get turned on by the idea of you banging them. But then they want you to commit exclusively to them. It's always been this way for me.
Women cheat at a 50% rate atleast. Why do you keep saying they are into monogamy?


Aug 29, 2021
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Yes I do. I can send them when I get to my home computer. Do you have any evidence to back up your ridiculous claims that monogamy works? Lol...if it worked so well you wouldn't be on this website dude.
I posted multiple sources earlier, peer reviewed studies.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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My point is that if someone tells you that they are crazy...then you better believe them. Women have been telling us that they are sexual for a long time. We have just been telling them " no you are's that evil feminism making you *****s." Umm no.

These creatures were designed to hop from guy to guy with brief periods of pair bonding. It is us men who are the romantic ones.

I have deflowered virgins on two occasions. They pair bond more than the normal girl but it's nothing crazy. They didn't look at their deflowering as super duper special. I was taught that they would but this is not the reality. Again men superimpose this chastity onto women.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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I posted multiple sources earlier, peer reviewed studies.
Okay I posted whole books earlier. These books also contain peer reviews studies. I will post them again now. Civilized to Death by Chris Ryan. Tribe by Sebastian Unger and Sex at Dawn.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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Women cheat at 50% is very misleading. How would anyone even get that stat? By asking women if they cheat? Haha

In my experience, women cheat upwards - so it's predictable. If she has a better option, and the circumstances are right, she will do it covertly. But even then not always.

Women are way, waaaaaay less into sex than we are bro. Sorry to say. They just don't have the testosterone to keep up with us.
Bro did you just type that women cheating at 50% is very misleading??? I'm not trying to be a jerk when I say this........they just are not cheating with YOU. Trust and believe if you hang around very handsome men you will find out how much women really cheat. I was a Tyron lite in my early 20s so i only saw a relatively small part of it. I also lived in Vegas and let me tell you they cheat ALOT more than you think. I have pictures to prove everything I am saying.

Brotha you don't know what you speak of.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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What you're writing makes absolutely no logical sense if you believe in nature and evolution, survival and reproduction.

Sex is the most valuable thing in the world. Everything either directly or indirectly revolves around it. To pretend that it's no big deal....

If I was a girl listening to you rattle off this stuff I'd be like "Yeah, nice try dude. Go back to your xbox"
Hahaha bro you think women look at sex as " the most valuable thing in the world?". How many women have you slept with? Can't be that much. If you have you would understand that women have the capacity to hand out sex like candy. Girls smash 10 dudes in one hot girl summer. That's not viewing sex as special. But again you would not know this because you were never around it.

They don't view it as special. They only view it as special with a lot of religious conditioning. They view it as special if they had a strong father figure that viewed it as special. Do you live in the USA?? You can't. No way.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Hi Pandora,
Well what a hornets nest you have stirred...As a Young Man I worked in the Northern Territory travelling from Mission Station to Mission Station,checking on Government funded building works...There were still a few semi Wild Aboriginals in those days and they would come in from time to time to receive handouts...I spoke to Old timers who remembered meeting isolated groups of tribes men who had never seen White Men before...The relationship between the sexes was very complicated indeed,seemed generally the Old Men had first pick with very young Girls (Still A big problem)there was a ritualised system for who could sleep with who,it certainly wasn't an all in affair,the penalties for stepping out of line were very harsh indeed...I suspect that my Celtic ancestors were somewhat similar,for the young Men it was probably a rather furtive thing,so much so that the Older Women probably educated the young.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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Isn't Vegas where women literally go to cheat? I think that's about the most biased sample you could provide.

Women cheating is purely circumstantial. It relates to circumstance, opportunity and consequences. Reading about Hypergamy will help you to understand this female mechanism.

I think what's happened here is you've seen a couple of women cheat on their husbands and you've made this incredible wank-fantasy leap that all women want to live in an open poly society.
Bro you never lived what you speak of. This is why you talk about " reading about Hypergamy". I actually lived it to a small degree. I hung around people that actually did it. You read about it on a forum and in a book.

In real life women don't just fukk upwards like hypergamy will tell you. They fukk and cheat with the most random dudes. Women will cheat with other women. Is that hypergamy? Women will cheat with drug addicts. Is that hypergamy? School teacher will smash 14 yr old boys. Is that hypergamy? Female sexuality is much more chaotic and robust than you think.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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Bro you never lived what you speak of. This is why you talk about " reading about Hypergamy". I actually lived it to a small degree. I hung around people that actually did it. You read about it on a forum and in a book.


