Guys REALLY live like this!


Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2005
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I read this on another forum. First hand accounts of a woman's sexual experiences when she was 18 years old. The reason to post this was to demonstrate that you can pretty much have ANY LIFE YOU WANT. The only person limiting your experiences is yourself.

Also, note the age of the guy. Just for those who think that girls cant be attracted to older men.

When I was 18, I moved to the beach with some girlfriends. We had a blast partying, living on the beach and just being stupid teenagers. We met some people at a bar. We got to know the bar owners, men of course, so they'd let us in even though we were only 18. We had a blast and were very popular at this particular bar. We got invited to a private party one night, so my friend Teresa and I went. We walked into this HUGE mansion, it looked like, and they took us downstairs where we walked into an orgy. People were having sex everywhere. On sofas, the floor, pool tables, against the walls, I mean everywhere. Some people were just having drinks and watching. We were pretty drunk, and had had sex alot in our young lives (so we thought), so I guess it really didnt bother us as much as it should have. Anyhow, there was music playing and a couple of the guys got us dancing and we ended up having sex with these men that night. Keep in mind, we were not the most virtuous 18 year olds! So, we continue to party at the same bar, and we went back to the mansion several more times. For some weird "freak" parties and just to watch others have sex. We went to a party once where all the women were covered in ice cream toppings and we all had sex with each other, just the women, as a huge ice cream orgy. The men just sat back, had drinks and watched us. I have to admit, it was fun, to be the center of attention like that. So, anyhow moving on, we hung out at many freak parties and got to know alot of the people who frequented them and we became very very well known and popular. Just what an oversexed, egomanic teenager needs, right?? More attention. About this time, Teresa met a guy that she really liked so she stopped going to the "special parties", I kept I REALLY got alot of attention! The owner of the house took a special interest in me. He was ALOT older than me, late 40's early 50's, very very good looking, sophisticated, slightly arrogant but appealing. He was just amazing. We started spending alot of time together, we did have sex, nothing abnormal about it. But one night he confided something in me and wanted to share an "experience" with me. We went to a part of the house that I'd never been in before. He took me to a black room. It was literally solid black, the walls, ceiling, the huge, enormous bed, the bedding...all black. There was a black marble fireplace that he lit, as well as candles, so that the only light was firelight. On my way to the bed, there was a wooden chair bolted to the floor with restraints on it and restraints over the bed as well. It was out of a freakin movie, almost surreal.

What he did to me that night was so scary, so humiliating, so degrading, so interesting....I wont go into detail, as I fear it is wayyyy too much for this forum. But this whole experience really opened my eyes to "different kinds" of sex. I dont mean just penetration. I mean the intellectual, emotional, fear driven sexual responses that come from deep inside you.

It's so primal, so base and animalistic that no one will probably understand. Even my bf doesnt. It makes him angry and he feels that I was taken advantage of....I disagree. I think that I was given the opportunity to expand my mind, my ego, my very conscienous and to evolve my openmindedness, taking me to another level.

I've never been the same and I've always leaned toward the weird and different side of sensuality.


Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2005
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Unprez said:
personally i found this disgustin and i would rather not experience participating in orgys with a bunch of sex freaked out *****s who are infested with STDs
Actually my point was a little more subtle. What I have presented is an extreme. But, I present it as a contrast to guys who come here and say, I am 30/35/40 what ever and it is over for me. If you dont want to have orgies with 18 year old girls when you are 50, that is up to you.

My idea was just to show the possibilities, you can scale it up or down as you wish.


Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2005
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JAS760 said:
i never really trusted stories from girls online, i always thought hot girls like her(so she says) wouldn't post on online forums.....
This one seems pretty authentic. The woman who posted this is now 34 years old and her point in posting it was to seek advice on how to handle it in her life, how her bf has trouble dealing with it and how it changed her view on sexuality


Feb 10, 2005
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These reads like a penthouse letter and most of them are fake.

The Bat

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
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ketostix said:
These reads like a penthouse letter and most of them are fake.
It's actually our beloved romance novel author potato writing that masterpiece.

:crackup: :crackup: :crackup:


Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2005
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ketostix said:
These reads like a penthouse letter and most of them are fake.
I dont think it is fake. If you want to believe it is fake to make yourself feel better about your own life, that is up to you. Here is the original post from the forum it was posted on:

Nobody there thinks it is fake. You guys are a real cynical bunch.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
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Guys REALLY live like this!
Guys really live like they're gay? Unfortunately, this is true.

AFAIK, having sex in the same room as other naked men is gay. Sure, my opinion, but that's what I think.


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2007
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azanon said:
Guys really live like they're gay? Unfortunately, this is true.

AFAIK, having sex in the same room as other naked men is gay. Sure, my opinion, but that's what I think.
Apparently none of the men were having sex, only the girls. Whether THEY were gay, I do not know. :moon:


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
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First of all, girls are the biggest bul$hiters. You all should know that. Almost every girl is a borderline compulsive liar. So yea, I'm not gonna believe this story, especially from a chick, lol. So a group 18 year old girls just stumble onto an orgy full of randoms that are double their age and decide to stay and have sex with them and continue on through the night? I'm sorry not buying that one. A good story though.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 25, 2005
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jesus if I was this chick's bf I would have a hard time with her past - would you want this banged-out, fvcked-out ho as your gf, now in her 30's ready to settle down, go to pta meetings etc etc. Hell to the No!

