In a relationship - how to get past urges to cheat?

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Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2007
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Hi guys I've been in a relationship for a couple months now and it's great, problem is I've been getting more attention from girls now. Must be their innate competition wanting to win me over my gf.

Well my biological need to f*ck as many girls as possible seems to take over often and I find myself fighting the temptation but it's tough.

Also being in a relationship somehow makes most other women more attractive even the ones I would have dismissed when single.

Any tips?


Jul 28, 2009
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North America, probably an airport
This is where consciousness and rational thinking meet your 'lizard brain'.

You decide which one has the upper hand.

The urge to f*** other women never goes away. You need to decide what's important.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Tictac said:
This is where consciousness and rational thinking meet your 'lizard brain'.

You decide which one has the upper hand.

The urge to f*** other women never goes away. You need to decide what's important.
This is all there is to it really. Tictac nailed it perfectly.
There's no magic secret.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
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The "ethical" camp's usual response to very important practical questions like this is dismissive as usual.

They suggest doing the "right thing" while providing no practical solutions, or not even challenging the assumptions.

Why does it have to be that cheating is defined as it is defined today? What makes making out or having sex with a stripper and leaving her makes it
cheating and unethical?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 23, 2013
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If you go home and tell your gf or wife you had sex with another woman and she does not think that what you did is right....and you know it would make her feel bad and you hurt her...then you did the "wrong thing" and you were a selfish unethical pr"ck. On the other hand... if you have an open relationship ...then it might be okay.
It is defined by you and your gf......Abe


Senior Don Juan
Oct 24, 2009
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You are thinking like a man here. No matter what, remember that any woman who is not having her needs met will cheat. We are all programmed for survival. Women need men that provide them with resources, are kind, and can protect them from unwanted males.

Men take a cheating woman really hard because it means they could end up unwillingly raising someone else's child.

Women only take cheating really hard when it means the other woman gets the resources. In fact, providing a competing woman with resources is worse then having sex with another woman. Try it some time. :)

Bottom line, men need sex and women need resources. As long as both are happy, all is good.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 23, 2012
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Calgary, Canada
Boilermaker said:
The "ethical" camp's usual response to very important practical questions like this is dismissive as usual.

They suggest doing the "right thing" while providing no practical solutions, or not even challenging the assumptions.

Why does it have to be that cheating is defined as it is defined today? What makes making out or having sex with a stripper and leaving her makes it
cheating and unethical?
How would you feel if your gf/wife did that? That's how we decide.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Boilermaker said:
The "ethical" camp's usual response to very important practical questions like this is dismissive as usual.

They suggest doing the "right thing" while providing no practical solutions, or not even challenging the assumptions.

Why does it have to be that cheating is defined as it is defined today? What makes making out or having sex with a stripper and leaving her makes it
cheating and unethical?
You know, I have no problem being labeled "the ethical camp". But how is saying that you need to decide what is important for yourself suggesting doing the "right thing"?

Personally, I think cheating is a lowlife thing to do. That doesn't mean that I'm not capable of it though, and I know that being in a faithful relationship isn't for everybody. Like Tictac said, you have to decide what is important for yourself.

My parents never cheated on each other (or if they did, they were pretty good at hiding it). As a result, I was able to grow up in an intact family. So I, for one, appreciate that they weren't that selfish.


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2014
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I guess it depends upon how serious the relationship is.

If its SERIOUS, I find the easiest way to remove temptation is to tell l your girlfriend/wife about the other chick. It defuses the situation immediately.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Boilermaker said:
The "ethical" camp's usual response to very important practical questions like this is dismissive as usual.

They suggest doing the "right thing" while providing no practical solutions, or not even challenging the assumptions.

Why does it have to be that cheating is defined as it is defined today? What makes making out or having sex with a stripper and leaving her makes it
cheating and unethical?
You know, let me just add this:

One thing I absolutely fvcking HATE about the PUA community (and probably the main reason I will never be able to fully take it seriously) is the way they push sociopathy as a way of life and idolize psycopaths. Psycopaths have no regard for other people or their feelings - they will slash your throat and only feel remorse if it affects their freedom somehow.

