If you aren't going forward, you are giong backwards


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2011
Reaction score
iqqi said:
Someone mentioned here that you can't be against feminism, and also expect women to compete with men when it comes to success.

If I were a man, I'd be much more interested in a woman who seemed moral and intelligent enough to take care of my home and children. Not on a maid level, but I wouldn't expect a CEO to leave her career to raise the kids, and that is what I would prefer.

I was raised in a single parent household, so my own views for myself as a woman differ a bit. I would need to feel I alone could provide well for myself and children if it came down to it. But objectively, I admit I do not hold women who plan to marry and have a family in the same expectations bracket as men.

As such I also admit that my expectations for men are higher than my expectations for women when it comes to ambition. I'm not saying I think women should not have goals and ambitions. If a woman decided that aiming for the top, or aiming for DR or Lawyer status, wasn't for her because she knew she was going to end up taking off years to raise children, I wouldn't fault her. I would think a woman pursuing some kind of goal and education was more attractive than a woman who was floundering around in an entry level job.

I'd be interested in what you men here honestly thought about that yourselves.
I see your point, but all this doesn't apply to the woman in the original post.

If you're trying to defend that girl based on what you just wrote, I find it highly amusing that you are categorizing the man as a loser for not being ambitious, while giving every benefit of the doubt and a free pass to this woman when it seems very clear that this woman is just as, if not LESS motivated and ambitious than the guy.

For crying out loud, if she scored the national average on the SAT she'd probably have a better job than what she has now. For her to have the right to trade up at will while putting in a lackadaisical effort (and I mean on the bum level here) on her career is just sickening. She's just looking for a free pass in life.

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
And she GOT that free pass!! How unfair, whine, whine... This woman is scum, whine, whine... I am so frustrated, whine, whine...

So what are you gonna do about it? (apart from whining along with the other whiners @ SoSuave...)


Nov 4, 2010
Reaction score
Die Hard said:
And she GOT that free pass!! How unfair, whine, whine... This woman is scum, whine, whine... I am so frustrated, whine, whine...

So what are you gonna do about it? (apart from whining along with the other whiners @ SoSuave...)
you seem to spend a lot of posts whining about guys whining?


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2011
Reaction score
Die Hard said:
And she GOT that free pass!! How unfair, whine, whine... This woman is scum, whine, whine... I am so frustrated, whine, whine...

So what are you gonna do about it? (apart from whining along with the other whiners @ SoSuave...)
Arguing against a point Iqqi is making that makes absolutely no sense to me.

Take it however you feel and continue to post your valuable time away.

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
First of all: It's ironic but... Iqqi is one of the few in this thread who is making sense!

Anyway, you're not JUST arguing against a point Iqqi made, you liar... You do it to express your discomfort with the fact that people do immoral things and get away with it, or even get better from it!

In other words, you're just whining and doing nothing else. Way to go!! Clap, clap!!


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
Backbreaker was exposed as a fraud and that's why he's not stepping up to defend himself.

http://www.bbb.org/arkansas/business-reviews/web-design/black-17-media-in-little-rock-ar-90209549 The BBB review for his work shows that people aren't happy with doing business with him.

Also allegedly posted on this board here where again he didn't come in to defend himself: http://www.the-mainboard.com/index....ssaud-is-a-con-artist-thread-yet.93745/page-3

To be perfectly honest, I've never seen a more insecure person on this board, (aside from STR8UP) when it came to challenging a belief. There's always going to be exeptions to rules that many of us have experienced, and there are "words of wisdom" that aren't going to be right 100% of the time.

BB came here claiming to help the little people of this forum but became such a little man when not everyone agreed with him. His emotional instability made me question his legitimacy. I mean a lot of what he said made sense and hold true, but then again anyone could have said it without truly living by example. Backbreaker used an example of this BF being stagnant to claim being on a much higher level than him. People were also pointing out that money doesn't exactly equal true success. I have to agree. What is true success? Let's compare:

BF who got cheated on:
Has a steady job in an econimic depression.
Makes 30,000 a year.
Enjoys his job.

