going to a party tonight, ONS from a month ago will be there...


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
I met this girl through some friends (same friends who are having the party tonight) about a month ago. We went out to dinner and had drinks, had a great time, and ended up going back to her place for some dessert ;). Things seemed to be going great. I left about 5am, and by 9am already had a text from her saying good morning. I knew this girl had a high IL in me at this point. The next day she seemed really distant and she didnt respond to a text I sent her while I was at work so I just stopped talking to her. About 2 weeks later I sent her a random text and she responded which we started a convo and she ended up telling me she was seeing someone the same time we hooked up, but things ended up working out with him. Ok no biggie, I tell her to hit me up when she got rid of him. I havent talked to her in about 3 weeks now.

So fast forward to yesterday I talked to my friend that is having the party tonight. She is supposed to be there, but me and my friend came to the consensus that the story about the other guy is most likely made up, because she has made no reference to this new guy to her best friend (my friends wife) or anything. She told her friend that she really liked me and had a great time etc etc, but personally I think she got scared. Possibly that I am too "ideal", possibly that she liked me too fast, possibly that we got physical too fast. I dont know. Anyway she is going to be at this party tonight. How should I act around her? What if she does show up with a guy? I would like to see her again, she was hella cool, we had a lot in common, shes a freak in the sack and I give her a solid HB9+ status.

Thanks guys.


Master Don Juan
Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
Youre too "ideal". LOL please dude, give me a freaking break.

You are not too ideal for her, not too perfect for her, things didn't go too quickly......yada yada yada.

Sounds to me like she just wanted to have sex w/ u, and wasn't looking for anything else. I'm sure, when u go to the party, if u give off the impression that you dont want a relationship, you might be able to bang her again.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
bay area

Wiesman44 said:
Youre too "ideal". LOL please dude, give me a freaking break.

You are not too ideal for her, not too perfect for her, things didn't go too quickly......yada yada yada.

Sounds to me like she just wanted to have sex w/ u, and wasn't looking for anything else. I'm sure, when u go to the party, if u give off the impression that you dont want a relationship, you might be able to bang her again.

honestly just play the game dog this is just a bump in the road it is a loss for her. if you sarge the party well she will go for you.(BUT DONT BE A AFC AROUND HER OR HAVE A LONG CONVO JUST BUST HER BALLS AND NEG HER A BIT AND DHV AROUND HER DONT FLUFF).


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
yeah, I never gave off the relationship vibe when we went out anyway. I tried to get a friend of mine (HB9.5) to come with me to the party but she has to work late tonight. I think i can pull a booty call out of the deal, I really dont care about a relationship with her, but breaking some sheetrock twice a week wouldnt be a bad thing with this chick :up:


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
she showed up with the guy. pretty boy type, about 5'6" tall (im 6'2"). Weird cause i remember on our date when I made a joke about her, she said I was too tall. Anyway, she came with the dude, and a friend of the dudes, so I just made friends with them. She wouldnt even look me in the eyes at first, and I started talking to her from across the room just saying hey hows it going, I introduced myself to the guys, had a good time, talked to the whole room of people, and actually introduced her to another girl i was having a conversation with, put my arm around her and said "hey have you met Julie?, me and her go way back", she kinda laughed because we were the only people in the room, other than our friends that hooked us up, that knew our history together. Damn she was looking hot tonight though. Im half inclined to post up a pic so you guys can see what im going through in my mind here.