I am far from a perfect being, in fact I'm a pretty selfish bastard when it gets right down to it. But I know the world doesn't begin and end with me. I'm not naive, and I think you have to do for yourself and get what you want, because no one else is going to give it to you. But it doesn't hurt to have a little regard for the people around you and treat them with some respect. At the very LEAST, you could do that for the people who are closest to you, your friends, family, and even your lover/partner, if you have one.

If everyone bought into this philosophy of being sociopaths and treated everyone accordingly, what a crappy place this world would be. And considering that this is increasingly where modern thinking is taking us, it's just getting crappier.

Peace out.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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Boilermaker said:
Why does it have to be that cheating is defined as it is defined today? What makes making out or having sex with a stripper and leaving her makes it
cheating and unethical?
When you have an agreement with someone and you go behind her back and break the agreement, that's called cheating. You can decide for yourself whether or not it's ethical or right for you or what consequences you're willing to accept. But it's defined that way because it's something that exists, and we need a word for it to save time.

As for practical solutions to temptation, I would ask myself:

- Am I willing to deal with my GF potentially being devastated?
- Am I willing to lose this relationship over a dalliance?
- Am I willing to put in the time, energy, and organization it takes to deceive her and get away with it?
- Will I feel better or worse if I do this?

Etc. I won't tell the OP what's "moral," but he has to be willing to consider and accept the potential consequences.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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Simple, actually.

Antediluvian platitude: Nothing new under the sun, just new people. Do onto others as you would have done onto you.

Bashing or defining "morality" is a superfluous exercise.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
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samspade said:
When you have an agreement with someone and you go behind her back and break the agreement, that's called cheating.

Very good. We agree up until this point. I completely agree with the latter part of your post. My critics will try to reduce my position to advocate clearly harming others against their will. That is not my point. I merely argue that the definition of *cheating* can be different for different couples.

My original premise is, what that "agreement" you refer to, can be and has to be discussed very clearly between consenting parties. And what I object to is the knee-jerk refusal of even a mere discussion of what that agreement might be.

A lot of our residents seem to believe that that cheating is defined as God's word, and they assume it is an obviously clear rule sheet that is defined very clearly in their minds. I doubt they even have the same "rules", since for some, making out with another woman is considered cheating, while for others possibly merely even thinking about it is crossing the line ... Besides, I highly doubt any such discussion regarding what defines cheating has been done in their own relationships, meaning they all wing it based on their convictions and anyone else who challenges their view (Zekko's in this case) is a "sociopath".

All these definitions are culture and time dependent, and there's no good reason to assume whatever a man desires has to be exactly the same as what a woman desires in a given relationship. There's no matter/anti-matter duality here, a woman and a man can very easily demand different things from a relationship.

What's sad is not that these men try to represent the "right way" of living as to repress all other men sexually (considering they are not repressed themselves and they just "choose to live that way) but that they REFUSE to have any such discussion regarding those who would want a more liberal definition of cheating demeaning these other men as morally inferior.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
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zekko said:
You know, let me just add this:

One thing I absolutely fvcking HATE about the PUA community (and probably the main reason I will never be able to fully take it seriously) is the way they push sociopathy as a way of life and idolize psycopaths. Psycopaths have no regard for other people or their feelings - they will slash your throat and only feel remorse if it affects their freedom somehow.

I am far from a perfect being, in fact I'm a pretty selfish bastard when it gets right down to it. But I know the world doesn't begin and end with me. I'm not naive, and I think you have to do for yourself and get what you want, because no one else is going to give it to you. But it doesn't hurt to have a little regard for the people around you and treat them with some respect. At the very LEAST, you could do that for the people who are closest to you, your friends, family, and even your lover/partner, if you have one.