Has his own business that's been given an F by the BBB.
Is a former drug addict who has self image issues.
Can be vindictive and abnormally frustrated when challenged
on his personal views.
Has a hot wife.

I have no problem being the guy with the steady job.

Are we measuring success on how hard you work? Or what's reaped only AFTER working hard? I've worked very hard doing voice over
work, demos, short films, etc. If we're measuring success by the latter I should be a ****ing millionaire. People can spend most of their life trying to achieve "success" in the eyes of anther who can apparently "do better" than you. F*ck that. Some people just don't gain "success" as fast as others.

I think the guy working for 30k is pretty successful, considering the circumstances. How do we know what his desires are? Why is he "below" you just because he doesn't have the same drive as you do? Does he need to? If he figures out that the reason he got cheated on was because he
wasn't good enough that might lead him here, to figure out why women are low down no good conniving c*nts. He'll learn how to be "successful" in
order to avoid hypergamy, leading him to live a life always wondering if he's good enough. He'll be working hard to make someone else happy.

F*ck that.

The point of this place isn't to measure success by someone else's standards. It's to be the best you can be, for yourself. In this ass backward thread we're learning that to keep someone from cheating on you we have to "pick up and go whenever we want". That we can at least pay 100 dollars to go see a play once a week. It doesn't happen like that for most of us, as much as we want it to. It will take time. It will take a lot of soul searching and planning and work. There are some women who will actually stick around while "the bread is being made" because they believe in your potential. Not all women will abandon you because you can sometimes get stuck in a rut. A level headed woman knows life isn't a fairy tale where a rich white knight will swoop them up to take them to his personal kingdom. A real woman
will support you, given the right ingredients.

The BF seemed to be in a comfortable place, and I could understand if the ex felt he was being stagnant. The moral of the story in BB's eyes, however, is so backwards and wrong I could go on a 3 page rant. Saying that her cheating wasn't important is contrary to what this thread is about. The REASON she cheated is because the guy was supposedly "comfortable"with his life situation. SHE wasn't happy because of something she didn't like him doing. After all, if he was "moving up" she wouldn't have f*cked the guy at her RECEPTIONIST JOB. Right? What if he were trying? Would that make a difference? Would it have?

We blame HIM for HER behavior. Again, I understand why she was frustrated, as her standard of living became different than his. BUT the way she went about it, conveniently making her life situation easier by deceit is bullsh!t and probably shouldn't be passed on. Let's not separate what she did from what he did. It's all related. We can't say ALL WOMEN would do this, because I know one here who would have took a more reasonable route to dumping someone they weren't happy with.

Yes, Lexington. The woman was a branch swinger. Happens to the most "successful" of us. lol

Let's make people accountable for the sh!t they do, shall we?


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
ThunderMaverick said:
Backbreaker was exposed as a fraud and that's why he's not stepping up to defend himself.

http://www.bbb.org/arkansas/business-reviews/web-design/black-17-media-in-little-rock-ar-90209549 The BBB review for his work shows that people aren't happy with doing business with him.

Also allegedly posted on this board here where again he didn't come in to defend himself: http://www.the-mainboard.com/index....ssaud-is-a-con-artist-thread-yet.93745/page-3

To be perfectly honest, I've never seen a more insecure person on this board, (aside from STR8UP) when it came to challenging a belief. There's always going to be exeptions to rules that many of us have experienced, and there are "words of wisdom" that aren't going to be right 100% of the time.

BB came here claiming to help the little people of this forum but became such a little man when not everyone agreed with him. His emotional instability made me question his legitimacy. I mean a lot of what he said made sense and hold true, but then again anyone could have said it without truly living by example. Backbreaker used an example of this BF being stagnant to claim being on a much higher level than him. People were also pointing out that money doesn't exactly equal true success. I have to agree. What is true success? Let's compare:

BF who got cheated on:
Has a steady job in an econimic depression.
Makes 30,000 a year.
Enjoys his job.

