How do you stop thinking?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
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I have been going in circles man... For the past two months, I have been thinking and thinking, it's driving me nuts. can someone please tell me what to do? I don't want to think anymore!!! I don't want to think anymore...
I have friends to hang out with, but when i hang out with them, there's something missing inside of me. There's an emptiness feeling, a void.

I started crying this morning... for the first time in 5 years, I cried real tears... I have never cried before... I cried because I don't know what to do anymore... I really need help!!! I feel really really down man...

Can someone please teach me how to stop thinking? I read the book Power of Now, half way through it... but I feel these self help books are of no use to me. I need something to bandage the wound I'm having and quick... It's like the devil's sucking the soul out of me, day by day, piece by piece.... I'm not my former self anymore... OH GODDDDDDDDDD PLEASE TELL ME WHAT TO DO?

I'm at a point now where I'm asking, where is this life going? What am I doing now? WTF am I going to do with my life????????????


Don Juan
Nov 8, 2007
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Just stop thinking. Its that easy. Man up and do what you gotta do. There comes a point where you have to stop thinking and start acting.


Senior Don Juan
May 4, 2007
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Alright man, normally I don't like it when SoSuave gets turned into everyone's personal free psychology clinic, but I'm going to take a stab at this one. First of all, your post didn't make much sense to me. What exactly is your problem?

I don't want to think anymore!!! I don't want to think anymore...
Thinking is a good thing. Intelligence is a valuable commodity. If you'd rather work at a McDonalds though, it's your call.

I started crying this morning... for the first time in 5 years, I cried real tears... I have never cried before... I cried because I don't know what to do anymore... I really need help!!! I feel really really down man...
What exactly is bothering you? It sounds like you might be mildly depressed, which is a serious condition. Don't take it lightly. Others have gone through it, and it sucks, but you can and will come out of it stronger than before.

My advice, go out into the world and find someone who needs your help. Look, right now there is some kid in Africa who is starving and probably in the middle of a war zone between rebel groups. Is your life really that bad when you put things in perspective?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
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I really need to cry but I'm can't even cry anymore...

I really need help... today, I feel life is really not worth living anymore... I need someone to tell me something that can change my mind... i really really need a band aid right now... so it stops bleeding for a bit... I'm desperate for anything... anything...


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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The first thing is to realize thatyou are not in control right now.

And this is how you get when your feeling out of control gets to you.
You lose perspective and focus.

Danny, unless you have a terminal illness or homeless, it is really NOT THAT BAD.

You have a choice to make things better.

It may not be an awesome life right now, but you DO have a choice.
All you have to do is ask yourself why are you choosing to FEEL 'out of control'?

Now, it may be possible that you need some professional help, but then again, maybe not.

I would suggest a few things..

Look into meditation, deep trance like meditation.
Research the subject and inform yourself as best you can,
Doing this will show you that you CAN take back control of your life.

YOU need regular exercise. Are you working out?
Start a good workout program, and emphasize a good diet too.

Are you doing any?
Painting, poetry, music, anything?
Your life is supposed to have these things in your life you know.

A purpose.

Is there something you feel you need to accomplish in your life?
A career.

Are you trying to be social?

join a club of similar interests
a social group

Also, look up things like EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)
and Energy Healing (chakras, etc)

Take action.
You can take back your life, and get back in control.

There really is a wonderful world out there, Danny.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
If this isn't a joke, when did all this start and why? Interceptor gave some sound advice, if you are really struggling consider calling one of these numbers:

National Suicide Hotlines USA
United States of America

Toll-Free / 24 hours a day / 7 days a week

1-800-SUICIDE 1-800-273-TALK
1-800-784-2433 1-800-273-8255
1-800-799-4TTY (4889)
Deaf Hotline


Senior Don Juan
Oct 3, 2007
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Wouldn't you like to know? ;)
Scott, that's hardly helpful.
Now for some real advice, I'd advise you to meditate, and release your thoughts. Accept them, then let them go of their own will.
As for being unhappy, ONLY do the things in life you love. Change the things you dont like.
Have a repressive gf? Dump that @$$.
Have a boring/rubbish job? Dump the job, get a better one.
your parents make you do something you dont want to do? Dont do it

It's that simple, go out and live life the way YOU want to, not how others do.

