How do women tell if you are confident.


Jun 16, 2000
Reaction score
Toms River,NJ United States
I mean how do women know for sure? I know keeping eye contact is a good sign (which I am good at) but what else. I.E, I am not a loud extrovert and I do not smile that often. I seem to thing women equate outgoing and extroverted, loud, slightly obnoxious and always lauging as confident...while quiet, introverted and serious is seen as unconfident. I do not believe this is true, but this is how I think women "think"


Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2001
Reaction score
Confidence is really easy to distinguish, yet very hard to fake. You have to know you are it before you exude the confidence others will notice!

Good luck and remain positive!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 14, 2003
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East Middle North America, near the water.
That's a very good question. I don't know the answer, but it's probably the same way a lion can sense fear and knows you can therefore be eaten.

I'm going to take a guess and say it's a matter of how calm you are, how smooth your body movements are (like when you're nervous, you get a little twitchy), and maybe how effortlessly you do the little things around her. It's like when you're not self-confident, you're more self-conscious, right?

I dnon't know, but when I am feeling way confident like in a bar around girls I've never met before, I sort of have this innate feeling like I know all the chicks think I'm hot and want to bone me.


Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
Here is a few interesting tidbits about women that explains this:

I am pretty sure that these are NOT baseless generalizations. I think that the WORST woman still is MUCH better then than the BEST man in these particular categories.

- They notice the color red much more than men do!

So, they KNOW if you are blushing, they KNOW if you are mad, and they KNOW when you are embarassed. Even if it is a very small amount that YOU would not be able to see it, they do!

- Thier periferal vision is MUCH better.

This means that they can still "look" at you when they aren't looking at you. So, when you 'twitch' ever so slightly while she looks the other way, or your eyes move from side to side just a hair more than normal...THEY KNOW!

- Thier skin is MUCH more sensitive than ours is.

Well, off topic, but pretty damn interesting! This I know is true, the worst 'skin sensing' women are still much more sensitive then the best 'skin sensing' man.

- They pay MUCH more attention to people and facial expressions then men do.

We know this, but let us take a moment to really think about it. NOW, we can pay attention to facial expressions, etc. if we want to, but women have been doing this for thier ENTIRE LIVES! Including when they were children. It is more 'natural' for them to read people.

A shrewd man can pick out a liar, but almost any woman gets a strange 'vibe' from a faker.

Women misinterpret ALL THE TIME, because thier insights come as a 'gut' feeling, or intuition. However, the PERCEPTION itself is sound. Like, she might percieve you are unconfortable, and think that you are nervous because of her, when in reality, you may be worried about your job.

These feelings, these wild perceptions forge her opinion of you. It comes mostly from body language, and body language comes mostly from....da dum da dum de dum....MINDSET!

If you are not smiling, then she is getting a 'bad' vibe off of you that she has to explain somehow. Confidence may be the way she chooses to describe the 'strange' feeling.

I have noticed that when I am not happy, feeling stretched out, etc. that I get stranger reactions from girls then when I am in good moods.

But basically, there is a WHOLE OTHER WORLD that women percieve. Reds, and body language, people, feelings, huge fields of vision, etc. All the tools that WE have to act are mirrored in THIER tools to react.

However, all those tools that they have, don't make thier conclusions any better!

Anyway, regardless of if her opinion is right or wrong, the important thing is that she thinks it. That has to be changed. It is stupid to say "well, that is just the way I am, and I am not changing for a woman!" Body language is given off toward everyone, and it may come back to bite you in the ass during a meeting/business interview or something.

Women are GREAT to work out all your social 'kinks' around! As long as you don't act all girly girly with them, and act like you act towards anybody else, they will let you know (by body language) where and when you act 'weird', and you can adjust accordingly.


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Confidence is an aura that booms from the fearless. Even someone who is extremely confident around women can demonstrate the lack of confidence when addressing a large audience if he fears public speaking.

Lose you fear of the lion, and he will not look at you as a potential meal. Lose your fear of a social situation, and you will beam confidence.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Try not to worry about what signs you're feeding can't sit there and be thinking, "Oh yeah, eye contact....better touch wait, not there, aw she turned away...quick, something funny...nope that was too quick."

Try this once: just silence all of the voices inside your head and approach with an empty mind. Let instinct take over to the point where not even YOU know what you're going to say/do and when you're going to say/do it. See what happens.