Has his own business that's been given an F by the BBB.
Is a former drug addict who has self image issues.
Can be vindictive and abnormally frustrated when challenged
on his personal views.
Has a hot wife.

I have no problem being the guy with the steady job.

Are we measuring success on how hard you work? Or what's reaped only AFTER working hard? I've worked very hard doing voice over
work, demos, short films, etc. If we're measuring success by the latter I should be a ****ing millionaire. People can spend most of their life trying to achieve "success" in the eyes of anther who can apparently "do better" than you. F*ck that. Some people just don't gain "success" as fast as others.

I think the guy working for 30k is pretty successful, considering the circumstances. How do we know what his desires are? Why is he "below" you just because he doesn't have the same drive as you do? Does he need to? If he figures out that the reason he got cheated on was because he
wasn't good enough that might lead him here, to figure out why women are low down no good conniving c*nts. He'll learn how to be "successful" in
order to avoid hypergamy, leading him to live a life always wondering if he's good enough. He'll be working hard to make someone else happy.

F*ck that.

The point of this place isn't to measure success by someone else's standards. It's to be the best you can be, for yourself. In this ass backward thread we're learning that to keep someone from cheating on you we have to "pick up and go whenever we want". That we can at least pay 100 dollars to go see a play once a week. It doesn't happen like that for most of us, as much as we want it to. It will take time. It will take a lot of soul searching and planning and work. There are some women who will actually stick around while "the bread is being made" because they believe in your potential. Not all women will abandon you because you can sometimes get stuck in a rut. A level headed woman knows life isn't a fairy tale where a rich white knight will swoop them up to take them to his personal kingdom. A real woman
will support you, given the right ingredients.

The BF seemed to be in a comfortable place, and I could understand if the ex felt he was being stagnant. The moral of the story in BB's eyes, however, is so backwards and wrong I could go on a 3 page rant. Saying that her cheating wasn't important is contrary to what this thread is about. The REASON she cheated is because the guy was supposedly "comfortable"with his life situation. SHE wasn't happy because of something she didn't like him doing. After all, if he was "moving up" she wouldn't have f*cked the guy at her RECEPTIONIST JOB. Right? What if he were trying? Would that make a difference? Would it have?

We blame HIM for HER behavior. Again, I understand why she was frustrated, as her standard of living became different than his. BUT the way she went about it, conveniently making her life situation easier by deceit is bullsh!t and probably shouldn't be passed on. Let's not separate what she did from what he did. It's all related. We can't say ALL WOMEN would do this, because I know one here who would have took a more reasonable route to dumping someone they weren't happy with.

Yes, Lexington. The woman was a branch swinger. Happens to the most "successful" of us. lol

Let's make people accountable for the sh!t they do, shall we?
Glad to see you chime in TM and your words were rationale and well written as usual.

As for BB and those BBB reports and that other thread on him? Wow is all I can say. IF he ever shows up here again, I hope he never puts down another fellow member with that kind of stuff on his resume.

An F? A freaking F.

Makes me wonder if all his braggings about his gambling winnings were true. I know he got very upset with me on one thread years ago because I, being a fellow gambler and horse trainer, caught him fudging the numbers on some bets he claimed to have made. All makes sense now.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
cordoncordon said:
Glad to see you chime in TM and your words were rationale and well written as usual.

As for BB and those BBB reports and that other thread on him? Wow is all I can say. IF he ever shows up here again, I hope he never puts down another fellow member with that kind of stuff on his resume.

An F? A freaking F.

Makes me wonder if all his braggings about his gambling winnings were true. I know he got very upset with me on one thread years ago because I, being a fellow gambler and horse trainer, caught him fudging the numbers on some bets he claimed to have made. All makes sense now.

