Hooooo boy!

Mr. Sarcasm

Don Juan
Oct 21, 2008
Reaction score
Hello, I'm Dario and I'm a newbie...My brother pointed me towards here a while ago. I didn't really feel like joining back then, but I read the DJ bible a while ago and was fascinated at the amount of knowledge gathered there.

Anyway, I still didn't want to join, until today, I was given the worst insult given to me by a non-relative.

For this to make sense I need to go back twenty-four hours.

Me and my friends...there were six of us there, two guys (including me) and four girls. The other guy is the epitome of wimp, and I mean that. He has no cojones, and makes fun of you whenever he can just to hide his own weaknesses. Other than that, I can clearly see he's interested in the same girl I am but he tries to hide it...well so do I, but not as much as he does, he tries to evade every contact with her, it's like he's afraid of her. By the way, this IS important, so keep it in mind.

Anyway, back to twenty-four hours earlier. We were sitting there, just hanging out, when she starts to hit my shoulder playfully. I glare at her because it's the shoulder I hurt the day before, and she starts to walk towards me saying "What are you gonna do about it, huh, punk?"...Okay, maybe in a less Dirty Harry-ish kind of way, but that's the jist of it. Then, out of a sudden, I felt a surge of SOMETHING.

I walked over to her, flung my arms around her, hugged her and...GRABBED her ass, for no reason. In retrospect, I should've stayed like that a while longer, she had a fine ass...Anyway, I was in a good mood after that, she didn't slap me or anything, she even kind of laughed about it and tempted me by swaying her hips later on. So, I woke up today, in a generally excellent mood, I felt like a man after a long while, I went to school, we talked, she grinned, blah blah blah.

After school, I was going to KM Practice and it just so happened we had the same bus. So anyway, she brings the incident up...and after she did, I think it'd have been better had she slapped me. Twice.

"You're the last person I'd expected to do it..." I say: "Wait...you'd expect it even from THAT GUY (Mr. Wimp)?" "Yes..." ****ing OUCH!

"Wait, why?"
"I dunno, you don't seem like the kind of guy...you're always serious...and stiff, like you have a stick up your ass." She laughs. I...don't.
"But he doesn't eh...He's the epitome of playfullnes?"
"He's just playing around! He's not like that!"
I refrained from commenting.

Now, the reason why I'm writing this longass post is...She basically called me less of a man than that faggot...no offense if you're reading this, but you seriously need to grow a pair. That pissed me off and I decided to hit this site up for some advice.

I really need help, if the situation was any different, I'd try to work it out on my own, but somehow, I'm at a loss for EVERYTHING related to her. I don't know how to act around her tommorrow, I don't want to regress back into my AFC-state, and I want them to think of me as a man, and not a ****ing boy...

Yeah...if that made any sense, got any tips?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 30, 2008
Reaction score
Tampa Bay
Welcome bro :)

Honestly, it's one of the greatest feelings in the world to just grow some balls and do what you did. It's addictive :p

I'm still learning, but I've been here for a while now. Any one who's ever done it will tell you it takes time and failure to learn. I love to take the bus, and I always talk to the two hot girls who are there everyday.

You have to learn to cut loose and not care what people think. Most importantly, always have fun - that's what it's all about.

I personally love Mr. Fingers style (search for his posts). The things he tells women are amazing! I can't wait to reach his level...

Good luck!

Five To One

Senior Don Juan
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
It sounds like you dont know how to portray your sexuality and you completely surprised her when you did something as aggressive as that.
That and you are too serious maybe.

I know its hard to see these things from your point of view but its even harder for us to see what your doing wrong, so I may be off.

You should be able to joke about sex and use sexual innuendoes often. Your in high school so dont worry about being immature. If a girl bends over infront of me I sometimes just blantently and obnoxiously say "hey nice ase (insert name here)"
Every once in a while you will go over the line but theres worse things in life you could do.

You may also be missing a sexual vibe which is different from joking about sex


Senior Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
First, welcome. The following post is lengthy (or lengthier than most). Read it anyway.

I find it a very good sign that you desire to be seen as A MAN. For God sakes, that is what you are and that is what women are looking for. If there is one thing you while you are here, it is not how to pick up women, how to touch them or talk to them. It is how to be A MAN. I recommend that you read the Book of Pook in the DJ Bible. His posts on sexuality and masculinity are GOLD. He can explain it far better than I can, and I am still working on my own understanding of them.

