if she calls to "talk"


Senior Don Juan
Jun 29, 2007
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had a girl call me as she was driving home the other day from a friend's. the point of the call was to just talk about randomness. she said she was falling asleep and still had a 30 min drive home on the highway and wanted to talk so she'd stay awake. i wasn't sure if she was interested or was talking to me as one of her girlfriend's so i told her i had to go within 10 minutes of the session. did i do the right thing?


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2007
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It depends what you want from her. Do you want to go out with her or do you want to be her friend?

Picture yourself at a fork in the road. The left path is the path to be her lover. The right path is the path to be her friend. RIGHT NOW the left path is slowly closing. If you want to go out with her you must move quickly. I know you're interested in her so call her tonight, vibe with her, and ask her out.

Jay Lance


Senior Don Juan
Jun 29, 2007
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Ok but I remember reading to never talk long on the phone with a girl unless you want to friend her. Is this true? Even in what happened where she chose me to call to help her stay awake while driving?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2006
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cNfny said:
Ok but I remember reading to never talk long on the phone with a girl unless you want to friend her. Is this true? Even in what happened where she chose me to call to help her stay awake while driving?
This reminds me of a girl that wanted to meet me off myspace but it never happened because I was too busy. She found the same excuse to call me. Personally I felt used. :down: I told her I was busy and hung up.

Just keep it short, funny and memorable. A four to 5 minute conversation. When you run out of funny and positive things to say hang up.

Seriously though if she'll call you then that means you have a chance. But still you've got to play your cards right.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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The Castle Fox

If I had been you, I would have started yelling and cursing at her (I mean hardcore cage-rattling) for using you as 1-900-be awake, etc., then hung up on her promptly. "Oh, you want to be awake? :cuss:..."

Then call up 1/2 hour later and ask: "did it work?"



Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
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Damn you guys have too little self respect, I would have said something like "would you also like me to give you a wake up call in the morning?" and hung-up. Your time should be too valuable and your life too busy to be some girls on-call caffeine fix, if it isn't you are doing something wrong.

Doing what Vulpine suggests makes you look like a maniac and thats never good. Sure her call is cause for annoyance but don't be over the top.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
NickBe said:
Doing what Vulpine suggests makes you look like a maniac and thats never good. Sure her call is cause for annoyance but don't be over the top.

Close, but too verbose: Man.

She calls for some bullsh¡t, you bust her, she has a little 1/2 hour drive to sweat it out/think about it/call back to apologize/wonder why you aren't answering the phone/sweat harder, then you let her off the hook a half hour later.

It's called "the emotional rollercoaster". Also, it's a push/pull: she calls, you push, you call back later, you pull.

And, you have to assume that this was a late night call, which adds to the :cuss:.

The drama will surely keep her awake: mission accomplished, you don't have to jibber-jab on the phone, she won't bother with triffling in the future, attraction built.

Read the DJ Bible, NickBe.

AFC's are well adjusted guys, DJ's are, by definition, sociopaths because we don't conform to the feminized societal expectations.

I could see how you would think that is maniacal.

Go ahead, blame the man, justify the woman's ridiculous behavior, hell - encourage it! Instead of holding her accountable for staying too late at the "friend's", not stopping and getting a frosty beverage, taking a no-doze, sticking her head out the window, stopping and doing some jumping-jacks, cranking the music and screaming... let her know it's ok to call up a toolbag AFC and have him take a late-night earful of emotional diarrhea for her entertainment.

Don't call me late at night unless your car broke down, b¡tch, have some respect!

Dark Chivalry

Don Juan
Jun 24, 2007
Reaction score
Do I sound like a caffeine pill?


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
cNfny said:
had a girl call me as she was driving home the other day from a friend's. ...i wasn't sure if she was interested... did i do the right thing?
If the call was after 9 PM, you shouldn't have even answered.

Was the "friend" the guy she's ƒucking? I mean, if you aren't... let her wonder whose bed you're in. Let her wonder.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
She was out with a girlfriend and called telling me about how awful of a night it was. After hearing her story she asked what I did, I was brief and added that friends and I entertained some sluts. After that I told her I didn't have free nights on my phone and she wasn't worth my minutes. But to put on some dance music and pretend I'm in the passenger side makin it fun. And got off the phone.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
Vulpine said:

Close, but too verbose: Man.

She calls for some bullsh¡t, you bust her, she has a little 1/2 hour drive to sweat it out/think about it/call back to apologize/wonder why you aren't answering the phone/sweat harder, then you let her off the hook a half hour later.

It's called "the emotional rollercoaster". Also, it's a push/pull: she calls, you push, you call back later, you pull.

And, you have to assume that this was a late night call, which adds to the :cuss:.

The drama will surely keep her awake: mission accomplished, you don't have to jibber-jab on the phone, she won't bother with triffling in the future, attraction built.

Read the DJ Bible, NickBe.

AFC's are well adjusted guys, DJ's are, by definition, sociopaths because we don't conform to the feminized societal expectations.

I could see how you would think that is maniacal.

