How many of guys on this site are married or have a good gf ?


Feb 17, 2018
Reaction score
A lot of the answers from guys and comments on this site seem geared towards short term gains and quick sex and the such ... basically i havent seen any good advice on how to find and date quality girls but plenty of ones are geared towards getting sex and treating women like crap ....

Which made me question how many guys on this site are in happy relationships with quality women ... cause i mean ... dont u want a wife ? Someone to love and spend life with ? Cause everyone on here pretty much sh*ts on the idea completley


Aug 19, 2015
Reaction score
A lot of the answers from guys and comments on this site seem geared towards short term gains and quick sex and the such
Not really. I would say it's multidimensional. Even if you "want" a long term relationship/girlfriend the irony is that you have to rid yourself and thus
free yourself from that thinking. For want of a quick answer think of the free bird flying voluntarily into a cage.............who wants that bird at the end of the day?

Look, so many people walk into or look for a relationship when they are in a codependent state of mind. They feel they need a relationship. Unfortunately when two codependents get together it's not a pretty site and ends up being very unhealthy.

What's the best frame of mind to enter a relationship? You must spend a certain amount of time being completely fact if you can imagine this mindset "build a happy single life until you say to yourself....damn where would I fit a woman into my life right now"

If you find a woman who has the same mindset........good things can happen. you have three states 1) your codependents 2)your independents and finally 3) your interdependents.

Think of businesses.....they initially have to show the inititive to be independent.....but they simply must learn to interdependent to survive and grown in this world....

Look at the many are coming from a codependent mindset??? Imagine if they were to think about getting into a relationship.......that's why it's important they learn to be independent first and foremost......

...only an independent mind could, if it eventually wanted to, enter into an "agreement" with another independent mind


Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
Eye of the storm
I'm in a great relationship, I know some other guys here who are too.

Anyone actively looking for a relationship haven't realized the source of happiness yet and will be unsuccessful or at best have limited success in relationships. For anyone who has found true happiness, relationships just kinda happen.

You're better off chasing happiness than relationships, because the former brings the latter almost effortlessly.


Aug 19, 2015
Reaction score
It would be interesting to hear @marmel75 opinion although

He's married but apparently is the old king. He never mentions the wife although mentions working out and scoring online.... does it all fit in you probably ask. Surely if he had a good marriage.......

But who knows? everyone is different


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
It would be interesting to hear @marmel75 opinion although

He's married but apparently is the old king. He never mentions the wife although mentions working out and scoring online.... does it all fit in you probably ask. Surely if he had a good marriage.......

But who knows? everyone is different
Yeah I’ve often wondered this myself too. I know one dude basically turned his girlfriend bisexual and changed it to an open relationship, though his username slips my mind... @Atom Smasher found a diamond among a sea of glass after several decades and @Desdinova has a girl he likes too. He says that she is below him in looks but pursued him for two years and never ever gave him a hard time and pretty much gives him whatever he wants if I recall correctly. I wonder how those two guys’ relationships are holding up.


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2016
Reaction score
As I approached thirty, I became a relationship guy. I've been official with three women in the last three years. I'm currently in an LTR but only about six months in. That said, she is a great girlfriend, killer humor, proper feminine softness and empathy, strong impulse control, minimal baggage, strong family relationships, HB8 according to my friends, follows my frame, doesn't use much social media, great in bed, etc etc etc.

basically i havent seen any good advice on how to find and date quality girls
The advice for an LTR is the same as hooking up, basically. Focus on yourself first. You want high quality, become high quality and don't stop. The second I was official with my girlfriend, I started putting more work into improving myself, and I was already working pretty hard. Biggest mistake guys make, and this was my main issue in my twenties, is that even if they have a c0cky confident approach to flirting and dating, they become beta once in a relationship. You must be congruent, but more importantly be a man, period. You never stop gaming your woman. Essentially, keep doing what you did to attract her in the first place. Basically, don't stop being a man.

The biggest difference in an LTR is that while you don't want to become beta, you do need to soften up a little bit. Relationships require emotional connections and sexual attraction. You don't want to turn into a weak, supplicating wimp, but you do want to let her soften you a little bit. Too much alpha and she'll feel disconnected and used, too much beta and she'll feel no sexual attraction. This is something I'm still working on actively. Typically you're better off leaning more towards alpha behaviors from what I can tell. You can always make up for being too heavy handed later on while keeping your respect and attraction high, but being too beta at the wrong time can really kill attraction and respect.