With that said, it looks like you could use some work with the ladies in the way of the other things i mentioned above. That is fine, you will learn IF you make an effort. Again, some favorite material of mine is by Pook and Mr. Fingers, but you'll need to decide for yourself.

As far as your actual question: What you did was a sample of the kind of things you need to be doing. The reason you felt like a man is because you acted like one. The reason she was surpised is probably because you usually dont. I REALLY suggest you stop asking her about this other guy. You risk making yourself seem threatened. Since you aren't threatened (or shouldnt be), you need to stop acting like it. You also said you were hiding your feelings for her. Stick around and learn the proper ways to display your interest and then STOP HIDING IT.

Best of Luck

Mr. Sarcasm

Don Juan
Oct 21, 2008
Reaction score
I...made it seem like I have feelings for her? NO! I won't deny that I'm attracted to her sexually, but she's not the type of girl I'd date. I'm attracted to another girl, and the only reason I don't show my feelings for her...well, I do, but it's not obvious in the "Mr.Sarcasm wants YOU!" way. I'm kinda subtle with these things, I tease her and stuff, but I don't reveal anything about me. Anyway, the only reason I don't show my feelings for her is because she has a BF, but I think they're about to break up.

Also, I do joke about sex and talk in innuendo-laced sentences sometimes, so that's not it...I walk the walk and talk the talk...but then, I probably don't act the act...I'll keep you updated, since I'm totally free today (unfortunately, grounded because of school) and no practice.

P.S. I said I read the DJ Bible, and I meant it, I read it like three times.

Mr. Sarcasm

Don Juan
Oct 21, 2008
Reaction score
Just came home.

Today went relatively...bad, I might say. The girl I'm actually interested in came to school today after being sick for a while, she hangs out with Ms. I-Grabbed-Her-Ass-Hehe aaand, Ms. IGHAH...odd shortcut, anyway, Ms. IGHAH told her what I did...and she apparently said the same thing. "You're not the person I'd expect that from." It didn't get to me at first... but then, during class, the girl I'm interested in seemed to glare at me from time to time...and after school, when I tried to tease her in the way I usually did, namely, sneak up on her and grab her shoulders, she'd usually shiver and yelp out in fear, and then with a smile slap me lightly on the shoulder.

This time, she didn't react at all, she simply turned her head, GLARED at me and said "I told you not to do that." Beautiful. Just ****ing beautiful.

I'm kinda lost. I know that my attraction for her will cloud my judgement, so I need some advice from someone neutral.

Five To One

Senior Don Juan
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
Is it possible you were in the friend zone with these girls?
If thats the case, it would explain why she would act like that.
Before she saw it as an innocent friendship and now she realises that you may want something more.

Which will defenently p1ss a girl off if she had already placed you in the friend zone and you do something as bold as what you did.

Or maybe today just wasnt her day and she will be fine tomarrow.

Either way she is being a cvnt and you should pull away some. Talk to her less at school and dont make plans with her. Watch how she reacts to this

Mr. Sarcasm

Don Juan
Oct 21, 2008
Reaction score
Friends Zone? Yes, unfortunately, I probably am in that zone with them...if only because I knew that she had a BF, and waited for them to break up....Well, thanks anyways, I'll try out what you said.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
I dont have anything against your move just so you know.Its daring to do it out of the random and who cares you know its all for ****s and giggles.

You just executed it at the wrong time.She was trying more of a playful fight sort of vibe which you coulda pushed her around or like grabbed her and just fooled around like that but instead you went full on for the ass grab.It just didnt fit the context of the frame she was trying to pull at the time hence it being awkward and just wrong timing.

Mr. Sarcasm

Don Juan
Oct 21, 2008
Reaction score
Hm, TBH, I was beyond thinking at that moment. One second I was two metres away from her, the next my hands were on her ass.

Anyway, today, Mr. Wimp pissed the **** out of me. Seriously, major CB-ing! First, Ms. IG...let's call her Girl A, ok? First, Girl A sits on my lap and I push her off, I was writing schoolwork, then, Mr. Wimp says "Oh look, he got a boner." Catching me by surprise, I didn't know what to say. Pissed me off, but it's OK.

Then, afterwards, I was flirting with the girl I'm interested in... Girl B, and he pops up. Now, she's mad at him for some reason so she walks away and I'm stuck with him.

There's more, but I can't be half arsed to list it.