
Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2003
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This is a repost of Fratguy's "HOW TO GET LAID- THE NEW PLAN" as it was originally posted on ASF ( This is Fratguy's work entirely. NONE of it is mine. I just wanted to make that clear.

Date Posted: 2005/04/23 01:35:00 PM EDT
Author: FratGuy <unknown email address>

Im going to post something ive realized in the last few months. And what i
think the solution is. im not dogging on ASF, just poiting out some things.

When a guy gets on ASF and reads all this lingo, it helps him understand a lot.
But it also just further confuses him. It makes getting laid seem even harder
than before. And it makes him even more scared of talking to girls. Now he
thinks it is really hard.

A guy who is good with girls believes that it is easy to talk to girls. The key
to getting better is realizing the FACT that talking to girls is EASY, not
hard. Guys think that they don’t have enough routines and cool stuff to say,
and amog lines, and LMR lines and stuff. So they don’t do anything when they
see a girl. When before, if they hadn’t known all this ****, they would have
just walked up and said hi. And it would have been fine. So they study more,
which just makes them realize how much they still don’t know, which makes it
seem even harder. This is why so many guys don’t sarge and don’t ever get good.


Cool people spend a lot of time socializing. Imagine a typical cool guy. By the
time he is in college. This guy has had thousands of conversations with other
people. He has had thousands of conversations with girls. Not necessarily
hitting on them. Just interacting with them and learning how to be cool and
normal. He has learned social skills just by shear volume of interaction. He
isn't scared to talk to girl because he does it all the time.

This isn't rocket science. You talk to people, you learn social skills. Period.
If you are good at talking to people, you won’t be scared to talk to people. If
you have social skills and aren’t scared to talk to people, you will
automatically come across confident and cool and normal.
Nerds don’t socialize that much. Or they socialize with other nerdy people,
which just further solidifies their nerd status. They are scared to talk to
girls because they don’t ever do it.

Guys don’t realize that its lack of socialization that is the key problem. You
are not going to fix the problem with more time on the computer reading ASF. So
much time alone is why you have the problem in the first place. You fix the
problem by getting out of the house and socializing.

Yes, going out and running routines, and openers, and doing newbie missions
WILL WORK. You are socializing and getting social experience quickly. BUT you
will also be getting a lot of weird/negative responses from girls. This makes
guys give up very quickly when they don’t get instant results. So the question

Not many

How many people actually run 3000 sets??? Not many

Guys aren’t fixing the real problem, LACK OF SOCIALIZATION. So they just go
back to being nerds or they become permanent KJ’s. This is why ASF isn’t
producing very many pua’s.


If you realize that you could learn all this stuff the easy natural way, by
socializing with cool people, and sprinkling in the ASF techniques on the side,
it would be a lot easier and we would see more guys getting good.

Realize that all you have to do to attract girls is to get social
calibration/experience, and some self-esteem and confidence so that you can be
COOL, and act NORMAL around girls. (read tylerdurden’s last 200 posts)

The reason guys can’t talk to girls is because they are low self-esteem. Once
you get some self-esteem, it almost seems natural. Like, not only is it not
hard to talk to girls without being nervous, it starts to feel like it is just
the natural thing to do. It is natural for this money guy (yourself) to go talk
to the hot ass girl in the room. It just seems right.


PART 1 - Fix appearance:
Have you seen a girl that has a hot ass body, but a mediocre face (a
butterface)? But you would still **** the **** out of her anyway because of her
body, right?

Well, there is no reason why anyone can’t have a good looking body. The
difference between hot people and ugly people is their beliefs about
themselves. Ugly people are those who think they are ugly and cant do anything
about it so they don’t even try. Hot people are those who think they are hot,
and make sure they stay that way.