As for how to find quality women, this is something that a lot of guys on here don't think about. That said, a lot of guys do and they've posted a lot of great information. Most of what I use as screening came from this site and it works wonders. In terms of where, I think you can find them everywhere. I met my girlfriend on OLD, and I know of another two high quality women my friends met on OLD as well. That said, there's a lot of filtering through low quality on OLD. I think things like professions, like medical or caring roles, hobbies and social circle are the best bet to meet quality women. But there's no simple answer.

How to know they're quality? Screen, screen, screen. When I went on dates, I wasn't trying to get laid, I wasn't trying to get a girlfriend, I didn't care what happened on the date. I went on dates to have fun and keep an eye out for a quality woman. I went on about 10 first dates before I met my girlfriend. What traits are you looking for?

Empathy - Genuinely cares about others.
Impulse control - Doesn't have drinking or drug problems, doesn't over eat, doesn't have emotional outbursts.
Strong family bonds - Has healthy and loving relationships with her family.
Career/Hobbies - Has things she is passionate about and respects working and money.
Low baggage - No crazy stories about dating or friendships.
Respect - Doesn't sit on phone!!! (If they can't put their goddamn phone away for an hour to have a drink with you? Major attention seeker, low impulse control), treats everyone politely. Offers to pay her way. Respects your time, isn't late.
Values - Moral values, hard work, respect etc. This is a big predictor of relationship success.
Communication - Can talk about things comfortably.
Mental health - Most people have some issue with mental health these days but you don't want to date someone with serious issues.

There's more but that's a good start. You won't find all this out on a first date, obviously. But you should be looking for these qualities or lack thereof. You will spot a few easily on a first date. My girlfriend on our first date bought me a drink, didn't touch her phone, was kind, and only had two glasses of wine. Empathy, respect, impulse control. She had a great sense of humor and we had very common values. She had a career, a hobby she's incredibly talented at and a family she loves dearly. The more dates we went on the more that behavior proved to be congruent and even showed itself to be stronger in some cases.

I could blab about this for hours so I'll stop there. Generally everything you read about game is important in an LTR, it's just that your choice in woman needs to be careful and you need to soften up the alpha a little. Those are the main differences. And never stop gaming her.


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
Reaction score
I have same concerns as OP.

An advice... LTR is successful when you can keep rebuilding/recreating the first 3/6 months aka honeymoon phase.

Also, it's about being solid inside aka knowing yourself and finding a partner (someone who support you)... Personnalities must co-exist.

You must remain the guy, she first started dating. Better and improve version of that is good too.

You both have to be at the same communication level. Look in the same direction.

Respect is fundamental


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2017
Reaction score
I would like to hear from the gentleman who are married or in a LTR. I went from AFC to becoming emotionally numb, not being able or allowing myself to emotionally connect with a woman. I guess I am concerned with letting my guard down. This is one of the negatives of the red pill for me. I am emotionally numb at the current moment, IDGAF mindset which doesnt feel healthy at the age of 40. I would like to know how you find the right balance when going from AFC to red pill and enter a relationship.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
I would like to hear from the gentleman who are married or in a LTR. I went from AFC to becoming emotionally numb, not being able or allowing myself to emotionally connect with a woman. I guess I am concerned with letting my guard down. This is one of the negatives of the red pill for me. I am emotionally numb at the current moment, IDGAF mindset which doesnt feel healthy at the age of 40. I would like to know how you find the right balance when going from AFC to red pill and enter a relationship.
I feel you man. I’m 36 and recently went to vegas and banged a random chick after I was drinking at clubs. I realized this isn’t healthy for my age and I really want to pursue an LTR. Problem is I’m attracted to less than 5% of women and if I sense an ounce of bull**** I end it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2016
Reaction score
I would like to hear from the gentleman who are married or in a LTR. I went from AFC to becoming emotionally numb, not being able or allowing myself to emotionally connect with a woman. I guess I am concerned with letting my guard down. This is one of the negatives of the red pill for me. I am emotionally numb at the current moment, IDGAF mindset which doesnt feel healthy at the age of 40. I would like to know how you find the right balance when going from AFC to red pill and enter a relationship.
Here's the key to this problem. It's something that took me years to figure out. There are no unicorns, no NAWALTS, no unconditional love. That is depressing. When you realize women love conditionally, that unconditional dedication is not a reality, you feel cheated and bitter. Disney lied, society lied, your mom lied. The problem with this idea as a binary, is that it ignores that women can love you. They just need to respect you and find you sexually attractive to do so. And guess what? You don't love women unconditionally, either. You're not gonna dump your girlfriend if she becomes obese or turns into a b1tch?