Anyways she was lucky, that set-up sounds a little too "Hostel"-esque for comfort.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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I might sound like a broken record, but you guys who are saying "that's so disgusting! I would never be with a woman who would participate in something like that!" would probably be shocked to find out what their g/f's have experienced in the past.

How many women would fess up to this? Not many. Why? Cause they know how most men would react to this information, and it isn't in their best interest to bring things like this up.

I'm not going to sit here and say that i would be completely comfortable with my girlfriend telling me something like this, but I know that young women DO experiment sexually, and not always within the confines of a committed relationship, which is much more acceptable to us men.

Honestly....I adopt a don't ask don't tell philosophy when it comes to stuff like this. It's much more important to judge a person by who she is today standing in front of you than on her sexual secrets from her past, which you will rarely ever know the truth about anyway.


Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
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mistake by the lake
i agree with str8..

there are probably tons of things that you dont know about your current relationships past.

dont ask, dont tell


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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STR8UP said:
I might sound like a broken record, but you guys who are saying "that's so disgusting! I would never be with a woman who would participate in something like that!" would probably be shocked to find out what their g/f's have experienced in the past.

How many women would fess up to this? Not many. Why? Cause they know how most men would react to this information, and it isn't in their best interest to bring things like this up.

I'm not going to sit here and say that i would be completely comfortable with my girlfriend telling me something like this, but I know that young women DO experiment sexually, and not always within the confines of a committed relationship, which is much more acceptable to us men.

Honestly....I adopt a don't ask don't tell philosophy when it comes to stuff like this. It's much more important to judge a person by who she is today standing in front of you than on her sexual secrets from her past, which you will rarely ever know the truth about anyway.
agree, pining over someones past and letting it get to them is a sure sign of insecurity. Assuming she is STD free, who cares what a healthy women has done in her past. Its not like 99% of the guys here would say "no" to 2 hot girls if they wanted a three way. Yet in that situation its perfectly okay!

Most guys near their 50's are nothing like this. By than, I probably won't be either, but who knows. Life isn't all about sleeping with women. By 50 I hope to be on my way to retirement, and content with what I have done and what I have to look forward too. Than, as is the case now, women will be attracted to the life I create for myself, and i'll let those chips fall as they may.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
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It has to be. You would have to be an absolute idot to be 50 years old and bring a bunch of 18 year old girls to an orgy. If anyone actually did this you would be going straight to prison. No 18 year old would say, "Oh this is fun, what a great surprise! Thanks for taking me here!" Right...and they wouldn't be freaked out of their minds. And it's funny cause she acted like the old guy was so casual about it, like he expected these minors to actually enjoy this.

Things just don't add up in this story. If you go to that website that woman sounds crazy in her posts anyhow. She probably has a promiscous past, but just like every cvnt, they love to make shyt up for attention.


Feb 10, 2005
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My point is not that this story is implausible or that it's disgusting or anything like that, but that it we don't know if it's true and it's kind of gullible to believe everything you read. It really doesn't matter if it's true anyway because we don't know all the details. We don't know what this girl looked like even at 18. She might've been using drugs. The bar owner might've been giving her free drinks, drugs and who knows what else. He might've been hosting sex parties and feeding everyone liquor and/or drugs. Hugh Heifner is what 70 and has three 20-something year old "girlfriends". But you wouldn't conclude, "when you're 70 you can have three 20 y.o. GF's..". The point is it's rare and these guys are buying the women and sex. Anyone who wants to spend enough money can buy women and sex.


Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2005
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STR8UP said:
I might sound like a broken record, but you guys who are saying "that's so disgusting! I would never be with a woman who would participate in something like that!" would probably be shocked to find out what their g/f's have experienced in the past.

How many women would fess up to this? Not many. Why? Cause they know how most men would react to this information, and it isn't in their best interest to bring things like this up.
I think it is safe to say that the majority of women are slvts. The only thing stopping women from acting even slvttier than they do is societal pressure. So, it is a pretty good bet that any girl you are with has probably dones things that you dont want to hear about. Moreover, I dont think there is a correlation between a girls level of attractiveness and how slutty she behaves. In fact, I think a lot of the hotter women are the slvttiest, just because they can be.


Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2005
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Sandow said:
You would have to be an absolute idot to be 50 years old and bring a bunch of 18 year old girls to an orgy. If anyone actually did this you would be going straight to prison. No 18 year old would say, "Oh this is fun, what a great surprise! Thanks for taking me here!" Right...and they wouldn't be freaked out of their minds. And it's funny cause she acted like the old guy was so casual about it, like he expected these minors to actually enjoy this.
Right, a 50 yr old having consensual sex with 18 year olds is going to go directly to jail. Where does this happen? Do you happen to live in Saudi Arabia by any chance?

And by the way, 18 year olds are not minors as you stated. What an idiot.

I know what your problem is. You are just pissed because you cant get 18 year olds at 27 and here this is 50 year old dude having orgies with them. Must suck to be you. Continue living within your self limiting beliefs. You deserve it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
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Why is there reason to doubt the story? I guess that I am a little more accepting to sexual variances!! I have taken part in some wild stuff in my past and if some chick broke down and told me this, how could I think badly of her??? I couldn't since what I have done in my past.

I think what would upset me the most is a women who behaves whorish openly. I like the classic women who behaves in public, but who is down right nasty behind closed doors.

Its all a matter of being comfortable sexually. There are some that would not stand having a women like this in their life, but I am a little more liberal in my sexual exploits!

The story more than likely is true and if her story is not... Some woman would have a story to top that. As one poster stated, "Don't ask, don't tell." This goes for those who really can't handle their woman's past!!