Take ANY ugly girl. Put her on a vigorous exercise/diet program to get a
fit/firm/thin body, get her a nice tan, get her a good makeup job, give her a
sexy hairstyle, and sexy cloths on her. Teach her to act/walk/talk like a hot
girl. And you now have a girl who is a hot girl. Or at least 4 points (1-10
scale) hotter than she was before, which is the difference between a common HB6
and a HB10, or an ugly 5 and a hot HB9. An HB1 is only an HB1 because she is
fat. Something she can do something about. (yes she can, listen to tony
Take any pretty girl. Lose the makeup, the tan, the cloths, the hair style, the
stuckup attitude, and let her eat whatever she wants and get fat, and she will
lose 4 points at least. Do a search “celeb’s without makeup” on the net if you
don’t believe me. And for guys who don’t have hot girls in their social circle,
you don’t get to see them on regular days, when they aren’t all prettied up at
the club. If you get hot girls in your social circle, you will seem them on
their bad days, when they just got out of bed, etc. It’s obvious that they are
just average people who simply take care of themselves and know how to dress up
and look hot.
A person’s looks have more to do with their beliefs about themselves than
anything else
(Listen to tony robbins for more on this)


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2003
Reaction score
This works the same for guys. Getting a good looking body will also give you
confidence and self-esteem.
So, for all guys

*Get a good-looking body
Workout – get a decent build. Lose the skinny arms. Look like a jock, instead
of a joke. Anyone can gain/lose weight, if you want to bad enough. Look it up
on the net.
I used to be pretty skinny. 5’10, 140 lbs. Even though ive always worked out I
wasn’t eating enough. Now that im focusing on eating a lot, I weight 180 and
bench press 280. I look like a jock/stud now and I get a lot of complements on
my body from girls.
Basic workout tips
1.if your skinny, eat like a horse, and then some. If you’re fat, listen to
tony robbins and do what he says
2. Take a good protein – I recommend Optimum Nutrition, get it cheap at
2. Do each set to utter failure/exhaustion.
3. Use good form, no cheating, lift slow, not fast. Focus on building muscle,
not lifting a lot of weight
4. Don’t use machines. You will get injuries if you ever plan on lifting a lot
of weight. I speak from experience.
5. Working out is EASY. If you just start doing it, you will get addicted to
it. It will be something you WANT to do, not have to do.
6. Measure your progress. Keep track of your weight, and body dimensions so you
will notice that you are getting bigger and this will make you want to keep

* Dress COOL. Dress like college frat boys. Peacocking is way over emphasized.
If you are a nerd with these super crazy cloths on, you just look even more try
hard. Just dress super cool all the time. Don’t peacock as a way of
overcompensating the fact that you aren’t cool. If you can’t be congruent with
the image, don’t peacock. Dressing super cool is always good though. I actually
feel good when I dressup/peacock. I feel ****ing sexy, and im thinking “damn,
what girl wouldn’t want a piece of THIS ASS!”

* Tan. Fake tan, whatever. Tan is worth 1-2 points (1-10 scale). It hides skin
irregularities and just looks ****ing good. Most of the girls we think look
super hot, look that way only because they are tan. Works the same for guys.

PART 2 - Get some self-esteem / confidence
* Listen to tony robbins – personal power II program – this isn't typical self
help bull****. It is required listening for any person alive IMO. If you are a
super duper top notch pua, you will still benefit like crazy from listening to
tony. It should be taught in schools. or get it on ebay if
you’re poor.

* Take boxing class and get in the ring with other guys - stop being afraid of
confrontations with guys

*Do an extreme sport. I suggest getting a superbike and learning to do
wheelies. Do 180 mph on the highway. Take my word for it, it’s the most fun you
will ever have. I can already hear the Kj’s whining, “But that is dangerous”.
Hell yeah it is!!!

* Get involved in sports – you get to hang with cool people and get more
physical exercise

PART 3 - Learn social skills/calibration, how to be COOL

By doing thousands of sets, you are just getting social experience and
calibration. But you can also do it in other ways such as:

* Get a social circle (see ***** Lovers post)

* Hang with cool people. Not your lame ass computer nerd friends.