Good to see you too :)

The issue for me personally is not so much what the thread was about. That was secondary. My issue is this place is suppose to be a forum for brothers in arms to learn things from each other. I find there are the real alphas of the forum with heart who really do want to help guys who are downtrodden, and guys claiming to be alpha with no sense of leadership, chastising dissenters because they find something that was said questionable.

I'm no alpha (more of a sigma...I took an online test :p) so I'm interested in following my own path most the time. I have a hard time taking orders as I don't like giving them. I do, however, take what I can from SS and apply it to better myself. It just f*cking irks me when those claiming to be better than others here think their words are worth as much as their bank accounts. It isn't. You may have your money, but what about reputation? What a about honesty integrity and respect? You can't buy self aware men's affection, and I think most of us here are self aware, or realize we're on that road.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
Die Hard said:
First of all: It's ironic but... Iqqi is one of the few in this thread who is making sense!

Anyway, you're not JUST arguing against a point Iqqi made, you liar... You do it to express your discomfort with the fact that people do immoral things and get away with it, or even get better from it!

In other words, you're just whining and doing nothing else. Way to go!! Clap, clap!!

We're are doing something; analyzing what good and bad behavior is to others. We're learning what some (not all women) do in situations like this. We're looking for what kind of character traits to avoid, and also things that we can do to better our relationships and ourselves.

If you expect us to say "yeah, people do immoral things. it happens" without pointing out accountability you're going to be disappointed for the rest of this thread.

Or you could play that way, be immoral yourself without learning, without guilt, and become a part of the world that eats itself and be perfectly happy.

There's more ways to play the game than one.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
ThunderMaverick said:
You may have your money, but what about reputation? What a about honesty integrity and respect? .
Base line none of that matters if your'e ignoring your partner, or not putting in basic relationship maintenance. Honesty integrity and respect - yes great traits for men and those men around them, and a good standard to live by. But don't somehow think this is going to pull your weight into a solid relationship on that alone. Also if you focus solely on yourself then don't be surprised when that's the only person you end up with.

Is it the guys fault?
Yes in my opinion.
He choose his partner.
He got in a rut.
He missed the signs.
He was surprised once it was done.

Did he do anything wrong to his partner?
No, and that is the point people are getting stuck on. He didn't do anything wrong in the sense of everyday normal relationships. You guys want normal then follow his lead.

Biggest suspicion is that he just picked the wrong woman and expected her to fit. But the majority of the population just fall into relationships thinking this is the one.
This guy is also not my brother in arm nor was he the other guys (that is now poking his girl) brother. Guys fu*k over guys just as much as women do it to men. I honestly could care less, it is what it is.

Why isn't it her fault? Women are not going to change no matter how much you moan about it. It seems to be ingrained and blaming them lets yourself off the hook. I see this type of thing all the time and it usually depends on emotional triggers being set off by a change in lifestyle / another guy, after a period of stagnation in the relationship.

I am in no way saying live your relationship in fear, but that you should be aware when emotional connections are at a weak point and if there will be further upcoming triggers that will snowball out of control. If a girl stops the sex, ditching them (or other women) is the first thing on my mind. It's the same thing when you cut of their emotional fix.
This type of branch swinging happens over and over amongst the masses. The amount of women that look for a quick emotional fix is overwhelming at the moment.

Secondly, BB threw out some good advice at times. All you guys that preach honesty integrity and respect should perhaps give him the minimum of letting it go, rather then tearing him down further. In no way is this an attack on anyone and I do understand the anger.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
hithard said:
Base line none of that matters if your'e ignoring your partner, or not putting in basic relationship maintenance. Honesty integrity and respect - yes great traits for men and those men around them, and a good standard to live by. But don't somehow think this is going to pull your weight into a solid relationship on that alone. Also if you focus solely on yourself then don't be surprised when that's the only person you end up with.

Is it the guys fault?
Yes in my opinion.
He choose his partner.
He got in a rut.
He missed the signs.
He was surprised once it was done.

Did he do anything wrong to his partner?
No, and that is the point people are getting stuck on. He didn't do anything wrong in the sense of everyday normal relationships. You guys want normal then follow his lead.