Aug 29, 2021
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Okay I posted whole books earlier. These books also contain peer reviews studies. I will post them again now. Civilized to Death by Chris Ryan. Tribe by Sebastian Unger and Sex at Dawn.
Chris Ryan has a phd in psychology, not anthropology. His book is full of pseudo-science, I'm not sure you are familiar what a peer reviewed study is. Ryan's endnotes include blogs and interviews on websites of authors he clearly hasn't read. As I suspected while reading the text, he is unfamiliar with the authors he cites.

My sources are legitimate, for example my first one is literal dna sampling. That is something you cannot refute, if women were more promiscuous in the past then we would have more male ancestors by default. This genetic study is from Rafael Wlodarski who is a neuroscience graduate from oxford.

Here is yet another study from Marianne Brandon.

Results: Serial sexual and social monogamy is the norm for humans. Across time and cultures, humans have adapted both long- and short-term mating strategies that are used flexibly, and sometimes simultaneously, based on unique personal, social, and environmental circumstances.

Conclusion: Human mating behavior is individualistic, the result of numerous biopsychosocial influences. The clinician cannot assume that an individual presenting as a patient maintains a monogamy-valued view of his or her intimate relationship. Patients may experience conflict between the cultural monogamous ideal and their actual sexual behaviors. This conflict may be critical in understanding a patient's sexual concerns and in treatment planning. Awareness of these issues will aid the practitioner in sexual medicine.
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Aug 29, 2021
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Imagine taking something Allan Savory says seriously, this guys a mouthpiece for big agricultural corporations. His claims have been debunked numerous times. Allan Savory had the government slaughter 40,000 elephants to reduce desertification



Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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I am reading a book called Sex at Dawn. This book is solidifying many things I have long suspected. Though it does have hints of gynocentric propaganda, the book still makes some great points. The central thesis of the book is the following.

1.) Homo sapiens evolved in intimate tribes of no more than 150 members. Cooperation and sharing of EVERYTHING was strictly encouraged and it was the norm. Sharing of everything was a survival mechanism. Agriculture came and civilization was born. Civilization is actually not normal. Civilization turned all of our survival instincts on its head. Humans evolved in tribes where cooperation was the norm but in civilization competition is the norm . Essentially humans are mal adapted to civilization. Which I 1000% agree with.

2.) The book states that monogamy is not natural at all. This expectation of monogamy is a by product of civilization. In civilization accurate paternity identification is of the upmost importance because you have property to pass down. In tribal units you have nothing to pass down so paternity does not matter. Think Rick Grimes in the Walking Dead. He did not care that the baby was Seans baby. They were a small unit with no property.

3.). Sexual jealousy is actually a by product of civilization. It is socialized. Jealousy is not based on ensuring that your offspring are your genes. This is a common explanation stated by evolutionary biologist. They say that jealousy is an adaptive feature that ensures that our genes are passed down. If this were the case then you would be less angry when your brother has an affair with your wife vs when a stranger has an affair with your wife.

My personal experiences:

I have noticed that women are very promiscuous within a small intimate in group. Hypergamy goes out the window and its almost a free for all. The most beta ugly male can smash the hottest girl if the in group is isolated and small. For example the military. Military girls are the most promiscuous. They are doing what they were designed to do in small intimate groups that depend on each other for survival. This is not a bug. Its a feature.

I have also noticed that if a male is my friend ( i mean true 100% friend) then I do not mind sharing sexual partners with this male. This even applies to women I was in " love" with. The caveat is that I have to really like the male ALOT ( non sexually). There have been times when me and my best friend have shared the same girl. We have also seriously dated the same girl. There was not much jealousy. The jealousy only appeared when our friendship started getting strained.

In conclusion, eskimo brothers is natural and we need to stop expecting women to not be *****s. They are very sexually promiscuous within the group. Its a feature not a bug. This idea that they are sexually chaste has led to a lot of suffering in the modern world.
I read it as part of the rsd book list. Similarly, there's a lot of Geoffrey miller and other dorks pedaling cuckold despite the data. I prefer the tony Robbins approach - awaken the giant within. Read and field test. Disregard what you deem as nonsense.

A recent survey showed women switching off in marriage. Giving the ring dries up puss. It's fools mate. Fellas still cater to the follow the follower. Sheeple.

We got clown world. Dudes are raising some other man's kid. Despite these dorks knowing the data they pedal bs.

