how to create attraction

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Paradigm Artisan

Don Juan
Jun 14, 2006
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mhs09 said:
oh she all ready knows im interested i just need something to boost the attraction between us.
Well D@mn, dosen't that just take the fun out of everything? She knows that you are attracted to her, so therefore she dosen't have to guess, dosen't have to think about IF you two can ever be together. IF you like her or IF you find her to be a bratty little sister. Girls love IF IF IF. That way they can wonder about you. And possible make you out better in their heads than you might really be. Mysteries are sexy. They get the pulse going, know what I mean?

But to answer your original question -->
mhs09 said:
What are some good ways to use the push/pull technique on impatient girls.
Well, to be honest, I have never seen an impatient girl who is actually attracted to me. Make sure that you know and she knows that your time is limited and special and you can't go and waste it on people who are conceited and impatient around you. And people will treat your time as limited and special.

And dude, when you say...
mhs09 said:
i just need some help on wat to say and wat to do. and give me examples
Well the truth is if your confident in yourself and confident in what you have to say you'll never run out of things to talk about. This comes from self worth, self esteem, all created from your habits and beliefs. If your confident in yourself and in your sexuality and masculinity then you'll never run out of things to do with a cute girl. This comes from the same. Ya get me? I've been there, i've memorized all types of crap I don't even want to admit to. But that takes up a lot of memory. Wouldn't you rather have it generated from you?

Something good to do is ****y and funny with all the examples in the world from the very own ****y and Funny Guide

You can do a search for push and pull. If you cared as much as you seem you do.

But it seems to me that you should work on your foundation before you try to set a roof over your head. With no support it's just going to fall on you. Am I right? So maybe, instead of a 'what to do' search you can try a 'what to BE' search first.


Don Juan
Nov 7, 2006
Reaction score
mhs09 said:
i dont need help in handling her ego i just need some help on wat to say and wat to do. and give me examples

I didn't want to say it, but I will.....

(I am gonna start sayin this more often, it is at the very bottom of the page)

I am not gonna give you a dissertation on how to be a man or how to create attraction. I all have to say is don't put up with her BS, be fun to be around, and be confident

want examples.....

READ THE BIBLE (it is full of useful stuff)
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