Biggest suspicion is that he just picked the wrong woman and expected her to fit. But the majority of the population just fall into relationships thinking this is the one.
This guy is also not my brother in arm nor was he the other guys (that is now poking his girl) brother. Guys fu*k over guys just as much as women do it to men. I honestly could care less, it is what it is.

Why isn't it her fault? Women are not going to change no matter how much you moan about it. It seems to be ingrained and blaming them lets yourself off the hook. I see this type of thing all the time and it usually depends on emotional triggers being set off by a change in lifestyle / another guy, after a period of stagnation in the relationship.

I am in no way saying live your relationship in fear, but that you should be aware when emotional connections are at a weak point and if there will be further upcoming triggers that will snowball out of control. If a girl stops the sex, ditching them (or other women) is the first thing on my mind. It's the same thing when you cut of their emotional fix.
This type of branch swinging happens over and over amongst the masses. The amount of women that look for a quick emotional fix is overwhelming at the moment.

Secondly, BB threw out some good advice at times. All you guys that preach honesty integrity and respect should perhaps give him the minimum of letting it go, rather then tearing him down further. In no way is this an attack on anyone and I do understand the anger.

I understand how a lot of women work in this culture. We allow bad behavior. Saying how things are isn't owning up to your actions in life and misplaces responsibility.

We could argue about how women should or shouldn't act but the fact is that there are some women who would have taken a better approach to this situation. Maybe not most, but the exceptions are the ones we talk about here. The exceptions are the ones we should strive for, and the exceptions do exist.

Again, you're blaming the guy when a relationship is a two way street. I agree with hypergamy, but I also think being open and honest with someone you respect is a choice people make. I think, in my own opinion, that honesty is the right choice. Sure I think they're both to blame, but putting all the weight on him is unrealistic and only half the story.

And I wasn't speaking about him when I was talking about 'brothers in arms'. I was talking about US here in this forum. We all want the same thing: to be better men. We try to help each other with our own findings and mistakes.

People are upset with backbreaker because he built himself up to this God-like status, saying how he was better than most of the people here, only to show us that he's an emotional avalanche with a shady business, who runs away when people find out the truth. He's not perfect, but loved to go on about everyone else's flaws. How he knew the truth while others hid from it.

Of course some of us are angry. Do you really want me to explain further?

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
ThunderMaverick said:
We're are doing something; analyzing what good and bad behavior is to others. We're learning what some (not all women) do in situations like this. We're looking for what kind of character traits to avoid, and also things that we can do to better our relationships and ourselves.
I was talking to jhl...

If you expect us to say "yeah, people do immoral things. it happens" without pointing out accountability you're going to be disappointed for the rest of this thread.
You are only disappointing yourselves, lol.

Or you could play that way, be immoral yourself without learning, without guilt, and become a part of the world that eats itself and be perfectly happy.
LOL. That was very shortsighted, or actually plain out DUMB. I'd love to see you give a reasonable explanation for the idea that immorality equates to an inability to learn. As for "the world that eats itself", I have no clue what you're getting at :confused: Sounds like cheap semantics to justify your illusions...


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
ThunderMaverick said:
I understand how a lot of women work in this culture. We allow bad behavior. Saying how things are isn't owning up to your actions in life and misplaces responsibility.

We could argue about how women should or shouldn't act but the fact is that there are some women who would have taken a better approach to this situation. Maybe not most, but the exceptions are the ones we talk about here. The exceptions are the ones we should strive for, and the exceptions do exist.

Again, you're blaming the guy when a relationship is a two way street. I agree with hypergamy, but I also think being open and honest with someone you respect is a choice people make. I think, in my own opinion, that honesty is the right choice. Sure I think they're both to blame, but putting all the weight on him is unrealistic and only half the story.

