JohnyTheArrow said:
Dont lick any girl until its your beloved wife , licking will give you HPV - thats 100% sure , HPV may give you oral cancer.
Modern women have multiple HPV strains inside.I stopped doing this ages age, my health is more important than pleasing her with mouth.
HPV Linked to More Oral Cancers Than Smoking
Allow me to give you some facts. My source is and I won't link it because 1. I don't feel like it & 2. This information is readily available on google and should've been taught to you in highschool sex ed.
70% of people are already infected with HPV-1, infection usually takes place while young and lies dormant for life.
50% of people have visible signs of infection from HPV-1 (cold sores)
HPV-2 (genital herpes) are different. Meaning, you cannot contract HPV-2 orally. Hence, the name, Genital Herpes.
HPV-1 can be transmitted oral-genital but chances are you already have it.
8-10% chance of contracting it for
6-7% for
HPV-2 is linked to some cancers.
This thread is ridiculous. Pūssy eating is about as dangerous as kissing and only is a sign of weakness if you're already a bítch.
You should only be eating in committed relationships or with trusted plates. And she definetly must be sucking you.