Take whatever you can. Disregard the rest.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2021
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School teacher will smash 14 yr old boys. Is that hypergamy?
I can't believe I haven't contemplated this scenario yet. If one believes hypergamy is only the monkey branching for resources, and any desire is tapping into their biology as "the alpha" or as a masculine man, this doesn't fit either of those situations. I can't see a 14 year old being more masculine in the eyes of a female that most men, and the 14yo definite doesn't have resources. It flips the praxeology on it's head.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2021
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Also, you have @Velasco liking your comments which is a sure sign you're on the wrong path. The Fat Hindi Slayer himself ;-)
Funny how you're quick to insult white, indian, asian, and most other races, but quickly mind your manners when you find out @Pandora is black haha. This makes you come of as a kj. Not insulting, just sayin'.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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The premise is pre-agricultural societies. I think females would have been considered mature once they were able to have kids.
So I wonder if that also means you could bang your buddy's daughter once she grew boobs? But you didn't know if she was your daughter? I guess people probably died around 30-40 so maybe it's a moot point.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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Women are like milk - the more days they sit out in the sun getting squirted on by multiple d1cks, the worse that milk will taste.
Do NOT leave your milk out in the sun or someone WILL jizz into it. :rofl:


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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A well developed 14-year old class clown/bully would seem like a giga-chad to a female teacher in a dead marriage. All he'd have to do is say "suck my d1ck Miss" and she'd get wet. She's also getting exposed to this kid over a long period of time. It's like workplace romances. Proximity infatuations. That's why traditional men don't want women in the workplace. It's dangerous for marriages.
Yes...I was going to's not simply "resources" women want. Otherwise we could just hand women money or food or gifts and they'd fukk us (prostitutes aside). Women want the promise of resource protection + his mission/adventure. This can mean any combination of looks/ambition/status/resources etc...but the male MUST have the aura of purpose, even if that's just varsity QB or lead in the school play.

To get women into bed quickly, I've found, requires Game. She won't just do it because she loves having sex with strangers. You have to take her through an entire attraction process first before casual sex is even on the cards.
This hasn't always been my experience. Some times I've just been in the right place at the right time. Game is great but it's also easy to feed my ego and think "she wanted to fukk me" when the truth sometimes was she just wanted to fukk an acceptable guy. (Have also missed out by not taking a shot - and she fukked someone else. Coulda been me.) Obviously she wouldn't fukk some hairy troll but neither would I, lol.


Feb 4, 2022
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To get women into bed quickly, I've found, requires Game.
Wrong, she finds you physically/sexually attractive as in your physical appearance or your sex appeal(the way you carry yourself)

As a attractive/handsome guy I can vouch for this 100%.....And all the slayers I ever known in my life didn't have "game" they just looked good and carried themselves well.

Every guy isn't attractive so I don't expect every guy to understand because everyone doesn't live in that reality.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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How can women be both selective and have chaotic sex with random dudes?

Are you honestly trying to convince this forum that, at core, women are not selective and their true nature is just to have chaotic sex with random men without any seduction process or Game/manipulation being involved?

Women who have chaotic random sex with dudes for purely the pleasure of having sex with random dudes usually fall into a demographic of fat gutter slvts and single moms. Women may also do it if drugs and alcohol are involved (and massively regret it the next day).

It's extremely rare to find an attractive nympho who is into casual sex with strangers. A woman might go through short self-destructive phases of doing that, maybe after a break-up. But it never makes them happy.

To get women into bed quickly, I've found, requires Game. She won't just do it because she loves having sex with strangers. You have to take her through an entire attraction process first before casual sex is even on the cards. If you don't believe that's true then you really aren't living in reality, son.

Also, you have @Velasco liking your comments which is a sure sign you're on the wrong path. The Fat Hindi Slayer himself ;-)
I was talking to a female yesterday about this topic. She was laughing at the naivety of the guys that think hypergamy is the only game in town. I told her that " men have no idea of the dark fantasies that women hold in their brain". Before I could finish my sentence she goes " yeh and it's always gangbangs". We both started laughing.

Look at the type of porn women look at. According to you it's some alpha stud riding in on a horse. No dude. It's raunchy nasty MFM gang bangs. If you ever actually had sex you would know that the prettiest girls want it the roughest and nastiest. They want you to call them dirty little ***** etc. This is not the sign of some demure little angel.

Again the men that have been promiscuous know how promiscuous women really are. Im not saying they are super slutty like men....but i am saying that we underestimate their actually sexual diversity.