The other important thing is abundance mentality. You have to internalize and truly know you can find another woman if you lose your current one. Your partner is a great woman, but there are other great women too. All relationships end, hell, everything ends. That's okay. It's the outcome fixation that is causing the distress. Be like water. If you can realize that just because love is flawed, it doesn't make it valueless, and that you don't need a woman in your life, or can replace her, you can open up again and be happy in dating.

My girlfriend is amazing and has been for six months. Does that mean it will last forever? No. And that's fine. I enjoy her company now and she adds value to my life. If that changes in the future, so be it. Does she love me unconditionally? No. That doesn't mean she doesn't feel love for me right now. If that changes in the future, so be it. Drop the outcome dependence and enjoy relationships for what they are. Two flawed people enjoying a chemical c0cktail and a mutual respect for one another in this moment now. It will end one way or another, so just go with the flow. Be water, my friend.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
dont u want a wife ?
Some people say that marriage is a religious construct, but I disagree. In its current form, it's just a legal contract that enter into with the government. This contract gives the government the power to divide up your goods (and possibly garnish future earnings) in the even that it doesn't work out. Why would anyone want to enter into such an arrangement?

My girlfriend is amazing and has been for six months. Does that mean it will last forever? No. And that's fine. I enjoy her company now and she adds value to my life. If that changes in the future, so be it. Does she love me unconditionally? No. That doesn't mean she doesn't feel love for me right now. If that changes in the future, so be it. Drop the outcome dependence and enjoy relationships for what they are. Two flawed people enjoying a chemical c0cktail and a mutual respect for one another in this moment now. It will end one way or another, so just go with the flow. Be water, my friend.
This is basically my philosophy. I've been living with my girlfriend for 14 years, she has a very mellow and laid back personality which I find refreshing when compared with most women. It's gone well so far but that doesn't mean that it will forever. All relationships have a shelf life. Even if it lasts until death do you part, then it's still going to end. Enjoy what you have when you have it. If you lose it, then you accept it, there's no other choice. That's the healthiest attitude to have, IMO.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
@Desdinova has a girl he likes too. He says that she is below him in looks but pursued him for two years and never ever gave him a hard time and pretty much gives him whatever he wants if I recall correctly. I wonder how those two guys’ relationships are holding up.
I was in the hospital to have my ruptured appendix removed a month ago. She refused to leave me for the three days I was in the hospital. I told her to go home and she refused. Because the doctor told me to avoid lifting anything over 10 lbs, she did any grunt work I needed to keep myself entertained while I was off work.

We've been together for over 2 years and she still treats me as high value.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2016
Reaction score
Using and applying the fundamentals learned here, you will get to make the choice of entering a relationship. It won't be an act of desperation or even an ounce of need. Guys that are here seeking relationships have it all wrong, completely wrong. You work on your mind and your LMS while cycling through women. Eventually, you may find you just really enjoy a girls company, you then take it slow and let things develop naturally.

You dont get overzealous, fall "deeply in love", etc. If you have learned everything here well, this shoupdbt be an issue. If you feel like you "want" or "need" a relationship, you should not be in one.

The Diver

Master Don Juan
Aug 25, 2017
Reaction score
As I approached thirty, I became a relationship guy. I've been official with three women in the last three years. I'm currently in an LTR but only about six months in. That said, she is a great girlfriend, killer humor, proper feminine softness and empathy, strong impulse control, minimal baggage, strong family relationships, HB8 according to my friends, follows my frame, doesn't use much social media, great in bed, etc etc etc.

The advice for an LTR is the same as hooking up, basically. Focus on yourself first. You want high quality, become high quality and don't stop. The second I was official with my girlfriend, I started putting more work into improving myself, and I was already working pretty hard. Biggest mistake guys make, and this was my main issue in my twenties, is that even if they have a c0cky confident approach to flirting and dating, they become beta once in a relationship. You must be congruent, but more importantly be a man, period. You never stop gaming your woman. Essentially, keep doing what you did to attract her in the first place. Basically, don't stop being a man.

The biggest difference in an LTR is that while you don't want to become beta, you do need to soften up a little bit. Relationships require emotional connections and sexual attraction. You don't want to turn into a weak, supplicating wimp, but you do want to let her soften you a little bit. Too much alpha and she'll feel disconnected and used, too much beta and she'll feel no sexual attraction. This is something I'm still working on actively. Typically you're better off leaning more towards alpha behaviors from what I can tell. You can always make up for being too heavy handed later on while keeping your respect and attraction high, but being too beta at the wrong time can really kill attraction and respect.