And I wasn't speaking about him when I was talking about 'brothers in arms'. I was talking about US here in this forum. We all want the same thing: to be better men. We try to help each other with our own findings and mistakes.
Relationships are a two way street but it helps when you know some of the rules. Thunder if you got yourself in the situation would you make the same mistakes and expect me not to blame you. Yeah I expect bad behaviour from women, given a lead up of bad relationship track work by men. That doesn't mean I'm taking her side, or excusing her actions. Just that what happened was the expect result.
I don't blame men for ditching a chick at the drop of a hat because a need isn't being filled or they realize this chick isn't for them. That kind of breakup I have respect for the guy. If our original guy had of broke up with the chick just to bang another girl then I'd fully support him and lay her to the curb. It sounds like arse about logic and I'm terrible at articulating points but:
He is taking care of his business across the total spectrum. While she failed to fulfill his needs and keep his interest.
But in both cases the best thing for him is if she is gone. When she broke up with him it will force him into change (which for men is usually for the better). To add whoever walks away/cheats is the one doing the exact right thing at the exact right time - Ending a relationship that is a waste of time. If thats where it has gotten to then have the balls to embrace closure and be thankful you didn't waste anymore time with the wrong person.

But if you are in the majority of relationship coasters that stick with something despite the fact they relationship has gone grey then at least start to clue up to your relationships health status.

People are upset with backbreaker because he built himself up to this God-like status, saying how he was better than most of the people here, only to show us that he's an emotional avalanche with a shady business, who runs away when people find out the truth. He's not perfect, but loved to go on about everyone else's flaws. How he knew the truth while others hid from it.

Of course some of us are angry. Do you really want me to explain further?
And to what end does tearing him down any further achieve?
Commit the exact same thing. It's pointless.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
Die Hard said:
I was talking to jhl...
And I'm addressing you now. This is what we do on a public forum :)

LOL. That was very shortsighted, or actually plain out DUMB. I'd love to see you give a reasonable explanation for the idea that immorality equates to an inability to learn. As for "the world that eats itself", I have no clue what you're getting at :confused: Sounds like cheap semantics to justify your illusions...

I'm talking about being involved in a social circle where all you do is gossip cheat and fight. As I recall there was another board member here who generalized women AND men based on the company he kept. He saturated himself in people who enjoyed irresponsibility and conflict. I'm not saying his ideals were wrong, but they were half right. The world isn't what you think it is sometimes.

I guess I phrased myself wrong when talking about immorality. You can learn to rise above it or repeat a shady process to get ahead. I'm not saying you're evil if you do something that even you think is morally wrong. I'm sure there a other variables to why you do what you do. I do think, in my opinion, that you should own up to it and take responsibility for it and not blame the world and other people.

There are things in this world that we can't control, like people. I'm not saying that everyone shares my point of view. In my experience and people I've dated, been dumped by, dumped, kept, and observed through other people, I can't agree that this branch swinging woman is justified in doing what she did. In my opinion it was low class and childish. I'm not going to only blame the man for her cheating. You want me to believe that EVERY woman would do what she did under those circumstances. The personal experiences in my life won't let me come to that conclusion. *shrugs* Maybe your life has led you to feel differently and I ain't mad at ya.

I'm not speaking for anyone else here when it comes to backbreaker. I understand why some here are pissed. I've already told you why I'm pissed.

And to what end does tearing him down any further achieve?
Commit the exact same thing. It's pointless.
It probably achieves nothing, but I like to vent sometimes :)
It should also be a lesson to the bullsh1tters claiming to be more than what they are; eventually you'll get found out and have to run away.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
ThunderMaverick said:
You want me to believe that EVERY woman would do what she did under those circumstances. The personal experiences in my life won't let me come to that conclusion. *shrugs* Maybe your life has led you to feel differently and I ain't mad at ya.
Given the right conditions yes I believe every women has the capability to do the same thing. Hitting the right emotional hooks at the right time and a woman will do what she normally wouldn't with you.
And yes it's through things I have witnessed first hand.
But hey it's just my opinion not fact.
no biggie


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
hithard said:
Given the right conditions yes I believe every women has the capability to do the same thing. Hitting the right emotional hooks at the right time and a woman will do what she normally wouldn't with you.