* Talking to everyone you see, just for the hell of it. Say hi to people you
walk past. Always try to be socializing.

* Talk to guys at the gym while you are working out. Ask for a spot on
something. Get a workout buddy.

* Get a job where you are forced to be social

* Get a job where other cool people work who you can interact with on a daily
basis. So even if the cool people at work wouldn’t hang with you normally, they
have no choice now. hahah

*Try to fake it till you make it

*Go to cool parties. Parties that have hot girls at them. You are going to have
to WORK to hang out with cool people. If you are a nerd, anyone who will hang
out with you right now is probably NOT COOL EITHER. I know, you think your
friends are cool. But are they getting laid by at least decently hot girl? If
not, they might not be as cool as you thought. One of my definitions of a
really cool guy, is a guy who is constantly ****ing hot girls. I was lucky
enough to make friends with guys like this and it helped me tremendously.

Most importantly, look for feedback. What you say should get positive reactions
from people. People should want to hang around you and talk to you. If not, you
are still uncalibrated.

Remember, you want to always be creating good emotions in people. Either by
making them feel good, or by conveying value so that they will want to hang
with you and get good emotions by getting your validation

Of course, in addition to all this, go out and sarge also. I recommend
tylerdurden’s methods. Sarging will give massive confidence and is a super
quick way to get good.

Again, my main point is that a lot of guys don’t sarge and read ASF instead of
fixing the REAL problem – being a nerd / not being cool. So for those guys who
don’t sarge, do the above things ive described which aren’t hard, until you
have enough confidence to go sarge.

References / further reading:

Tylerdurden – act normal and wear cool cloths

Tylerdurden’s others posts about being cool and acting normal toward the end of
his archive

IMPERFECT – why asf is wrong

***** Lover – getting a social circle

Woodhaven – transition to natural game

NOTE: im reposting this in general, because i accidently posted it in advanced



Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2003
Reaction score
*Go to cool parties. Parties that have hot girls at them. You are going to have
to WORK to hang out with cool people. If you are a nerd, anyone who will hang
out with you right now is probably NOT COOL EITHER. I know, you think your
friends are cool. But are they getting laid by at least decently hot girl? If
not, they might not be as cool as you thought. One of my definitions of a
really cool guy, is a guy who is constantly ****ing hot girls. I was lucky
enough to make friends with guys like this and it helped me tremendously.
now my best friend, and wingmen, keeps on bringing out these new guys he finds. he says we need a "bigger team". i'm easy.

but what i've noticed, so many of these guys that he brings out WORK to hang out with cool people (me and my friend(s) being the cool people).

any keyboard jockeys, who are working working this angle, you really can't just bust into a new group using these techniques.

some guys go over the top talking themselves up. some guys offer to buy drinks. some guys don't do anything.

but what you must realise is, one guy will tend to befriend you, and begin introducing you into the group.

you want to take this slowly, so its not threatening to the guys he already hangs out with.

i don't feel threatened that i'm going to lose my mate to any of these guys, but he brings them over for 'pre drinks' (drinking before we go to the club) this is not the environment for a new friend.

these new friends would be much better to just meet up at the club a couple of times, get to know the group of guys on an individual level, and make sure you don't brag, if u pick up alot of girls, do that, but don't talk about it. etc.

i assume it'd actually be harder to join a new group of guys (without knowing them already) then to get a girlfriend.

**maybe some people who have gone from being nigel no friends to mr. popularity can shed some insight. i haven't really had to do that.

i've got my group of friends from highschool (most now have girlfriends)
i've got my bestmate/wingman (we moved on once the others got girlfriends) and we have our own party group which involves alot of guys on a part time basis.
i've got my friends from uni + there friends, i'm welcome in there group anytime - if everything fell to **** with my other friends, i'd weasel my way into this group, with major social proof from my 2 uni friends + i know them all on an individual level. even so, i'd take small steps.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2004
Reaction score
phwoarrrr, what a post. this is the stuff i'm trying to point out.