As for how to find quality women, this is something that a lot of guys on here don't think about. That said, a lot of guys do and they've posted a lot of great information. Most of what I use as screening came from this site and it works wonders. In terms of where, I think you can find them everywhere. I met my girlfriend on OLD, and I know of another two high quality women my friends met on OLD as well. That said, there's a lot of filtering through low quality on OLD. I think things like professions, like medical or caring roles, hobbies and social circle are the best bet to meet quality women. But there's no simple answer.

How to know they're quality? Screen, screen, screen. When I went on dates, I wasn't trying to get laid, I wasn't trying to get a girlfriend, I didn't care what happened on the date. I went on dates to have fun and keep an eye out for a quality woman. I went on about 10 first dates before I met my girlfriend. What traits are you looking for?

Empathy - Genuinely cares about others.
Impulse control - Doesn't have drinking or drug problems, doesn't over eat, doesn't have emotional outbursts.
Strong family bonds - Has healthy and loving relationships with her family.
Career/Hobbies - Has things she is passionate about and respects working and money.
Low baggage - No crazy stories about dating or friendships.
Respect - Doesn't sit on phone!!! (If they can't put their goddamn phone away for an hour to have a drink with you? Major attention seeker, low impulse control), treats everyone politely. Offers to pay her way. Respects your time, isn't late.
Values - Moral values, hard work, respect etc. This is a big predictor of relationship success.
Communication - Can talk about things comfortably.
Mental health - Most people have some issue with mental health these days but you don't want to date someone with serious issues.

There's more but that's a good start. You won't find all this out on a first date, obviously. But you should be looking for these qualities or lack thereof. You will spot a few easily on a first date. My girlfriend on our first date bought me a drink, didn't touch her phone, was kind, and only had two glasses of wine. Empathy, respect, impulse control. She had a great sense of humor and we had very common values. She had a career, a hobby she's incredibly talented at and a family she loves dearly. The more dates we went on the more that behavior proved to be congruent and even showed itself to be stronger in some cases.

I could blab about this for hours so I'll stop there. Generally everything you read about game is important in an LTR, it's just that your choice in woman needs to be careful and you need to soften up the alpha a little. Those are the main differences. And never stop gaming her.
^^^ Great reply!


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
A lot of the answers from guys and comments on this site seem geared towards short term gains and quick sex and the such ... basically i havent seen any good advice on how to find and date quality girls but plenty of ones are geared towards getting sex and treating women like crap ....
Site has never advocated to treat women like crap.

Which made me question how many guys on this site are in happy relationships with quality women ... cause i mean ... dont u want a wife ? Someone to love and spend life with ? Cause everyone on here pretty much sh*ts on the idea completley
You can love someone without having a wife
You can spend your life your with someone without having a wife

You are still living in 1950. In 2018 it makes no sense to get a wife.


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2016
Reaction score
If you feel like you "want" or "need" a relationship, you should not be in one.
Disagree. If you need a relationship, you shouldn't be in one. Agree on that. If you want one without desperation, with an abundance mindset and with a knowledge of what to look for, you'll be fine. I was aiming for a relationship with the right woman. I wasn't aiming for any relationship, but one with value.

Using and applying the fundamentals learned here, you will get to make the choice of entering a relationship. It won't be an act of desperation or even an ounce of need. Guys that are here seeking relationships have it all wrong, completely wrong. You work on your mind and your LMS while cycling through women. Eventually, you may find you just really enjoy a girls company, you then take it slow and let things develop naturally.
I do agree with this though. It should be a natural progression without need. In fact, even if you want one, you should let the woman lock you down, if she meets your standards.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
I was in the hospital to have my ruptured appendix removed a month ago. She refused to leave me for the three days I was in the hospital. I told her to go home and she refused. Because the doctor told me to avoid lifting anything over 10 lbs, she did any grunt work I needed to keep myself entertained while I was off work.

We've been together for over 2 years and she still treats me as high value.
What a gal...


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Site has never advocated to treat women like crap.
Maybe the "site" hasn't, but there have been individual posters who have.

Disagree. If you need a relationship, you shouldn't be in one. Agree on that. If you want one without desperation, with an abundance mindset and with a knowledge of what to look for, you'll be fine. I was aiming for a relationship with the right woman. I wasn't aiming for any relationship, but one with value/
Agree, there's nothing wrong with wanting a relationship, anymore than there is anything wrong with wanting to spin plates. You have to know what you want, after all.