Just enjoy the moment...don't sit around worrying about what signs she's getting. Just know that you're doing it right. :) There are many signs of confidence, but KNOWING that you're right makes all of them come up involuntarily. ;)


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
One word, GAME.

If you're over there talking to her and the rest of the AFCs in the bar aren't , you're displaying confidence. In fact one advantage of a cold walkup is you show how much cojones you have right from the start.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2001
Reaction score
Central MA


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2003
Reaction score
Red Sox Nation
They feel it right in through their bones!!!

That is why it is hard to fake confidence, because if it was something you could see or hear, you'd see people writing books about it and making millions. Since it is something that is felt, even the women themselves can't tell you for sure how they do it. Because it is COMPLETELY UNCONSCIOUS!!!


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2003
Reaction score
Red Sox Nation
Originally posted by icepick
Here is a few interesting tidbits about women that explains this:

I am pretty sure that these are NOT baseless generalizations. I think that the WORST woman still is MUCH better then than the BEST man in these particular categories.

- They notice the color red much more than men do!

So, they KNOW if you are blushing, they KNOW if you are mad, and they KNOW when you are embarassed. Even if it is a very small amount that YOU would not be able to see it, they do!

- Thier periferal vision is MUCH better.

This means that they can still "look" at you when they aren't looking at you. So, when you 'twitch' ever so slightly while she looks the other way, or your eyes move from side to side just a hair more than normal...THEY KNOW!

- Thier skin is MUCH more sensitive than ours is.

Well, off topic, but pretty damn interesting! This I know is true, the worst 'skin sensing' women are still much more sensitive then the best 'skin sensing' man.

- They pay MUCH more attention to people and facial expressions then men do.
Do you know why? Because they get their training all the way through elementary school, high school and sometimes even college. Read Odd Girl Out by Rachel Simmons for more on this. They need those skills to survive during these school years. Later on they find many uses for these skills. This book also explains why women tend to read too much into what people say or do.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Watch a James Bond Movie. Any Bond will do.


Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by legolas
Do you know why? Because they get their training all the way through elementary school, high school and sometimes even college. Read Odd Girl Out by Rachel Simmons for more on this. They need those skills to survive during these school years. Later on they find many uses for these skills. This book also explains why women tend to read too much into what people say or do.
No, these are inborn, these things.

Don't let anyone fool you and say it is society that makes them this way. They are born women.

The skin thing, and the facial expression thing, for example, were tested on babies!

While there may be some cultural bias, pushing women into certain things, it is not the thing that contributes most to thier state.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
A woman can spot a less confident man in a crowded room. I even read that women's sense of smell is so accute that they can smell who is the right mate to bear her off-spring.

The following is from another posting site that could point to some clue's to having more confidence for you, I think the bottome line is act like you don't give a f*uck

Imagine how you would behave toward the biatch if you had 8 other ho’s waiting in line to fulfill your needs right then. Imagine if these ho’s were just waiting for you to call to throw some pus*sy at you then you:

1. You act smooth as shi*t, co*cky confident and super sure of your self. This alone sets them panties to burning.

2. You play hard to get. This is also a disquised test to see if your like those other symps who wanna just fu*ck.

3. You exude confidence, because it doesn’t matter what she thinks of yo ass you got 8 other ho’s who think highly of you and will drink your spew from a champaine glass.

4. You let her ass do most of the work. Buy “me” a drink *****. This **** really works too.

5. You spit some game at her but she has to meet you more than half way in the convo.

6. If she said something stupid like she doesn’t sleep with someone on the first date,. You tell the biatch she’s gotta do better than that. “You gotta do better than that baby” “Shaquitta, yo’ big ass is going to have to do better than that shi*”

7. If she declines, you walk the **** away first. I did this with that Russian biatch I met last week. She thought a nigga was going to jump through hoops (tried to test me to see if I would symp the **** out). Even asked me to buy her a drink.. I walked the fu*ck away from her, and went to talk to another ho’, like I stated in another post who do you think she (the russian) went to at the end of the evening? she had been watching me the whole night.

8. If you do grace the biatch with some of your valuable time, you set your tolerance low. You ass is a pimp, your not going to sit there for hours and listen to her babbling **** about the starving children of the world. “baby this has been real but I gots things to do.” Seriously direct that convo where you want it to go.

9. When she says or does something stupid point that **** out. Make fun of her silly ass. I am a master of this ****. I can impersonate people to a tee and believe me when I get done making fun of dime ass *****es they know who their daddy is.