Now this I have a hard time disagreeing with. I think it does come down to what a woman's experience and personal morals are - how much she thinks she can endure. After all I know several women who would have acted several different ways than the OP's example GF. I'd know a girl to cheat multiple times in this situation and not tell the BF and other girls I'd know would eventually say that she has feelings for someone else instead of cheating. Rare, I know, but it's possible.

Sh!t, given the right conditions a man is capable of killing another man or stealing from another. We're all capable of doing something heinous when certain things are in place. Knowing why and taking responsibility for it is important, I think.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
This all fine and dandy but you guys are missing the point here. The new guy is "the catch", the old guy was "the catch" at 22/23 but now four years later this new dude is what she wants.

I mean come on any girl in her early 20's will love to chime to her sisters that "ooo my boyfriend runs that restaurant".

Same girl in her late 20's early 30's wants to chime to her sisters that "ooo my boyfriend runs that (fill in better job here)".

Its basically looking better then her friends and subconsciously finding a man that can provide her more. Basic biology at play here.

Is the old guy a loser ? Well no not really but he doesn't seem to want to improve himself and is comfortable where he is at, plus he missed all the signs that things were going sour and he literally made his world revolve around his woman's and is really beat up about it.

And isn't this always the case though, guy gets comfortable lets his guard down and a few months/years later sh!t hits the fan and girl leaves him. Now if the guy had looked after himself played a sport was in very good shape was looking to break away from his current job and open up his own restaurant would the chick have left him ? It's hard to say but we all know a guy that's looking after himself is hot property and many women will want to snap him up.

For all we know this new guy is a sosuave poster and has spent the last few years working on himself and his game and will now spin plates with this girl, because if I was in his position I would. Plus I would have already figured out that if she can leave her old boyfriend for me then in the future she can leave me for another, and thus she would never become my A girl.

EDIT : All this integrity and honor thing being thrown around is a waste of time, you hold up other men to these values women have never known these values and don't follow them, never have never will. Just look through history and you will always see lies and deceit from a woman to always get a better deal often at the expense of a willing man.

All this love and integrity crap is just that crap, you bake your cake and the woman is meant to be the icing on the cake, can you eat the cake without the icing ? Hell yes but having icing on it makes it taste better, but its just that a little extra to make something good a bit better. Too many of you guys haven't swallowed the entire red pill yet and are still holding onto afc principles that have been brainwashed into you by your upbringing.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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honestly if the dude would have just attempted to move forward in life i think she would have stuck it out. she liked him. she never came out and said it but, **** it gets old never being able to go anywhere never being able to do anything. we go to hawaii at the end of the year and the only way she/they can come is if i pay for it. that **** gets old.
I think this is what the real problem with this guy was. It's not that he wasn't "moving forward" and had allowed himself to become "stagnant". It's that he simply wasn't making enough money.

This girl was best friends with BB's wife, who was living in BB's big house and supposedly living large on his gambling winnings. Plus BB said his wife was a "trust fund baby", getting $3000 a month from a trust fund. That's $36,000 a year - not a lot, but a nice base to build from. The girl was probably annoyed that her best friend was living such a higher lifestyle than she was, so when she saw her chance she took it.

The guy has been faulted for not being ambitious enough. Maybe that's true. But for a woman, being ambitious doesn't mean going out and getting a better career herself. It means latching on to a man who has more money. If she can marry the guy, it's a win/win situation. She can live the lifestyle while she's married to him, and pick up a nice severence check when/if they get divorced. If she can get pregnant, there's more security.