Go ahead, blame the man, justify the woman's ridiculous behavior, hell - encourage it! Instead of holding her accountable for staying too late at the "friend's", not stopping and getting a frosty beverage, taking a no-doze, sticking her head out the window, stopping and doing some jumping-jacks, cranking the music and screaming... let her know it's ok to call up a toolbag AFC and have him take a late-night earful of emotional diarrhea for her entertainment.

Don't call me late at night unless your car broke down, b¡tch, have some respect!
You misinterpret Vulpine the first comment about little self respect was not directed at you. I see nothing wrong with the direction you would take it is the same as mine but it is the method with which I disagree, going crazy and swearing is not really the correct approach. I agree you need to be blunt with her but their is a big difference between letting her know that sh*t like that wont fly and over reacting by calling her a b*tch. No self control is not hight on the list of desirable traits, like I said in my first post let her know that sh*t wont fly just don't overreact. Overreaction and screaming is a womans domain.

I am not amateur I came to this site 5 years ago when it was new and I took a lot of this stuff on board. I learned what worked, what didn't and then left to develop my own game. In the past few years I have slept with over 70 women and I have started a business from scratch. My business almost has a net worth of one million dollars and I predict judging by its exponential growth so far by the end of the year I will be worth well over one million. I am not some 22 year old kid with no experience so don't treat me as such.

As far as DJ's being sociopaths I think that is the wrong word. Sociopath refers to somebody who lacks feelings and morals. If somebody close to you died would you feel sad? I understand your point though, DJ's are people who do not conform to the social norm. I understand that completely, I strongly agree too. I just believe rather than appearing like an out of control psychopath if you can put a woman in her place with style you will have filled your role as a DJ in a more suitable fashion. If you ever read about the real Don Juan you will get the feeling that he was not the type of guy that would have exploded if he had a woman knock on his door at 1 AM just to talk.

If anything I would define a DJ as having narcissistic traits.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
cNfny said:
She was out with a girlfriend and called telling me about how awful of a night it was. After hearing her story she asked what I did, I was brief and added that friends and I entertained some sluts. After that I told her I didn't have free nights on my phone and she wasn't worth my minutes. But to put on some dance music and pretend I'm in the passenger side makin it fun. And got off the phone.
Telling her she is not worth your minutes isn't really a great idea. People fail to see the distinction between being a rude, obnoxious, ******* and being suave. It is a good idea to at the appropriate time strike a blow to her vanity. This does not mean you need to be rude, if you talk to a girl like that all you will get is women with low self esteem and no self respect.

It is more about pokign fun at her, that the mentality. Now if you had no interest in ever ****ing her thats one thing but if this girl has any self respect she probably wont hang around for too much of that crap.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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The Castle Fox
The only reason I would yell and curse would be to crank the level up to give her the "keep awake" charge. I'd rattle her cage to give her a jolt, that's all.

I wouldn't go ballistic otherwise. I agree, that would typically be less effective than being calm and resolute.

Well, I'm glad the mechanics that you and I understood got written out.

And, after the recent details have come to light, I'm sure you can agree that he shouldn't even have answered the phone.

Too available.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
Personally I do not look at who's calling I just grab it when it rings but if I did look and saw it was some random girl I slept with last week calling I wouldn't answer. At night I got better things to do...


Senior Don Juan
Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
I didn't say what I did in a stern, arrogant tone. It was playful but also to be understood I wasn't goin to be her caffeine pill for the drive home. I was more so wondering if she made the call out of interest or friendly chatting


Jul 17, 2007
Reaction score
I have been trapped by the 'call to talk' once before. I think it is a **** test to see if she can push you to the friend zone. If you do succumb and listen to her complaining, you can rest assured the LJBF is coming soon.

The best thing to do is to quickly end the chat or take control of the conversation, talking about what YOU want to talk or say (keep it brief, again).

I think the question is more about who is directing the conversation than the length of the conversation itself. I doubt any guy could talk as much as a woman does, so even when you do take charge of the conversation, it will naturally end quickly and keep her on the edge because she didn't get to gab away like she is used to.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
Take a few minutes to be ****y/funny, bust her balls, tease her, hang up.

If you're worried about how you're coming off, you're already out.

Reframe: some chick is calling me and says she wants to "talk", whatever. This is my time and I'm going to enjoy it in the way I see fit. If it were ME, I would just make fun of her, get her to laugh, maybe make arrangements to get together. That would be enjoyable, FOR ME.
If she's hesistant, no more phone chat, ever.

Just the way I'm starting to look at things. I've had my share of "serious conversations" on the phone and they go nowhere except friendsville. She wants to hear your voice? Fine. Let her hear it then leave it on a high note.

Need to put this in practice myself, lol.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2007
Reaction score
The Paradise City where the grass is green and the
Just make up an excuse when she calls you up and then you find out she wants nothing more than to talk about nothing...Like if you're driving, say you're getting pulled over and you'll call her back later or something. Or "Hey, gotta go, one of my friends just got here."

That or don't answer. If it was important, they'll leave a message. That's not just a rule for girls, pretty much like any personal phone call in general.