2 cents from Ben :)


Don Juan
Nov 8, 2007
Reaction score
SilverSonnet said:
Scott, that's hardly helpful.
Just telling him what I wish someone would have told me when I was asking myself the same question. Nothing anyone says or does can change how you feel, only you can do that.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
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You're right Inceptor, I've lost control... but please tell me how I can regain control. My mind is haunting me constantly to go back to the sh>tty behavior. And each day, I'm doing things that pushes me towards it... I feel my self esteem slowly draining, like there's a big hole in my boundary like Dr. Paul mentioned... And I can't patch it up. What is this aweful feeling? I don't want to feel it anymore... It's like an addictive drug... And I used to have so much self control too! Now I find myself constantly going back to old patterns and like a compulsive gambler, i keep going back.

tell me what to do? All my negative thoughts coming in full force... I lost $320000 in the stock market last year, I'm in a lot of debt, I remained strong during my time with my ex because she was treating me really well and I was man enough not to tell her because I know she wouldn't be able to help... the worst part is, I didn't do anything wrong in the relationship and I got played!!! I did everything in accordance to the lessons learned here... I used to be a chode and my exwife left. Then I learned the DJBible, and my exgf left. What am I doing so wrong? All that I want is a family...

Whats cold is that she is able to serve me this dish cold... one week after she was pushing me to get married two months ago! I know that I can next her, but I feel like my walls are closing in on me. I quit a high paying job because I couldn't handle the stress and my health was deteriorating and I got a low paying job where my stress and health got back to normal but i'm just passing by... I feel like is just passing by in a blink of an eye, Inceptor...

How is positive thinking going to help me get out of this mess? I know that psychiatrists won't do anything for me because their just vampires that do nothing but say "uh huh" all day and doodle in their little notepads...

Beggars can't choose, I don't want to be a beggar! I refuse to be a beggar.

I want to learn meditation, maybe that will help me get back into my core... can you suggest something for me?

I have been exercising... In fact, I am starting to see my six pack again after the last two months... I've been going to the gym, jogging continuously...

I hang out with friends every weekend to play poker, but even with that, I'm feeling a void. I'm not myself anymore!!!

My hobbies has always been playing in the stock market... I love it with a passion... but I kept losing money and I'm not playing it right. I lost a lot of money... it was at a point when i started "getting it" that I have no more money to play. It's not an addiction with that, trust me.. cause I know when i'm addicted or not...

A purpose
Here's my problem, I don't have any purpose right now. My purpose was taken from me as my world crumbled to pieces...

I have no problem making friends, I've been a very social person and I have a lot of fun when I am... but at my current condition, I feel that even that is stripped away from me. Because I don't know what to think or say anymore... All that I want to do now is not think anymore. I don't want to think anymore.

Is it possible? To block any thought that comes into your head? Please teach me? i just want to stay in the moment and do things and not have these thoughts come banging on the door.

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
Reaction score
funny, i was about to post a thread similar to this but I was afraid to get flamed. I can't help but feel like that sometimes either...but out of curiousity: WHAT WERE YOU DWELLING ON? Im a survivor of depression too(I dunno what level it was but it was pretty bad).


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
Rebound Material said:
funny, i was about to post a thread similar to this but I was afraid to get flamed. I can't help but feel like that sometimes either...but out of curiousity: WHAT WERE YOU DWELLING ON? Im a survivor of depression too(I dunno what level it was but it was pretty bad).

what is flamed?


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
Danny, I think you should do the research for yourself

I am willing to help you , but not spoon feed you

You are a grown man

I do believe you may want to try some hypnosis
it is possible to influence your sub conscious m ind to have positive and liberating beliefs
Go here and listen to these;

I still say you should check out EFT

Go here:

You may want to look up Reiki healing as well

Try this

Stick to this, Danny

You keep giving up on yourself

Stop this behavior


What more motivation do you want????!!

Stop this.

And start Living the Life YOU WANT!!!!


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
stop Being 'survivors' And Start Becoming victors

The Bat

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
Reaction score
I get a feeling that your world is crumbling because of that breakup. If I remember correctly, you posted couple of threads about the matter too, right?

Let this be a lesson to you and everyone reading this. Don't build your life around your significant other. Realize that all the dreams, purposes, and goals you had in life when you were with your wife/gf involved, in some shape or form, your wife/gf.