The thing we don't know here is if this new guy is even willing to be exclusive with her, let alone marry her. If this was back in the 50s or before, she wouldn't have been able to take the financial risk of leaving her old arrangement to try to make the branch swing. Whereas nowdays, if the new branch breaks, she can work her receptionist job to support her (at least temporarily). This is the new reality, and unfortunately guys playing under the old (traditional) roles will be at a disadvantage in the dating world, and subject to this kind of behavior.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2011
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I don't like how its just taken as fact that the guy isnt motivated simply because of his job title. There was never enough details to arrive at that assumption. He could've worked his way up from bus boy, that qualifies as motivated to me. We don't know.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
Well,...that was quite the slog, but I managed to read everything from the OP up to here.

I have to admit I don't participate on SS nearly as much as I probably should these days, what with writing my blog (soon to be book) and the runaway success of the 2 brands I developed and launched this year. I do moderate, but that's not the same as taking the time to craft a well-thought forum post.

It's really difficult for me to offer anything here that I haven't already covered many times before in the 9 or so years I've been contributing to SS. IQQI is still using the forum for her own personal catharsis (How's The Wall treating you?) and the debates over women's presumed ethical obligations being superseded by their innate hypergamy still persist. But in the interest of participating lets see if I can add a few things here.

The OP Couple

As I wrote in Navigating the SMP there is a particular window of opportunity for women whilst in their prime SMV years (22-24) that less and less women want to consciously recognize – or at least they aren't encouraged to recognize thanks to feminized social conventions. Precious few women are self-aware of the hypergamic impulses their subconscious is driven by, and thus their behaviors are manifestations of.

When women get to be 25-29 there is a limbic, subliminal understanding that her window of hypergamic opportunity is closing. A woman's hindbrain knows on an animalistic level that her period of maximally optimizing her hypergamy is closing, thus the motivation to pair off monogamously with the best provisioning male begins to take priority over ƒucking the best genetic (most sexually arousing) males she was happy to pair off with in her prime (22-24).

Our subject woman is merely a common illustration of this process. So, in this respect, and strictly for purpose of example, I can understand BACKBREAKER's line of reasoning. Young men need to be aware of the ruthlessness and callousness of this feral, evolutionary process. As a Man, you do in fact need to keep pace with the hypergamic imperative that WILL rear its ugly head when the moment and opportunity of a better hypergamic prospect present itself.

If there's fault to be found it's not in women's seeming duplicity about her 'feelings' and her hypergamy-motivated actions; the real fault is in young Men believing in pollyanna fantasies about true love, soul-mates and feminized romance porn in favor of the harsh realities of hypergamy.

But ethical wonks want to have their say, "She's a slut! She's a hypocrite! Perfidious woman! Have you no honor? Men are made of different stuff, we're the moral cement that holds society together, unlike you amoral weaklings." No one gets mad when wolves in the tundra tear the throat from a caribou. No one calls them evil for messily devouring the carcass; they're just doing what nature has embedded into their instincts to do.

"But human's aren't wolves Rollo, we have freewill, you wouldn't understand because you're not as morally attuned as I am." Human's aren't wolves, and we do in fact exercise a great measure of freewill, but for all of that, presumptively righteous, self-guided refusal of determinism we are still subject to the same feral instincts. Our natural state is not one of self-control, so why are we shocked at the environment that sets the frame for us to even have any concept of what control even is?

We ignore at our peril the evolutionary results that directed us to the conditions we find ourselves in. When it doesn't serve our purpose we call it weakness or moral turpitude; but when it does, that feral energy, that righteous anger, that sweaty bloodlust we evolved in the wilderness so long ago that helped us run down a caribou ourselves, that instinct we call courage or determination and we put angels wings on it in appreciation.

So yeah, this girl did what her instincts prompted her to. I'm not defending her methods (and I doubt BB was either), I'm just saying people need to set aside their attachments to casting her action exclusively in a moral context and understand the latent purpose behind them. Then, plan accordingly for your own situation when you encounter this.

Con-artist or not, BB gets this part of the equation. Hypergamy doesn't care about your moral interpretations. You really want an indignation rise? Go read War Brides. Yeah, that's some really ƒucked up hypergamy right there, but the question isn't whether it's moral or not, the question is 'what do you plan to do about it?'