If everyone bought into this philosophy of being sociopaths and treated everyone accordingly, what a crappy place this world would be. And considering that this is increasingly where modern thinking is taking us, it's just getting crappier.

Peace out.
Why don't you calm down and spare me your PUA-hate since it's really an old song now, Zekko? Nobody is trying to idolize sociopaths, you completely got it wrong even after all these years because as I said earlier, you refuse (categorically) to understand them because of your convictions (I suspect).

Let's set the stage here ... Firstly, the discussion of what constitutes cheating has to be the starting point. As someone else pointed out below, it depends on what two adults can agree/decide on and therefore it is an extremely relative notion. Pretending that there can be universal definitions of "cheating" in relationships is not just silly, but fundamentalist, and wrong.

What I like about the PUA/MRA community is that they stand up for what they want, rather than accept monogamy as a god-given , ironclad rule. They are WILLING to challenge that statement as a given, they want multiple partners as a discussion item in their list, as opposed to living in a sexually and emotionally taxing life under "honorable, ethical" pretenses.

This is NOT soliciting cheating / stealing / or deliberately hurting other people. Refusing to understand what it is that a man can possibly want from a relationship agreement and reducing the argument to anti-social behavior is a straw man method of arguing against them.

PUA community is not idealizing sociopaths, it is proposing an alternative way for the man, where the man can "have it all" as well as the woman, IF the man defines "having it all" as having sex with a number of women, possibly at the same time, refusing to readily buy into established cultural norms, or feminist conventions such as monogamy.

They are revolutionaries, and no matter how much you hate them, they have made an enormous impact.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
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yyc12 said:
How would you feel if your gf/wife did that? That's how we decide.
No that assumes complete symmetry in desires, actions and beliefs between partners. No such precise relationship between a woman and a man can be assumed.

There are many trivial examples where a woman wouldn't find it a big deal that her partner "did" something where the converse wouldn't be true.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
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guru1000 said:
Do onto others as you would have done onto you.
What a deepity.

Next time I'll want to pass a quarter to the homeless, I'll restrain myself since I wouldn't want to receive that kind of charity as a non-homeless man.

There's no inherent duality in what a man and a woman would want from a relationship. Everything is relative and such a purist platitude only sounds "cool", yet it is utterly useless in practice.

No wonder it comes from the Bible, where all the answers have been given to us, so there's NO reason for us to discuss anything.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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The quarter to the homeless man might be the equivalent of a quarter million to you. Perhaps that is why you are broke at 30 years of age.

Moreover, if you have no appreciation for a quarter, why should any wealth befall on you.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
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guru1000 said:
The quarter to the homeless man might be the equivalent of a quarter million to you. Perhaps that is why you are broke at 30 years of age.

Moreover, if you have no appreciation for a quarter, why should any wealth befall on you.
Who said I am "broke"? I am just not where I want to be. And what kind of an idiot would be where he would want to be at 30 years of age?

Plus, feeding a guy with a cheeseburger for 4-quarters is the same as me being bestowed a lavish 250K for no reason when I am perfectly content? Is that what the Bible says these days?

No -- I'd still not want that kind of charity, thanks.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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Boilermaker said:
Who said I am "broke"? I am just not where I want to be. And what kind of an idiot would be where he would want to be at 30 years of age?

Plus, feeding a guy with a cheeseburger for 4-quarters is the same as me being bestowed a lavish 250K for no reason when I am perfectly content? Is that what the Bible says these days?

No -- I'd still not want that kind of charity, thanks.
Emotional, are we not?

It may not be a quarter million; if could be an item of perceived value--like your useless PhD degree.

Give me a penny, and I will kiss both sides of it, save it as long as I could, and thank the almighty that I have it.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
guru1000 said:
Emotional, are we not?

It may not be a quarter million; if could be an item of perceived value--like your useless PhD degree.

Give me a penny, and I will kiss both sides of it, save it as long as I could, and thank the almighty that I have it.
Let's not be a troll. You are better than that.