10. If you don’t agree with the ***** on something step the **** up and say so. I told this fine sista a few weeks ago she was full of ****. She thought she was so hot because she knows Danny Glover and works for him on occasion with her PR company projects. Hell ***** I know the business too, I’m not impressed. Wanna impress me take my black **** and swallow every last inch of it and not gag, ****.

11. One of Paradise’s jewels. Compliment the biatch sparingly or if at all.

12. When you do grace a ho with your eye presence, you look at her as if you are evaluating or appraising the *****. Keep that wolf under raps. Essentially you are appraising her for her chances to hang with YOU. See that shi*t on eye contact fellas.
Keep this shi*t as your operating procedures and you will land some serious ho’s.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 21, 2002
Reaction score
USA, Graduated Already - old screen name!
Instead of rationalizing it, maybe it would be more effective if you picked a role model who displays a lot of confidence and follow his examples.


Don Juan
Aug 8, 2002
Reaction score
MidWest, USA
player supreme,

damn good post!


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
TO be Confident

Man i am extremely confident with secret :

I know they are take shyts like the rest of us
Their pvssy is full of blood that time of month
She is probably a slut or a hoe..until proven not to be....( the opposite view of many man).

Therefore she aint better than me.
Why a Man should get nervous aroung as stupid hoe, slut.

If she is not a hoe..then realize she is as unexperience as you are or more , and try to make her nervous, always give them a taste of their own medicine..



Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2003
Reaction score
Body language!

Good posture, stand up straight, head up, slow movements, keep eye contact and let them look away.

Or the easiest way - just know your a DJ and better than everyone else, including the hot "ho's" :D


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Player_Supreme
A woman can spot a less confident man in a crowded room. I even read that women's sense of smell is so accute that they can smell who is the right mate to bear her off-spring.

The following is from another posting site that could point to some clue's to having more confidence for you, I think the bottome line is act like you don't give a f*uck

Imagine how you would behave toward the biatch if you had 8 other ho’s waiting in line to fulfill your needs right then. Imagine if these ho’s were just waiting for you to call to throw some pus*sy at you then you:

1. You act smooth as shi*t, co*cky confident and super sure of your self. This alone sets them panties to burning.

2. You play hard to get. This is also a disquised test to see if your like those other symps who wanna just fu*ck.

3. You exude confidence, because it doesn’t matter what she thinks of yo ass you got 8 other ho’s who think highly of you and will drink your spew from a champaine glass.

4. You let her ass do most of the work. Buy “me” a drink *****. This **** really works too.

5. You spit some game at her but she has to meet you more than half way in the convo.

6. If she said something stupid like she doesn’t sleep with someone on the first date,. You tell the biatch she’s gotta do better than that. “You gotta do better than that baby” “Shaquitta, yo’ big ass is going to have to do better than that shi*”

7. If she declines, you walk the **** away first. I did this with that Russian biatch I met last week. She thought a nigga was going to jump through hoops (tried to test me to see if I would symp the **** out). Even asked me to buy her a drink.. I walked the fu*ck away from her, and went to talk to another ho’, like I stated in another post who do you think she (the russian) went to at the end of the evening? she had been watching me the whole night.

8. If you do grace the biatch with some of your valuable time, you set your tolerance low. You ass is a pimp, your not going to sit there for hours and listen to her babbling **** about the starving children of the world. “baby this has been real but I gots things to do.” Seriously direct that convo where you want it to go.

9. When she says or does something stupid point that **** out. Make fun of her silly ass. I am a master of this ****. I can impersonate people to a tee and believe me when I get done making fun of dime ass *****es they know who their daddy is.

10. If you don’t agree with the ***** on something step the **** up and say so. I told this fine sista a few weeks ago she was full of ****. She thought she was so hot because she knows Danny Glover and works for him on occasion with her PR company projects. Hell ***** I know the business too, I’m not impressed. Wanna impress me take my black **** and swallow every last inch of it and not gag, ****.

11. One of Paradise’s jewels. Compliment the biatch sparingly or if at all.

12. When you do grace a ho with your eye presence, you look at her as if you are evaluating or appraising the *****. Keep that wolf under raps. Essentially you are appraising her for her chances to hang with YOU. See that shi*t on eye contact fellas.
Keep this shi*t as your operating procedures and you will land some serious ho’s.
player!!!! Drop the expletives and you got yourself a date! :p :D