Breakups can be hard when you've emotionally invested yourself to such a disastrous and unhealthy extent. Accept this fact right now. This way, you know what to do next time around.

Look at this in a positive light. You've been given a fresh start. You're starting from scratch. You've got nothing to lose from here on out. It is only after we've lost everything, that we're free to do anything. (credit fight club)

I'd like to quote a little prologue from The White Stripes band which should help shed some positive light with your situation:

When problems overwhelm us and sadness smothers us, where do we find the will and the courage to continue? Well, the answer may come in the caring voice of a friend, a chance encounter with a book, or from a personal faith. For Janet, help came from her faith but it also came from a squirrel. Shortly after her divorce, Janet lost her father, then she lost her job. She had mounting money problems. But Janet not only survived, she worked her way out of despondency and now she says life is good again. How could this happen? She told me that late one autumn day, when she was at her lowest, she watched a squirrel storing up nuts for the winter. One at a time, he would take them to the nest; and she thought ''If that squirrel can take care of himself with a harsh winter coming on, so can I. Once I broke my problems into small pieces I was able to carry them just like those acorns; one at a time."
You need to let go of yourself. You're feeling trapped emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually inside your self. Let go of your old self. You can sit there and tell me all you want how you are responsible for this. I won't believe you 100% because there are possibly other people in your life who're making you feel terrible. They might be hurting your ego, your self esteem, your pride, etc. The best solution for these toxic people in your life is: cut all forms of contact. You need their poison, their venom. What you need is to find that beacon of light that we call hope, strength, and courage. Darkness of anger, jealousy, put-downs, back-stabbing is shrouding this beacon.

I want to quote Gandalf from LOTR because, again, this quote is perfect for your situation:

Frodo: I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.

Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world Frodo, besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring. In which case, you were also meant to have it. And that is an encouraging thought.
In your case, you are Frodo. You lament the past, hate the present, and fear the future. You wish for "none of this had happened". It's ok to hit rock bottom. It's ok to fail. It's ok to get hit hard by reality and face the harsh truth.

Only thing left to do now is move on. Times like these test a man's fortitude and inner strength. Only question you need to ask yourself now is: how badly do you want to pass this test?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
what should I do when a thought enters my head when i don't want it there?


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
i hate to downplay your situation but my family lost allot more money in the market and we are filing for bankruptsy. Things havent been the same for years now. and all my friends are well off which makes it even harder. Plus I've decided to go back to school and my parents are getting old. I know how you feel and here's what you have got to underestand. Success breads Success, Failure breads failure. You are in a downward spiral because you are overtaken by negative thinking. its reasonable to feel this way afer what you've been through. these guys in here can help you out with that and point you in a direction to fix that. Its not gonna happen over night. You can start with this: Think and Grow Rich!: The Original Version, Restored and Revised and although it's contraversal it wouldn't hurt to take some ideas from this: The Secret You should ask the guys in here about self talk and conditioning your subconsnious as well. You have to have faith. Ultimately you have to realize something. A hard fact of life is your gonna come to a fork in the road very soon. Its simple you can give up, or do what it takes to pull yourself out of this. Whats done is done. So what are you gonna do about it?
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score
Follow your gut feelings and return to yourself, whatever that be.

Stop running, most guy's number 1 problem is fear. Remember the same reaction that makes you run can be chanelled to make you fight with increased strength.

FEEL like you can solve the problem even if you don't yet know how. Then take the first step, the second step.... I promise you you'll see the sun again, though god damn does it look sometimes like the sun's been blotted out forever. It hasn't. Believe me.

If you want to stop thinking, drink. Eventually you'll realise that that is no solution. Meditation can clear your head. But you mght want to just ask your thoughts what is wanted of you to turn off these cycles. LET GO a bit.

And stop being such a fu'cking pu'ssy. With all due respect,........... which is none. I wish you the best, but if you're gonna waste the time of men with your clingyness then fu'ck you, get a sex change. We're here to provide solutions but not be tissues for you to sniffle into.

That was the most loving "fu'ck you" you'll ever hear in your life. Now go out and make a change.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
dannyegg4575 said:
what should I do when a thought enters my head when i don't want it there?
You have to change your thinking not stop thinking

Gubby said:
If you want to stop thinking, drink.
don't do this